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Like A Magnet--WOW

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This is the only one I layer with other phero blends because for ME...adding more alpha-nol and cops to anything seems to make it better.


I agree, MDC, adding a bit more alpha-nol and cops can make a phero blend even better. I added a little bit LAM to H&S ... cuddly reactions from BF. :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every time I wear LAM, I just go back to the thoughts of "it doesn't get much better than this". SERIOUSLY. The phero potency rocks, and the scents are just enough to cover any phero funkiness....I have been reaching for the LAM blends SO MUCH lately. They are just.....well.....PERFECT. Yes, I like to play with the more complex phero blends, but this one is simple and basic, and gets the job done. Love it.


If you are new and don't have LAM yet, GET IT.

Edited by Dolly
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Every time I wear LAM, I just go back to the thoughts of "it doesn't get much better than this". SERIOUSLY. The phero potency rocks, and the scents are just enough to cover any phero funkiness....I have been reaching for the LAM blends SO MUCH lately. They are just.....well.....PERFECT. Yes, I like to play with the more complex phero blends, but this one is simple and basic, and gets the job done. Love it.


If you are new and don't have LAM yet, GET IT.


I totally agree with you a 100% Dolly!


I remember when I was a newbie and didn't know which phero blend to start my phero journey with... you gave me awesome advice Dolly (A thousand thank yous dear Dolly), and you highly recommended to start out with LAM and I did...you were so right! This one is perfect for newbies, it's easy lo layer, it's uncomplicated, a truly versatile phero blend....and like you said, it gets the job done, phero simplicity at its best...


These are just my 2 cents here, but like I just said in another post to a new LP member, LAM made me a phero believer...

Edited by Gabylicious
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I totally agree with you a 100% Dolly!


I remember when I was a newbie and didn't know which phero blend to start my phero journey with... you gave me awesome advice Dolly (A thousand thank yous dear Dolly), and you highly recommended to start out with LAM and I did...you were so right! This one is perfect for newbies, it's easy lo layer, it's uncomplicated, a truly versatile phero blend....and like you said, it gets the job done, phero simplicity at its best...


These are just my 2 cents here, but like I just said in another post to a new LP member, LAM made me a phero believer...


Glad I could help! Hugs to you Gabby!

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Hey Dolly...just curious...do you have your LAMs in oil or spray?


I have both, actually. I turned one original scent, one Sandalwood, and 1/2 bottle of brown sugar into spray (I don't use the brown sugar very often)......I use whichever one I am "feeling" at the moment, depending on the circumstances.....for instance, if my man is across the room, and I want to draw him in, I will apply oil and then spray on top.....gets him every time.......<evil grin>

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I have the roll on brown sugar LAM, and I like it but probably gone with something lighter. The pink amber sounds lovely!


I haven't tried the Pink Amber (pink scents don't normally do well on me), but the Original (Vanilla sugar, and Honey) is very light and absolutely beautiful.

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I have the roll on brown sugar LAM, and I like it but probably gone with something lighter. The pink amber sounds lovely!


Hey, Andsoitgoes, LAM in PA is super layerable, I highly recommend it...I haven't tried the rest of the LAMs, but I've read that other LP members share my opinion that LAM in PA may be one of the most versatile LAMs, one can layer it with almost everything, like I bet the Vanilla LAM must be gorgeous but I guess one can use to layer only vanilla based scents and/ or gourmands, but LAM in PA goes perfectly well with Vanilla based perfumes and also with flowery perfumes, fruity perfumes, etc...I think the amber note gives it a sheer quality that makes it perfect to layer with almost any kind of perfumes, I've even used it under commercial perfumes, it is that versatile...IMO LAMs are better in spray form, but I do agree that self effects do magnify with oil form, so if you are a responder... slather!


I would love to try the brown sugar LAM, though....I bet that one must be awesome with Tyvey's Mangoish, for example...

