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Evil in Carnation


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Evil in Carnation

This is actually a very cool "Appalachian Granny Magick" recipe for sex, power and aggression. It is known as a "shifting" spell, for opening you up to what is awaiting inside you. Be your own evil twin! Crafted of Carnations, Anise, Cinnamon, Tobacco and Black Spice.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
CARNATION ~ Power, energy, protection, fascination, admiration.
ANISE ~ Sexual potency, cleansing, wards away nightmares, protective, purification, happiness, youth, psychic powers, luck, calming, soothing, meditation.
CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.
TOBACCO ~ Healing, purification, spiritualism.
BLACK SPICES ~ Protection, fidelity, dispels envy and evil, exorcism, hex-breaking, luck, health, prosperity, money. NOTE: Although well diluted, this potion contains cinnamon essential oil which can be irritating to the skin. Do not use in the vicinity of the eye or other mucous membranes. Discontinue use if sensitivity occurs.


As we know from the description for this scent, it contains some serious ju-ju...and just in case you forget that, the fragrance will remind you immediately. But of course this is the kind of thing I really love: dark and powerful and wicked (in other words, my Taurus aspect insisting I live out my secret fantasies of domination). This is the scent of the fiery chalice: the one who will brook no refusal, the one who is whipping her mount to victory. But to me it's got a heavy animus vibe; there is nothing soft about it. The carnation intensifies the spicy/peppery aspects of the other notes. I amped the cinnamon for quite some time before it receded into the background, which is the only part of the experience I'm not pleased about. In the vial there's actually a sweeter character, but I'm not sure what that top note is, exactly. Maybe the carnation before the cinnamon kicks in.

What's interesting to me is whenever I've needed to access my inner bitch-on-wheels, Dominance is the obvious choice, and the variants are fragrances which smooth the edges, as it were, to allow me to command with a touch of sympathetic grace. But this, this is dangerous, y'all (it's magick, after all)...if you want to be bad you'd better decide beforehand who you're going to unleash it on, because otherwise it's going to whisper in your ear that you can have your cake, eat it too, and go find another cake for later. Or, in other news, whomever bars the door is going to be a doormat so be sure to wear the pointy heels. :666:

PS: if you want to keep the balance of power in your favor, don't let them near it. Because a man, for example, could wear this very well...and they know well enough how to be wicked without the benefit of serious ju-ju. ;)

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As we know from the description for this scent, it contains some serious ju-ju...and just in case you forget that, the fragrance will remind you immediately. But of course this is the kind of thing I really love: dark and powerful and wicked (in other words, my Taurus aspect insisting I live out my secret fantasies of domination). This is the scent of the fiery chalice: the one who will brook no refusal, the one who is whipping her mount to victory. But to me it's got a heavy animus vibe; there is nothing soft about it. The carnation intensifies the spicy/peppery aspects of the other notes. I amped the cinnamon for quite some time before it receded into the background, which is the only part of the experience I'm not pleased about. In the vial there's actually a sweeter character, but I'm not sure what that top note is, exactly. Maybe the carnation before the cinnamon kicks in.


What's interesting to me is whenever I've needed to access my inner bitch-on-wheels, Dominance is the obvious choice, and the variants are fragrances which smooth the edges, as it were, to allow me to command with a touch of sympathetic grace. But this, this is dangerous, y'all (it's magick, after all)...if you want to be bad you'd better decide beforehand who you're going to unleash it on, because otherwise it's going to whisper in your ear that you can have your cake, eat it too, and go find another cake for later. Or, in other news, whomever bars the door is going to be a doormat so be sure to wear the pointy heels. :2403:


PS: if you want to keep the balance of power in your favor, don't let them near it. Because a man, for example, could wear this very well...and they know well enough how to be wicked without the benefit of serious ju-ju. :yeahthat:



So, Luna I need to ask you. What's your opinion of wearing this. When one is already a wild child. I'm already in touch w/ my evil twin. Yet I do have the ability to reign it in before it's too late. Do you think this could push me over the edge? I'm interested in it, not because of juju. Because I love spicy scents. I have been hestant because of the juju, though. Do you think I could temper it w/ a calming phero like Tranq.?

Edited by Beccah1
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I'm of the opinion (and this is my opinion, of course), that you cannot temper magick with pheromones. I really couldn't say if you might go over the edge...for me, the aspect which I generally only indulge in fiction anymore wanted to come out and play and someone would have been in for a wild ride had he been here. And she was a very nagging sort of presence, riding my shoulders with claws dug in. On the other hand, you could wear it in a situation where you are not liable to get into trouble and see how it makes you feel. People who aren't attuned to such things (or choose not to be) may not feel the true effects.

