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Private Editions for MARCH 2014

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Exactly - I can see me going mental over an entire LINE of sugared fragrances with how much I've loved the ones I've tried so far...Sugared HC, F&M, Amber....Pure Sugar!!!!!! :w00t:


DD has black musk?! I need to revisit that one - I think your BCM is going to be FANTASTIC. I LOVE my hubby in that leather scent that's in Voracious...I'm a sucker for coffee ANYTHING and woodsmoke? Droooool...How they will all come together? I can't wait to find out!


I'm getting all my Sanctuary bottles virgin but I'm planning to spike 2 of them - one with LFM and one with PM. I'm wondering if any of the OCCOs will compliment the scent or not. If not I will probably add cops to them both as well :) I think I'll be wearing it often with OW & Sexology too depending on who I'm planning on spending time with ^_~

Interesting! I am getting in a terrible throw-caution-to-the-winds habit of boosting bottles, but sometimes I just like to commit! I've been thinking of doing another Perfect Match scent, and since you mentioned bonding in the intent, I was tossing that idea around for your PE. The more I read the notes for Sanctuary the more excited I get -- I am in a situation (not romantic, but very important) where I need to be working on building trust and safety with someone, and I think Sanctuary, plus Perfect Match, might be ideal!


I was thinking BCM might appeal to you because I know you love Kat Suit, which I referenced for Mara when deluging her with details about what I wanted... DD and Kat Suit are my two favorite "dark" LPs. Kat Suit to me is very serious, all business dark and powerful, so I wanted this to be more playful. And DD is playful to me, but very upscale elegant -- somehow it always makes me feel like I'm hanging out in the penthouse suite, and I wanted this to be a little more rough and tumble adventurous. We shall see!


Now that Misty Melon has been unveiled (and it sounds amazing!) I'm dying to know what's in Bonne Belle and Calrissian!

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Mara, when you get a breather and happen to see this, what notes did Calrissian and Bonne Bell end up with? I LOVE my babies on the labels! THANK YOU.


Calrissian's came out quite awesome! I think I made something that he might even like on his duck's butt! LOL! Seriously though, it's growwlll animalic sexy, and something either sex can wear. I went with a base of raw teakwood which gives it a wild outdoorsy woody feel, and layered that with tonka bean, animalic musk, a drop of leather, and a note that greatly resembles ambergris....so, it might make him bark! There's a lot of animal magnetism in there!


Great pix of your kids! I love how you dress them up, sooo cute!


For Bonne Belle - her looks and your description of her as such a little lady reminded me of my own little soulmate, I made her something really special. I loved your idea of the fresh bamboo base, and as you asked for a "delicate" rose, I chose fresh cut rose stems only...it's consistent with the bamboo greenery and has just the softest nicest part of the rose smell. I chose my favorite fuzzy warm Indian Sandalwood and favorite velvety white amber, and there's just a couple of drops of Bergamot EO on top. To me it smells like raindrops, with a touch of velvety-ness beneath. (It smells like my Lunacat does after she gives herself a bath - I always say, "My baby smells like raindrops!")

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Interesting! I am getting in a terrible throw-caution-to-the-winds habit of boosting bottles, but sometimes I just like to commit! I've been thinking of doing another Perfect Match scent, and since you mentioned bonding in the intent, I was tossing that idea around for your PE. The more I read the notes for Sanctuary the more excited I get -- I am in a situation (not romantic, but very important) where I need to be working on building trust and safety with someone, and I think Sanctuary, plus Perfect Match, might be ideal!


I was thinking BCM might appeal to you because I know you love Kat Suit, which I referenced for Mara when deluging her with details about what I wanted... DD and Kat Suit are my two favorite "dark" LPs. Kat Suit to me is very serious, all business dark and powerful, so I wanted this to be more playful. And DD is playful to me, but very upscale elegant -- somehow it always makes me feel like I'm hanging out in the penthouse suite, and I wanted this to be a little more rough and tumble adventurous. We shall see!


PM & Sanctuary was a no brainer for me, lol, if you wind up doing the same then it just proves great minds think alike! :)


Kat Suit is EXACTLY what I thought of too! That leather note drives me absolutely WILD! D'oh! There goes that uncontrollable foot stomping again....:Emoticons04235:


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Forgive me for butting in, Mara, but it looks like maybe Storemy got missed upthread for the list?


