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Heart 2 Heart Empathy Potion

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Well, I have to admit- the label design sold me. Awwwww!


KITTIES! I love cats. Especially black and white cats!


Seriously though, I'm very excited to try this one. I often tend to be the one to get called to resolve issues between mutual friends, friends that are couples, etc- so I think this will help me out when I am trying to help people out of a trying situation into something more understanding.


Has anyone tried it yet? I bought this and Perfect Match in a spray.

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Was it your 2x trial? I like mine, but I find it addictive & TT maybe gets too comfortable & open when I'm wearing it...

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I don't have the trial. I got it in 1x strength. I tried it as the oil and got nothing so then I made it a spray and still nothing. I like the effects everyone else got. I hope I have better luck tomorrow!


I think I OD'd myself @the 2x strength, & that's what brought me to the trippy effect, lol. Normally I say less is more, but if you want to feel like you're living in a Salvador Dali painting, I say spray as much as you can on...

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I got this in alcohol at 1.5 strength.


I'm attempting to state this without resorting to hyperbole because I don't want to influence or reflect the hive mind too much but...WOW. This is so strong, I can definitely feel the power of Chris' ingredients almost immediately.


From just one spray it's like I feel wholly present in my own body right now. The Eternal Now. The interesting empathetic effect is that now I know what it truly feels like to be Quince. He's one of the most intense people I've ever known, and "intense" is a bit of an understatement. I feel like I fully understand how much energy and focus is required in order to be that intense, that present, in each moment. And it's kind of scary, to be honest. I'm intense about many things but my overall demeanor and aura is not intense. I don't vibrate at a frequency which is off the scale. But this blend shows me what it's like to be that way.


I also felt more "broody" with my son, which I try to refrain from now that he's a teenager because he's individuating. Since he has a cold right now he was okay with the babying.


But there is a crash factor, most definitely. I think I may have crashed quicker than others. It's like coming off of a drug rather than easing out of a mood. I would suggest eating something and avoiding caffeine before you use it, because if you get the jitters they will be exacerbated by those considerations.


As I was remarking to Mara, we all use pheromones for social engineering, either on ourselves or others, but mostly others. I count myself in this observation. This blend will turn the weapon around, you will be on the other side of the mirror: having that powerful intent to manipulate a situation focused upon you. And not everyone can handle that. I don't think I can handle it except in a very small application and under very controlled circumstances. But that's not to say I view it in a negative light, not at all. It's just a tool which requires careful thought and planning and intention in order to utilize.


I will have other observations later.

Edited by luna65
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Except that Lucasfilms Ltd. would have come down on Mara like the Imperial Walker that almost took out Luke Skywalker on Hoth. :BLACK_~28:


(I still can't believe Lucas actually owns the right to use the word "droid!")

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And not everyone can handle that. I don't think I can handle it except in a very small application and under very controlled circumstances. But that's not to say I view it in a negative light, not at all. It's just a tool which requires careful thought and planning and intention in order to utilize.


I am still thinking about this one...I appreciate your reviews,more than I can say.


I stopped drinking because I did not like the out of control and at times dangerously dark feelings it had morphed into after years of being a "happy drunk" . Pheros give me nice self-effects,but without them I am still *me* ...someone I like...a lot :) and I cherish having the ability to cheer other people up when I am wearing them,without trying as hard :lol:

And of course the xtra sexual OOMPH is icing,yummy icing :BLACK_~28:

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I am wearing 6 sprays and I don't have heightened senses and don't feel more empathetic or more generous. I wanted this to work for me. :BLACK_~28: It might work on others, but I'm not sure yet. I just wish I got self-effects.


BV, to be fair, if you want to get the same kinds of effects as others, you should use the product in the same way as they do.


You ordered it added to a perfume oil.


We posted that this blend was most effective in an alcohol spray - the ingredients really seem to work best when in the lightest most easily diffused base.


