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BURNT BROWN SUGAR, CARAMEL ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.

BOURBON (FERMENTED ALCOHOLS: WINE, BEER, HARD LIQUOR, ETC) ~ Intoxicant, used as an offering or appeasement for Gods, used in love spells, and celebratory spells.

AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.

CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.


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See it reminds me more of Fade To Black than Sugared Bonfire but I will say it's not meant to copy either one of those scents.


Originally I had a totally different story in mind for this one until I saw the label.

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I know! I needed a cold shower after that description


I could totally see it in my head as I was writing it, like a scene out of a Bob Fosse musical or something.

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Now the original story I had in mind, it was definitely R-rated (except of course I would have had to censor myself a little bit). It was concerning the great alchemist, conjurer and lothario Nicholas Flambe, or, as they liked to call him around town, "Tricky Nicky."

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LOL @ Luna


Raq - pretty much every perfume on earth has amber in it. It's the most popular and flexible base note there is. There's thousands of types of amber. I have at least 300 here. Trust me, you can't be uniformly anti-amber.

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I had to stop reading this at work because my vag opened up real wide.



LOL @ Luna


Raq - pretty much every perfume on earth has amber in it. It's the most popular and flexible base note there is. There's thousands of types of amber. I have at least 300 here. Trust me, you can't be uniformly anti-amber.


Maybe it was Civet then? I have it in my journal notes. I must have confused the two. Will Edit my post to a question mark. LOL These were the ones I should approach with caution for my skin type. Sorry about that.



Animalic amber

Animalic musk





So that means I can add THIS one to my list to try then :-D

Edited by Raq On
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Calii swoons dead away :swoon:


Liz swoons too ! and falls on top of Calii lol


*had to order this one NAO !!

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Civet is bad news for me too, but then...guess what? It turned up in one of my all time favorites Trianon-esque! You just never know with these blends.

I actually think this Flambe sounds like something you would wear Raq! I'd give it a shot.


Point taken (I can wear OCCO black and I think there may one of my no-no notes in there) I have this one on my list to try. I hope the bourbon stays in the back ground though. I amp smoke and liquor notes like mad

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Point taken (I can wear OCCO black and I think there may one of my no-no notes in there) I have this one on my list to try. I hope the bourbon stays in the back ground though. I amp smoke and liquor notes like mad


You and I are so opposite! I always want more smoke note. Haven't we had something else where I amp it and you don't but would like to?!

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Okay I do love this, really I do. Love love love! But it's different from Fade To Black which I perceive as the same type of scent, but these are different permutations. But I loves me some burnt sugar and resins. lawdy be.


Having said that - and no one else may have this happen to them - but in the first 15 minutes or so of wearing this, and also in the vial - there is a distinct note of BBQ sauce. I'm thinking it's the bourbon, which may have an oak note in it or something. But it fades after that time and is all delicious burnt sugar and spice and OMGYUM! See this is the scent of what I want to be: a succubus from somewhere between the second and third circle of Hell. :666:

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Calii: :666:!

Chrissy: it's not inherently boozy though, not like Pirate Bumbo or The Pirate and the Maiden, for example. It's just a touch at the beginning.

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1st let me say I have a nose full of Hungry Heart,cannot stop huffing it :love: plus too many dabs of the other new releases,yeah,I gave up trying to be sensible,not gonna happen :lol: I get spiced,almost burnt brown sugar,like hard crackled stage,if that makes sense,ummm,no BBQ,but something smokey just swirling just under the surface :P ...will get back to this,definitely a Calii scent!

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Yeah see the smokeyness, which has a woody-type thing going on, for some reason causes my brain to say "BBQ sauce!" I have a friend in MA who says Super for Men smells just like hoisin sauce to her and I'm all, "WUT?!" :lol:

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