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Quick question? Do alcohol based pheros wreak havoc on synthetic hair? Would they be hard on hairpieces(real hair)?



Not sure about the synthetic hair.....but I would think that on the hairpieces made from real hair, they would probably react in much the same way as your own hair.

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Hey Beccah-

I don't know about synthetic hair but as far as hair extensions go... you need to be a little more careful caring for them than your own hair. It doesn't benefit from your natural oils like your real hair does, and human hair used for hairpieces is usually drier and processed hair, to match your color and texture.

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I just had a brain-storm!! For those that want to use pheros on long hair for "swishing" and "tossing" purposes, how about a clip-in extension just for pheros? That way you could spray on before clipping it in, you wouldn't have to worry about washing pheros out of your own hair, or your expensive and delicate hairpiece.

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I just had a brain-storm!! For those that want to use pheros on long hair for "swishing" and "tossing" purposes, how about a clip-in extension just for pheros? That way you could spray on before clipping it in, you wouldn't have to worry about washing pheros out of your own hair, or your expensive and delicate hairpiece.



Already done!... hehe... :(

I don't know how long pheros actually last in hair though...

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I just had a brain-storm!! For those that want to use pheros on long hair for "swishing" and "tossing" purposes, how about a clip-in extension just for pheros? That way you could spray on before clipping it in, you wouldn't have to worry about washing pheros out of your own hair, or your expensive and delicate hairpiece.



You're a genius!!!

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Wonder when we will actually be able to order the spray pheros...


Kudos to the ladies who are already testing for the rest of us...way to go, taking one for the team...hehehe


I think these are gonna be a big seller...especially during the fall/winter seasons



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  • 1 month later...

Ok - my single strength OW spray came today. I was in a crabby mood about because I already had been up since 4 am and had 10 more hours of telecoms to go.


Anywhoo - I liberally spritzed up and had 4 hours of happiness. This definately diffuses better than in the oil or dpg and it's an amazingly effective vehicle to deliver a dose of phero happiness.


I could see this in the arsenal of anyone in sales in 1x. More and people might notice something weird. A waitress/bartender etc in a rocking environment for evenings? 2x all the way for tip enhancement.


At the 4 hour mark - time to reapply- but again - this truly is the perfect vehicle for such a social phero.


Ail - thank you so much for this blend.

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Road Test report:


The boss has been in a FOUL mood. FOUL. Really prickly- delivering messages to people in a really hurtful, rude way. He's had 5 people on the proverbial ledge in the last week alone. Men and women - ready to quit, cry, knock him senseless - or some combination of all of the above.


And I had to be penned up in a conference room with him for 9 hours yesterday - with several of those people he's had on the ledge. He had me so furious the other day I was practically speaking in tongues so I was NOT looking forward to it....


And I think ya'll know what that means? Time to take some phero control of the situation and change the rules and social dynamic.


I took a VERY LIBERAL SWIM in the OW spray. And sat right next to him to ensure he got a big ol' helping. And dosed one of my friends sitting further down the table in the room - with OW Sprays - so we had diffusion going on throughout the room. And reapply at 2/3 hours intervals - just to be safe.




Thank you Sweet Baby Jesus for the OW in a Spray. He was positively chipper, happy, attentive, and at times - downright silly. He's very serious and formal. He was so not his normal Grumpy Lordship Self - that several people asked him directly if he'd slipped away for an adult beverage or some hippy lettuce when no one was looking.


Now - I would say that to him anyway - but the ones who asked are normally fearful of him and wouldn't dream of it. So - OW got them opening up in a cheerful way as well. Even my very conservative, very proper Christian friend - made a comment about his wife and going home to get lucky that had us all doubled over crying with laughter since it was so NOT how he would normally behave.


We actually had several really loaded discussions that normally would have devolved to open warfare - that we navigated with a minimum of hurt feelings. Everyone was really positive, happy and caring with each other. We managed to wrap up a full hour early because of the lack of fighting - and several people who normally wouldn't have stayed after - just stayed and hung out to chat. UNREAL.


