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New Releases for NOVEMBER 2009

Potion Master

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Thanks ladies...again, so happy everyone is enjoying them, it warms the cockles of my Piscean heart.


I won't be able to wear Mistress Christmas without thinking of you, which is good--but it's going to make for an interesting holiday.....

My work here is done. :lol:


Luna, Fabulous title, fabulous story! My naughty boy is all tied up now as we speak in the back bedroom.. he cant wait to meet mistress christmas! Hes just met Tabby ;) ... review comin tommorow.

Meow! :lol:


All praise to Danna for the name and the concept...without it I wouldn't have been able to be nearly as wicked...

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Hey Mara, how smelly are Leather and Lace unscented?


Without the cops (which are optional) they're not smelly at all - to ME. Remember we have different sensitivites, (3 types of sniffer configurations: 1=pheros unpleasant, 2=pheros pleasant, 3=pheros undetectable). Most pheros smell good to me - even the "sweaty" ones. Est and Alpha Nol are not unpleasant to me in the least.


Re your other question - the pages weren't finished being uploaded yet at the time you checked. The option you're looking for is in there now. :lol:

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No, it's actually an earth accord, as in dirt....but more like a rich moist earth after a rain kind of smell. We've put together I think three different earth varieties over the years that each smell a little different from each other. Figs themselves have a tinge of an earth note in the smell of them, so I matched that aroma from the fig to bring it out further and compliment it.

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No, it's actually an earth accord, as in dirt....but more like a rich moist earth after a rain kind of smell. We've put together I think three different earth varieties over the years that each smell a little different from each other. Figs themselves have a tinge of an earth note in the smell of them, so I matched that aroma from the fig to bring it out further and compliment it.



Thank you. I was wondering about that. It sounds really sexy too.

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OMG I can't wait to order. And lookie here my money fairy has just arrived. I must have the scented Cougar, Lace and Honey Berry just for starters. And of course the sampler. And yes the Cougar label is really classy.

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Thank you. I was wondering about that. It sounds really sexy too.



It is sexxxy!!

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I've already ordered the Cougar even though my money fairy said I wouldnt be able to until tomorrow. Now tomorrow I'll order another Cougar some Lace and the Sampler. I am so excited and my other huge order is being shipped as I'm writing this. Life is sweet.

Edited by Countesszero
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Whew! Made it!! I absoulutely thought everything would be gone! AMAZING month! Garland and Lace? Oh yeah! In a frenzy, I forgot to get my bath goods. Whoops--goin back in.

Thanks to you who made chocolate covered cherries too....and Gingered Roses...I'll be back!


Ack-I'll order those in a little bit here. My package just came! I'm Overdosing!




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Ack-I'll order those in a little bit here. My package just came! I'm Overdosing!


I am SOOO stalking the poor little maildude. I think today will be the day...

If it weren't so freakin' cold I would go stroll about the neighborhood and try to locate him, he never gets to my office until almost 5! I can't wait 4 more hours!


Then of course post-OD I will order some November stuff.

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I am SOOO stalking the poor little maildude. I think today will be the day...

If it weren't so freakin' cold I would go stroll about the neighborhood and try to locate him, he never gets to my office until almost 5! I can't wait 4 more hours!


Then of course post-OD I will order some November stuff.



Im hoping to get my goodies today too!!!!!

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Oh but wait........................there's more.











Soon, very soon.




Such a tease! More pheros? Or pretty smellies? Special treats? All of the above?


I can't wait for Charisma for women. 003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.com].gif


Oh I know what I wanted to ask.... is there a replacement for SS4W in the works?

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There's always MOAR. That's what MOAR means! :lol2:


That's way I love it here!!!


I thought that's what BI was...minus the Th-doc factor.


*sighs* I wish all the phero info would decide to dwell in my brain, rather than just visit for an hour or two!!!!

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Oh but wait........................there's more.






Soon, very soon.





:lol2: Soooo excited!!!

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Yay ordered the samplers! Finally! I was gonna order yesterday but I got busy at work. Our boss left for 2 weeks for Thanksgiving vacation :lol2: So awsome! So we had to get all this stuff/paper work done and I got a nice money fairy yesterday too! hehehehe! Its really great though cause when he goes out of the office for a few weeks iam in charge of the office cause i work as an executive assistant so for the next 2 weeks my co workers and I can take it easy. Next week is Thanksgiving and I have off of course so next week will be an easy week. :emot177:

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New favorite phero blend. I think I have found the combo that is perfect for me. I was mixing up your special orders with this blend today and everyone in the studio was "high" within minutes. Oooof! This stuff packs a wallop! :D I could not stop laughing for over an hour...John John said, "I think she's gone to her Happy Place." It just feels GOOD and LOVING and FUN! I am totally bringing a gallon of this on my vacation with the KSBF....he's gonna like this one. (He thinks it's "cute" when I'm "girly".) Bwaha! Heeee!


Anyone else read this and sit and wonder about Lace - think about all the damage you've done with the Beta Sprays - said - ah - it can wait....AND then.... do like I did and BUCKLE under completely?




My poor fleeing credit card. I love to laugh. Woozy is a FAVE and with the added Est - if it makes me all girly, silly and shiny - that's good. :-) So - wth - I ordered it in the Beta Spray at 2X. Should be worth a few giggles...


