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Still testing this one but here is what I have got so far:

I only got to test this around my crush for a short time. But we had to carpool with a bunch of friends and he actually sat next to me. Awww. I seriously have a childish crush. Yes. He is usually hard to read. He is talkative sometimes and quiet/shy the next. Anyway, this day he sat next to me and was talkative, sweet and jokey.

I have mostly worn this at work. And omg, people come out of the woodwork to talk to me. Even people I never usually talk to came over to say hi. I mostly only talk to my same group. (Work at a makeup counter) The lady at the drive thru window kept talking and talking to me... Even with a line of cars behind me!

As for self effects, I feel confident and cool. A bit girly. I wasn't even that nervous around my crush. I usually have mild heart attacks when we talk! Heehee.

I'm loving this so far... But need to test more.. It's only been a few days.

Edit- gotcha testing was with Fuzzy Wuzzy

Edited by hearts
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Thanks,Hearts :) ...oooo and can only imagine the effects in the full strength,which I ordered in the spray right after trying Fuzzy Wuzzy too,and that only from the self effects! :lol: Taking this out is gonna be fun

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so the same thing happened when I wore this in UN as when I wore Fuzzy Wuzzy. I got very very warm...my face got really HOT. So noticeably that I cannot believe that it is not happening to any one else. It isn't really annoying or anything, just wierd. Has never happened with any other phero! Other than that though it makes me feel really good too. I have not had the chance to wear it out and about to see effects on others.

I hope it makes my victims hot in the face too. That would be funny, they would think "Omg, I am literally HOT for this girl!!"

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me too, DD! I haven't had a chance to test it out on anyone special yet, but whenever I wear it, I feel so good!


I am going to purchase a full bottle of this, but it will have to wait till January. All of my paychecks are spoken for till then with Christmas right around the corner. I will be getting two PE's in December and then I will have to wait to purchase this and another phero I want till January.... Dang I just want to win the lotto...LOL

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I hope it makes my victims hot in the face too. That would be funny, they would think "Omg, I am literally HOT for this girl!!"


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I wore 2 sprays of this to work today along with Fuzzy Wuzzy and I felt lightheaded and dizzy for about my first 4 hours at work.... I have never had this type of reaction to one of LP's phero before.


MDC had a physical reaction also. She got very warm, and her face got hot. Maybe try it with less Gotcha next time, so you can see if it happens again. And try it on a day off, just incase :)

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I have road tested this in UN scented version and Fuzzy Wuzzy


OMG Today I had a waiter, 3 ladies in a department store telling me their life stories. One guy looking me up and down and saying "Hello Beautiful" while trying to open his rather nice sports car.

I applied 1 spray in my hair and 1 to the back of hand.

Fuzzy Wuzzy- lolipop this was tested alone yesterday with my daughter being a lot more open than she usually is

Haven't tried this on my SO but if todays results are anything to go by it could be very interesting.

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I'm starting to think I need more pheros than I think I do, dosage-wise. Whenever I go less than 3 sprays of the trial sprays I don't seem to notice a thing. It's only when I up the amount of pheros that I notice things. I'm always scared of over-dosing though.


I wore Gotcha! today - 4 sprays total - 2 to abdomen area 2 to chest. THEN layered Fuzzy Wuzzy on top, navel to cleavage, plus swiped some behind my ears. The only going out I did today though was to lunch with an old friend (of 23 years!!!). We make sure to meet each other every month, though if we're busy we might skip a month or two in a year. Anyway I went to his house to pick him up and I was already going "ahhh he'll comment how strong the vanilla is...." (I found it a bit strong on me - and BTW it is a good 10 hours later and I STILL smell Fuzzy Wuzzy strongly on me), but nope, he didn't. I assume he got a car full of pheros though. We ended up having a good long chat at the restaurant and on the drive back to drop him off at his house. Not totally unusual, but sometimes when we meet up neither of us feel up to chatting much, and this time it was very pleasant. As I mentioned he's a friend of 23 years, so I didn't expect anything too out of the blue for him, but I think the phero made for a good atmosphere. He was disgusted I wear crocs (not the giant clog-like ones, but their more shoe-like designs!), I told him my mom said he looked fatter now (which she actually did say but he's not fat at all, he's just really put on a lot of muscle mass in the past year). The usual insults that come with someone you don't feel the need to censor your words to. lol.