After yesterday - I have to say OW in Spray is going to remain a critical part of the work arsenal and honestly - I could completely see this greasing the skids for Thanksgiving and Christmas parties that are likely to be challenging. It's not like TH where everyone is loving - it's just a happy/open/upbeat vibe that would be great for those family parties where you want to take a butter knife and saw slowly through a major artery.

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Everyone was really positive, happy and caring with each other. We managed to wrap up a full hour early because of the lack of fighting - and several people who normally wouldn't have stayed after - just stayed and hung out to chat. UNREAL.


After yesterday - I have to say OW in Spray is going to remain a critical part of the work arsenal and honestly. It's not like TH where everyone is loving - it's just a happy/open/upbeat vibe that would be great for those family parties where you want to take a butter knife and saw slowly through a major artery.


This is why I just LOVE my OW for work :Hug_emoticon: It's just fab for boosting everyones mood, everyone gets along really well & it makes patients more comfortable & less stressed.


It's less sparkly thanPopularity Potion & less lovey dovey cuddly than TH/H&S... A happy medium between the two :)

Edited by Rosebud
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LOL, Shelly! That has to be one of the best reviews I have ever read. You had me howling with laughter. I have to go buy a bottle of that for myself now too. Did you do that in 2x or 1x???





That was just in 1X. Swear! However I sprayed so darn much on it mays as well have been 2X. If it was attached to me and it was on the side next to him - it was WET with Pheros. I made a big point of having hair spray in my bag to explain the hair spray smell mixed with the perfume. It does need to be reapplied frequently if you want to keep the whole HAIL FELLOW/WELL MET thing going all day.

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It's less sparkly thanPopularity Potion & less lovey dovey cuddly than TH/H&S... A happy medium between the two :Hug_emoticon:


That's the best description of it so far - a Happy Medium between PP and TH. Can't say on the H&S since mine hasn't gotten here yet. It's a cheerful, upbeat but caring vibe.

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So - more road testing the alcohol Beta Spray of OW 1X.


Took it to Europe for meetings - 3 16 hour days - highly contentious subject matter - high stakes career wise for everyone in the room.


Of all the phero blends tested - (I tried Cougar and TAH in this setting as well) the OW is by far the most successful for breaking down barriers and letting people work well together.


The Cougar got me flirted with - DUH - LOVE that. And while fun - not so much good in this setting.


The TAH actually made people sneeze - which was kind of funny. Went to apply it and see what happened. And what happened was everyone starting sneezing like crazy. I did get a real intensity of focus on the meetings for a couple hours- like a focus potion on steroids - and then BOOM the headache of a lifetime. I thought my brain was going to totally explode - so I guess there is something about TAH and neurotransmitters I don't understand - other than OUCH - my skull is cracking.


But the OW - a superstar for work. Everyone listened and played well with others. No fights, no grouchiness - just everyone open to each other and their ideas. And because of the spray/increased diffusion - it dealt with the fact where I was at was cold and everyone was all covered up.


I don't think I'm ever going to be without OW in a spray in the arsenal again. I could easily see this as a fundamental staple in the phero wardrobe - like cops and Cougar for wanting to go out and ROAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR.

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I love love love my OW 2X spray! I lightly scented mine with Constant Craving......it blends so well with everything! I am really enjoying the vibe this one brings!!

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I'm totally on board with you guys.....I love OW 1x for work....I work for the courts, and find the docket runs smoother , people are nicer, more cooperative and friendly when I am wearing my OW...THANKS AIL


I had mine lightly scented with djac's musky white orchid....just lovely with all my LP's....


Today I think I could have used 2x. Some people think that they can behave in court like they do on the TV Judge shows.... :666:

next bottle 2x......

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I'm with Fawn - I think the next bottle of OW is 2X as well. I'm using enough 1X at a time - it's probably more effective to just go with the 2X and call it good. This is one of the few pheros where less is probably not more.


And probably scented - because it is pretty potent in the 1X - in 2X would almost certainly need a scent vehicle - and moving to the scented would give it the 70/30 (roughly) alch. to oil ratio - giving it great dispersion but still across a longer time threshold. IMHO - based on pure theory - anyway.