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Sounds to me like this is one that I need lol.....

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I'm testing this & it maybe be a big bottle purchase, I love carnations!


The carnation is sweet & spicy, but the tobacco deepens underneath & oh, there's the cinnamon, one of the spices (maybe the anise) is a high bright note (if that makes any sense). :)


I can see myself feeling very empowered if I was slathered in this one!

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I LOOOOOVE this one. It is an empowering blend. What I'm finding is that it brings out my logical side and helps me to ground and become more balanced. It does bring out my inner power in that I can 'be all I can be' without having to either submit or dominate. I am not good at explaining things--especially compared to Luna, but that's what's happening with me. Plus the scent is just NIIICE!

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i love this one. i love the spicyness of the scent and the mojo of the blend.

i'm a natural wildchild as well, and this didn't push me over the edge and get me in trouble...it had me walking a fine line, though...and i had a lot of fun while wearing it.

i know now there are certain people i can't wear it around and certain places i can't wear it 'cause it does loosen me up and make me even crazier than usual, but it's nothing so dramatic that i can't control myself and make poor choices or lose all inhibitions and good sense.

what a fun one, though.

glad i got a bottle of this one...it's definitely a social perfume!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This one was too spicy for me :hi215:

I don't know if it's the carnation but it's a very strong scent, quite clove like on me.

Maybe I'm amping something that makes it too strong on me, maybe it's just not my kind of scent...

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This one was too spicy for me :hi215:

I don't know if it's the carnation but it's a very strong scent, quite clove like on me.

Maybe I'm amping something that makes it too strong on me, maybe it's just not my kind of scent...



am i correct to assume this will be up for trade then? lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just ordered this boosted w/ Dominance from the sale...

Guess I better be careful when partying w/ this one. Don't want to unleash a big ol can of whoop ass on some innocent guy... ;):D

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is gorgeous! So grateful I was given this as a free sample in my last order, because I'd considered trying it but was put off by the cinnamon and anise notes, neither of which I'm particularly fond. But this is such pretty spicy carnation! I need to order a big bottle of this as soon as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just ordered this boosted w/ Dominance from the sale...

Guess I better be careful when partying w/ this one. Don't want to unleash a big ol can of whoop ass on some innocent guy... :mail: :lol:



Wore this today....Hubby said I smell like the candy Hot Tomalies..lol..He doesn't like the cinnamon..I amp it for quite awhile....

I on the other hand, really like this scent..Took my 17yr old daughter shopping @ crowded outlet stores today.....I just felt very very upbeat & confident and in total control.....Sales people asked if we needed anything & were very attentive in every store....I feel clear headed and confident like Im making things happen smoothly and effeciently today. Be it driving in the crowded city, navigating throngs of people, scoring the best discount on sales. Everyone was smiling @ us and holding doors.

I liked being noticed, feeling incharge and treated with respect...I felt like a Hot Tomalie indeed... :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Testing this now... so far I'm loving the true to life spicy, fresh from the floral case carnation....I need to see how it develops. Hope it doesnt turn me evil! I'm having a good day! More to come!

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I had just found a small sample of this and bought it today based on the scent from the vial,it just smelled so good.

I really did not think I would like this but mmmmmmmm

Most people I know say Im to nice so maybe it will be more of a balance for me

What is ju-ju sauce anyway?

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I hate to sound like a broken record...but every time I wear evil incarnation(boosted w/ dominance), everything just goes smoothly..


It is really amazing. I was in the big city w/ 4 kids today. Over an hour commute. It was as if everyone in this big metropolitan city was going in the opposite direction!!! I was navigating maps & choosing all the right routes..making the right decisions, with a clear head.


As far as effects on others, they were only more than happy to help me in every way. Even the cute young policeman writing me a parking ticket....I saw him wirting it from across the street, I crossed walked up right next to him and said, oh no..is that for me???


He looked up @ me, stared for a second, blinked and let out a sigh and asked is this your van? I nodded yes, he then smiled slow and said, you didn't get a parking card. I didn't know what he was talking about.


He then explained how it worked...He said since you didn't know, I'll call it in and have it canceled. I gushed and thank him..he said you look like a very nice person and have all these kids with you. I want you to enjoy our city...


I just love evil incarnation.. Straight up or a boosted version...as luna said it has some serious ju-ju.


