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Aja - Nature's Copulins

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I have spent the past couple of hours trying to determine if I like it and if I think it smells good(Yes, the scent stays put even after hand-washing.). I do know that the scent is addictive in a peculiar sort of way.


LOL! That sounds so much like me when I first experienced Aja!


It was SO unique, but I didn't think I quite liked it, esp first on and solo. I took a plunge and slathered a good bit (because sometimes you need to slather to know for sure :lol: ) and I was thinking - er, I don't know if this is going to work out. And you're RIGHT! It DOESN"T readily wash off either! The warm water just lifts and spreads the aroma! :D But something WONDERFUL happened hours later - WHAAAA???? was THAT smell that smelled SOOOOO good??? Aja??? REALLY? Then the layering began....and then the RAVING and then the full bottle....


Others are drawn to the uniqueness of it too. It really behaves magnetically! But still, to this day, the only time I really wear it solo is after it has outlasted whatever it is I have paired it together with :blush: But I DO truly love it :heart: I hope you discover it's secrets too :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just realized that I never posted an update on my Aja adventure. Too bad I don't have a journal yet. Nevertheless, the clean version...(((sigh))) Anyway, hubby wanted to shampoo my hair. That was VERY nice. After getting out of the shower, I had hubby wait in the pole room. He lit some candles and, meanwhile,I slathered the Aja and Rocket Fuel. I guess I should also mention that hubby bought me some apricot vanilla lotion from B&B not too long ago. I lotioned with that first. I notice that the pheros stick better to it, last longer, and smell even more scrumptious. Anyway, I met hubby in the pole room and, needless to say, the next three hours were incredible!!!! I thought hubby was going to gobble me up-- yes, he was biting! That's all I can say outside of a journal. Anyway, it was a phenomenal night-- one that I will be sure to revisit again. Thanks and a special s/o to Nutrix for the awesome suggestion of Aja and Rocket Fuel!

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Can you do me a favor and see if you have the same phenomenon that I do ? Smell Aja up close to your skin, , with your nose touching, and then smell it again at about a foot distance. I get vinegar up close and then a sweet morphing sort of unexplainable honey scent further away. That just might be what is confusing you. Just a guess. Aja is mysterious, I love it !!

Hey, androstenol! I tried it. I don't get vinegar. I get a sort of a sweet/stinky smell. It's peculiar, but as it dries, it's like a sweet, warm honey smell. It's wonderful! I think I may go fb on the Aja. I'm gonna test drive it one or two more times to be sure, but I think I need a fb of it.

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Nothing quite like the smell of scrumptious! Glad to hear you're getting such stellar results so far ^_~


My new fascination is Aja with other honey and maple scents together...LOVE :heart:

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I have finally tried Aja all by itself. Though I have not spent any prolonged time outdoors while wearing it, I have not been swarmed by horny bees on my way to the car either, so I'm pleased to report my fears were unsupported by reality ;)


Scent-wise, this one's kind of odd for me. Wet, it smells sweet but has a kind of acrid tinge that reminds me of sweat. Once it dries down and my skin chemistry does whatever it will do, it's a warm, almost musky honey scent. It's nice, but nothing I'd buy a full bottle of for the scent alone. I didn't bother covering it, didn't feel like it needed it, but I think it would make a good, low-key sweetness boost for other scents. It is indeed quite tenacious, it hasn't come off until I've washed it off with both of my test drives.


As far as the effects go, Aja doesn't give me the self-effects that cops do, but it does have cops-like effects in the bedroom. Take that as you will, that's about as blunt as I get on this subject!


Ultimately I still prefer unnature's copulins ;) But Aja was a fun change of pace. Not a "need to have" for me but definitely worth playing with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have questions about the full size bottle. How's the dipper stick work? Is it prone to leaking? Can anybody post a pic for me so that I can see it? A little goes a long way for me, so I'm still on my samples, but with the consistent results I get I'm wanting a full size bottle.

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Sorry for the late response. I can't post pictures for some reason. The glass dipper is a beautiful, slightly thicker version of the plastic 'dipper/applicator wand' that you get in the sample vial. I'd say you get maybe 3 times the amount of product onto a swipe with the glass dipper. It's by no means messy. One swipe across my wrists and one across my lower belly is about all I need. I also have this in the alcohol spray but use the oil much more often. Hope that helps !!