Anyone who has OW2X in a scented cover could weigh in with real data at this point. :666:

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I'm with Fawn - I think the next bottle of OW is 2X as well. I'm using enough 1X at a time - it's probably more effective to just go with the 2X and call it good. This is one of the few pheros where less is probably not more.


And probably scented - because it is pretty potent in the 1X - in 2X would almost certainly need a scent vehicle - and moving to the scented would give it the 70/30 (roughly) alch. to oil ratio - giving it great dispersion but still across a longer time threshold. IMHO - based on pure theory - anyway.


Anyone who has OW2X in a scented cover could weigh in with real data at this point. :magicstick:


What real data are ya wanting, hun?


The unscented OW 2X smelled like hairspray after drydown....I could live with it, but didn't really care for it.....last weekend, I scented my bottle with Constant Craving, and the hits were off the chart when we went on the brewery tour and to the little pub to watch some football.....I used 3 sprays to the hair of OW 2X scented with about 3/4 of a bottle of Constant Craving.....


As we were standing in line at the tasting, there was an older woman standing in line behind me, who started talking, laughing, telling us her whole life story.....where her kids live, where she goes on vacation, EVERYTHING. I thought she would never shush.


We had the hotel shuttle drive us to the brewery, and we were planning to take the bus from the brewery to the pub.....well, as we were planning to leave, we were standing there chatting to a couple whom we DID NOT KNOW.......within 10 min, we were all laughing and talking like we had been friends for years.....then they offered to give my sweetie and I a ride so we wouldn't have to take the bus.


OH, and at the end of the night, I could still smell it in my hair.....this was about 7 hours later....happy vibes still going on.....also, after we got back to the hotel, my man opened up and told me some VERY personal issues and concerns he's been having.....I can only attribute this to the pheros....

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What real data are ya wanting, hun?


The unscented OW 2X smelled like hairspray after drydown....I could live with it, but didn't really care for it.....last weekend, I scented my bottle with Constant Craving, and the hits were off the chart when we went on the brewery tour and to the little pub to watch some football.....I used 3 sprays to the hair of OW 2X scented with about 3/4 of a bottle of Constant Craving.....


As we were standing in line at the tasting, there was an older woman standing in line behind me, who started talking, laughing, telling us her whole life story.....where her kids live, where she goes on vacation, EVERYTHING. I thought she would never shush.


We had the hotel shuttle drive us to the brewery, and we were planning to take the bus from the brewery to the pub.....well, as we were planning to leave, we were standing there chatting to a couple whom we DID NOT KNOW.......within 10 min, we were all laughing and talking like we had been friends for years.....then they offered to give my sweetie and I a ride so we wouldn't have to take the bus.


OH, and at the end of the night, I could still smell it in my hair.....this was about 7 hours later....happy vibes still going on.....also, after we got back to the hotel, my man opened up and told me some VERY personal issues and concerns he's been having.....I can only attribute this to the pheros....


that was the data - wondering if blending with a scent gave longer dispersion- which it must if you got seven hours- and moderated the phero/hairspray smell - which it apparently did. Thanks Dolly!!!

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  • 1 year later...

I really have to say that I am still loving my OW spray! My man came home in a FOUL mood today.....it is warranted.....he has been going through some "stuff" lately, with his kids and his job, and other things that I won't go into for privacy reasons. ANYWHOOOOO.......while he was showering, I sneaked into the bedroom and sprayed with my OW spray that is lightly scented with Constant Cravings.....within 15 min of his exit from the bathroom, his mood had lifted quite a bit.....not PERFECT, but MUCH IMPROVED! He was actually smiling and joking a little bit.....I'll take it! I need another bottle....getting low......

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I really have to say that I am still loving my OW spray! My man came home in a FOUL mood today.....it is warranted.....he has been going through some "stuff" lately, with his kids and his job, and other things that I won't go into for privacy reasons. ANYWHOOOOO.......while he was showering, I sneaked into the bedroom and sprayed with my OW spray that is lightly scented with Constant Cravings.....within 15 min of his exit from the bathroom, his mood had lifted quite a bit.....not PERFECT, but MUCH IMPROVED! He was actually smiling and joking a little bit.....I'll take it! I need another bottle....getting low......



