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Love Potion: Red


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This has a really sweet, complex scent in the bottle. The vanilla really comes through, which I love. On my skin, the spices come through more. I can't get over how much I love this scent! But I can't decide whether or not it's my favorite of those I've tried so far. I can't wait to try more!

Edited by Kovvy
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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got my order yesterday, and had to reach for this one first. I've been so intrigued by everything I've read about this scent!

When I first opened, it smelled very spicy and complex. Not vanilla or sweet at all like I've read in other reviews. There was something comforting about it. No real change on my skin for about an hour. Then it seemed to be a bit of a warm floral scent on me. I kept catching whiffs and there was something familiar about it, I just couldn't place. Then it dawned on me, it smells like when you walk in to a Kirkland's or Pier One store. The warm, inviting, spicy scents that makes you want to walk the store for hours hunting down the smell. Can't wait to wear this one out and see how it works on the unsuspecting public! :magicstick:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I LOVE this one Very similar to LP Original, but with an extra kick I love. Reminds me of hot cinnamon like red hots candy, and it is yummy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Everyone,


I wore LP Red to work today. I like the smell of it but my co workers kept sniffing saying something is burning. I've had people come in and all day commetting that the room smells like burnt wood; at one point a CAPT said perhaps its all the boxes stacked up in the cornor. I didn't over dose on puttig it on just around my neck and wrist. The other commet I've heard is someone is burning incense. I don't think this one works on me. :)



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I wore LP Red to work today. I like the smell of it but my co workers kept sniffing saying something is burning. I've had people come in and all day commetting that the room smells like burnt wood. The other commet I've heard is someone is burning incense. I don't think this one works on me. :)


It's probably the amber in the mix... I don't get those types of comments with LP Red but I do get it when I wear Sugared Amber, and it's even happend once with Mara's Rocket Fuel :(


People ask if I can smell anything burning, or who's burning incense... I can't smell it myself though, I just think I smell luuurvely LOL

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Hmm, I often get that I smell like incense from people. Even with things, that to my nose, smell nothing like incense. Wildflower is a perfect example. I think some people just equate more 'natural' smelling fragrance with incense,lol.

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Hmm, I often get that I smell like incense from people. Even with things, that to my nose, smell nothing like incense. Wildflower is a perfect example. I think some people just equate more 'natural' smelling fragrance with incense,lol.


This reminds me... I've got this one co-worker who had THE ODDEST sense of smell EVAR. I'll be wearing something like Thief of Hearts and he'll ask who used the Glade, or something spicy like Garland and Lace and he'll ask about incense...his nose exaggerates and distorts something *fierce*. I should try Get Stuffed sometime, might be right up his alley!

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I get an awesome sweet spicy smoke-tinged smell when I wear LP Red over Occo Red.


LP Red is a real head turner,I get compliments every single time I wear it :)

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  • 3 months later...

Any idea how many blends there are as the sample I received today reads Summer Solstice Blend and it smells really spicy. So spicy that it actually put me off from trying.


The bottle of OCCO Red is much sweeter, smoother and rounder.

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LP Red is a Summer Solstice blend. It is spicy, too. I think you may have the right one. Give it a try!


Thank you for the encouragement. I just did and it's spicy. Is the cinnamon giving out the spicy scent? We don't usually use cinnamon in our cuisine (unless it's meat stew) so I'm under the impression that cinnamon has a sweetness that's can make me feel sickly.


I don't get vanilla, apricot, roses, verberna, etc. Just spicy cinnamon so does that mean my skin amps cinnamon?

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I get a lot of cinnamon with LP Red too. It took me a full year and a half to "get" LP Red. I tried it over and over and had to wash it off because of the spice. Then one day Djac insisted that I try it under Occo red and it just "clicked" for me. Now I am a Red freak! If it doesn't work on you now, don't give up. Try it again at different parts of your cycle, try it under Cuddle Bunny scented, wear it with Occo Red. If you are anything like me it will eventually feel like home. I feel dead sexy now when I wear it. Don't give up! i',m going to put some on now!

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The cinnamon is very prevalent in it, but you might just have to let it settle down before wearing it. Layering does help as well, as Carolyn notes. My favorite thing used to be layering LP Red and LP Black but now that we have LP Passion & Desire I don't need to anymore!