Maybe with some OCCO? Hmmmm - the possibilities...

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Anyone else read this and sit and wonder about Lace - think about all the damage you've done with the Beta Sprays - said - ah - it can wait....AND then.... do like I did and BUCKLE under completely?




My poor fleeing credit card. I love to laugh. Woozy is a FAVE and with the added Est - if it makes me all girly, silly and shiny - that's good. :-) So - wth - I ordered it in the Beta Spray at 2X. Should be worth a few giggles...


Maybe with some OCCO? Hmmmm - the possibilities...


I ordered it in the spray with cops added at 1x. Looking very forward it!

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I ordered it in the spray with cops added at 1x. Looking very forward it!


Well Darlin' Bookworm - I'm positively twitchy with excitement. Not that I'll have anyone specific to test on - but wtf?


<g> I've told several people who my work crush is - since as an on my way to single person - I'm allowed to have them again. Even if I've crushed on him for 2 1/2 years. Here's crossing my fingers that the work crush - has a crush back. :-)


And that Lace reels in some attention. :-)

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Well Darlin' Bookworm - I'm positively twitchy with excitement. Not that I'll have anyone specific to test on - but wtf?


<g> I've told several people who my work crush is - since as an on my way to single person - I'm allowed to have them again. Even if I've crushed on him for 2 1/2 years. Here's crossing my fingers that the work crush - has a crush back. :-)


And that Lace reels in some attention. :-)


I got both Leather and Lace in 1x--I figure that the Woozy levels of A-nol will be enough to send me into orbit. And since I'm back on the Pill (Looooong story), I'm putting cops in EVERYTHING. I will definitely make reports!

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I'm so confused by this November/December batch...do I get samples, do I get bottles?? Which ones should I consider turning obsessive on, which ones can't I live without?? Where do I start? :)

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I'm so confused by this November/December batch...do I get samples, do I get bottles?? Which ones should I consider turning obsessive on, which ones can't I live without?? Where do I start? :)


I'm having the same issue. I want to test them just to make sure they work with my chemistry, but I don't want to risk them selling out in case I LOVE them. I keep debating on just getting the bottles. I really want to get the bottles. It's such a challenge to NOT GET the bottles.

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I'm going the testing route with samples first, except for Scented Cougar and Garland and Lace. BUT I'm really thinking about getting the full bottle pack since I can see about six that I want anyway.

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You may hate me afterward...it will have white chocolate, cream, sweet vanilla, and white confectioner's sugar. I wanted a sweet white chocolate frosting scent.


The Christmas Candy one that's posted is going to resemble a cinnamon flavored spice drop. :love:


I got sniffies of White Chocolate Frosting and Christmas Candy with my order today.....YUM!! I'm in love!

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Got my monthly sampler plus all of the other things I ordered. I am up on Lace, Cougar (scented and Un), Garland and Lace (made of Nom and Win). Trying Vamp Cafe first!!

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Trying Offering on the top of my arm with Vamp Cafe on the flip side. Gotta say there's another Win there. Gonna take a shower and then slather down with Unscented Lace with a Garland and Lace chaser.

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Trying Offering on the top of my arm with Vamp Cafe on the flip side. Gotta say there's another Win there. Gonna take a shower and then slather down with Unscented Lace with a Garland and Lace chaser.



Well tell us all about it when you do! I'm so curious about Lace...

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Well tell us all about it when you do! I'm so curious about Lace...


Will do, but I don't think my reports will be as good as yours, Dolly's or Luna's!

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The new phone books are here!I CAN HAZ TEH SMELLIEZ!!!11


First impressions...


Sugared Moon Dust

Oooh, I like this! Sweet warmth, stealth sexy.



A lovely fresh primarily plum bouquet for me. Those who like the lighter brighter blends will be happy with this one, I'm thinking.


Eanie, Meany, Miney!

Danna told me how enchanted she was by the scent of yellow elderflower, and now I understand why.


Cougar Potion

Awesome as ever! Perhaps even a tad more grapefruit than in the second brew.



So interesting, not what I expected! Complex gourmand.


Garland & Lace

Primarily gingerbread to my nose but totally made of YUM and NOM and WIN.


LP Passion & Desire

Oh wow. I really hoped this would smell like when I layer it, AND IT DOES. At least in the vial.


Blood on Snow

Very soft, the currant is just a slight tinge in the top, much like the concept presented.


Boddice Ripper

Earthy with a slight tinge of floral. When I say "earthy" I mean literally. But oddly enough not "dirty," just a very male vibe.


Vamp Cafe

What I get is the Southern Gothic '09 aspect with an earthiness underneath, probably the coffee note.


Mistress Christmas

Looooove pears and this is yummy yummy pear on top of sweetness and a little pinch of the ginger in your nose. Or is that the kiss of Her whip? ;)



And also...

Mademoiselle Pancake

Provided this works with your chemistry, any and all of fans of Sugar-Fried Bananas will enjoy this, I believe. NOM NOM NOM

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Hmm, I wonder if the pheros hang on in the bathing process...


I've used Cuddlybunny bath salts with cocoa butter--the scent hangs on for sure so I'd guess the pheros do too, judging from the reactions I get.

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