Oh, did I mention cute young policeman was a smoking hot latin!!!! After he called in about the ticket, he shook my hand a rather long time, while telling me to come back again and see his city...My kids asked if I was hot, cause my cheeks were flushed.... :party:

Edited by FAWN
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Methinks it smells of conversation hearts(valentines day),lol.


lol Beccah

my hubby thinks it smells like hot tomalies the candy...I guess the young officer likes gals spicy & sweet....

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Oh, did I mention cute young policeman was a smoking hot latin!!!! After he called in about the ticket, he shook my hand a rather long time, while telling me to come back again and see his city...My kids asked if I was hot, cause my cheeks were flushed.... <_<


curses !! you didn't get to try out his handcuffs !! <_<

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Mmmmmmm, cuffs... oh, ahem *tries to clear head*


I have a question for the Masters, or anyone out there who has tried both Autumn Mist and EinC: I swear they smell very, very similar to me. I think they're both gorgeous, for the record, and my EinC sample is more cinnamony (which I love!) but I can't help but compare them... do they even share any notes? I don't know why I get that... esp since Autumn Mist is totally one of my 'innocent' scents and the EinC is so full of the nicely naughty juju. I am so getting an EinC bottle anyway, once I choose a carrier :lol: . I have more than enough tickets already! <_<


Sooo, maybe Autumn Mist is the 'good' twin, idk... opinions?

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know, this one just smelled nasty (and not in a good way) on me, got no Cinnamon at all. Smelled kind of like rotting wood. Waited about 30 mins for it to mix with my chemistry, and finally scrubbed it off.


Maybe I got a bad sample???

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I don't know, this one just smelled nasty (and not in a good way) on me, got no Cinnamon at all. Smelled kind of like rotting wood. Waited about 30 mins for it to mix with my chemistry, and finally scrubbed it off.


Maybe I got a bad sample???


I get an undernote of cinnamon with this but individual chemistry is a very weird thing--you could try it in a scent locket if you like the scent in the bottle.

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I get an undernote of cinnamon with this but individual chemistry is a very weird thing--you could try it in a scent locket if you like the scent in the bottle.


Nope, smells off in the bottle too.....oh well.

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PS: if you want to keep the balance of power in your favor, don't let them near it. Because a man, for example, could wear this very well...and they know well enough how to be wicked without the benefit of serious ju-ju. :jumpforjoy:



Okay, this might be a silly question but after the website revamp this came up under Male Scents. Is really this something that a guy could wear? I was trying to decide what to get next (instead of just going straight for the Excalibur or Miss Right...Now) and the scent definitely sounds interesting. :bad:

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Okay, this might be a silly question but after the website revamp this came up under Male Scents. Is really this something that a guy could wear? I was trying to decide what to get next (instead of just going straight for the Excalibur or Miss Right...Now) and the scent definitely sounds interesting. :bad:


We think so! Carnation is a very peppery flower, so it doesn't come off as exclusively a girly scent. Get a trial vial as a test and let us know what you think. :jumpforjoy:

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We think so! Carnation is a very peppery flower, so it doesn't come off as exclusively a girly scent. Get a trial vial as a test and let us know what you think. :bad:


I may be foolish and go for a big bottle just because I like the description. I was pretty suspicious of Aphrodisia Erotica when I saw it under the mens scents until I tried it on me just a little while ago. It really smells very nice but not so feminine that a guy couldn't pull it off. I could see this being a nice, up close and personal kind of scent (even for a guy).

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I definitely believe a man could wear this scent, but if I knew any who did I'd steer clear. :jumpforjoy:


Sold! I already have Mark's Tonka Tobacum and UN in the full size bottles, this looks to be my next one instead of Excalibur. :bad:

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Sold! I already have Mark's Tonka Tobacum and UN in the full size bottles, this looks to be my next one instead of Excalibur. :jumpforjoy:



Ladies, I believe this is the beginning of an addiction! :bad:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well you can't say we didn't warn you! :666:


you warned me.


My friend smelled this on me and she now has my bottle! Even knowing that it was boosted with 'Wanted Man'. She didn't care, she just wanted to wear it. I guess that is a compliment.


Edited by Snoopyace
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you warned me.


My friend smelled this on me and she now has my bottle! Even knowing that it was boosted with 'Wanted Man'. She didn't care, she just wanted to wear it. I guess that is a compliment.



Ha! Nice of you to share... so, what did YOU think of it?

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