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So i wore this today...some kid was clearly walking so close to me he nearly fell on top of me as i bent to tie my boot. I ended up being verycautious financially then came home and blew it on lp's!



BWAHAHA! I know him SO well, lol! No. He didn't make it past Fri evening. It's NOT my fault, lol, ok...maybe I didn't try hard enough to get. Soooo maaaybe my shirt was a lil tight and short. Maaaaybe my jeans were a lil too low and maaaybe I leaned over a lil too often... :ange: But HONEST...I wasn't chasin him :001_tt2: I came home from work, got into my comfy clothes and was in the restroom freshening up and he just wouldn't leave me be! A girl can only play hard to get for so long hahaha! I wanted chasing, I got it. I promise, in spite of my attire, I practiced aloofness and disinterest but it's actually good to know that sometimes he WON'T take no for an answer! :wink2:

It's very sexy when we bring out their inner caveman, no?

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Eh, maybe...you know how stubborn Scorpios can be :lol:

Too true! But in that particular case he was just guarding his heart like Fort Knox and I had to crack it bit by bit.

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Too true! But in that particular case he was just guarding his heart like Fort Knox and I had to crack it bit by bit.


Typical Scorpio trait. But for who ever manages to plant that wedge and wriggle in, they will be rewarded for the rest of their life -- and beyond -- in ways they can't even fathom.

Edited by Just Ducky
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Too true! But in that particular case he was just guarding his heart like Fort Knox and I had to crack it bit by bit.

You don't have to tell me, my dad is a mega-Scorpio (five of his houses are in Scorpio). I swear, he still holds grudges against me for the sins of adolescence that I committed :lol:

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Typical Scorpio trait. But for who ever manages to plant that wedge and wriggle in, they will be rewarded for the rest of their life -- and beyond -- in ways they can't even fathom.

Yes this is the way in which Scorpio and Pisces are well-matched (that's Quince and I) because Pisceans are equally loyal in that way. I always say I will happily worship and adore someone if they prove to me that they're worthy of it.

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I always say I will happily worship and adore someone if they prove to me that they're worthy of it.




(But gods forbid they do ANYTHING to betray that loyalty and devotion. No one will ever find the body because it will be in little pieces spread out over five states.)

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I resemble that remark. : P


I always knew I liked you for a reason!

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It's very sexy when we bring out their inner caveman, no?


OUI! :666:


Too true! But in that particular case he was just guarding his heart like Fort Knox and I had to crack it bit by bit.

Typical Scorpio trait. But for who ever manages to plant that wedge and wriggle in, they will be rewarded for the rest of their life -- and beyond -- in ways they can't even fathom.


My guy's a scorpio, but I know nothing about these things. I've been told virgos are analytical because I am one but that's my limit. It sounds like him as far as how he is with others, but he pursued me from the start....what went wrong there? :lol: Are scorpios wildly attracted to virgos or something?


I always say I will happily worship and adore someone if they prove to me that they're worthy of it.


Ok, I don't ALWAYS say that, lol, but I DO act it out :)

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Are scorpios wildly attracted to virgos or something.

It is a strong pairing; I think what you experienced was the characteristic intensity of a Scorpio male.

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It is a strong pairing; I think what you experienced was the characteristic intensity of a Scorpio male.


Intense. Good descriptive word! He was an is THAT for sure, lol. I like that, "Me man, you woman - mine!" thing he does though :blush: He certainly gives the "mated for life" vibe...GrrRuff! :lol:

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I always say I will happily worship and adore someone if they prove to me that they're worthy of it.


While not a believer in date/time of birth significance ...well,I am a Pisces and this fits me :P




(But gods forbid they do ANYTHING to betray that loyalty and devotion. No one will ever find the body because it will be in little pieces spread out over five states.)



or as I like to say,I know where all the mine shafts are...and I do :001_302:

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Yes this is the way in which Scorpio and Pisces are well-matched (that's Quince and I) because Pisceans are equally loyal in that way. I always say I will happily worship and adore someone if they prove to me that they're worthy of it.


My hubby is Pisces and I'm a Scorpio...been together 22 years. And since Highschool. Strong connection, yes ma'am ;)

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UGH! I just got a compliment wearing this from someone I'm VERY GLAD was not close enough to spout anything else.. he's the same dork who used to go by my cube and peek around the corner asking "DO YOU SMELL CANDLES!? I SMELL CANDLES!" And would LOOK for the offensive open flame on my desk. Lolz.

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LOL...I'm wearing this today also, Katz. Two times today, people outside my office were trying to figure out where the baked goods were!


(Not that my perfume is loud enough to scent the hallway. Both times I had just walked into the office, so i must have left a scent trail!)

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I would just like to add.... HOLY COW this fragrance does not fade! LOL. I put this on at about 11am this morning - and not even a lot (I'm not a slatherer - often I'm scared of smelling too strongly)... an it's now 9pm and the vanilla is still going strong! WOW. The lasting power is insane! I'm used to fragrances fading on me in 4-6 hours, MAX.

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Sweet maiea! I LOVE it when a yummy scent like this one just seems to last and last!

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I made some of my LP oils into sprays and when I was working with Fuzzy Wuzzy I added a little of Ail's VV, because it did help the scent last on me, and a bit more UnGotcha for some extra kick...but then I filled it a bit full and had to wear a couple sprays to get the lid on.