Edited by Gabylicious
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Hey, Andsoitgoes, LAM in PA is super layerable, I highly recommend it...I haven't tried the rest of the LAMs, but I've read that other LP members share my opinion that LAM in PA may be one of the most versatile LAMs, one can layer it with almost everything, like I bet the Vanilla LAM must be gorgeous but I guess one can use to layer only vanilla based scents and/ or gourmands, but LAM in PA goes perfectly well with Vanilla based perfumes and also with flowery perfumes, fruity perfumes, etc...I think the amber note gives it a sheer quality that makes it perfect to layer with almost any kind of perfumes, I've even used it under commercial perfumes, it is that versatile...IMO LAMs are better in spray form, but I do agree that self effects do magnify with oil form, so if you are a responder... slather!


I would love to try the brown sugar LAM, though....I bet that one must be awesome with Tyvey's Mangoish, for example...


Actually the Original one is sooo easy to cover with any type of scent. Just like vanilla can go with anything (florals, fruits, resins) so does LAM Original. It's SUCH a light, sweet scent that it's very easily covered, and lends just a little hint of sweetness to whatever you layer it with. I absolutely adore it!


Speaking of layering it, this morning (around 7AM) I put on some SS4W and covered it with a Pink Sugar dupe perfume oil. Now it's been very pretty and warm here the past two days, unusual for the Northwest - it's finally looking like spring! But I'm in a library and I dotted once on each wrist, once on each ankle, once behind each knee, and once at the base of my throat. Literally, just dotted the roller ball against my skin. Spread it around and was enveloped in a heavenly cloud of vanilla-honey-sugary sweetness with just a hint of cops. I walk by this guy and get my first DITH look, woo! So I smile at him and go find a place to sit at a computer. About ten minutes later he sits next to me and starts talking to me. Turns out he just came here from Italy, where he got a Ph. D in architecture, and is looking to teach here, but the US government won't accept his Ph. D so he has to start that over again. He invited me to go out for coffee, and for funzies I gave him my number. It's time for me to live a little!


Now to see how my actual target reacts in a few more hours :Emoticons0804:

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I just love these damn LAM's. I am wearing Sandalwood/Resins right now and cannot quit huffing. The effects of this phero are some of the best that I have experienced. Even though I love my Pink Amber in oil for work because it lasts ALL DAY without reapplying I am going to get one in spray form for a pick me up spritz!!

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I wish I could wear this phero to work; it puts me in such a great mood! People around me seem to catch my mood - everyone behaves as though they have a crush on me, whether they're male or female - which, in my line of work, could be fan-freaking-tastic for tips. The self-effects are a little too pronounced though, for me to try this there. And by the way my manager reacted when I accidentally 'copped' him a while ago, I can pretty much say that cops are out of the question at work. Boo.

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After reading all the advice here, I think I'm going to convert part of my LAM Pink Amber oil into a spray, then try wearing a little oil with just a spritz or two of spray on top. Then the alcohol-borne scent will be there to draw them in, but the oil part will linger close to my skin after it has gone. Best of both worlds that way!

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Does anyone have any idea how much, relatively speaking, alpha androstenol is in this? I have only tried applying a moderate amount because I'm nervous of getting a negative reaction, like I have with Scent of Eros or Tabby. Can anyone tell me if there is more or less in LAM? So far I'm relieved to say I haven't felt the shakiness or caffeine effect from using a moderate amount, so I might start slowly experimenting upwards to see where the limit is for me on this.


Also if anyone is interested, I converted part of the oil into a spray, at 1/3 oil to 2/3 alcohol ratio, and the scent seems very faint, not that this is a bad thing at all. I still really can't smell cops at all on drydown, there is just the faint pinkness. I put on some of the oil this morning, then two small spritzes of the spray I made, then when it had all dried down a sray of Pink Sugar over it all. I smell really good, but it turns out I have had minimal contact with anyone today so not too sure about how the pheros are working.

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Does anyone have any idea how much, relatively speaking, alpha androstenol is in this? I have only tried applying a moderate amount because I'm nervous of getting a negative reaction, like I have with Scent of Eros or Tabby. Can anyone tell me if there is more or less in LAM? So far I'm relieved to say I haven't felt the shakiness or caffeine effect from using a moderate amount, so I might start slowly experimenting upwards to see where the limit is for me on this.


