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The scent of vagina...

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PG, you've only written 12 posts and they are all in this thread. I'm not gonna try to figure out your agenda, but my gut is going in the direction of what Hearts,Dolly & Halo say.

If you are really interested in being an LP member, and you want to be taken seriously by the rest of us, then stick around and prove your salt. Write a review or something. Join other conversations, whatever. Time will tell. This isn't a hostile place for genuine people.

But you are coming across as kind of skeevy because this weird ass thread is the only place we've ever seen you, and you DO seem to be beating a dead horse. You've gotten all the pertinent feedback you can use, I think. Even scent notes. So maybe you move on and join a different topic now. Or if your a big creeper, just move on.

Edited by cheeseburger79
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Honey, would you mind taking a real cold shower before we have sex and lay really still ... :fright04238:

Well, I didn't want to exclude any necrophiliacs. *snicker

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Pssst to Lainey...don't forget you can also sell "well worn" ladies' shoes...with the right pics and keywords, you could rake in the munny. ; )


This seems like it would be much less skeevy. It's not, really, but it seems like it, lol. But would I have to wear heels? Because I don't like heels.


*begins to question how much of an online shopping habit I have to be even talking about this*


ETA: I don't know why I have Memorare's quote box twice. *sigh* I'm gonna blame it on the fact that my mouse keeps freezing unless I hit enter.

Edited by Lainey
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I looked Lainey. It seems as if it can be flip flops, heels, sandals, sneakers, and oh yeah.. really well worn dirty socks. :gagging: Looks like the way that they get away with this is to put in the ebay listing that "they will be washed or cleaned prior to shipping as per ebay policy." (but they don't and the buyers don't WANT them to!) More nausea... :question-mark:

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I looked Lainey. It seems as if it can be flip flops, heels, sandals, sneakers, and oh yeah.. really well worn dirty socks. :gagging: Looks like the way that they get away with this is to put in the ebay listing that "they will be washed or cleaned prior to shipping as per ebay policy." (but they don't and the buyers don't WANT them to!) More nausea... :question-mark:


I have found my new career as a shoe-wearer!!! :money-2:

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We may have been a bit harsh, but this was because, as Hearts said.....it started to get old.....VERY OLD....


You're joking right? This is probably one of the least discussed topics ever. If you feel the barely one page of discussion was already getting old, this is clearly not the subject for you.



TO ME PERSONALLY, to be questions that were being asked with a bit of an ulterior motive (like trying to sell something), not by a woman trying to find an effective product.


Debate is, in essence, selling an idea. But to jump to the conclusion that I have some hidden agenda, or I am trying to take your money, that's insane. I even flat out said I am not a perfumer/business.



Most other "cop blends" over the past 15 yrs or so have SUCKED.


Yet you continue to insist there is no need to have this discussion. You are making my point for me. There simply has not been much (successful) exploration in this space.


I think the problem here is - You are assuming a lot of things.


You are assuming that just because EoW is a fine product (which it is), there is no need for anything else ever. This is wrong.


You are assuming that just because Mara can make a custom scent, that it has something to do with what were talking about. This is wrong. (unless there are some unmentioned options besides Aja/EoW, maybe there are?).


You are assuming that this thread is some kind of attack on the people at LP. This is wrong.


And perhaps worst of all, you are assuming that I have some “ulterior motive”. When I link to my vagina perfume kickstarter, then you may have a point.


*And at all the OMGZ YOURE A DUDE posts – lol. Why would this being my first post have anything to do with me being a dude? It's a topic that interests me as a bisexual woman (and clearly it interests all of you too). If this is how you treat all new members I wouldn't expect this community to grow very large.

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Well, I didn't want to exclude any necrophiliacs. *snicker


Haha - keeps the dating pool just a little more open .... well, like they say in the beer commercial, time to go crack open a cold one ... :fright04238:

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I don't expect anyone to rush to my defense, there's the 1000+post clique, and then there's me, I get it. But before bedtime, I invite everyone to go back and reread all the replies starting with eggers on page 1 (I just did). There was no negativity, just a calm, rational discussion. Then, around mid way down page two, the unprovoked attacks started.