Now, this is NOT a complaint.....I couldn't get hubby out of my lap the WHOLE night!LOL Usually he's on his corner of the sofa married to his laptop (I confess, I can be the same way) but he was in constant contact! He kept trying to do things for me, did I need a drink, was I hungry, was there anything he could do for me, wanna watch a movie? I had gone to the washroom to wash my face and he was outside the door...lying in wait, LOL. I can't describe it any other way, lol, all giving me the "sexy" eyes...which led to....of course :lol: And even after he was still velcro the rest of the night...when I went to bed he rubbed my back until I fell asleep :wub: Clearly I need to play with this one some more! :D

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I haven't gotten a reaction like that since I phero bombed him with one of my mixes I have since dubbed my "Super Cuddle Love Mix", lol. And even that is more of a BAM, GrrRuff mix. Fuzzy Wuzzy is, hmm, softer? There was still GrRuff in the bedroom, but even after there was a LOT of cuddle/lovin' going on. Definitely deserves more drive time :D

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:woohoonaner2gy: to go, Nutrix :) ... ordered a bottle of Fuzzy Wuzzy,but am still thinking having another Un Gotcha! scented with something,in a spray,for my hair :D This is one happy little blend :lol:


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OHMYGOSH! You know, I'm not sure about the self effects of this one? I know I go gah-gah for the flavor/scent, but I don't know that I got anything over the delight I have from it's yumminess. I'm wearing Indecent Exposure today, but I'll have to wear FW again soon because I can't believe I didn't try to sort out selfies for this one. Maybe a YUM fragrance is selfie enough? :D


What are some of the selfies you other ladies have observed so far...besides the creamy deliciousness of it?

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I love wearing this one to bed....it is just the best


Do you love it because it relaxes you or because, hey, it smells divine and who wouldn't love to fall asleep to THAT?

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I can't believe I didn't try to sort out selfies for this one. Maybe a YUM fragrance is selfie enough? :D


Smelling this makes me smile :) ...I consider that to be a self-effect in itself,but the phero blend "selfies" ,which are soooo individual <simply cannot say this enough> are a happy peaceful vibe,which while that is my general state of being,without pheros,it is just ... more ! I don't look for effects as much as notice,afterwards,if that makes sense...LOL,is it real or is it Memorex :D


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I love it because it relaxes me and allows me to sleep like a baby....

Smelling this makes me smile :) ...I consider that to be a self-effect in itself,but the phero blend "selfies" ,which are soooo individual <simply cannot say this enough> are a happy peaceful vibe,which while that is my general state of being,without pheros,it is just ... more ! I don't look for effects as much as notice,afterwards,if that makes sense...LOL,is it real or is it Memorex :D


Thank you ladies!

Hubby and I both started our vacation Friday night for the rest of the YEAR! Hubs was practically jubilant and I was mellow. I was happy too but just really chill. He did keep asking me if there was anything he could do to put me in a better mood, which made me laugh because I wasn't in a bad or unhappy one (this was at 5-6pm and I had been up since 3am so I was probably lower energy just from being tired - long last work day before vacation - 10.5 hours long, not including drive time...so yeah, I WAS definitely happy to be done!). It strikes me now that I must've been unusually chilled as he kept wanting to "help" me feel happier :lol: So I think I had some relaxed self effects, lol.


Do you know what exactly would contribute to that? Is it the lavender? I'm also not very familiar with alpha-THDOC or allo-pregnanolone. Do either of these cause relaxation along with the beta-nols? How curious.

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That's my experience too. Happy, peaceful, cuddly, calm.


Do you know which elements aid in the peaceful/calm?

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Honestly I think it's the blend of them: Beta-AndrostAnol, Estratetraenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenol, DHEAS, Alpha-THDOC, Allo-pregnanolone, Copulins


I've been trying to find out what Alpha-THDOC & Allo-pregnanolone are/do on another forum but I still feel pretty clueless about them :huh: But you're usually right :D it IS a cuddle blend after all!

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That's in Popularity Potion...well PP doesn't say alpha...and I certainly was "it" for hubby that night :lol:

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Too true! But in that particular case he was just guarding his heart like Fort Knox and I had to crack it bit by bit.



Yup , that's my Scorpio :love: . The Gotcha definitely helps , already ordered a second bottle and I couldn't help myself and just ordered LFM , will try them both layered too . I sooo can't wait . ( being a true Aries girl 2 WEEKS IS AN ETERNITY )

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:lol: me too !!! Yoikes this is fun stuff,I have another bottle on the way ...there are 2 left in the cart!!


Beautiful day,finally made it into the 60's! :lol: ... busy morning and have decided Fuzzy Wuzzy just fits my mood now. Oh yeah ,this one make me smile...a lot! :cat690:


...just start on the inside and work your way out ~ AniDiFranco


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Wow, LOVE Fuzzy Wuzzy!! Think of a gourmet cupcake from the top down. Envision candied lavender blossoms resting on a pillow of the richest vanilla- lavender buttercream. Now the densest, most yummiest vanilla cake, swirled with the most decadent caramel brown-sugar center and swirl, OMG, what a treat, and I'm wearing it tonight! LOOOOVE EEETT.

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Tehehe...wore this over the weekend to the grocery store on Sat. It was strange, the girl at the register just kept staring at me, kinda bashful and smiling, lol. Cute.


Hubby likes this one too. He's always sweet when I have it on, but then, he was sweet to me all weekend :love: I just LOVE the smell :D

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This is smelling quite cakey on me today, sort of like a cake my grandma used to make with rum, brown sugar and walnuts. I was walking down the hall in my building, and I could smell the most delicious cake and I thought, "My goodness! I hope I'm chummy with whoever is baking that cake!" But then the smell followed me inside, and I realized it was me! I'm feeling compelled to bake.

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