Now that is the way to do it! Very shrewd way to lift him up out of his bad mood, even if it is in a covert manner. <_< Many women I know do not have that kind of wisdom, but will get tangled up in the bad mood, take it personally, and the day will end in an argument. Good call Dolly.

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It's important, I think, in a relationship to take care of each other emotionally as well as in other ways; that's a great example of how to do it. That's my primary aim with pheromone use when it comes to Q, to get him to relax and smile above all.

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It's important, I think, in a relationship to take care of each other emotionally as well as in other ways; that's a great example of how to do it. That's my primary aim with pheromone use when it comes to Q, to get him to relax and smile above all.



Yes, that is a VERY important part of a relationship.....one of the most important, IMO.....


Yes, Rosegirl, I learned a long time ago NOT to get involved in the bad moods, as long as it is not directed AT ME......when you take stuff personally that is not directed at you, all you do is cause yourself a lot of anguish.



NOW.....I am running a little low, and need more OW.....WHERE is that credit card?

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I Love Ail's Open Windows...I have it in 2 sprays scented w/ NOCO White & a PE I love. Like Luna and Dolly I wear it to uplift those around me. It works great at work & home.

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Thanks for the report, Dolly! Out of greed, I ordered the whole lot of UN pheros and I have two bottles of unopened OW and wondering what and when to use them.


Note to self - look for perfumer's alcohol to turn the social pheros into spray.

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How many times can I say I love this one? I was wearing my spray of this today for my own mood.....and it works on me every time......my man came home (who has had a hellish couple of weeks), and he has been grinning like an idiot since he got within range......LOL.....I love this blend!

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LOL!! I have several beta un pheros that I unaccountably just don't use enough...


Yeah, I hoard because I want to be ready. Talk about being proactive!

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I had a very unreal experience today & need everyone's input please!

I had three Doctors breakdown sobbing in court today. Granted it was a very sad trial, but in the 4 years Ive been a court clerk, I have NEVER seen a Doctor Cry!.

The whole court staff was remarking how this is week two of the trial & today was a 1st time anyone has cried. I said it was MR happening,(had to explain that) they said maybe it's you! (they have all smelled my wonderful LP's)

I was sitting next to the Doctors, wearing Bianca's PE, rolled (slathered) on pulse points. A Big Beta Sprays of Bianca's PE w/ Open Windows on top. Prob 4 sprays total, arms, chest, hair. Do you think it was the OW? I have never had anything but happy upbeat reactions..but maybe in a sad setting it would open up sad emotions?

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I had a very unreal experience today & need everyone's input please!

I had three Doctors breakdown sobbing in court today. Granted it was a very sad trial, but in the 4 years Ive been a court clerk, I have NEVER seen a Doctor Cry!.

The whole court staff was remarking how this is week two of the trial & today was a 1st time anyone has cried. I said it was MR happening,(had to explain that) they said maybe it's you! (they have all smelled my wonderful LP's)

I was sitting next to the Doctors, wearing Bianca's PE, rolled (slathered) on pulse points. A Big Beta Sprays of Bianca's PE w/ Open Windows on top. Prob 4 sprays total, arms, chest, hair. Do you think it was the OW? I have never had anything but happy upbeat reactions..but maybe in a sad setting it would open up sad emotions?


Wow, that's trippy. Well, OW is not Beta-Nol dominant, it's Alpha-Nol dominant, which is usually upbeat, happy. It's usually the Beta-Nol heavy stuff that gets people more emotional, in my experience. Looking forward to hearing what the more experienced users might think - as I've only been using pheros for around 4 years.

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Wow, that's trippy. Well, OW is not Beta-Nol dominant, it's Alpha-Nol dominant, which is usually upbeat, happy. It's usually the Beta-Nol heavy stuff that gets people more emotional, in my experience. Looking forward to hearing what the more experienced users might think - as I've only been using pheros for around 4 years.



