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Everything posted by vladmyra

  1. I just have to say that when I wear this it feels like this LP was made especially for me. I need a lifetime supply of this, and will cry like a baby when it's sold out.
  2. It doesn't seem at all masculine on me either Donsie (mind you it also doesn't smell like pineapple, lol). At first it's an interesting, cool-toned pale lavender coloured scent (if you can picture that), and later it warms into a more noticeably sweet vanilla-heavy creamy scent- it actually seems to wake up and enliven on drydown on my skin. I absolutely adore it.
  3. Great review Anastasia- it's really interesting to read a Treasured Hearts review that's focused on a sexual rather than social situation. I've never really thought of this one in that capacity before.
  4. Wow Blackcat! Forget about husbands- you can have kittyspoonings! Love it. I'm totally going to try this out with my black kitty now.
  5. Hi & welcome Anastasia! I'm pretty new myself so the only thing I'll add to all the excellent advice the wiser ladies have given is that I've found as a newbie that it's easier to get hits with pheros when I'm using the ones that are sold in perfumes. I think this is both because they are at a good strength to get hits without ODing, and because Mara does magickal things with scent and puts each phero in a perfume blend that is so beautifully congruent with its intent that it adds an extra effect. When I first discovered LP I grabbed a heap of the UN pheros in spray version (socials/sexy socials). Sometimes I didn't notice much reaction at all, other times I noticed an odd reaction (eg. don't overdose on La Femme Mystere- people may be scared of you). I very rarely managed to get it right with them. I am only just now really learning how to effectively combine these unscented pheros with perfume in a way that seems consistently effective. On the other hand, as soon as I tried some scented pheros like Sneaky Clean, Velvet Kisses and the lovely new Fairy Musk I noticed good effects from them. So maybe start with those, and then when you're more familiar with how it all works try experimenting more on your own as well. And have fun!
  6. Just dropped in for a mini-stalk... :kyrii_faerie_action:
  7. I've been experimenting with TH lately, and recently wore it to work with EST, plus a spritz or two of DHEAS in my hair. It was brilliant. In fact, this might just be my new favourite for work situations.
  8. Halo, when you say your sprays are 60/40 are these just the UN pheros, or the perfumes/pheromas too? I'm curious because I know you can order the UN pheros that way, and have always chosen this ratio myself. But I've not seen the same choice available for the scented ones.
  9. Even though I'm in the middle of summer here, this is such an interesting thread to learn about everyone's application techniques. I've personally started buying quite a lot of pheros and perfumes in spray version, because I use a lot of social pheros, and have found that scent clings really well to clothes. Even though the alcohol sprays are supposed to burn off quicker than the oils (and should do more quickly again here in the hot weather), I've found a lot of scents in spray will last all day- Sneaky Clean has amazing lasting power on clothes! I also will always smear a little oil through my hair, as was mentioned above it's great for added diffusion. Plus I feel more secure having a larger bottle of scents I love- I find they last a good long time.
  10. Many thanks for the beautiful bounty of gorgeous goodies and generosity! After experiencing some "new LP withdrawal" symptoms I was in awe when I opened it up, and just spent ages appreciating the beauty of the packaging and lovingly stroking my new bottles like beloved pets.
  11. I totally agree Blackcat that this is unlike the other LPs I've tried before. Just slathered my new bottle yesterday for the first time. It is a very lovely, calming, pale lavender coloured soft unisex scent when it goes on, but on me it becomes sweeter and more feminine as time goes on and the vanilla comes out. It's quietly intriguing- the sort of scent that automatically makes me want to move in towards it (hard to do when you're the one wearing it). I noticed this effect on other people I was working with yesterday too. It did not make me spill any secrets or overshare at all (but I am naturally secretive). It did seem to make others want to talk to me about anything and everything.
  12. Platypuss, you have given me Aja hope! I've tried this 3 or 4 times from a full bottle, but am going to just rub on the smallest amount from a trial vial stick like you and see what difference it makes. It's been a while since I used this, so maybe it has changed a bit too.
  13. Welcome to your new addiction Absinthe!
  14. I tried this one yesterday for the first time. I have both the oil and spray versions, and used a little of both to get a good idea of the scent. For a brief moment it seemed a little sharp, but then quickly softened down so much I thought it had basically disappeared. A couple of hours later I was going about my day and I kept noticing this wonderful scent wafting at me- the Fairy Musk was alive! It was like it took this perfume some time to properly unfold and awaken, but when it did, my god was it lovely. It really is both pink and green, with a sort of light and airy, gauzy sweetness to it. It's a much more ethereal pinkness than I've ever come across before- soft and whispery, but very enchanting and totally fairy-like. This scent is so congruent with Treasured Hearts that I think I'll fall madly in love with the phero too. Note: I haven't really let my perfumes rest yet after their long journey across the globe, so maybe it will also get stronger with time.
  15. Just got my NR package and had to try this one first. It is strawberry gorgeousness! At first it smells like bright pink/red juicy sweet strawberry (fresh and candyish at the same time), then it gradually settles into creamy cakey light pink strawberry. I love it, and am so glad I ordered it as a spray- all my other pink scents are oils and I knew I would want to spray the pink delishness of this freely all over. Although this is not a childish scent at all it does make me want to twirl and dance like a happy little girl.