And now I must go drool over the notes for the NRs! My mind is EXPLODING from all the abundant riches you have for us... how on earth do you do it all?!


I just saw this BC and I just wanted to say thank you for seeing that and thinking of me. I truly appreciate that you mentioned it to Mara. :angelhug:



Ooops, thanks so much for catching that! :)


Hopefully there will be enough for all, I try to underlist by a bottle or two.


Mara, as much as I would LOVE to try this (did I say LOVE?), it looks like Skydancer is new here and I've been very fortunate to try so many of everyone's PEs. If she'd like it, please go ahead and let her. But if you squeak out another bottle, please let me know because I really would LOVE to try this. :)

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Calrissian's came out quite awesome! I think I made something that he might even like on his duck's butt! LOL! Seriously though, it's growwlll animalic sexy, and something either sex can wear. I went with a base of raw teakwood which gives it a wild outdoorsy woody feel, and layered that with tonka bean, animalic musk, a drop of leather, and a note that greatly resembles ambergris....so, it might make him bark! There's a lot of animal magnetism in there!


Great pix of your kids! I love how you dress them up, sooo cute!


For Bonne Belle - her looks and your description of her as such a little lady reminded me of my own little soulmate, I made her something really special. I loved your idea of the fresh bamboo base, and as you asked for a "delicate" rose, I chose fresh cut rose stems only...it's consistent with the bamboo greenery and has just the softest nicest part of the rose smell. I chose my favorite fuzzy warm Indian Sandalwood and favorite velvety white amber, and there's just a couple of drops of Bergamot EO on top. To me it smells like raindrops, with a touch of velvety-ness beneath. (It smells like my Lunacat does after she gives herself a bath - I always say, "My baby smells like raindrops!")


:hearts0425: ZOUNDS!!! Mara, may I have one each of Jan's Calrissian and Jan's Bonne Belle, please?!! And thank you! :hearts0425:

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Mara - if you see this and it isn't too late - I just placed an order (for the sampler and BCM and H&S) and if you haven't shipped my Feb order and PEs (and I believe Cherry Divinity is being held with that order too - ohmygosh I'm an addict! I'm ok with that though - really!) you can ship them all together if that saves you shipping? So excited regardless!!!!

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Nutrix, that box should be shipping tomorrow. So sorry you've waited so long for it!


OH MY Mara! Completely worth waiting for! To the moon and back! I know with LP, good things DO come to those who wait! Perfection takes time! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! So excited to enjoy your creations! :heart: :heart: :heart:


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I don't care that the dirty honey will make me smell like an abandoned snatch on Sunset.. I MUSTTTTTTT OWNNNN THIS. OMG LOOOOOVE THE STORY! You captured how I feel when I stared into LA AQUAMARINA DEL TIFFANY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :stars188::love592::witch1095::kiss43::heart0974:

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Pssst...Luna...I think you want a bottle of Jan's Calrissian.

Status: arm twisted. :P


V: you know I had you in mind all the time! ;)

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Status: arm twisted. :P


V: you know I had you in mind all the time! ;)

LOOL Luna I DIIIIIIEDDDDDD like literally died during the story. I think it screamed so loud someone called 911. I have to know what happened???

Did she take it home?? Are we going to get part two??

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Well yeah, it was hers all along...The Dealer is crazy like a fox!


Maybe I'll write a little collection of gem stories, now that I have ones for ruby and black diamond.

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I want to add that I swear this is a true story but I had a similar conversation with Mr. Scott at Tiffany's about Paraiba Tourmalines ( thanks Tyvey I have become obsessed )

They are very rare and only found in Brazil, and have a Windex sort of color to them. We started talking about mines and I asked him about the mine in Arkansas that was bought out by DeBeers.. of course he pretended not to know but I saw his lip twitch into a smile.. then he referred to me a mine here in California where you can mine touramline!!!


How cool is that???! So of course I DIED A THOUSAND DEATHS reading this because I LOVE DIAMONDS

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Well yeah, it was hers all along...The Dealer is crazy like a fox!