I guess maybe somebody got offended when I said "stuck with EoW" (which I quickly clarified, saying I meant it's a problem of options, not quality). If anyone was upset by that then I apologize. I shouldn't have used the word "stuck", I'm sorry.


But nowhere do I see a "circular argument". Christ, as some of you keep pointing out, I've barely made any posts at all (and the recent ones are just me being forced to defend myself).


Alas, it wouldn't be fair to hold any of this against LP (I still plan on placing an order), but you women should really consider treating new members with more respect.

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We love new members, go check out our Welcome threads. But when you come in here and ask for feedback on your idea, and refuse to listen to anything we say, and sound like you haven't even looked at what's available from LPMP, much less read the forum, it starts to feel wrong.


I hope that you do order, and you post some reviews. I hope you show us that you are not a troll. But frankly, at this point, I'm skeptical.

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PG, I hardly consider myself in the 1000 post clique, if anything I'm the rebel skipping class to go smoke a cigarette behind the school by myself ;) Sorry if you don't feel welcome. You have to understand, as much as you're getting to know everyone here, everyone here is getting to know you. Why don't you post an introduction thread in the Welcome area, & read up on the rules of the forum so that you can acquaint yourself with the atmosphere of this particular online community. As with anywhere, it takes time to build your reputation.

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I don't expect anyone to rush to my defense, there's the 1000+post clique, and then there's me, I get it. But before bedtime, I invite everyone to go back and reread all the replies starting with eggers on page 1 (I just did). There was no negativity, just a calm, rational discussion. Then, around mid way down page two, the unprovoked attacks started.


I guess maybe somebody got offended when I said "stuck with EoW" (which I quickly clarified, saying I meant it's a problem of options, not quality). If anyone was upset by that then I apologize. I shouldn't have used the word "stuck", I'm sorry.


But nowhere do I see a "circular argument". Christ, as some of you keep pointing out, I've barely made any posts at all (and the recent ones are just me being forced to defend myself).


Alas, it wouldn't be fair to hold any of this against LP (I still plan on placing an order), but you women should really consider treating new members with more respect.


There's no clique here. I've been part of this forum for a little over one year, and I've never been made to feel anything less than welcome, and I've never seen anyone who behaves with any kind of "forum etiquette" being treated inhospitably.


What's forum etiquette? It's common sense. When you're new on a message forum (any message forum, not just here), you act like you are visiting with a group of strangers who are already familiar with each other...because that's exactly what the situation is. You say hi and introduce yourself. You participate in other people's conversations (post in other people's recent threads). This is implied in the forum rules which you will find posted in the Welcome forum (something about considering yourself a "guest in our living room.")


When you start a thread of your own, regardless of the subject matter, it is just like starting a new conversation, so when others reply, actually take the time to read and think about what they say. If you then choose to continue the discussion, make sure to address or at least acknowledge the points being made in those replies, even if you don't agree with them. Ignoring the perfectly valid points other people are making in order to continue pressing your own POV not only comes across as rude, but it makes you look like someone who isn't really interested in a back-and-forth discussion (which then begs the question, why start the thread in the first place? It makes it look like the thread-starter has some kind of agenda, and when the subject matter happens to be vag scent, that would raise red flags on ANY forum with an active population of female members!)


This has nothing to do with "cliques" or you being new. Your behavior in this thread started off fine--as you saw yourself from the fact that your first replies were not by any means confrontational--and then things went downhill fast when you began arguing in circles (repeating yourself over and over, not addressing the points raised by the people replying to you about the free availability of actual vag scent, the same effect you were describing already being achievable by using EoW even without literally smelling like a vagina, etc.) You started sounding like you were doing the online equivalent of just "talking over" the replies you were getting, and paired with the subject matter, that's what started setting off red flags, IMO...not that you are a new member, and not even the specific topic of this thread all by itself. We are obviously not a squeamish bunch ; )


I am taking the time to explain this to you in good faith that this was just a misunderstanding or some social awkwardness at play. Perhaps you do not normally post on community-style message forums or you did not realize how you were coming across with this thread. Well, now you know.

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The only 1000 on this thread is that it's 1000% a troll. WhinerGurrl has troll pouring out of his eyes out of his ears out of his wherever.



BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA :thumbup::10_small16::clapW2:

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The only 1000 on this thread is that it's 1000% a troll. WhinerGurrl has troll pouring out of his eyes out of his ears out of his wherever.


Vagina fingers. I think he mentioned that. Are those like Vagina spirit fingers that men wave around or more like Vagina jazz hands all Fosse and shiz.


Word to your mother Cherise!


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Vagina fingers. I think he mentioned that. Are those like Vagina spirit fingers that men wave around or more like Vagina jazz hands all Fosse and shiz.


Word to your mother Cherise!


Spirit fingers that smell like Scent of Mangina

OMG this forum needs a "like" button.

The mangina spirit fingers that are waving around like jazz hands I'm dying! Hahahahaha

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There's no clique here. I've been part of this forum for a little over one year, and I've never been made to feel anything less than welcome, and I've never seen anyone who behaves with any kind of "forum etiquette" being treated inhospitably.


What's forum etiquette? It's common sense. When you're new on a message forum (any message forum, not just here), you act like you are visiting with a group of strangers who are already familiar with each other...because that's exactly what the situation is. You say hi and introduce yourself. You participate in other people's conversations (post in other people's recent threads). This is implied in the forum rules which you will find posted in the Welcome forum (something about considering yourself a "guest in our living room.")


When you start a thread of your own, regardless of the subject matter, it is just like starting a new conversation, so when others reply, actually take the time to read and think about what they say. If you then choose to continue the discussion, make sure to address or at least acknowledge the points being made in those replies, even if you don't agree with them. Ignoring the perfectly valid points other people are making in order to continue pressing your own POV not only comes across as rude, but it makes you look like someone who isn't really interested in a back-and-forth discussion (which then begs the question, why start the thread in the first place? It makes it look like the thread-starter has some kind of agenda, and when the subject matter happens to be vag scent, that would raise red flags on ANY forum with an active population of female members!)


This has nothing to do with "cliques" or you being new. Your behavior in this thread started off fine--as you saw yourself from the fact that your first replies were not by any means confrontational--and then things went downhill fast when you began arguing in circles (repeating yourself over and over, not addressing the points raised by the people replying to you about the free availability of actual vag scent, the same effect you were describing already being achievable by using EoW even without literally smelling like a vagina, etc.) You started sounding like you were doing the online equivalent of just "talking over" the replies you were getting, and paired with the subject matter, that's what started setting off red flags, IMO...not that you are a new member, and not even the specific topic of this thread all by itself. We are obviously not a squeamish bunch ; )


I am taking the time to explain this to you in good faith that this was just a misunderstanding or some social awkwardness at play. Perhaps you do not normally post on community-style message forums or you did not realize how you were coming across with this thread. Well, now you know.

GREAT post, Memorare!!! :LIKE:

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I second Bella 's sentiments. And also, LMAO @ vagina fingers! Now I have all of these silly images in my mind, such as a vagina flipping someone off, that one is rather Dali-esque! And completely anatomically warped obviously. Or..we could go with the whole vagina dentata "Teeth" thing. OMG..the twisted images that reside in my mind. Seriously though PrimalGirl, we are not a clique here at all. People here are the nice. People here know and ADMIT when they are being bitchy. I can try one more time to simplify this for you. You seem to wonder where and how you got on the wrong side of this even after extensive explanations. First, people felt you were dicking them around and going nowhere after a certain point, because there was nowhere further to go. Second, but perhaps more importantly, whether intentionally or not, you dissed EOW, a product that the loyal customers (not a clique) of LPMP hold in very high regard. Third, rather than letting it go and just trying to move on, you refused to let it go. I don't know how plainly I can put it. Now...as a result of all of this, we have had no other choice but to resort to....VAGINA SPIRIT JAZZ FINGERS!!!!! Sorry..LMAO into an asthma attack here! Really..let's just let it go or I assure you, it will only result in more asthma inducing humor. If that's the case, then bring it! I love the humor and the people here! ;)

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Vagina fingers. I think he mentioned that. Are those like Vagina spirit fingers that men wave around or more like Vagina jazz hands all Fosse and shiz.


Word to your mother Cherise!