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^^^ This^^^

It's a screw top bottle - no leaking - and the wand is securely part of the cap and centered directly down the middle of the bottle. The wand is - I believe - glass, like the bottle. It's very sturdy, not flimsy or bendy like the sample wands at all. :)

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Thanks so much for the replies! Ok, so then I will definitely need a full size bottle soon. Probably going to wait until MR is over to order.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got my full size bottle! I am very pleased. Given how long my sample vials of Aja have lasted, the full size is going to last me a few years at least.

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That's what I though too Beccah! This takes such a little to go a long way and I love how the scent is so "sticky" and lasts and lasts! The sweetness morphs wonderfully too. An excellent investment for sure :)

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Ikr right, NuTrix? I really love the purely sweet quality that I get from Aja. I have some simple syrup made from cane sugar, & I get the same type of sweetness from Aja. It's very bright. I couldn't ever get honey scents to smell like this on me, the majority of honey notes go super dirty on me. Also the reactions from men when they get a whiff of Aja. I was at the grocery store, feeling kind of skanky because I hadn't showered after pushing my car out from in front of a store. No makeup, haven't been sleeping well. I still got a couple double takes & everyone is super nice to me. Crazy scary how effective Aja is for me.

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Any of you AJA users have any suggestions on scent pairings for it.

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I have a trial vial of this in my stash. being a total honey ho, I am going to have to drag this one out and experiment with it. When I first got it some time back, I remember that I much preferred PheroGirl. Now, reading these posts, I am thinking that perhaps the comparison was not fair.

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EVERYTHING. My blood type is AJA.



I'll guess I'd use it where I might layer a Honey LP.

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I couldn't ever get honey scents to smell like this on me, the majority of honey notes go super dirty on me. Also the reactions from men when they get a whiff of Aja.


Sometimes the some of the honeys are dark and dirty for me too. Aja starts out "unusual" on me, not sweet necessarily, but something "other". Then it morphs into this bright honey something and eventually to something still honey like but very sweet... Aja DOES garner unusual attention from others - it's such a unique signature!


Any of you AJA users have any suggestions on scent pairings for it.


Dom Noire, anything with maple, Fascination Potion - I know there are others, but those are the most recent I can recall... :)

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Any of you AJA users have any suggestions on scent pairings for it.

Sugared Grapefruit, LP #1, LP Gold, Celebutante, Cougar potion. Basically anything that you think would stand an extra shot of honey or Pure Sugar.

ETA: I just thought of a super sexy combo, like the long gone Money Honey. Sugared Grapefruit, Sugared Patch, & Aja.

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LOL... maybe I should try this again

That's what I'm thinking. But I'm going in carefully. I've been going through various scents and I want to try out a few combos. I like Beccah's suggestions. It sounds like it works well with Grapefruit scents.


Florals seem like a good match too. Bethrothal & Molls Blue Magnolia sound good. I also thought of Halos Cocoa Lilly.


I'm not sure about foody scents, fruit yes, but foody foodies, we will see.

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That's interesting, Anon. EoW is in fact a collection of vinegars, so your observation actually reinforces my opinion that this is a similar substance, found in nature.


Cracking up at everyone's stories and observations. :lol: Thanks for the reports!


I think there's enough up here now, I will share a couple of my own experiences in my next post.


I wore this out, alone, to go to a sushi bar by myself for lunch. The waiter was a young Asian American fellow, late 20's, handsome, very hip and stylish with hair and dress...very capable and in control of himself by his appearance. Me = twice his age, overweight, definitely not dressed to impress. Yet this guy, he could not keep his eyes off me and acted like he'd been whacked in the head and forgot his name and where he was. :lol: I ordered my lunch - a sushi roll, miso soup and iced tea - and the waiter says, "I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to charge you for this. Is that ok?" I looked up at him and just blinked. I didn't say anything, but of course I'm thinking, 'here I am sitting down at a restaurant, giving a waiter my order, and he's asking me if it is ok that I pay for my lunch? He's sorry that he can't serve me for free? Do people normally go to restaurants and expect to be fed for free?' So there's this beat where we are just looking at each other in silence, and then he says, "OMG, I JUST REALIZED HOW STUPID THAT SOUNDED! I'm gonna go get your tea." And he ran off. He seriously acted like he did not know what hit him and couldn't figure out WTH was happening to his carefully cultivated composure.