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Yikes,Maiea,4 sprays of Gotcha would send me to my knees! :o Just goes to show you how individual tolerances are...my experience <in journal> was extreme with just one spray...heh,I do have a bottle of Fuzzy Wuzzy on the way though :P


MzDC,yes! I got the face flushing,in hindsight,but was outside & breezy...and with Because The Night once too,I think..but I do get that sometimes with just a-nol


...nice hit JJL! & Loq,oh yeah,agreed on the selfies :lol: DD,overdose IMO ...oops forgot,Maiea,so far have not had overly noticable cops smell,did use in hair :)

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Cali - I tried to look for your post, but I can't find it! :( But yeah, I'm just floored pheros don't seem to do too much to me, then I get scared I'm WAY over-spraying them because it's hard for me to get self-effects (LACE - haha, I pretty much doused myself in it to start to feel kinda woozy). Seems like I need more pheros than normal. I honestly wonder if there's something weird about my own chemical signature where I need a ton of pheros to overcome it. @_@


I asked Mara who said there's not a *lot* of cops in it, so I'm thinking it should be alright too. I didn't try it out though and kept to just spraying on skin.

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I think though that 4 sprays of Gotcha trial spray is not as big of a hit as 4 sprays of regular bottle of Gotcha? I usually use twice a much from a trial spray as regular size.


OH!!! That would make more sense!


Also it's COLD here right now (wet snow yesterday) so maybe the diffusion of the pheros is decreased a lot.

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Cali - I tried to look for your post, but I can't find it!


Was reading your post on good results with Lumina and remembered to check back here :lol:


here ya go :) ... and it was from the full size bottle,so yeah the trial sizes are smaller!



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Ive tried wearing on three separate occasions with my honey and he seems to get really annoyed with me when I have this on and talks to me in a really condescending manner (like Im 2). Strange because honey is a VERY EASY target for nice phero affects from most blends. It also does not turn him on at all, makes him condescending, talky, grouchy and complacent and not interested in sexual activity. Flirty behaviour outside the bedroom from others but doesnt hit as hard as some of the other blends with my chemistry, not sure WHY because Im gold with most of the non alpha bonding and sexy blends.


(((sigh))). Great self affects though.

Edited by KrazyKat
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Ack...sorry this one is not for your Honey KK,hope you get plenty of use time with the self-effects,cause hoo-ya,they are really good for me too :) !


...just another example how different things can effect different people.While reading reviews,and advice,is fun,the only way to know what works for you,and yours,is to experiment...the only way.



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Ack...sorry this one is not for your Honey KK,hope you get plenty of use time with the self-effects,cause hoo-ya,they are really good for me too :) !


...just another example how different things can effect different people.While reading reviews,and advice,is fun,the only way to know what works for you,and yours,is to experiment...the only way.


Yes, Calli.. exactly!


I had such crazy high hopes for this blend :hearts04276:

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Does anyone know if there's enough cops in this that you need the 15/20min dry-down time and no spraying on hair/clothes rule? Or is it just a smidge that it's okay to spray this on hair/clothes and not have a dry-down time?


I stupidly sprayed this in my hair this morning and smelled cops: but it went away really fast. So I'd dry down but not as long as 15 min.


Well get on it girl!! And report back :)



Tried this on today UN with Tyveys mango-ish. Stronger cops smell than I expected, but the cops diffused really fast. (sprayed in hair whoops) no worries though. Went to crowded theater and saw the Hobbit and then downtown shopping. Didn't notice any self effects or hits, but it was soooo crowded that It was just too public . i'll try again with smaller crowd. Seems like it has a lot of goodies in the phero.

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MDC had a physical reaction also. She got very warm, and her face got hot. Maybe try it with less Gotcha next time, so you can see if it happens again. And try it on a day off, just incase :)


I think I figured out why I was lightheaded with this combo... When I wear Gotcha by itself, I'm fine and just have this amazing at peace feeling but when I combine it with fuzzy wuzzy then it puts me into a dizzy mode... So I need to not add the Gotcha to the Fuzzy Wuzzy that already has all the Gotcha my body can handle....


Gotcha for me is one powerful phero

Edited by dolphindolls2
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I really like it ! It is a very nice smooth peaceful effect , and it calms my very alpha boyfriend into a cuddly pussy cat every time , I still have more than half a bottle of the Un and already ordered a second one. Self effects are just content and calming , You can dress it up well with more cops , since its not sexual at all. I used a ton of EoW and it works great

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I really like it ! It is a very nice smooth peaceful effect , and it calms my very alpha boyfriend into a cuddly pussy cat every time , I still have more than half a bottle of the Un and already ordered a second one. Self effects are just content and calming , You can dress it up well with more cops , since its not sexual at all. I used a ton of EoW and it works great


Good to know! Thanks for chiming in and Welcome!

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