As a general rule, Alpha-nol heavy mixes don't make people emotional, but IME, sometimes with pheros, you have an experience that just cannot be explained. That one oddball thing that happens, that you can't attribute to anything EXCEPT the pheros, but that doesn't follow normal patterns. IMO, that is what makes pheros such fun.....the unexpected!

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  • 2 years later...

This is simply not getting enough attention.


I started back wearing it with a spritz of my newly purchased DHEAS (a la "Levitation") to combat the crappy atmosphere where I work. It's been non-stop stress and short fuses since we started a really major new computer install a year and a half ago. I am now wearing this combo daily and I have been in a much better mood! I don't shive a git if anybody around me benefits from it or not. I don't spend my hard-earned money on stuff for THEM. While wearing this does not solve any of the actual problems, it helps me maintain a more upbeat attitude and not fall victim to the crap around me.


I had to help a doctor with a part of the system the other day, and the whole time I kept catching him staring a little longer than usual at me. He wasn't being inappropriate; it was more like slight amazement that one of the computer geeks could be this delightful! I made a new friend anyway. ^_^

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I hear you Darbla! I always (and I do mean ALWAYS) have at least two Unscented bottles of this in my arsenal. One in spray, one in silicone. I also have it mixed into many scents. I love the self-effects, and when my man is grumpy, it is like flipping a switch. 10 minutes max and his mood changes.

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I am slipping! I keep singing the praises of Open Windows, just ran out of my OW boosted Love Potion spray & yet I've still failed to stock this in my cabinet. I will rectify this ASAP.

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This is simply not getting enough attention.


I started back wearing it with a spritz of my newly purchased DHEAS (a la "Levitation") to combat the crappy atmosphere where I work. It's been non-stop stress and short fuses since we started a really major new computer install a year and a half ago. I am now wearing this combo daily and I have been in a much better mood! I don't shive a git if anybody around me benefits from it or not. I don't spend my hard-earned money on stuff for THEM. While wearing this does not solve any of the actual problems, it helps me maintain a more upbeat attitude and not fall victim to the crap around me.


I had to help a doctor with a part of the system the other day, and the whole time I kept catching him staring a little longer than usual at me. He wasn't being inappropriate; it was more like slight amazement that one of the computer geeks could be this delightful! I made a new friend anyway. ^_^


I think this tends to get attention in the threads for the enhanced scents. But I am in total agreement how wonderful this is!!!!!!

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This is simply not getting enough attention.


I started back wearing it with a spritz of my newly purchased DHEAS (a la "Levitation") to combat the crappy atmosphere where I work. It's been non-stop stress and short fuses since we started a really major new computer install a year and a half ago. I am now wearing this combo daily and I have been in a much better mood! I don't shive a git if anybody around me benefits from it or not. I don't spend my hard-earned money on stuff for THEM. While wearing this does not solve any of the actual problems, it helps me maintain a more upbeat attitude and not fall victim to the crap around me.


I had to help a doctor with a part of the system the other day, and the whole time I kept catching him staring a little longer than usual at me. He wasn't being inappropriate; it was more like slight amazement that one of the computer geeks could be this delightful! I made a new friend anyway. ^_^


Glad you found this thread again Darbla. It's the one social UN I keep always. Like dolly said, it's like flipping a switch. With me anyway. That and SS4W I wear for the selfies alone. I'm sure they affect others around me too but I get such a lift from OW.



I hear you Darbla! I always (and I do mean ALWAYS) have at least two Unscented bottles of this in my arsenal. One in spray, one in silicone. I also have it mixed into many scents. I love the self-effects, and when my man is grumpy, it is like flipping a switch. 10 minutes max and his mood changes.


I've been tempted to get this one in a roll on, but only for the reason that it would last longer. Dolly do you ever use just the roll on? or do you use it in tandem w/ the spray to make the OW last longer?

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I've been tempted to get this one in a roll on, but only for the reason that it would last longer. Dolly do you ever use just the roll on? or do you use it in tandem w/ the spray to make the OW last longer?


Both, actually. Sometimes if I am going out to a function, I will roll on the silicone-based one and spray over it. If it is just for me.many times, I will use just the roll-on. If it is just for me and my man, I will normally just use spray, because I can re-apply if needed.

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