It had a similar effect on another young man....I wore Aja layered with Vicars and Tarts for my plane trip home. I was at the counter checking in my luggage, and the counter guy, he looks to be in his late 20's or early 30's, very tall and slim, and with a heavy Southern accent I couldn't quite identify. Clearly, this guy had a very good and sensitive nose. Now, I had just been rushing into the airport with two heavy bags and my body heat was up, so there must have been quite the cloud of scent around me at that moment. Counter Guy starts off by saying how WONDERFUL I smell, several times, and how much of a welcome change this is from the normal perfumes most women "choke" him with when they get to his counter. A guy filling out paperwork about 6 feet away down the counter picks his head up and says, "You DO smell amazing". And I say, "Oh no! You can smell me all the way over there?! I must be wearing wayyy too much!" Counter Guy says, "No, no! It's wonderful!" and the other guy nods and gives me a thumbs up. Counter Guy starts moving his hands to cup the aroma in the air and fan it towards his nose. He's taking deep breaths and saying, "What notes am I detecting? Why do I love this so much? Why does this seem familiar" And I say, "pecan pie" because that's essentially what Vicars and Tarts is, and he's Southern, so I figure that's the scent memory for him....and I'm getting nervous, this guy with the amazing nose, that he's going to identify that smell of SEX underneath if I let him think about it too long. LOL. He's saying, "Pecan pie, mmmm, pecan pie...where did you get it?" "I made it, I'm a perfumer," and I dig out a card and hand it to him. He looks at it and he says, "AH! YOU'RE WEARING A LOVE POTION!" I laugh, and say that's the name of the company, but not the name of the perfume I am wearing.


Now, as we are talking, he's still trying to do his job. He has to put a TRANSFER tag on my luggage because I have a change of planes. As he was attaching the FOURTH tag to my bag, I said, "Uhhhh, I think that's enough tags." He looks down startled, and exclaims "OH!" He had completely zoned out, and was now frozen, trying to figure out what to do next. I said, "Can I have my driver's license back?" He says, "Oh, yeah! I'm sorry!" and hands me back my business card. I say, "You don't want it? We make scents for men too." He shakes his head vigorously as if to clear it, and says, "No! I didn't mean to do that! I want the card!" And he takes the card back and gives me my driver's license. Then he says, "Well, you have a great flight now! It was a pleasure meeting you!" And I say, very slowly, "Can I have my boarding pass?" He's saying, "oh my god, oh my god" looking right and left, then grabs up my boarding pass and hands it to me. I thank him and walk away from the counter....I was laughing all the way to the gate. Hilarious.


I had several reactions from women, all amazingly nice. Complete strangers stopping to compliment me. One lady I met in a restaurant lavatory, in her 60's, and she was saying how much she loved my blouse. She even pointed me out to her dining companion later and waved to me. Other ladies complimented me on either my clothes (trust me, nothing special) or my hair. And only one gal actually got it, that it was my scent that attracted her....but it took her a while to get there...it was like mental arithmetic. It was really funny. This was a girl who looked around 19 years old, and as she walked past me in the mall she turns and calls back to me, "I LOVE your hair! I love the color, what a great color! And your shirt! Oh! And how you smell! THAT'S IT! YOU SMELL AMAZING!" I said thank you and laughed. But I think how she reacted is kind of indicative of how this works on people. They find you "attractive" but they are not really sure why. Her brain worked it's way past my appearance in just a few seconds and she finally figured out that it was my scent that attracted her.

Mara, do you remember the dosages here? Or a recommendation dose?

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That's what I'm thinking. But I'm going in carefully. I've been going through various scents and I want to try out a few combos. I like Beccah's suggestions. It sounds like it works well with Grapefruit scents.

Florals seem like a good match too. Bethrothal & Molls Blue Magnolia sound good. I also thought of Halos Cocoa Lilly.

I'm not sure about foody scents, fruit yes, but foody foodies, we will see.

I am definitely getting sugared grapefruit in my next order now...I think Beccahs suggestion sounds awesome for summer. but really my fave Aja combos are Hungry Heart, Velver Kisses, LP Autumn '09, ...and I feel fine. All sort of wintery foodies! So I do need more summer combos.

Oh and La Sylphide.

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Ohh I love Velvet Kisses, that's going on the list.


Thanks Mara. I may have overdone it in the past :D

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  • 2 months later...

I just ordered my second FB of Aja. From the very first time I wore it the fragrance on me was a sweet, beautiful honey and strong enough to be worn alone. It never got smutty on me. A month or so ago it took on a faint plastic smell, very faint, almost no scent at all so I thought perhaps it simply got old. My current bottle is back to its sweet self again, I can't pinpoint what could have been going on with my body chemistry when I last tried it but I'm happy we are getting along again and ordered more.