Maybe I'll write a little collection of gem stories, now that I have ones for ruby and black diamond.


Omg I haven't even read the rest I stopped and went crazy over La Diamante Oscuridad!

I had to compose myself! Please do gem stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just saw this BC and I just wanted to say thank you for seeing that and thinking of me. I truly appreciate that you mentioned it to Mara. :angelhug:



Mara, as much as I would LOVE to try this (did I say LOVE?), it looks like Skydancer is new here and I've been very fortunate to try so many of everyone's PEs. If she'd like it, please go ahead and let her. But if you squeak out another bottle, please let me know because I really would LOVE to try this. :)

Awwww, Storemy, you know you're my girl! Mara, if there are definitely only 6 bottles, can I release my hold on my extra for Storemy? I'm dying to hear what she thinks of it -- and I'm so thrilled others want to try it as much as I do!


And could I get a Calrissian, if there are any left?

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Yes, Blackcat, thank you!


I will also be happy to just take partial bottles of the ones I want myself, and leave full bottles for everyone else if there is not enough. I won't put myself a priority before anyone else.

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I am updating that first post today as bottles are decanted so we have the real numbers...keep an eye. I just updated Lady Suzy's to 2 more avail bottles. Will check back in later to update more.


ETA: Squeezed one more bottle of Molly's blend out! There are now 2 available. Great blend too, highly recommended!!! :D

Molly: including your additionally reserved bottle in with this box, if that's ok.

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Rebecca's Lab Coat

3 available bottles

A unisex base scent with enough staying power to last under latex gloves, hand washing, and disinfectant.. White Musk, Light Patchouli, Light Amber, Cedar - woody.


This one came out very much as described. The cedar lends it a little bit of that antiseptically clean feel, but very pleasant and bold, absolutely unisex.

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Ended up with 7 bottles of Black Cat Mojo, so got everyone on the list, but no more!


Blackcat - you asked for cops on your other two oil bottles. Did you want the additional one Virgin?




ETA: Updated avail bottles of Siamese Cloud too. :)

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Please reserve a full bottle of each:


Black Cat;

Siamese Cloud

Bonne Belle

should these be available,

thank you <3

Mara, please mark me for one Sanctuary ~ and if there is enough I would like to very much have one Bonne Belle

as Raindrops are one of my favorite things in the world and upon my list for a PE from you ~ a purrfect choice for Spring!



I just saw this BC and I just wanted to say thank you for seeing that and thinking of me. I truly appreciate that you mentioned it to Mara. :angelhug:



Mara, as much as I would LOVE to try this (did I say LOVE?), it looks like Skydancer is new here and I've been very fortunate to try so many of everyone's PEs. If she'd like it, please go ahead and let her. But if you squeak out another bottle, please let me know because I really would LOVE to try this. :)


I am happy to see this, you are so very kind ~ and very happy to see you have a bottle of your own now, too. You have been Karma Kissed!


Thank you for your very thoughtful welcome ~ it is good to be here among so many beautiful people... I have been quietly learning from you all xx

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Awwww, Storemy, you know you're my girl! Mara, if there are definitely only 6 bottles, can I release my hold on my extra for Storemy? I'm dying to hear what she thinks of it -- and I'm so thrilled others want to try it as much as I do!


And could I get a Calrissian, if there are any left?


BC, back at you!! You are one pretty awesome lady!! I'm so excited to try it. It sounds pretty darn amazing so once you've posted your glowing reviews, I'll definitely be coming over to tell you my adventures!! :D



Please reserve a full bottle of each:


Black Cat;

Siamese Cloud

Bonne Belle

should these be available,

thank you <3

Mara, please mark me for one Sanctuary ~ and if there is enough I would like to very much have one Bonne Belle

as Raindrops are one of my favorite things in the world and upon my list for a PE from you ~ a purrfect choice for Spring!



I am happy to see this, you are so very kind ~ and very happy to see you have a bottle of your own now, too. You have been Karma Kissed!


