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Mmm I can't stop smelling myself today. This and BBM... Smells like a delicious creamy cupcake with swirls of brown sugar and a hint of edible lavender.

As for Gotcha, it seemed to make all the guys talkative, chatty and really interested in details about me. Asking questions about my life and such. usually these guys are more teasing and jokey instead of "lets get to know each other" Like all of a sudden, I'm just sooo interesting! Lol.

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So I wore this to work yesterday. The Gotcha made everyone super-chatty, it was ridiculous! One co-worker, who can go from zero- to-bitch in no time flat, stayed in such a great mood all day!! No drama. No tears. This woman thrives on that crap. She was actually fun to be around! Gotcha. Some amazing stuff!! :D

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I love this. As much as I wanted to try Gotcha, I decided to get a virgin bottle so I can mix and match the scent with other pheros.


I can still smell the Lavendar after dry down which provides a certain softness and coziness to the cake-like scent.

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Bleah, my skin is so very persnickety. This is a lovely scent, but as soon as it hits my skin it morphs. Anything with lavender smells like soap on me - in this case, very nice soap - and I'm a little heart broken that this isn't the fluffy vanilla I had hoped for. Being in Australia sometimes I can't risk buying a sample before a full bottle, because there's always the chance that something will sell out even before the sample hits my mailbox. I'm always on the look out for vanilla scents, and this and Odalisque sounded perfect on paper (or, you know, screen), but they both become clean and masculine scents on me.


Le sigh!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ordered another bottle of this...it's SO nummy and everyone that wonders into the could agrees, lol. Going to wear it tomorrow....

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I agree...now that I'm home and no one can see...I huffed all over my wrists where I applied it LOL My girlfriend keeps whispering...rehab...to me HA! :lol:



Quitter need rehab AND I'm not a quitter! :rolleyes::D

Edited by NuTrix
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I would! I like this one for me. It doesn't illicit over the top hits all the time, but when it does, it is entertaining, lol. I am SO in LOVE with this scent. Is there any other PE or fragrance similar to it for foodie deliciousness? I just ordered Lick of Cream and I'm looking at Beth's Blushing Milkmaid...FW is so delish, I don't expect to find another "like" it per se so much as something along the lines of lightly floral and heavy foodie yum. When I read reviews though, I see how some people amp the floral while others amp the foodie side. Chemistry! Who can know?! But I AM loving the cakey vanilla and creams!

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OOOh! Just looked it up and SOUNDS DELISH!...Going to troll the trade threads.....

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Mortified the other day! :blink::wacko::( A co worked said...do you smell cigars? I was wearing Fuzzy Wuzzy ROFL! I know some people like the smell of tobacco...but cigar?!?!?! :huh: When I think of cigars I think of dreadful awful things...unless it's before they're lit that is, lol, I personally LIKE the smell of tobacco when it isn't burning. What do you ladies make of THAT!? I see NOTHING in FW that smacks of cigar :surprised:

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Well it happened with Rocket fuel for me. But that was back when I first started LP'ing. The scent doesn't wear on my well and I was probably wearing the entire sample. But it did disturb me. Ex L asked if I had been smoking cloves actually.


Someone said they thought I had been smoking when wearing Torrid S too. Which I still cannot figure out. Absolutley nothing resembles smoke in that to me.


There are some pretty good smelling vanilla type cigars though. I remember years and years and years ago I was behind a lady on an escalator and I was breathing in a beautiful smoky vanilla smell...I thought it was cigar for some reason only because I had never smelled anything like that in a perfume. I asked what the smell was and it turned out it was indeed her perfume! I even told her I thought it was a cigar but I made it clear I didn't think it was offensive! I was so shocked because I had never smelled something so unique in perfume (obviously pre LP days) This was before everyone had a website too so I remember she sent me this little paper catalog of the perfumes. It was so cute. I never ordered any but I do wonder who that little company was now that I am into artisan perfume.

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I did inquire more...I HAD to! We had just stepped into an office and he turned to me and said, "I smell smoke...like cigars. Does it smell like someone was smoking in here to you?" D'oh! I said it may be me and offered my wrist and the poor guy looked so confused I actually laughed out loud. I told him if I smell like stale cigar smoke he HAD to tell me so and whether being kind or genuine he did consider a moment and said that maybe it was the was the strangeness of the perfume...which I totally get because LPs are so fabulously unique that people associate them with candles and incense often (in a good way). That's why I'm thinking I didn't smell so much like smoke but that maybe he associated it with tobacco. Neither of us smoke and it's a no tobacco facility so he was genuinely baffled...which was the humorous part for me anyway. :D

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You know, I can almost see getting a tobaccoish smell out of this one. Maybe she meant cigars as a compliment, Nutrix!!


Really? I don't get that and I am so glad. I wore this to work a few days back wtih BBM on the back of my hands. I believe this is boosted with Gotcha! and I took the risk of experimenting a new pheros with my boss whom I was stuck with for about 5 hours in a row - close to 3 hours in a car and more than an hour in a meeting. Anyway, it was a pleasant journey although this phero is not meant to be for 'catching' for her. She shared quite a bit of information with me and we had a good discussion about some of the things we need to do. BTW, she dislike me to the bone so go figure!

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Aww I cant beleive this ones gone! I was going to get another bottle.ITS MY FAVORITE! I've been wearing this everyday since I first opened it..Its comforting,I cant stop smelling it and I crave the scent when Im away from it.LOL......OHHH NO! Im addicted to it.

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Yup, Fuzzy Wuzzy and Honeyed LP are DELISH! But even I wonder how much adoration is for the scent or from the phero....wait....no. They DO smell scrumilicious! There's no denying it. It's strange but I'd be willing to say this works even better on my co workers than my hubby...or maybe it's just in different ways...because no one at work nibbles my neck....though I did think that one fella came close :rofl222: and THAT HAS to be the phero! (though I did smell scrummy and have often wanted to nibble myself!)

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I tried this last night and definitely felt more peaceful as I slept (and a nice sexy dream to go with it). The scent is amazing - warm, sweet but not overly so.

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This would be a good one for me to try in school with all the 20-somethings around, since it makes me feel calm and not like a drooling quivering mass ready to jump the first straight man I see. I have other pheros for that.

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Dol, I'm with you. This is a sweet delicious scent, not the heady green scent that lavender can sometimes be :heart708:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this scent of this but my bf doesn't really. I also think he does not respond well to the phero, not badly, just not any positive response, and this is not just scent related as the same seems true of Honeyed LP, can anyone suggest what in this might be making him a bit ...meh? He has no commitment issues, so I don't think it is that, could it be he just doesn't need it??

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LOL Yeah, it's like that. It's odd but I didn't expect to like this one as much as I did. When I saw it for trade in virgin I hopped right on it! It's the kind of scent you wouldn't mind dripping in :love:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh how I love Fuzzy Wuzzy. It's all lavender cake and makes me feel snuggly and cute. If anyone has this virgin and willing to sell. I want please! This is so slather worthy and I'm afraid to OD on Gotcha!

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Hilarious, unsolicited compliment on Fuzzy Wuzzy tonight. BF came home about an hour ago and said his band is going to do a punk cover of The Logical Song by Supertramp, (or Roger Hodgson, as you like), and he put it on You Tube so we could have a listen. Well that song ALWAYS gives me goose bumps so I laughed and held out my forearm to show him. He AUTOMATICALLY took my forearm in his hand, brought it to his nose, and said, "Yeah, that one smells GREAT!". :lol: He didn't notice the goose bumps. Ha! I make him smell my perfume so often that it has become an automatic behaviour. Sheesh. :blush:

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