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Everything posted by Nightlife

  1. Maaaaannn, do I feel late to the party. These all look TOO wonderful. I sure am glad I decided to put up some ebay auctions recently! Ms. Hussy, don't bury the Visa in the backyard, it will only rise again. You'll need to go at midnight to the weed-encrusted parking lot of some failed business to bury it. There, and only there, can the negative energies of red-ink net loss overcome the urge to spend. And Luna/PM - Focus Pocus name=teh awsum. How'd that get voted down?
  2. At first, I thought this was going to disappear into my flesh, and I took momentary pleasure in the thought of having naturally coconut-scented skin (take THAT, Frieda, with your "naturally" curly hair! Peanuts, remember? ). So, it did fade for just a little while, but came back gently like the ocean tides. Ms. Whiskers nails it with the desiccated coconut/white sugar mixed in milk impression, but I would say there's more suntan lotion element. Here is Pirate Bumbo, here is Summer of Sin. There's also something decidedly cakey about it. Really, almost like a vanilla sugar used in a good cake recipe. Overall, I suppose Whiskers and I have similar interpretations. I'm very glad I have had this chance to know it, and if I could, I would get at least one bottle for sure.
  3. And I know with my whole entire soul that this will be really good stuff.
  4. Darn right, Mademoiselle. You can trade it to me Edited fer clarity.
  5. I hope so, since they're fishing it out of the dumpsters and all. But then again...!
  6. Isn't it crazy the way it looks in the vial after you shake it up? Reminds me of melted popcorn butter all the way. Nothing buttery here, though, just a fruity, sticky scent (can a scent be sticky? I think so...). I catch apples somewhere in here. Pretty realistic, as others have said, and I do get more candy corn sensation than taffy, but I can sense a taffy-ness to it. It is just perfumey enough to call out as such. And now, for your collective amusement, Lewis Black's candy corn rant: "The worst thing about Halloween is, of course, candy corn. It's unbelievable to me. Candy corn is the only candy in the history of America that's never been advertised. And there's a reason. All of the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911. And so, since nobody eats that stuff, every year there's a ton of it left over. And the candy corn company sends the guys to the villages and they collect out of the dumpsters all the candy corn we've thrown away. They wash it!! They wash it! I'll never forget the first time my mother gave me candy corn. She said, "Here - Lewis, this is candy corn. It's corn that tastes like candy." [squeals] This tastes like crap! And every year since then, Halloween has returned and I, like an Alzheimer's patient, find myself in the room, and the room has a big table in it, and on the table is a bowl of candy corn. And I look at it as if I've never seen it before. "Candy corn," I think. "Corn that tastes like candy. I can't wait." Son of a bitch!!!"
  7. Back to reviews- I always thought this scent wanted to be LP White. I really like LPMP's orchid, but this perfume doesn't do it for me overall. It's simply sweet and a little boring, like a nice chat that goes on a bit too long. Nothing personal, Shelly!
  8. From a lovely freebie in my order! This is a beautiful scent - perfect for walking the beach or the gardens this summer. At first, I thought there was something that was going to turn this perfume on me - what I call the dreaded "gardenia effect." For me, gardenia (usually) goes nasty, really cloying, taking up all my nose space with a high, old-ladyish, greeny noise. But, all my fears faded as the musks took over and the bamboo mellowed things a bit. It is a gently green musk that is fresh yet seductive with light throw. Lasts at least a few hours. I will want a bottle before it goes away. Good going, Christine!
  9. This is a lovely floral, but Lord help me, a little dab'll do ya. This scent is heady and strong. I get hyacinth, orange blossom, lotus and water lily more than anything else. A touch of daffodil. Really glad it's easy on the sweet pea. Perhaps its strength is one reason why it seems to work such magic on people - it knocks them out I have yet to try it out on a larger audience but I'll try to remember to update my review when I do. Even so, I may have to give it up because I seem to have an instantly headachy reaction to it. Hope that effect is temporary.
  10. LOL, Carrie! That first sentence made me snort Couldn't vouch for baby powder like SLG, but so far among us posters, the plastic seems to happen only for Rosebud and me. If you normally have lotsa luck with amber and honey, you may have something good in store. I usually do, but I think the civit just messed everything up for me in conjunct w/the brown sugar. I can do civit pretty well in resiny combos, but not with these sweety notes. And yeah, it does sound like the Stones, doesn't it? Like they wrote a song about their ideal groupie...
  11. Contrary to what I thought would happen, this does not stink. The wine is very soft on my skin and quickly yields to equally soft roses with a tinge of booze. Not really any earth at all - if there's anything extra going on, it's the spices. Really nice, a gently seductive scent. My sinuses don't like it too well, but I do, so I may have to get a bottle before long.
  12. Good 2 Know. I really liked the thought of this, and don't ask me why I feel this way, but it just seems like the right year for me to wear a scent like this. I would suggest adding a bit of EST to the mix.
  13. Wow, Lor, you've got quite the winner here. The strawberry, musk, honey and bamboo all have equally important parts and they harmonize beautifully. A great scent for work and fun. I know I'll be ordering some of this and reaching for it all summer, so you gals just leave a bottle or two alone there for me until I get some more fundage together
  14. Not the best violet I've ever known (and I love violet almost like a spouse) but this is a simple, charming scent. Very light throw with a gentle interplay between the sugary violets and the musk. It's a sweetheart for the spring, and I may get a bottle to see how it may improve over time.
  15. I don't think this smells dangerous or even alluring at all. Rather...cuddly, actually. More like sexy plastic and in addition, for some reason I keep thinking about my grandmother. Not that she has anything to do with plastic, of course. Eh, it's late, what do you want from me?!? I'll try this one more time, but if keeps doing what it's doing, it's up to you gals to finish off the supply, which, from the looks of things, won't be a difficult task. Edited to add that this has next to NOTHING in common with Sexology, not on my skin for sure!
  16. OMFG, I cannot get past the first five minutes of this. It doesn't smell like booze, it doesn't smell like musk, it doesn't even smell like dirt. It smells like pure raunch. I don't ever need to go to THIS place. *clutches throat* Somebody take my sample, please!
  17. Nightlife