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wear it with Occo Red. If you are anything like me it will eventually feel like home. I feel dead sexy now when I wear it. Don't give up!


:):lol: ...this is now one of my very favs! I have a bottle boosted with Cougar too,and I wear them both with Occo Red.

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I managed to fall asleep with LP Red close to my nose. This baby is still going strong after 7 hours!


I've ordered a set of the LP samples to test out all regular LP scents and for travelling. I hope they will have enough time to settle down before my trip in Sept.

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  • 1 month later...

I know that the combination of OCCO Red and LP Red is Calii's favourite combo. This is one of my favourite. I might have to order a full bottle after my LP Red sample is gone (which will be soon).


It is no longer spicy. Just very nice and soothing to me. It makes me glow when I wear it and I would like to test drive this before my sample runs out.

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I know that the combination of OCCO Red and LP Red is Calii's favourite combo. This is one of my favourite. I might have to order a full bottle after my LP Red sample is gone (which will be soon).


It is no longer spicy. Just very nice and soothing to me. It makes me glow when I wear it and I would like to test drive this before my sample runs out.


"Makes me glow" ...I like that :) ...when you get more,try a line of LP Red and a line of Occo Red next to it on your mid chest...just before...you go to sleep.If it does the same on you as on me,it turns to this amazing sexy smoke by morning !! ::Hug_emoticon:

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"Makes me glow" ...I like that :) ...when you get more,try a line of LP Red and a line of Occo Red next to it on your mid chest...just before...you go to sleep.If it does the same on you as on me,it turns to this amazing sexy smoke by morning !! : :Hug_emoticon:


I'll have to shelf the idea of getting a full bottle of LP Red for a while since I've gone crazy during the recent sale (okay, it's part 2 of my birthday present).


In addition, I also want to check out LP Black, LP Original & LP #9 since the samples have been sitting in my box for a while now. I'm just having so much fun with the musky flora and fruity scents and I have such great fear for patchouli, vanilla, etc. However, something's telling me that I will love those scents as much as I love LP Red.

Edited by JOC
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The thing is, though, all the LP variants, including Red, have a base of vanilla, amber and patchouli, so you may find you enjoy it in more than one, since they're all tweaked according to the other ingredients.

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The thing is, though, all the LP variants, including Red, have a base of vanilla, amber and patchouli, so you may find you enjoy it in more than one, since they're all tweaked according to the other ingredients.


There's where the LP sample kit comes in handy. I get to try the regular items without having to purchase full bottles.

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  • 1 month later...

I like this one but it is not as cinnamony on me as I had hoped. It reminds me of apple cinnamon cereal bars when I first apply...so I guess I can smell a little cinnamon but I was hoping that it would be a spicier scent, more like Buns of Cinn or Garland and Lace.

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I caved in and purchase a full bottle last month. I'll be quite done with my sample by the time my friend will be hand-carries this and some of the bottles I hoarded during the recent sale.

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  • 1 month later...

I had to find out the difference between using LP Red with OCCO Red and LP Red on it's own and that's what I did this afternoon. On my skin, the combo makes the scent slightly sweeter and rounder and thus more "intense" and more attractive to my nose. So I'm uncertain if this came from the EoW or the scent. I'll try Lam and Bam Spicy Brown next time.

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My helper likes it and said OH it smells nice!

My sister said i smelt BURNT. yeh- BURNT.

Me- i'm still thinking :666: I like the subtle amber ;) but not sure if it's a scent i can carry everyday....


I can imagine it being a room scent- memory from a block of amber my bf got for me from Morrocco... It gave the whole room a warm, fuzzly feeling... Wish there were more sweetness in this potion... It would smell exactly like the amber i received :D:):)

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I had to find out the difference between using LP Red with OCCO Red and LP Red on it's own and that's what I did this afternoon. On my skin, the combo makes the scent slightly sweeter and rounder and thus more "intense" and more attractive to my nose. So I'm uncertain if this came from the EoW or the scent. I'll try Lam and Bam Spicy Brown next time.



When I combine OCCORed & LP Red I smell like coffee, sexy sexy sexy coffee.

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When I combine OCCORed & LP Red I smell like coffee, sexy sexy sexy coffee.