I have no idea how much alcohol you added to turn your perfume oil into a spray, but in any case, it's still going to be heavier than a pure alcohol base. It's not going to act the same way.


For optimal effect, we recommend 1x strength in an alcohol spray.
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luna, can you elaborate on this?

"This blend will turn the weapon around, you will be on the other side of the mirror: having that powerful intent to manipulate a situation focused upon you."


I don't mean, 'please share your private example' - I mean, what exactly is the intent that they're having; how are *they* manipulating *me*...? This hadn't occurred to me at all during the trial and I'm VERY interested.

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What I mean is that often we wear pheromones in order to provoke a reaction in others for our specific benefit. We also do it to provide a benefit to others and ourselves, of course. But for me, this was like being pherobombed by myself. I've mentioned previously that I've been pherobombed (and that in part is how I learned about pheros in the first place) and I didn't like it. With this it wasn't such a negative reaction in that I knew I was the cause, but that analogy kept coming back to me. Like having someone wear pheromones to get me to react in whatever way they wanted me to. Because for most of us we maintain the balance of power, we're the ones with the WMDs, and we count on that advantage. So this is like being on the other side of that perspective.

Edited by luna65
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I wore this today and I'm not sure of the effects, if any ?

I purchased the roll-on version (still on the fence w/the alcohol kind). Rolled between breasts to tummy, a roll on the back of neck and a swipe on both wrists, I'm somewhat an experienced user but not a heavy user of pheros, less is usually better for me.

A friend w/BIGGER woes than mine called in need of "girl bonding". Told her to "come on over"

We went to the Greek fest, we ate, drank a little ouzo, listened to the music and went back to sit on my deck to drink some wine. I found I was VERY chatty, like it was all about me ! My friend seems like she wasn't having a good time, she didn't say she wasn't, but I felt like I was boring her and trying TOO hard to please her and make it an enjoyable afternoon.

I've been in a funk lately, perhaps it was me breaking out of my proverbial shell trying to find ME again (guess I can be gabby when I'm comfortable w/certain people) or it could have been the wine, we only had a glass each so it wasn't as though I was looped, IDK :BLACK_~28: does any of this make any sense ?

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Gotcha-- I think I get it -- and the exact effect of the self-bombing = the intense empathy you feel for the other person?


Could be. I did experience empathtic effects but not exactly as I thought I would.


Liz: maybe the effect manifested itself in all your efforts to put the other person at ease even if you felt like you were trying too hard.

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Aw Liz... I wonder if the WAY you were expressing your empathy was that you were subconsciously trying to cheer her up by being chatty?


ETA ha, I just saw luna said the same thing

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Liz: maybe the effect manifested itself in all your efforts to put the other person at ease even if you felt like you were trying too hard.


Aw Liz... I wonder if the WAY you were expressing your empathy was that you were subconsciously trying to cheer her up by being chatty?


ETA ha, I just saw luna said the same thing


The blend DOES make you chatty.


Thank You Ladies :BLACK_~28:

Chatty was putting it mildly, I was babbling....like a BROOK ! heh


oddly she just called, said she had a good time, just what she needed and then apologized for being a "poopy head" (as she put it). So I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought, phew !

trying on my Mom tomorrow, during our weekly meal together...at the GREEK fest, again 20.gif, I'm getting sick of greek food, sheesh !

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The blend DOES make you chatty.


Question: I'm not a chatty person at all especially in front of new people... Will H&HE help to open me up?? :D

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Only one way to find out!


Will there be a perfume coming out next month with HTHE???? :D:):)

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I am wearing 6 sprays and I don't have heightened senses and don't feel more empathetic or more generous. I wanted this to work for me. :) It might work on others, but I'm not sure yet. I just wish I got self-effects.


It's funny... I feel nothing from SS4W. I've tried applying different amount and still NOTHING. I wish it worked on me but everyone has different chemistry :) Some will work BRILLIANTLY and some will just be BLAH :D May be you can try it different times of the month? May not work now but might work later on?? :):):)

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Gotcha-- I think I get it -- and the exact effect of the self-bombing = the intense empathy you feel for the other person?


