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New Releases for SEPTEMBER 2012

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EEEEEE!!!! I want them all!! If we get the sampler, the men's ones will come in it, right? I want to add them to my "when-I-get-a-man" stash! LOL


I can't wait to try Luna's Miss Autumn, and Pumpkin Musk!! And I want Wendy's Wandering Moonlight for the label alone!

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EEEEEE!!!! I want them all!! If we get the sampler, the men's ones will come in it, right? I want to add them to my "when-I-get-a-man" stash! LOL


LOL! Yes, the monthly set comes with all 12. Everyone with a yearly subscription also gets all 12. And some of you ladies will enjoy wearing the men's ones too!

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I'm gonna give one hint re one of the PEs, for my fellow Dr Who fan(s):




Lol,amy pond reference.The scent of dust after rain :P Not sure which PE its regarding though,lol.Caught the new episode of doctor who yet Mara?It was awesome ^_^

Edited by meng123
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Me too! :lol:

(The sampler will have all 12, it's Pheromas where they get split up.)


Okay, new girl question: when your purchase the monthly sample pack, you don't always get all of them?


Edit to add- what is LP Sunfire?

Edited by Mrschrissyrez
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Lol,amy pond reference.The scent of dust after rain :P Not sure which PE its regarding though,lol.Caught the new episode of doctor who yet Mara?It was awesome ^_^


LOL! I knew you'd get it. Ok, you've twisted my arm - it was the one by Wendy, and when she was describing to me what she wanted over the phone I asked her if she was a Who fan and she says, "YES! How did you know!" And I said, "You're describing Petrichor." Bwaha! It's one of my very favorite smells and equally wearable by both sexes. Only one other person has asked for something similar for a PE over the years, and John and I stole the rest of that one cuz we loved it so much. It's a gorgeous aroma.


NO! I didn't get to see it cuz our satellite dish got whacked by a meteor or something. I might have to wait and buy the series after it ends. Was it amazing?

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Okay, new girl question: when your purchase the monthly sample pack, you don't always get all of them?


Edit to add- what is LP Sunfire?


Yes, you always get all of them. There's at least 10 each month, and sometimes more.


LP Sunfire is a sold out blend. I have NO IDEA why that came up! :lol:

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LOL! I knew you'd get it. Ok, you've twisted my arm - it was the one by Wendy, and when she was describing to me what she wanted over the phone I asked her if she was a Who fan and she says, "YES! How did you know!" And I said, "You're describing Petrichor." Bwaha! It's one of my very favorite smells and equally wearable by both sexes. Only one other person has asked for something similar for a PE over the years, and John and I stole the rest of that one cuz we loved it so much. It's a gorgeous aroma.


NO! I didn't get to see it cuz our satellite dish got whacked by a meteor or something. I might have to wait and buy the series after it ends. Was it awesome?


Haha,definitely sounds like an nice scent.The amy created scent in the later episode with the catch phrase "Petrichor - For the girl who's tired of waiting" was also fun for doctor who :P May have to try that PE then,lol.So many fun scents this month(>_<)


That a pity that you missed it.Haha,it was really good.Lots and lots of daleks and the doctor was in good form with the quirky quotes.The new companion makes a cameo too,she plays really well off him.Cant wait till shes a regular character.Haha,would drop some more hints but the episode was so awesome that i dont want to drop too many spoilers before you watch it :P

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Will it come in the mini size like the musks?!!?


eta: talking about the dust after rain one.


No, just the full size or spray, sorry. I rarely do the 5mls. The "nature" scents are not huge with our clientele even tho I adore them, so I only made a little bit.

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Do we have a special guest contributing to the descriptions of the Sherlockian scents, I wonder????


Its cool how you used the dissapearance of lady france as an underlay for the background of watson.It was one of the few which featured watson heavily and sherlock as a background character.I like all the labels though :P 221B in particular.The overlapping clock/gears/wheel effect is genius :P

Edited by meng123
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I have a friend who is an elderly Englishwoman and fellow Sherlockian, and she says, that it was never meant to be a "period piece", it was the cutting edge of it's time, and thus is comfortably updated to the present or any era. She said the Basil Rathbone series was updated to THAT era, and she loves the current BBC series. I like that attitude.

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I have a friend who is an elderly Englishwoman and fellow Sherlockian, and she says, that it was never meant to be a "period piece", it was the cutting edge of it's time, and thus is comfortably updated to the present or any era. She said the Basil Rathbone series was updated to THAT era, and she loves the current BBC series. I like that attitude.


Yup,its cool how some things can be timeless and change to fit the time its in ^_^ Was also fun how some of the things in sherlock that he uses for deduction are widely used now as well.Was quite forward thinking of arthur conan doyle

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I have a friend who is an elderly Englishwoman and fellow Sherlockian, and she says, that it was never meant to be a "period piece", it was the cutting edge of it's time, and thus is comfortably updated to the present or any era. She said the Basil Rathbone series was updated to THAT era, and she loves the current BBC series. I like that attitude.


That's exactly right, Mara, and I find the attitude of the, er, "more traditional" Sherlockians rather odd. I mean, if the truth be known, the Holmes stories were speculative fiction, which eventually became the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres of our modern day. The Holmes stories have more than a touch of the horror element, and a substantial amount of science fiction too.



ETA: I have to admit though, I did love the Jeremy Brett series, just to SEE the stories done period, and PROPERLY period. He is my favorite "period" Holmes. I think Cumberbatch is my favorite "updated" Holmes as portrayed. I'd love for him to do my Holmes stories if they ever get filmed. Eh bueno.

Edited by AlienChangeling
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LOL I have had a great time over in the stalking thread where everybody was bugging Luna for hints. I sat back and cleared my throat, smiled, "ahem"ed, and everything else and nobody caught on, despite the fact that I'd posted a couple times in the "what are you wearing today" thread that I was testing something out for Da Mawa and it was a sekrit.......


...Well, a good writer does her research, after all...




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74 posts on this thread although it was started barely 8 hours ago! Wow! I can't believe it! Okay, I can't see the pictures but I'm drooling over the new musks ......


I get that problem too.For some reason,internet explorer is the only browser that lets me see the labels on the forum(>_<)All the pictures this time are awesome though :P

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