Also if anyone is interested, I converted part of the oil into a spray, at 1/3 oil to 2/3 alcohol ratio, and the scent seems very faint, not that this is a bad thing at all. I still really can't smell cops at all on drydown, there is just the faint pinkness. I put on some of the oil this morning, then two small spritzes of the spray I made, then when it had all dried down a sray of Pink Sugar over it all. I smell really good, but it turns out I have had minimal contact with anyone today so not too sure about how the pheros are working.


Not sure how much A-nol is in SoE, but Tabby is not A-nol heavy. Tabby has the Dominance blend in it. Not everybody can wear Dominance with good results, so you may want to analyze what the reactions were. It may just be that Dom isn't for you.

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  • 2 months later...

Every time I wear LAM, I just go back to the thoughts of "it doesn't get much better than this". SERIOUSLY. The phero potency rocks, and the scents are just enough to cover any phero funkiness....I have been reaching for the LAM blends SO MUCH lately. They are just.....well.....PERFECT. Yes, I like to play with the more complex phero blends, but this one is simple and basic, and gets the job done. Love it.


If you are new and don't have LAM yet, GET IT.



I just had to report on LAM.....AGAIN. This is one that makes my man get DIHL......and makes his eyes roll back in his head, btw.....seriously! Two nights ago (well, actually it was still daytime, but.....who cares?!?! ANYWHOOOOO.......I showered, and rolled on a generous amount of LAM original (about 2 inches on each side of neck and about 3 inches down the cleavage (I have a lot of cleavage.....LOL)......sat down about 3 feet away from him.....he had his head turned, and when the waft got to him, his head snapped around like he had been slapped! He smiled and said....."which one is that again?" I told him that it was "Like A Magnet", and he said....."mmmmmm hmmmmm", with a big cheshire cat grin.


A few minutes later, I was reading something online and when I turned my head, he was just staring at me.....DIHL......like just stunned. The he snapped out of it and just grinned again....LOL


This is one that, during "the festivities", he will pause just to tell me how "damn good" I smell.....he likes the sandalwood and resins and the brown sugar one, but he loooooooooooves the Original scent (vanilla and honey). And it helps my 51 (almost 52) year old man with his stamina as well.....turns him into one that could rival any man in their 20's......SERIOUSLY. IT ROCKS.

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  • 1 month later...

I have both, actually. I turned one original scent, one Sandalwood, and 1/2 bottle of brown sugar into spray (I don't use the brown sugar very often)......I use whichever one I am "feeling" at the moment, depending on the circumstances.....for instance, if my man is across the room, and I want to draw him in, I will apply oil and then spray on top.....gets him every time.......<evil grin>


Dolly, I've got a LAM coming in my next order and I was wondering how you turn one into spray? I would like to possibly turn this into a spray as well and would love to know how after the fact...thanks much

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Dolly, I've got a LAM coming in my next order and I was wondering how you turn one into spray? I would like to possibly turn this into a spray as well and would love to know how after the fact...thanks much


If you want to do the whole bottle, get a 1oz spray bottle, dump the LAM oil into the bottle, and then fill the rest with perfumer's alcohol. Mara also sells the DIY kits which already have the perfumer's alcohol in a spray bottle, so all you have to do is add your perfume oil to it. Makes it a little easier than buying your own alcohol and spray bottles.


I generally only turn a whole bottle into spray if I have more than one bottle, because I like to roll on some of whatever perfume oil I am using, then spray over top. That way, I get the diffusion from the spray but the oil's staying power. Sometimes I will only turn 1/2 bottle into a spray, but the basic ratio is the same.

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Leather already has a-nol in it, so I tend to think one would just add cops and leave it at that.


I agree.....LAM plus Leather may be a little A-nol overkill......BUT, if you try it, do let us know!!

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It also has alpha-androstenone, which I think tones down the effects, I don't really feel optimistic and happy when wearing Leather, but not miserable either. I did use Leather with an Open Windows perfume oil blend a few times though, it was a great combination of self-control and having a good mood to go with it, but YMMV. I think the secret is being careful about dosage, and if anything it was too easy to use too much of Far, Far Away w/Audacious at a time than Open Windows-but I'm speaking as someone who never used LAM before. I'll be careful, but I'm not too worried.


