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This scent is great- fresh and clean floral. My BF loves this and Perfect Match is a win. We had such a lovey dovey day so far., smiling stupidly at each other, him telling me I have a beautiful smile. He even kissed my hand and said I love you sooo much. And told me he remembered our first kiss and exactly what I was wearing. He was very touchy feely and held my hand while we were driving in the car. Ummm.. This phero pretty much turned him to mush today.

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^^Thats great. I need to hear more about PM and this scent in relation to effect on others. Sounds like it was a win for you!

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  • 1 month later...

So I'm wondering...does anybody have any suggestions for scents to layer with this one? I'd really like to give perfect match another shot, but I just can't get past the fragrance of this one. Not that it's horrible, but it smells almost exactly like the perfume that someone I know always wears, and I just can't get past the association. I don't want to smell like her! So since I'm a dummy with scents, I thought I'd ask you ladies what scents or types of scents would layer well to change this one up a bit. I'm thinking of trying LP Pink, would that be any good at all?

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hmm. That's an interesting question. My first thought was to maybe add something creamy, like Beth's Blushing Milkmaid. LP Pink - to my nose - is very distinct but it is sugary. I was thinking Sugared Amber or EGG? Someone else will have to chime in...I haven't layered it with Pink to be sure...but then again...experimenting IS part of the fun! :Emoticons04263:

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Someone in another thread mentioned layering it with Lick of Pink, which I do have a sample of, but I LOVE LOP on it's own and I don't want to waste what I have. That's why I was thinking of trying a different pink. NuTrix, I don't have any sugared amber or egg, so I'll have to keep digging...

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I tried it with a Lick of Pink and liked it. Like BB, I agree that Bonded is dominant and will take over. I really like this scent but maybe try with OCCO White, Blue or Pink, Pure Sugar or one of the Musks if you have ( French, Pink, Caramel.. Etc)

It's fun to experiment!

Edited by hearts
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My skin luvs this..the 20 min soap dry down dissipates to some kinda unisexy. Floral, honeysuckle and hints of marshmallow floats on top masculine notes of musk and..bergamot?? that cloud underneath and make your guy feel like he's in on this game. I get no spice, all smooth while Perfect Match draws and holds this scent close to the skin so there's no outside intrusion for this quintessential, romantic date night potion. My mans skin luvs this too, we both say it's staple scent worthy.

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I agree with all the folks who posted above saying that Bonded would be the dominant component if layered with anything. I think the idea of layering with OCCO White or Blue seems like it would make sense. Something generally clean feeling would work well with Bonded, but I think the idea of adding LP Pink would come off as too sugary, or at the very least, would take the scent in a direction away from its clean scent atmosphere.

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Thanks for the ideas! I'm trying to avoid cops at the moment, so my OCCO's are out. I experimented layering with sinister pink - I put them on about half an hour ago. I thought Sinister Pink was pretty strong, but already you all are right, the Bonded is overpowering the pink:( And the lime isn't working well with the Bonded, either.


I may try layering with my OCCO white at home and if I like the scent, include some Noco in my next order. I wish I liked this one on it's own, but I just can't get past the super-soapy smell that I get with it. And it also smells like someone else, although I expect hers really IS soap!

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  • 2 months later...

Just tried this one for the first time today. I love it so much! This really does remind me of Sneaky Clean, even though they're quite different. I love the luxury soap/clean floral/soft baby musk thing it has going on, and the spray lasted all day in the hot weather. I haven't been in a position to test the phero yet, and haven't used perfect match before, but I already want to buy more of this one.


Edit: Is this fragrance permanent? Cause I can't see a thingy saying it's a limited edition fragrance in the perfumerie. It doesn't seem to be listed with the permanent fragrances either though.

Edited by vladmyra
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Just tried this one for the first time today. I love it so much! This really does remind me of Sneaky Clean, even though they're quite different. I love the luxury soap/clean floral/soft baby musk thing it has going on, and the spray lasted all day in the hot weather. I haven't been in a position to test the phero yet, and haven't used perfect match before, but I already want to buy more of this one.


Edit: Is this fragrance permanent? Cause I can't see a thingy saying it's a limited edition fragrance in the perfumerie. It doesn't seem to be listed with the permanent fragrances either though.


I don't think it is.

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It isn't permanent :(


Does anyone know how permanent fragrances are chosen? Maybe a combination of being a great seller and also having readily available ingredients for continued re-brew?

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Those are two criteria, certainly. A particular fragrance would have to prove a consistent seller in addition to moving units quickly, there's no reason to add it to the catalog otherwise. As well as ingredients which are cost-effective to obtain in addition to ready availability.

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So sad it's not permanent. :emot103: I've only worn it once so far and I'm in love like I've never been before.

I feel like that occasionally, I'm sure we all do.


You will find though that The PM will constantly deliver. Pretty soon your stash will grow and you'll be busy trying to decide which of your treasures to open for the day.


