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La Femme Noire

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I usually switch it up quite a bit, too. The only thing I tend to wear for days in a row is Sneaky Clean, which I wear for work. But even then I switch it up with Cougar Potion & Stealing Heaven every few days. Sometimes even H&S, LFM or TH. SS4W works so well for me that I don't want to lessen the effect.

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I switch that one up too. Since I hit my sweet spot, I looooooooove the self effects I get and I'm scared of losing them!


:yeahthat: ... so far,I only need the amount in the fragrenced oils for self-effects,and want to keep it that way!...even though I have most of the Un's,I either forget to use them,or mix them with samples,and then forget to use them :lol:


congrats Egg,fun read ... & mission acomplished :001_302:

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I tried this out again on it's own for an afternoon this past weekend , I forgot how divine it is on it's own . Had a wonderful time driving around running a few errands with BF , and talked about a few heavier issues that had been going on in my life . For some reason the conversation stayed at a much more mature and benign and very respectful level. We are both hotheads , so sometimes things go downhill in these cases . This time however , it was like 2 fabulous adult versions of us instead :). LFM just lends calm and grace to everything .


PS , just saw i posted this in LFN instead of LFM. sorry ;)

Edited by fluffygirl12
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Eggers I get that energy surge with LFN too. Honestly I wear it more to clean than to get laid. I need help cleaning, not as much for the sex ;)


Well, crap balls, if this will help me find the energy to clean, I’m so getting a bottle of this….

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Eggers I get that energy surge with LFN too. Honestly I wear it more to clean than to get laid. I need help cleaning, not as much for the sex ;)

Is it the "none" I wonder? Because I got a shocking surge of energy with Leather when I wore it. They have the same none ingredient right? (Get those confused sometimes)

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Okay, ladies, here's hoping I get a SERIOUS cleaning boost.... My Beloved just let me know that his brother is arriving TOMORROW for the weekend.... WT??? Way to give your wife some advance notice, Dude! And, yes, I do clean the house weekly, but on Mondays not mid-week and with kids and a messy husband and 5 dogs.... Well, by Thursday it's not pretty. Excuse me now while I go clean like a whirlwind!

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I wore my un LFN today. I think I am feeling the same thing y'all mentioned. It's definitely not the languid vibe that I get from Because the Night. (Will have to wear much less when i want that feeling.) It doesn't make me feel energetic per se, but I feel alert and focused. I get so distracted when I clean because let's face it--everything is more interesting than cleaning. I know it's the none doing it because it's the same focus I described when I wore DOM...but minus the bitchiness! I also popped over to the store. Lot's of attention from the men folks. So focus and sexy...? I'll take it!!

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IMHO La Femme Mystere is a bit more feminine and ethereal.


La Femme Noir-a bit more iron hand velvet glove, where you are more likely to gently direct situations where you want to go that isn't in your face like Leather, and there's a bit less warmth with that blend, but I think you can add to it with a dab of something like H&S and/or TH if you'd like (maybe Perfect Match, B-nol heavy blend, or Gotcha! could be great with it too).


I don't think they're remarkably different, since they both have a soft power, but LFM feels weirder on me in ways I can't describe with words, but would much rather use for Serious Business networking than LFN (whether LFM would ever be good for getting a loan, that's something else).


I now prefer both blends to Leather, and might even sell my bottle of it once I get that bottle of Dominance, besides you can layer either with Dom anyway. I don't know why but I feel like at least with my biochemistry, LFM/N makes better use of the Est than Leather. Biology is weird.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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It's kind of cold in comparison to LFM to me, but somehow it keeps me from overloading with anger, so I might get a bottle of this unscented eventually anyway.


ETA: Actually I'm being more cynical here about this blend than I should, it's not bad but there is an element of emotional control and restraint that isn't the same in LFM or Alpha blends that I'm not sure I'd want in certain circumstances. That said, this is great for me for social matters, and somehow manages to avoid keeping me wallowing in whatever self-pitying mood swing I find myself. Yes, the kava kava helps, but only so much.



QS , I've been reading your reports about this , and also know how I respond to none added in any type of blends . I am wondering if biochemically none is responsible for the detachment , and in other instances the drive men have that women don't always possess .


Even the differences in how men and women sometimes view relationships .These things are generally approached as psychological differences , but the longer I use pheros , the more I see reflected what are actually observable biological nuances. It would make a lot of sense instead of just using the products by description of intent , to make an analysis of the behavioral traits of our husbands , boyfriends , crushes , and enter that as a major variable into the equation from the start .


