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New Releases for APRIL 2009

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It's showing up on my computer, maybe try clearing out your cookies & then refresh the page.


Or even just hold down the Shift key when you hit "reload" of the web page...

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Maybe today we'll get the descriptions? :rockon:


We can only hope though I suspect we won't get them for a while. Last month we didn't get them until the end of the month.


Don't mind me. The new moon makes me very pessimistic. I loathe new moons. They make me so cranky.

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Or even just hold down the Shift key when you hit "reload" of the web page...


Oh wow, I do this in the perfumerie, but never figured to do it here for the avies. Thanks Katz, worked like a charm :)

Even when I change my avie, it takes about 2 days for me to see it lol...

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The pictures and links are up in the Perfumerie section...but they don't link to the descriptions just yet.


Yeah, they did get that done early. And like the fool I am, I'll keep clicking them hoping to get to the page with the details.


But with Mara being on her own, or maybe training the new guy, She's probably not going to have much time to post all the new goodies. Or if they get posted, the orders might not get filled till SG is back from her vacation. So I'm figuring next month for new order arrival unless we get lucky. I'll hope for sooner though.

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For the love of God and all that's Holy, I need my April descriptions and pheros!!! Okay, that's over, I'll go back to ... :waiting:

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For the love of God and all that's Holy, I need my April descriptions and pheros!!! Okay, that's over, I'll go back to ... :waiting:

I'll third that!!!


Seriously - I have a flirt target. :-). Need to know ingredients in Stone Cougar so I know whether I have to hoard my Pharmacom Cougar.


Because I need to be Hotness Personified when I see him again. ;-). It's going to be no fun if I'm not floating in a mouth-watering, knee shaking, mind- boggling cloud of S-E-X-Y.


I know who my hot CFO is. And to paraphrase an awesome rock song - I want him to want me. It can't exist outside of the mind - but imagination is a wonderful thing.


Fans self. Repeatedly.


M & D - please put us out of our misery. Pretty please with sugar on top.

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Oh Shelly I know what you mean. I wish my crush found me mouth-wateringly, knee shakingly, mind-bogglingly sexy. Oh yes I do. <sigh>


Although I can always dream that he already does think that way about me......


How about this...I want a crush :waiting:

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Oh Shelly I know what you mean. I wish my crush found me mouth-wateringly, knee shakingly, mind-bogglingly sexy. Oh yes I do. <sigh>


Although I can always dream that he already does think that way about me......

CM - if either of them don't think that already - they are SORRY excuses 4 men.


Just sayin'

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Danna would definitely be laughing at us... a sinister laugh.


I think Mara likes to tease us with a perfectly timed post here or there. She's brilliant. Just when we start to simmer down and get to our breaking point, exhausted. That's when she posts something else, like she can intuitively sense we've lost the motivation. Then that post gets us all excited and riled up again just when we thought we couldn't handle anymore.


I swear she was a drill sergeant in another life.


And as hard as I try to resist the lure of her posts, my will is simply not strong enough.


She behaves like a true pusher...

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Aww CC...I need a crush too. Orlando Bloom and Josh Hartnett will just have to hold the place until my real one comes along (I'll take one or the other, preferably both!! ;) )


Yeah mine is Hugh Jackman...mmmm, that is some yummy aussieness ;) lol

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one of my crushes lives across the country. And the cute Weezer boy has a girlfriend. But she's way too young for him. Like I think she's in her teens? Like 19? And he's 26...

So I'm sortof hoping she'll get restless?? Sigh...

I think I just need to go find more crushes!!


as for celebs, I am stalking Gerard Way on Twitter..mmmmm. If you don't know who he is he's the singer of My Chemical Romance and he looks like a vampire, and he is delicious, DEEELICIOUS!

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i have PLENTY of crushes i plan to torture with my phero scents when they arrive ;)

and i need to get my hands on some of that stone cougar for one of them!

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And posting over here too as a herald: check out all the new private editions...with BUTTONS. Brown Sugar and Black Amber, anyone?

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Private Editions are up and running.


OMG OMG!! Mine is ready: Honeyed Sandalwood and Vanilla. :D How did the ladies know my head really IS shaped like that? It's to scale as well. :lol:

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Private Editions are up and running.


OMG OMG!! Mine is ready: Honeyed Sandalwood and Vanilla. :D How did the ladies know my head really IS shaped like that? It's to scale as well. :lol:


you silly Jo...LOL, but a cute big head it is...hehehe


Edited by djacquelynstew
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Private Editions are up and running.


OMG OMG!! Mine is ready: Honeyed Sandalwood and Vanilla. :D How did the ladies know my head really IS shaped like that? It's to scale as well. :lol:



im going to get one of these.

honey is my thang,

and well who isnt turned on by sandlwood and vanilla????


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Private Editions are up - ummm, I see you figured that out already - heh. (LOL, Jo Anna!)


The Pheromone page is up as well... next will be the new release page, but that will take me a few more hours. Thanks for your patience! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox



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Private Editions are up - ummm, I see you figured that out already - heh. (LOL, Jo Anna!)


The Pheromone page is up as well... next will be the new release page, but that will take me a few more hours. Thanks for your patience! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox





:great: OOH LA LA... Thanks for the update Mara...


^_^ can't wait for the new releases...wheeeeeeee!


:choochookris7fo: djac makes a move on over to the attached link

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oh no ! I'm doomed


eta: Coffeemama and Mary are we still on ? lmk

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Hey all who are lurking. THe new releases are coming up in the searches!!!!! I found May Day in th pheromone blends (SWEET tranquility potion!), then vampire bait in the search, then, then... OOOOOH!!! What fun!

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