Thank you for your very thoughtful welcome ~ it is good to be here among so many beautiful people... I have been quietly learning from you all xx



Skydancer, welcome to the forum!!! It's a wonderful group of people here and you are going to enjoy the most amazing scents. Karma kissed - in a good way, is definitely something I could use right now so thank you for your kind words. Enjoy Black Cat Mojo! I think it's going to be amaaaaaazing. :D

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Ended up with 7 bottles of Black Cat Mojo, so got everyone on the list, but no more!


Blackcat - you asked for cops on your other two oil bottles. Did you want the additional one Virgin?




ETA: Updated avail bottles of Siamese Cloud too. :)


Oh my stars! BLACK CAT MOJO FOR ALL!! Mara, you are amazing!


I think I'll do this oil bottle virgin -- thanks for checking!


And I may be back to reserve more Siamese Cloud next paycheck! Speaking of which, I'll put in payment for these some time today.


Please reserve a full bottle of each:


Black Cat;

Siamese Cloud

Bonne Belle

should these be available,

thank you <3

Mara, please mark me for one Sanctuary ~ and if there is enough I would like to very much have one Bonne Belle

as Raindrops are one of my favorite things in the world and upon my list for a PE from you ~ a purrfect choice for Spring!



I am happy to see this, you are so very kind ~ and very happy to see you have a bottle of your own now, too. You have been Karma Kissed!


Thank you for your very thoughtful welcome ~ it is good to be here among so many beautiful people... I have been quietly learning from you all xx


Welcome to the forum, Skydancer -- I hope you like this as much as I think we all will!



BC, back at you!! You are one pretty awesome lady!! I'm so excited to try it. It sounds pretty darn amazing so once you've posted your glowing reviews, I'll definitely be coming over to tell you my adventures!! :D



Skydancer, welcome to the forum!!! It's a wonderful group of people here and you are going to enjoy the most amazing scents. Karma kissed - in a good way, is definitely something I could use right now so thank you for your kind words. Enjoy Black Cat Mojo! I think it's going to be amaaaaaazing. :D

Well, I know you are a Kat Suit lady too, my friend, so I hope this will be right up your alley! (no feline pun intended there, I swear!)

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Please reserve a full bottle of each:


Black Cat;

Siamese Cloud

Bonne Belle

should these be available,

thank you <3

Mara, please mark me for one Sanctuary ~ and if there is enough I would like to very much have one Bonne Belle

as Raindrops are one of my favorite things in the world and upon my list for a PE from you ~ a purrfect choice for Spring!



I am happy to see this, you are so very kind ~ and very happy to see you have a bottle of your own now, too. You have been Karma Kissed!


Thank you for your very thoughtful welcome ~ it is good to be here among so many beautiful people... I have been quietly learning from you all xx



Welcome to the forum!

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Thank you StoremyWhether, Blackcat, and Quietguy for your warm welcome. I am glad to be here.


Looking forward to experiencing these lovely creations. A large thank you goes out to the creators of these PE's, and Mara for making this possible.


Am ridiculously happy ~ and these scented intentional babies are not even here yet! Wow!

... *she looks around, 'ah, there it is', as she buckles up into her 5-point harness... "click!"...


there now, am secured and ready to roll... *or, should I be looking for my parachute...* looking vaguely at the altimeter... 'how high are we?...' ....*as the horizon slopes quickly out of sight... she gazes at nothing but the Big Blue Sky reaching out forever...*


"am as ready as I will ever be, to embark upon this Whimsical, Magickally Intentional, Journey!", I say aloud,


suddenly, my wings unfurl and with a flutter knock the vase over beside me...


giggling wildly all bright and shiney-like


spontaneously one thought arises, like a Mission Statement ... what? no, really???


"I am here to Embrace the Great Mystery and Remember to DANCE, SING, and FLY thru Life once again"


little did she know when placing her order, Love Potions would have such deep significance upon the inner workings

of her being.... 'I have Wings!'




Yes... I am a whimsical silly person, so glad to meet you all!



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Dear Mara: Could you please mark me down for a bottle of Clarissian (not sure I spelled it right). Sounds wonderful. I sooo love Tonka Bean, plus my Stella (a Belgian Malinois) looks like the doggie on the label, lol. She'll want to wear some too, no doubt. Thanks!

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Welcome Skydancer! You've found a great source of inspiration here - no doubt about it! Spread those wings and soar! :heart:

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