I know that I smell like a big cinnamon roll. Most people say that I smell like a candle and my son's teacher said that she smells something burning (in the good way). Hahaha

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I know that I smell like a big cinnamon roll. Most people say that I smell like a candle and my son's teacher said that she smells something burning (in the good way). Hahaha



That was one of the first things I noticed about LPs is the warmth of the fragrances. I can see how that translates to 'candle' to people.

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That was one of the first things I noticed about LPs is the warmth of the fragrances. I can see how that translates to 'candle' to people.


The weirdest comment on LP Red is "Oh your new office smells so good, it must be your antiques!" .........

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When I combine OCCORed & LP Red I smell like coffee, sexy sexy sexy coffee.


AUGH!!!! ded of jelis. OCCO Red turns to dried spit on my skin. Thanks a lot, skin. But LP Red is a dreamboat, that's for sure.

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Wish there were more sweetness in this potion... It would smell exactly like the amber i received :):):)


have you tied LP Original yet? ...it is sweeter,and very very yummy :)


I have gotten one "whats burning" comment,but only with the combo of Occo Red and LP Red,ummm never coffee tho :lol: Thing is that sexy smokey dry down is what I love the most about my fav combo of LP Red and O/R...that and it is a man magnet :001_302:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, I really like this one! The combo of the rose with patchouli on me was great.


Oh my. I just got my first order. This is sooooo divine. I got the solid form, and when I first opened the jar, it reminded me of Christmas at my grandmother's house...potpourri and candles....I am assuming it is the patchouli. Very nice. I put it on, and the patchouli is not as strong on my wrist. After it sits a few minutes, the vanilla and cinnamon start coming through. I really REALLY like this. Sexy, but not overpowering.
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Hooray I got a full bottle of this today after hoarding the large sample I got in my first ever order-Mara always includes such great samples. I'm so glad I got a whole bottle, normally I don't go for sweet, foody scents but this I find smells comforting and putting in on is like snuggling in a warm fluffy blanket yet you know you've got a really cute sexy racy little red lacy nightie on underneath and he can see a peek of that lace and wants to get into the lovenest with you. It is at the same time cinnamon-bun-like but also very sexy, in a soft, sweet, cuddle-me-I'm-all-woman way. At first this is all cinnamon on me but then the vanilla comes through together with the amber. The patchouli and other resins are only a very distant background note. After a few hours this evolves into a slightly spicy rich scent, it makes me feel like eating me and if I feel like eating me I'm sure others will too!

Edited by Indigo
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My first impression from sniffing the vial was: 'too strong, that's not for me'. Later I gave it another try, I've put it on my skin, let it settle for a while and ... wow, I was surprised what a wonderful scent it actually is! There is vanilla, cinnamon, amber, I get sugar and patchouli from the background, this scent is strong, but in a good way. Now, I've got even shower gel with LP Red which leaves a smoth scent of cinnamon, vanilla and amber on the skin.

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My first impression from sniffing the vial was: 'too strong, that's not for me'. Later I gave it another try, I've put it on my skin, let it settle for a while and ... wow, I was surprised what a wonderful scent it actually is! There is vanilla, cinnamon, amber, I get sugar and patchouli from the background, this scent is strong, but in a good way. Now, I've got even shower gel with LP Red which leaves a smoth scent of cinnamon, vanilla and amber on the skin.


I remember when I first tried this,and liked it,but not really all that much,then tried it again and totally fell in love :) Just ordered another bottle...one of my all time favs,and don't ever want to be without it...oooo try it in the shea butter :wub:

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it's so funny how that happens - me too, exactly - I believe it was in literally my very first order - I tried it and felt very meh about it, put it aside, may even have traded it away :wub: but then tried again and totally head over heels... no in between or 'growing fond' of it - and it's one of my favs too - so sweet, rich, creamy, snuggly...

Happy Christmas Eve to those who celebrate :)

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it's so funny how that happens - me too, exactly - I believe it was in literally my very first order - I tried it and felt very meh about it, put it aside, may even have traded it away :wub: but then tried again and totally head over heels... no in between or 'growing fond' of it - and it's one of my favs too - so sweet, rich, creamy, snuggly...

Happy Christmas Eve to those who celebrate :)


Me too. Wearing this today as this is probably the most "Chrismasy" scent I have in my stash. Merry Christmas to all!

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