    Sugared Roses

    As far as that first bit goes, I can believe it. To turn what you said a little inside-out, I've had the experience where I thought something was perfectly lovely on me, same as always, but my then-boyfriend, who had liked it right along with me, thought it was rank - that day. Next day, he doesn't have the same impression at all and his opinion has returned to what it was. ? As far as the scientific explanation is concerned, based on this and other examples that I have seen, as well as what the latest studies have shown in the human sense of smell, the best I can tell you is that I'd really like some hot chocolate right about now. (That was a bit of lead-you-nowhere Dave Barry humor for ya ) Really, I dunno. Anybody have a more physiological take on it? As far as the cookies go, maybe your friend can recommend a similar recipe, and then I can alchemically tweak away in my kitchen!
  18. That makes you a Pharaoh All kneel before starlightgirl! I got a few of the latest phero samples, 2 bottles of pheros and the last bottle of Dirty Sexy. If not for CC's indecision earlier, I might never have made it I still want Rocket Fuel, Hotter Than Hell, Sorceress, several more pheros and at least a couple of the private editions. IOW, I long to be poor and smell rich.
  19. Nightlife

    Sugared Roses

    I agree with CC about the time of the month scent changes, not just for *that* time, but it could be whatever your body might be going through at the moment. I know that the first time I put this on, it turned into powder, gave me the finger, and left. Today (and this counts as my review), it's settling down on my skin, docile and sweet, turning into an old-fashioned rose. Still a little weak, but much better than before. I put a little CFM over it and they play nicely together, strengthening the other. BTW, Xev, if it's possible, would you mind getting me your friend's recipe? It sounds scrumptious!
  20. Plenty is plenty good. It's a cuddly pumpkin with yummy fig and watermelon coming up close. There is something distinctly bready or yeasty about this one, which reminds me of Blessed Sacrament, although this element doesn't have the same strength by any means. Steady staying power too. Really lovely, worth your time! Edited to add that, trying it again after a while, I think I get a bit more cucumber element at the end now, something "hollow" and slightly vegetative. Not a negative impression, this is a good thing.
  21. I think it's delightfully ironic that I'm reviewing this NOW, in April. Overall, this is a nice citrus, with lime dominating, but at first, I'd swear there was some lemon verbena action going. This flavor blasts the scent off the skin and dies down quickly. Later, there's that sugar that other reviewers mentioned, gently sparkling things up. Light floral, not sure where the musk is. I haven't given it time to totally develop and I don't think I will, as this one makes me a bit headachy. Pain notwithstanding, I don't think it's a great scent, just a "quite nice" will do. Oh wait, there's the muskiness. Shows up last. Makes it better. That's nice.
  22. Yup, yup, yup, it's fabulous. Dunno how I'll pay for anything else this month, but I don't care!
  23. *snickering* Not AT you, Dolly, WITH you! Your header and first post were so funny!
  24. Oh, NICE. Soul Food is where it's at. I'm there, dude. Count me in for Tantric Butterfly and Hotter than Hell as well. Thank you, ladies fair, you take such good care of us
  25. I am doing a review for the original Lover's Reunion, not the 2008 re-release. At first, this reminded me a bit of Lush's Potion Lotion, due to the carnation, I'm sure. Aside from that, I get more daffodils, apricots and apples than anything else. However, when I got to work, my co-worker said (unsolicited), "Red Hots. You know, the cinnamon candy?" This is a positive eval. I told him what I was wearing and he asked if there was cinnamon in this and I said I didn't know for certain, that I'd have to look it up. I would say the lore on carnation is working for me, as he was smiling at and speaking with me, something he hardly ever does.
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