Reactions to Aja have always been pleasant, I like the way I feel while wearing it, feminine and pretty, and I have a hard time not sniffing myself to the point of public embarrassment.


I've gotten lots of compliments, women I've just met come in for second and third hugs not wanting to let go of me and remarking on how good I smell.


I went to my local grocery recently, I shop there quite often, and had a fun hit with a middle aged man who works in the produce section.

While getting one of those produce bags for some lettuce the twisted ties lept to the floor by my feet, this man came from thin air to retrieve them and fix the dispenser. After he finished he stayed next to me, quite close, while I selected my lettuce and complemented my outfit. I said thank you and he continued to stay next to me then asking if I made my clothes. I explained that a friend had designed and made them,his response was " I was thinking that they didn't look like something you could buy in a store."


I admit that I sometimes stand out in a rural area, but this was far from the most " creative" clothing I have worn in this store, it was actually a pretty simple skirt and tank and this gentalman has never approached me before though I probably see him 2-3 times a week. It was cute and sweet. My normal experience with men and compliments on clothing is the typical " you look nice". I wear mostly handmade clothing ( simple modern yoga fairy- full on circus/ sideshow ) from small designers and have never had a guy notice or comment on my non-commercial wardrobe.

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  • 1 month later...

My mom stopped by last night and I gave her a package of goodies from my latest LP order. As we talked about what the different products were she mentioned a weird reaction to something I gave her the last time she visited. She could only remember that it started with A.


Turns out my mom has similar reactions to Aja, she was at a business meeting and a woman there announced that everyone needed to give my mom a group hug. It was a large group of ladies my mom doesn't really know and she wasn't in any state of distress that would Indictate she needed a hug. Just out of nowhere.

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I need to know what this means "simple modern yoga fairy- full on circus/ sideshow" because I want some!!!

Sorry if this is improper, the following are some of my favorite sources:

Harmonic threads

The om colection

Maddie moon

Melodia designs

Dervish clothing


Hope that helps.

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So far I've used Aja on skin and sometimes in my hair, does anyone know if aja requires skin diffusion or if it is ok to use in a spray on clothing? I think my blood type is Aja too. I would like to add It to some alcohol based sprays with scents. Appreciate any feedback on using it this way.

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  • 1 month later...

I remember when i first put this on~

(Throw back thursday reminder: It was vinegar lol)


Now i just swiped this on and its just waxy. Not any specific wax, like im holding a hefty, freshly made white candle and i got a good whiff of it.


This unusual and i had to sniff my vial for a second and it has a definite vinegar tinged with something..its the scent i remember it having.


I guess when ovulating it isnt a good time to try this? *shrug* im not sure what to think of this, i certainly wasnt expecting wax :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I love Aja, it really works w/ my chemistry & I get consistent results from Aja. I'm contemplating adding some to body lotion. I think w/ the lasting power I could probably convince a future boyfriend that my skin just naturally smells like honey :lol:

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Wore a tiny amount to work yesterday, it seemed to chill my coworkers out ! It's also reacting with my skin chemistry better now that I've detoxed and am alkaline on the inside and the correct acidic amount on my skin. No more problems with a 'vinegar' background effect.

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Androstenol, I have had the same issues with my PH going way too acidic. I revisited various scents once I had gotten it more balanced and was blown away by the degree of the change in how they played on my skin. Mostly, it was a positive change, but I have actually had the reverse happen and in a few cases, old favorite scents ended up either amping, misbehaving or just plain smelling bad on me, much to my dismay. I do like Aja now though and for now, at least, so does my PH.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My sample vial of Aja just arrived today. The scent is interesting - I definitely get that dirty, floral honey scent. Nothing too offputting, but I think it would do better layered with another scent. Clary sage EO seemed to work fine.


No definite self-effects yet. Maybe a subtle sense of alerrtness? My hope is that Aja can achieve the social proof of copulins without any sense of jealousy or suspicion. If it can achieve this, it may do fantastically in some of the blends I'm developing. I suspect it wouldn't be problematic at all used in a substantial animalic base.

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Aja has a very distinct, unique, nose catching scent. When I first started fiddling around with it, it was with other fragrances. It was that "something" that drew me in, made me keep sniffing - my brain trying to associate it with something else that I could compare or assimilate to. I think that's part of it's allure - it's familiar, but not...it's honey-like, but not - dirty, but not - sweet, but something else...It mesmerizes me! :lol: I think that HAS to be part of the attraction it creates on others as well :)

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