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Black Candy


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This one smelled pretty good on me (I got my share of compliments from it) but seriously, if I smelled this on a woman I'd follow her to the ends of the earth!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my sample of this today... Not sure about it yet. I put it on and immediately got that snap of licorice scent but it instantly faded off and got very soapy on me--I suspect that is the violets because occo purple did exactly the same thing.. Nose tickling soapy. Because I was already working on a headache, I washed if off --but will go back to it another day when my sinuses are not so sensitive. It is a very clean scent. I was hoping that snappy licorice would hang around a little longer but my skin ate that up right away.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd gotten a big bottle of this (had been thinking about buying one but then seeing it in the sale section sealed the deal for me) and wore it today. I had TONS of compliments from women about how great I smelled (truth be told, I did smell pretty awesome :D ). I had to laugh because I have a female friend who literally chased me around today sniffing me. I really didn't mind letting her catch me.


I swear there is something about rolling it on from a big bottle as opposed to the sample vials that makes every LP I have smell even better. I figure it must be a matter of volume but I still find it interesting.


This is a great licorice scent that on me remains pretty solid with the violets peeking through to prevent it from turning too feminine. This one reminds me (in spirit) of Boddice Ripper for Men with the floral notes but is different enough that someone could alternate between both and not get burnt out on either one. I also noticed how invigorating the scent was for me. Probably the licorice but it definitely put me in a positive, energetic mood.

Edited by Snoopyace
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That's pretty cool to get a review from the XY set on a 'female' scent ..although I don't think most of these here should be termed 'strictly' for one gender. The only reason I couldn't like this is because of the anise...I can sense anise in most things. Can't drink Jager either,lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got the violets mostly from this one, with just a hint of anise. It goes a bit soapy on me too, but more like a fresh, clean soapy. It's nice, but it doesn't las long on me.

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  • 1 month later...

Wore this one out today and got a big compliment from my lady friend as well as a waitress who was told to smell me. Both agreed that I smelled very nice!


I really like this scent and it wears well on me. It has a floral quality but it is still masculine enough (likely due to the anise) that I feel comfortable wearing it. I actually like this scent on me better than Boddice Ripper for Men which is meant to be a masculine scent. I already have 2 bottles in reserve otherwise I'd think about getting more to hoard.

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This one smelled pretty good on me (I got my share of compliments from it) but seriously, if I smelled this on a woman I'd follow her to the ends of the earth!



I think I'd better go and hunt for my Black Candy that I bought many moons ago. Almost a full bottle. Hmm. I think this will be perfect for my Florida trip.

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I think I'd better go and hunt for my Black Candy that I bought many moons ago. Almost a full bottle. Hmm. I think this will be perfect for my Florida trip.


Believe me, that statement still holds true. I'd had a lady friend wear it and I couldn't stop sniffing her. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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  • 2 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Absolutely delicious! This is like a combo of violet candy and those black licorice cough drops (with no medicinal ingredients) I would eat by the box as a kid. *sniffs and smiles*

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  • 1 year later...

:burning-heart:Holy Sheepshit. It's a Holy Grail Violet perfume. :burning-heart:

I got some of this (from Mistress Liz I do believe :) ) 'cause I'd not tried it and was curious. Expected it to smell more like licorice. GOOD LORD! It's the PERFECT VIOLET on me!!! I didn't even remember that violet was in it! It starts out clean and anisey, and I was really liking it. Then, when it reached complete drydown, the violet started coming to the fore. Black Candy turns out a perfect, understated, fresh, clean, sweet-but-not-candied violet on me. It's an intimate scent...it sits close to the skin, like it's part of me. "Why of course, Dear...I have *always* smelt of violets." Heh.

LOVE EEEEEEET!!!!! :heart::heart::heart: I am SO GLAD there's still some available! :w00t::wub::)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I have some coming in a trade but my hope is that it stays more anisey for me. love the anise scents thus far that I've tried and I too am a big lolita fan.

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  • 1 year later...

I had really hoped for another anise forward sent, but this one is violet first. I still enjoy it but not exactly what I had in mind. On me Black Candy wears as a clean floral scent, very fresh and bright, sadly I don't really get the licorice scent I was really hoping for. I think this would layer well and is delicate enough for day wear.

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  • 1 year later...

So here we are in March on a Saturday in the Pacific Northwest, and the violets are blooming !! Which gave me all the inspiration I needed to dust off my husband's FB of this (because yanno, some very thoughtful wife bought it for him - or herself - who cares) and made him apply liberally. Swoonworthy violet-forward, just like I remembered from last year. For me this is very seasonal, as in I couldn't see anyone wearing this for fall.

It's raining and we can't work in the garden so we go to a local Garden Center. My husband smells better than any of the flowers there !!! Take THAT, mother nature ! I will be very sad when this bottle is gone. If I were a guy, I might layer with some sugared spices, pepper or musk, but it's also perfectly fine the way it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this stuff. Such a pretty violet and I'm very much in the mood for the somewhat melancholic violet these days. It has definitely deepened since its creation and is now a full bodied, slightly dirty and quite sweet violet-centric scent with a light anise accent. I don't smell amber but I'm sure it's what has taken this scent to the dark side in the aging process. Reminds me very much of the old OCCO/NOCO purple.

Compliments fly at me left and right when wearing this stuff. :)

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