(However, I suspect mixing Audascious with a Dominance/Alpha friendly blend would be a bad idea, so I won't be trying that any time soon, and there is something kind of contradictory about the blends, Leather and Dominance are more about Soft Power, Audascious is about letting your hair down and going wild, it might be a too much of a contradictory combination).


I am currently waiting for my order of OCCO Gold to come it, the affects might be... interesting, depending on when I recieve it.

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Leather and Dominance are more about Soft Power,

I wouldn't say that about Dominance, actually. It's about as ballsy as a woman would be apt to get.

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I wouldn't say that about Dominance, actually. It's about as ballsy as a woman would be apt to get.


I think they're both ballsy, but it's different ways. The only way I can describe it right now is as Mars in a day time verses night sect, or active verses passive signs. Mars in Aries, or perhaps a lesser extent, Leo, that's Audascious, and because it's day, watch out. Mars in Scorpio or Capricorn, more of a Leather or Dominance thing. Note I personally don't like lumping Mars with sex, however, even if you can get hits with either of these blends, I still think phero blends like LAM, Sexology, or just simply copulins are far more Venusian, considering how Mars and Venus were traditionally viewed before the rise of modern astrology.

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I agree - based on my own experiences as well - there is a distinct difference between them and of course they were created to emphasize different facets of certain personality traits.

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I agree - based on my own experiences as well - there is a distinct difference between them and of course they were created to emphasize different facets of certain personality traits.


Absolutely !! ...and enhancing already fascinating facets of one's individuality is the total adventure ;)


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If you want to do the whole bottle, get a 1oz spray bottle, dump the LAM oil into the bottle, and then fill the rest with perfumer's alcohol. Mara also sells the DIY kits which already have the perfumer's alcohol in a spray bottle, so all you have to do is add your perfume oil to it. Makes it a little easier than buying your own alcohol and spray bottles.


I generally only turn a whole bottle into spray if I have more than one bottle, because I like to roll on some of whatever perfume oil I am using, then spray over top. That way, I get the diffusion from the spray but the oil's staying power. Sometimes I will only turn 1/2 bottle into a spray, but the basic ratio is the same.



Thanks so much for the help.... and I learned something new that Mara has DIY kits how cool

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I wouldn't say that about Dominance, actually. It's about as ballsy as a woman would be apt to get.


You can say that again! thus, why I LOOOOOOOVE it!

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Thanks so much for the help.... and I learned something new that Mara has DIY kits how cool


And you are very welcome......it is at the very bottom of this page..... http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Beta_Testing.html

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I forgot to review my Orchid Rose bottle. My next purchase of LAM is also going to be Orchid Rose, you wouldn't think it, but it comes off as more versatile than the Pink Amber to my nose. Like you could layer it with more stuff.

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I forgot to review my Orchid Rose bottle. My next purchase of LAM is also going to be Orchid Rose, you wouldn't think it, but it comes off as more versatile than the Pink Amber to my nose. Like you could layer it with more stuff.


I have the LAM in Orchid Rose and I love it. I am interested in getting the other ones, when my wallet allows me. I really want the entire OCCO collection too!! Want, want want everything!!!

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I have the LAM in sugared vanilla & honey and the first time I wore it I loved the effects for myself and from others. I like the A nols and I have BAM on my wish list because it's heavier on the B nols and I'm curious to see the difference...but I will NOT order it in sugared vanilla & honey, I intend order it in the pink sugars & amber and here's why...


I was researching the trading post because the LAM in sugared vanilla & honey came across my shnoz as baby powder. Not that baby powder is a bad smell, but it's not for me. I was so distracted by the scent the first time I wore it that I made the decision NEVER to wear it anywhere near under my nose again...EVER. Personal preference, I am NOT a baby powder kinda gal ever. I have since purchased Jouir De (yes, many will cringe here, :gasp: lol!) and I have found that it compliments LAM in sugared vanilla & honey well by accentuating the scents I believe were intended. So much so that I have decided to keep it and I know it won't be neglected now :thumbup:


Sooo, if you're nose gets baby powder from LAM in sugared vanilla & honey, you could possibly enhance it with Jouir De and help coax out those lovely scents OR try another scent. I'm just glad I won't be wasting any of these precious purchases from LP, yippie! That's my 2 cents :D

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