If I had awareness of the reactions to single molecules as a beginner I would have saved a number of ( none-induced ) fights as well as taken some of my Bfs behavior less personal ,since now I know what works to turn the frog into a prince in 2 minutes flat ;)

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I'm skeptical about much of the supposed differences. A fair amount of my friends, male AND female, are swingers/poly/etc, and I wouldn't call them cold at all regardless of gender.


This isn't to say there aren't biological nuances in how pheros and phero like substances affect men and women, but it's not a Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus type of difference.

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IMHO La Femme Mystere is a bit more feminine and ethereal.


La Femme Noir-a bit more iron hand velvet glove, where you are more likely to gently direct situations where you want to go that isn't in your face like Leather, and there's a bit less warmth with that blend, but I think you can add to it with a dab of something like H&S and/or TH if you'd like (maybe Perfect Match, B-nol heavy blend, or Gotcha! could be great with it too).


I don't think they're remarkably different, since they both have a soft power, but LFM feels weirder on me in ways I can't describe with words, but would much rather use for Serious Business networking than LFN (whether LFM would ever be good for getting a loan, that's something else).


I now prefer both blends to Leather, and might even sell my bottle of it once I get that bottle of Dominance, besides you can layer either with Dom anyway. I don't know why but I feel like at least with my biochemistry, LFM/N makes better use of the Est than Leather. Biology is weird.


Thank you, that was so helpful

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Additional thoughts about enone-I should probably put this in a separate thread, but currently my belief is that enone has more of a relationship with leadership, not necessarily sex or relationships. If I were to make comparisons astrologically I would say the coldness factor of enone is Saturnian, while the leadership is with Mars. This shouldn't surprise anyone familiar with what often is in the charts of military, law enforcement, and related personnel. That said, uniforms and authority can be very sexually attractive to some people, and its not uncommon for people to dress up in these things for fetish.

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...If I were to make comparisons astrologically I would say the coldness factor of enone is Saturnian...


Perhaps this is why I feel such an affinity for this phero blend. I have 4 planets in Capricorn - Sun, Moon, Mercury & Jupiter. ;)

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It is for me, but we all have different reactions to this stuff. Only Teddy BB feels warm to me (at least I think it has enone in it). It helps me be more direct, and while there is a sexyness to it there's something about the command in it that aids in a certain amount of detachment.

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I find -enone to be hot, too, actually. Extraordinarily so. (I was just making a funny, because I really do have 4 planets in Capricorn - ruled by Saturn & Saturn = cold. And I can be cold).

I have to say that if I weren't in a committed relationship, I'd have to be careful about wearing this blend out and about. Because it doesn't make me want to "bond" in anything but a sexual way. It doesn't give me the warm fuzzies and make me want to have a heart-to-heart and then Get Down to It. It gets me all hot and bothered, period. And it might make me more undiscerning about who I "bonded" with if I weren't already attached to someone I love. :blush::lol:

So... perhaps "impersonal" is a more apt word than "cold"?

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Sometimes an impersonal attitude or an air of detachment can seem very sexy. I used to think Ralph Fiennes was very attractive *because* he had that air about him. :)


I really do dig this blend. I wish I had more opportunity to wear it. Between working all kinds of weird hours, and the potential for pms crabbiness, I tend to save it for weekend wear, when BF and I are both home. Of course, there *was* that day a week or so ago when I got that big energy burst from it & cooked all freaking day, even though we had a rare day off together. <_<

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I find -enone to be hot, too, actually. Extraordinarily so. (I was just making a funny, because I really do have 4 planets in Capricorn - ruled by Saturn & Saturn = cold. And I can be cold).

I have to say that if I weren't in a committed relationship, I'd have to be careful about wearing this blend out and about. Because it doesn't make me want to "bond" in anything but a sexual way. It doesn't give me the warm fuzzies and make me want to have a heart-to-heart and then Get Down to It. It gets me all hot and bothered, period. And it might make me more undiscerning about who I "bonded" with if I weren't already attached to someone I love. :blush::lol:

So... perhaps "impersonal" is a more apt word than "cold"?


Yes!!! This exactly. I feel on the prowl. Maybe that's why i like my none blends with my LV's Black Panther.