I guess it's good to have this in my arsenal as some people in my private life will need a little more empathy from me.

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I totally get that bumbob. SS4W is magic for me but when I tried BI I got nothing. Body chemistry is a hazy mystery to me. I'm not sure I'd bre comfortable with Heart to Heart. I don't like having all my walls down.

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Yea, maybe this just one of those that doesn't mix well with my chemistry. I think I noticed some subtle effects though, like people could read my thoughts. I'd think, 'I want ice cream' then they'd be like, "wanna get some ice cream?" I would like to try again with the 100% alcohol spray to see if it makes a difference. :lol:

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My friend came over today, frantic because her 17 year old daughter just told her she is pregnant. She brought her daughter, and we all sat and talked. I applied this before they came (2 sprays). I found I was able to focus right in on both parties and speak to their fears, offer specific comfort to what they were feeling without them saying, and to encourage them in a way that felt like I was "getting" it . They were so precious and the mother was so supportive and full of grace and so focused fully on her daughter's needs and not her own, it was beautiful to me. I was EXHAUSTED after they left, as if I had channeled someone or something the whole time, so I collapsed for a long nap. It was an honor to be there for them, and I feel like the Heart to Heart helped them process the situation in a more complete way than normal. I am tearing up thinking about how precious it was.

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I wanted this to work for me. :lol: It might work on others, but I'm not sure yet. I just wish I got self-effects.

I just wanted to say that in my experience - I had problems getting good results with this for any and all of the following:

1) Bad time of the month

2) Being by myself

3) Being around people already in blah moods

You'll notice none of these are situations where you'd /want/ to be empathetic.


Hope you get good results ASAP.


TG- that was so nice to read. Best wishes to all of you.

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TG, you're amazing & I'm glad you found a blend that truly magnifies your essence. Just one question, is the world ready??? *j/k

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I just wanted to say that in my experience - I had problems getting good results with this for any and all of the following:

1) Bad time of the month

2) Being by myself

3) Being around people already in blah moods


Sounds like this blend is good when both parties are interested in communicating with one another? Like meeting new people/ meeting people you haven't seen for a long time???? :lol:

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I love the idea of noticing different things and focusing better (art major with ADHD) and I totally wear my heart on my sleeve. So while I would love other people to be more empathetic, I feel like I would be a total brooding mopey puddle of sad if wearing this.

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It doesn't necessarily make you sad. It just makes you more intense emotionally.


Judging from a certain phone call I rec'd on Saturday - the party on the other end, under the influence of this blend, was experiencing quite the manic high from it! :)

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PM, you don't think this will work as well as a 60/40? Should I change my order to just alcohol? I asked for 60/40 since alcohol sprays tend to burn up so quickly, but if you think I should get it in just alcohol, I will.

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I have to amend my earlier comment.

" 3) Being around people already in a blah mood "


This blend DID work in that situation and it worked very well. On /my reaction/ to their blah mood. It didn't make me feel blah myself; I felt pretty mellow and accepting of the world. Which, come to think of it, they also got a piece of.

I normally wear a LOT of 'uplifting' pheros and scents so that's what I was thinking when I made that comment, really. It isn't a mood improver. But for any conflict resolution or just, yeah like Bumbob said, this would be GREAT for old friends you want to reconnect with on an emotional level. We had one of the single most /productive/ meetings at work when I wore this.


If you yourself, MJ, are very empathetic maybe this would help others to be more like that towards you. It might also help you accept other people's moods -without- taking them on yourself. That's more what the phero does. I'd say try a sample. :)

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It might also help you accept other people's moods -without- taking them on yourself. That's more what the phero does. I'd say try a sample. :)


Is there a sample??? :) I would LOVE to try... coz THIS sounds like the magic potion especially when MO is in a bad/stress mood.... I tend to carry/ blame his moods onto myself.... :)

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