  16. It is indeed a gorgeous scent. I only ever wear it in combination with other scents though, cause on me it becomes so overtly seductive it makes me feel like a succubus! A couple of times I wore a little on my wrists, and it was like a living entity feeding off my life force and twining itself up my wrists like armlets made of sweetly scented baby serpents. That was kinda scary, in a nice but naughty sort of way. ETA: I forgot to mention that conservative religious people give me the eye when I wear this (and I never wear more than a hint). They look at me like I'm Eve, and I've just bitten the juicy apple and am about to offer them some too- and they know they won't quite be able to refuse, lol.
  17. Wishing you many good lucks Honeycake! Do you have any Whisker Wishes? If so, maybe you should slather away in anticipation.
  18. Thanks StacyK & NuTrix! I shall spray freely! I'm excited to try this one, as Lumina hasn't been available since I joined.
  19. If you had a perfume you thought would be perfect for it you could create a scented version from some of your UN. That way you could end up with another perfume blend with around the same amount of Lace as G&L. I believe the scented pheros have about a third the strength of the UNs (please someone correct me if wrong here?). I've thought about doing this myself- adding about 2/3 perfume to 1/3 Lace. OMG! I just realised I have a spray of LP Original with about 1/3 gone- I could totally top it up with UN Lace if this ration is about right. Excitement!
  20. Thanks again Platypuss! Well that sounds much better than the ideas my imagination had come up with for this phero. I have enjoyed the B-nol I've used in blends so far. And sexology (in X Appeal) was a real winner for me the day I wore it around people. I think this blend is around 80% B-nol, 20% A-nol, while TC is 60% B-nol, 40% A-nol. So if that one isn't too much for me I'll definitely give this a try too, particularly as I adore the scent.
  21. I notice the description of Lumina says it has "just a drop of copulins" in it. I'm considering converting a bottle of this perfume into a spray, as it sounds like a great social phero. Do you think it would be safe to spray on clothes/hair, or would it smell coppy? I have used scented Gotcha this way before with no bad scent effects.
  22. I'm thinking of converting my unopened bottle of this into a spray after reading people's allergic reactions to it. That way I could spray freely all over my clothes to get the effects and deliciousness, without skin contact. I'm just waiting for the hot summer weather to pass before I start wearing it.
  23. Thanks Platypuss- I went for TC in the Seer too, but have yet to receive it (if those postage gods don't bring me an offering soon I shall have to appease them with a sacrifice!). You could be right that it might be the strong a-nol content. It does make me feel a bit flibberty gibberty in high doses. I wonder if the T.M.I. phero also makes people tend to move physically more into your space while wanting to converse with you? I have an image of this phero making people want to crowd in on me, which is very intimidating for me. Also, I'm afraid someone will come out with a terrible truth that will scar me forever. You know, something like, "Your face looks like a horse's arse!" or "I really hate you, and I don't know why..." Lol! I don't actually have a horsey-arsed face (I hope), but you know that feeling of vulnerability about what others might think of you, and not quite being sure you want to know.
  24. Just realised I've not reviewed this. It's a different kind of fruity perfume than the others I've tried before. It's warm and deep, like baked fruit and brown sugar. It does start out more baked fruity, and ends up more dark sugary. It's like some kind of nommy warm winter dessert. I've just told this story in a post in the UN Swimming with Sharks thread, but it's occurred to me how bound up my experience is with this particular magickal potion, as well as the phero: Dropped my car off to have new tires and wheel alignment done. Made it clear time wasn't an issue for me in terms of when to pick it up. Went shopping (respectful, attentive service from all). Four hours later it was ready to be picked up. They couldn't stop apologising for the time it took them, though it didn't worry me at all. They gave me the alignment and all labour for free- I only paid for the tires. My phero-charged money potion just saved me a nice amount of money! I felt like I'd been treated as an important, special kind of person by all on that day. Definitely recommend this for shopping and dealing with mechanics.
  25. That's terrible Anon! So sorry you got bitched at like that, and can't believe someone in that type of role would feel free to behave that way. I'd say you should have called her on it, or stormed out or something, but I probably wouldn't have been able to do any of that myself, cause I'm extremely sensitive. I would've had a good sob too. I'd love to know what pheros in this might have triggered that- your story makes me a bit wary of trying it at work. I've only worn my PCMP v2 about twice so far, both times I was shopping and doing errands. I had an impressive hit with it the first time. I dropped my car off to have new tires put on, and a wheel alignment done. When they asked when I'd like to pick it up I said it didn't matter, as I'd spend some time in the shopping centre up the road, so whenever was fine for me. About 4 hours later they called to say it was ready. When I got there they were sooo apologetic for being so long with it (despite that I told them it didn't matter at all). They only charged me for the tires- I got the labour and alignment for free. That impressed me, both as a phero hit and a magickal potion hit. I've deliberately not worn this to work or anything in case it might ruffle some feathers, as I have no authority at all in my position.
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