If you really love a scent I suggest buying an extra. With a little extra of your favs and the monthly NRs... you will soon have plenty to love.

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OHMYGOSH SO TRUE! My stash of favs is so expansive when I went through everything and set them aside from the "nice but not favorites", my favorites were clearly more than half my collection! :lol: It will take forever to cycle though emptying them all :w00t:

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Oh I know what you're sayin StacyK & NuTrix- I have been ordering greedily since I found the place in August, and now have soooo many bottles of delish that I don't know what to do with them all. And yet, can't seem to stop ordering more...

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I now have soooo many bottles of delish that I don't know what to do with them all. And yet, can't seem to stop ordering more...

Totally sounds familiar LOL Most pleasant addic...hobby I've ever had!

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  • 1 month later...

I kept trading my vials of this away, because I had myself talked into some crazy idea that I didn't like it that much. But someone sent me another vial, and I put it on today, and wow... I can't get enough...

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I kept trading my vials of this away, because I had myself talked into some crazy idea that I didn't like it that much. But someone sent me another vial, and I put it on today, and wow... I can't get enough...

I know, right. This is a great scent. I love the complexity of this scent, and how it all comes together. I finished off my FB and need to get another ASAP.

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I love PM and this one IS very pretty and floral. When I shower at night I reach for it but most of the time I just want to smell, and smell like, foodie deliciousness :D Now, Allumette on the other hand...GADS!LURRRV! Roll me in that stuff like catnip!

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This is one where I was not attracted to the description, but the reviews made me give it a shot. I'm glad I tried it, even though it's not for me, since it's different than what I was expecting from anything I'd read, and that's an excellent reminder that I just can't predict!


On me, this is very peppery and sharp -- I get a little bit of floral soap behind that, but the overwhelming impression is spiky and hot, almost unisex or masculine. The complexity others have alluded to is there, and I appreciate it, but the blend is not for me. It hurts my nose a little.


At this point my list is so long that I'm kind of relieved when I don't fall in love with something! However, I've been on the lookout for a Perfect Match blend since I fell in love with my sample of Allumette after the fact.... as others have said, Mara always does such an amazing job of pairing pheros and scents that I want always want to sample the phero'd blends. I think, though, now I will figure out something from my want list that will be a good carrier for Perfect Match. I love having so many options here at LP!

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Ha, I thought I had already reviewed this ages ago; I got a sample of it in my first order, I think.


The scent is a bit on the soapy/clean side for me, but I find I like wearing it anyway, especially combined with something 'dirty' closer to my body.

So, for instance, an OCCO on my torso and a bit of Bonded on my wrists; it makes me feel like I've just washed my hands and gives me something fresh, as it were.


The scent is... Almost green-smelling? Floral, but a bit tart, like crushed buds of something.

It does get a bit sharp in the beginning, but after a while it mellows out and an hour or two later I am left with a scent that sticks quite close to my skin; like a soft, green haze of a flower.

It lasts quite a while that way, if I apply it high enough on my arms so that it doesn't get washed off.


The Phero effect is terrific!

PM is one of my favorites anyway; it takes away some of the stand-offishness that people often seems to get from me, makes people feel at ease with me and it still feels congruent with my personalty, not like I'm forcing something that I am not.

It is at least as much a success with women as with men. I've had people that I've only met minutes before grab my arm enthousiastically while talking about something, very vague aquaintances (people I've only met once or twice before and maybe exchanged half a dozen words with) come up to me and give me a sort of half-hug, etc.

Very noticeable hits, and very nice ones! Just sort of friendly and happy and chummy, nothing clingy, no oversharing etc.


Like I have said elsewhere, 'soapy' is not usually my thing, but on the other hand Bonded would make a really really good smelling soap!

It's a nice, uplifting change from the heavier, syrupy scents I tend to prefer.

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  • 8 months later...

I'm wearing this one today, and I'm detecting notes that I hadn't previously, mainly the musk, patch, and marshmallow root. It smelled so fabulous and unfamiliar that I leaned over to the person sitting next to me in our meeting and said, "You smell so good! What are you wearing?" And she said, "Nothing. I think it's you." Sure enough, it was. Of course then I was mildly embarassed, like she thought I was seeking out compliments or something. :lol: I don't know if it's due to just cyclical skin chemistry changes or aging, but it's good!

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  • 1 year later...

I was considering getting rid of this one, mostly cuz I don't ever reach for it.


I revisited this one, I recall this being very floral forward and have a sharp edge the first time I tried it. Now! Now I can detect the marshmallow root upon first application, the musky floral gently flows in and it gives me this cool, creamy impression. It feels icy cold to me but my nose is picking up something sharp n spicy upon closer inspection. I was expecting this to be a warm floral to be honest :o


So my take on this is a cold, low key regal/creamy floral with hidden thorns.

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