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It would make a lot of sense instead of just using the products by description of intent , to make an analysis of the behavioral traits of our husbands , boyfriends , crushes , and enter that as a major variable into the equation from the start .



The reading of a subject you are familiar with is a very important factor in choosing the right blend for a particular situation. For instance, I CANNOT wear an Est -heavy blend with my man unless I wear something more dominant with it....it triggers a big ugly scene. Thus why I have not tried LFN......I am simply in this thread for the discussion of -none and pheros in general.





I don't think you can say none has no relationship to sex. It is in every hard hitting sexual blend for men and women. None and cops = serious sexy juice for women. Blatant Invitation, Sexpionage, La Femme Noire... I agree that none correlates to leadership but you know, that is sexy. None is raw virile sex at it's finest.


Absolutely correct. None is raw sex. Period. None by definition is the male equivalent of cops.....it indicates a readiness to mate.





I also don't think none is cold. At least to me it's HOT. It's what makes the sex animalic. It's fiery. Just ask Dolly. She rocks the none regularly and I don't think her vibe is cold at all, rather it's hot.


I have never heard anyone describe none as "cold"....it is on the other end of the spectrum, really.....ranging from warmth to pure fire. Sexpionage takes sex to a clothes-ripping, biting, wall-pounding, bed-breaking level. I don't find that cold....not by a long shot!

Edited by Dolly
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I have never heard anyone describe none as "cold"....it is on the other end of the spectrum, really.....ranging from warmth to pure fire. Sexpionage takes sex to a clothes-ripping, biting, wall-pounding, bed-breaking level. I don't find that cold....not by a long shot!


Bed breaking!! Rawr, Dolly!!!!! :lol:

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Bed breaking!! Rawr, Dolly!!!!! :lol:


Seriously! The leg of our bed went crashing through the floor one night!

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I'm fairly sure Dolly's mentioned wall damage as well...lol!


Oh yeah, I have had to break out the spackle!! LOL

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  • 1 month later...

Broke out LFN yesterday. It doesn't get as much love from me a LFM. I'm still sorting out why.


The hits are good and it seems to really attract the attention of people who already know you and are comfortable around you, not that I haven't gotten approached by people who didn't, just that it's more likely for some really interesting things to happen with people who know me a bit better.


I get all ages, guys, girls. It's been warm here of late and the diffusion is fantastic and I had it paired with Everything Nice so....YUM!


I have one guy who is a heavy responder and have to work a bit harder to politely "get away" :rolleyes: but I had a lot of interaction with production, management and everything in between and I just like the feel of LFN. Feminine but frisky...and the frisky always shows.


I think I must be getting worse since using pheromones? I was always horny as it was but now I have this "naughty little secret" and I think it must be subconsciously effecting me...like when I accessorize with fishnet stockings or let that little bit of lace from my bra peek out ever so slightly....I know I'm a distraction but I play like I'm not :666::ange::Emoticons04263:

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Broke out LFN yesterday. It doesn't get as much love from me a LFM. I'm still sorting out why.


The hits are good and it seems to really attract the attention of people who already know you and are comfortable around you, not that I haven't gotten approached by people who didn't, just that it's more likely for some really interesting things to happen with people who know me a bit better.


I get all ages, guys, girls. It's been warm here of late and the diffusion is fantastic and I had it paired with Everything Nice so....YUM!


I have one guy who is a heavy responder and have to work a bit harder to politely "get away" :rolleyes: but I had a lot of interaction with production, management and everything in between and I just like the feel of LFN. Feminine but frisky...and the frisky always shows.


I think I must be getting worse since using pheromones? I was always horny as it was but now I have this "naughty little secret" and I think it must be subconsciously effecting me...like when I accessorize with fishnet stockings or let that little bit of lace from my bra peek out ever so slightly....I know I'm a distraction but I play like I'm not :666::ange::Emoticons04263:


:rolleyes: lol.. I've got to get this. And your last paragraph.. yesssss

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:rolleyes: lol.. I've got to get this. And your last paragraph.. yesssss

Teheheeee :great:

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I don't really get horny from LFN but I think something happened to me. I think Mara put a horny spell on a bottle I boosted of Amazonia Zee with LFM and medium cops.. because I was like a chimp trying to get out of the cage. I humped my bf's leg sucked him dry and then wanted more.

It has to be this LFM medium cops combo. I felt like I was in my 20s again. I had energy! So I'm wondering - isn't LFM and medium cops the same as LFN?

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