OMG LadyV! Vagina spirit fingers or vagina jazz hands...you're killing me here!

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But when you come in here and ask for feedback on your idea, and refuse to listen to anything we say,


When have I "not listened"? Example please? We agree on almost everything, when have I disputed anything anyone said?




Second, but perhaps more importantly, whether intentionally or not, you dissed EOW


When have I "dissed EoW"? Example please? Saying maybe it would be nice to have variations is hardly "dissing it".


And as for not posting a 'introduction' thread/building my reputation first... what does that have to do with ANYTHING? This topic isn't about me (or anyone), it's about a severely under discussed topic, and somehow it got turned into a personal hazing. If you felt the barely 8 posts I made were "going in circles" (don't see how that's possible, but ok), then let me go in circles.


Look, the personal attacks don't bother me (this is the interwebs, it's what people do). What bothers me is that this thread will soon be locked, and nobody will DARE mention this topic again. Also, people will think twice about joining the community period, when they see how negative and toxic it can be.


Pro tip for new users - Repeatedly brag about having sex in clubs, and/or use a picture of a dude for your profile. Then people will DEFINITELY think you're a legit lady.


*watches thread get locked* Settle in for another 15 years of silence, floral scents, and vaginal shaming.

Edited by PrimalGirl
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Speaking as an administrator of this forum and as an LPMP employee, I don't think you can make any of those assumptions. It's very clear you don't us, and we don't (really) know you.


But "negative" and "toxic" aren't really accurate descriptions of this community, and I've been a member for as long as this version has existed. I believe people have attempted to extend you courtesy but are becoming frustrated. But essentially no one else is frustrated about EoW's dominance of the copulin-analog market in the same way you are. Maybe you can accept that and move on to some other topic?

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Look homie. No one is shaming the vagina here. We love them. We are a forum of mostly women. A quick cruise through many of the threads will show we talk about them quite often, probably more than our male friends here care to hear.


As I and others have stated, this is first and foremost a perfume forum, and most of us enjoy smelling like the wonderful things that LPMP creates. However, as we said, there are also scents here that smell like sex and some that do smell like vagina. And there is the option to create a scent t smell just like yours if you desire.

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Nobody acknowledging the points I make or providing the evidence I ask for... Do I say "you're not listening and btw I think you're a man"? Of course not. That would be cray cray.


No worries, I get it. You've all dug your heels in so deep on this one, you can't admit that maybe you overreacted just a tad. That would be WAY too much pride to swallow.


I'm not looking for an apology, I just hope that the next time a new member makes a few posts, you don't jump down their throat. If you don't like what they're saying, don't participate in the discussion.




But "negative" and "toxic" aren't really accurate descriptions of this community


Negative and toxic are accurate IMPRESSIONS people will get when they see childish name calling like this. Better to just delete this thread and set the women's liberation movement back a few years. Like I said, nobody will ever dare touch this subject again on these forums.



plural noun: forums


a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. And people are called dudes for no logical reason.

Edited by PrimalGirl
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When have I "not listened"? Example please? We agree on almost everything, when have I disputed anything anyone said?






When have I "dissed EoW"? Example please? Saying maybe it would be nice to have variations is hardly "dissing it".


And as for not posting a 'introduction' thread/building my reputation first... what does that have to do with ANYTHING? This topic isn't about me (or anyone), it's about a severely under discussed topic, and somehow it got turned into a personal hazing. If you felt the barely 8 posts I made were "going in circles" (don't see how that's possible, but ok), then let me go in circles.


Look, the personal attacks don't bother me (this is the interwebs, it's what people do). What bothers me is that this thread will soon be locked, and nobody will DARE mention this topic again. Also, people will think twice about joining the community period, when they see how negative and toxic it can be.


Pro tip for new users - Repeatedly brag about having sex in clubs, and/or use a picture of a dude for your profile. Then people will DEFINITELY think you're a legit lady.


*watches thread get locked* Settle in for another 15 years of silence, floral scents, and vaginal shaming.

Waaaa waaaa cue the violins. If you think we're all "meanies" and don't understand you, then why are you here? We love our community- and a random person who is trolling for attention is kinda getting boring.

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