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Perfect Match?

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I think the build up has a lot to do with it. If I only get a short time with TG, it doesn't seem to make as much difference. If we are near each other for hours, it just gets better and better, even if we aren't necessarily alone.... you can just see it. And even a few days after, in some instances, when I see him again.

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Ok, so as well as this seems to work, I added a little PheroGirl and I was wowed. I mean, I have used it with Aphrodisia, and there was a little boost in interest, BUT with the PG, it just seemed to amplify everything. TG and I have not been in a situation where I could see the potential FULL effects of this combo, BUT we have both been put into a group project together (several other people, too), and the last time we met and I was wearing this, he was stuck to my hip. We have to meet 2-3 times a week for the next few months, so I am excited to know I will be in his close proximity and get to try out some stuff. :D Although, I am almost wary of venturing off of the PM since it really seems to be working for him.

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  • 2 months later...

Perfect Match has always been a hit for me with others. It's usually selfies I have to watch out for. Sometimes I'm emotional, sad or bothered, and the beta-androstenol will highlight that big time. This is just to say it's powerful, because when I'm having a good time, boosted on beta-androstenol I'll be having a great time.


I don't use Perfect Match as frequently because of this. Pheromone molelcules each have their time and place, and I've learned this lesson very well lol The last time I used PM was probably on a hiking trip with my partner (who wasn't yet) in October 2017. Even then was testing the line as we weren't close, so feeling pushed by beta-androstenol to open up while I was still being cautious was extra effort.


This brings me to note the contrasting experience I had with PM last night while staying in with my partner. I was feeling more at home than ever :D In fact, after I figured the effects was worn off after 5 hours, I contemplated putting on more because Perfect Match was working so well for me. The great bonus is I know for a fact Perfect Match was working as well - if not better - for him because who doesn't like feeling comfortable and cozy like you've known someone your whole life and can trust them unconditionally? Usually on this blend, I can tell when someone isn't going to jive with my inner personality, but according to yesterday, I think I found my Perfect Match :angelhug:

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Perfect Match has always been a hit for me with others. It's usually selfies I have to watch out for. Sometimes I'm emotional, sad or bothered, and the beta-androstenol will highlight that big time. This is just to say it's powerful, because when I'm having a good time, boosted on beta-androstenol I'll be having a great time.


I don't use Perfect Match as frequently because of this. Pheromone molelcules each have their time and place, and I've learned this lesson very well lol The last time I used PM was probably on a hiking trip with my partner (who wasn't yet) in October 2017. Even then was testing the line as we weren't close, so feeling pushed by beta-androstenol to open up while I was still being cautious was extra effort.


This brings me to note the contrasting experience I had with PM last night while staying in with my partner. I was feeling more at home than ever :D In fact, after I figured the effects was worn off after 5 hours, I contemplated putting on more because Perfect Match was working so well for me. The great bonus is I know for a fact Perfect Match was working as well - if not better - for him because who doesn't like feeling comfortable and cozy like you've known someone your whole life and can trust them unconditionally? Usually on this blend, I can tell when someone isn't going to jive with my inner personality, but according to yesterday, I think I found my Perfect Match :angelhug:


Oh, I love this!! I kept using PM for awhile and then went more with the LFN. My history with TG is interesting and I just don't feel like I should post in too many details on the publicly viewable threads, but I am still on the fence as to which one works best for us. I think it just depends on the situation. I wish I could lay it all out there and get an opinion...lol. But nonetheless, I still think LFN and PM are my top two. Sadly, I can't get anymore LFN right now so I hoarded some LFM to see if I can get the same touchy feely results I got from him with LFN. But I will say, when I wear PM with him AND PheroGirl...he really just can't seem to stay away. :D

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Oh, I love this!! I kept using PM for awhile and then went more with the LFN. My history with TG is interesting and I just don't feel like I should post in too many details on the publicly viewable threads, but I am still on the fence as to which one works best for us. I think it just depends on the situation. I wish I could lay it all out there and get an opinion...lol. But nonetheless, I still think LFN and PM are my top two. Sadly, I can't get anymore LFN right now so I hoarded some LFM to see if I can get the same touchy feely results I got from him with LFN. But I will say, when I wear PM with him AND PheroGirl...he really just can't seem to stay away. :D

Glad you have multiple blends working for you two ? If you have anything with Dominance potion, then add a dab of cops over LFM, that should get you similar results, I think.


You and I are Honey Ho sisters ?

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Perfect Match is a big hit around here. I wanted my man to wear something with Hunter Trapper tonight, but he reached for Mark's Girl Nip instead. He's a guy who definately craves connection, so it makes sense. I also got him Year One, mostly because it smells amazing, but also for the PM. I think of it as "his phero," but I'm going to see what happens if I wear Allumette tomorrow, if we get same results whichever one of us is wearing it.

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  • 1 month later...

I've only just gotten to a point where I know how much to wear, but this is trickier for me than other pheros. It consistently does well in terms of how others treat me (and I get a kick out of the heart-eyed looks i get from strangers I interact with when I'm wearing this), but I notice that if I put on a little too much, I'm prone to feeling a bit sensitive or sad, much like some feel when wearing too much est--but PM, of course, doesn't contain est, so is that due to the beta-enol somehow? :Emoticons04280:

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I don't think this has made me sad on its own. I made the mistake of mixing it with Gotcha and I was a WRECK. Most of the time I have worn this it has been with Red, Aphrodisia solid and/or oil, or PheroGirl. I have also worn it with the Sugared Lavendar. I almost ALWAYS wear the UN which is stronger than the scented ones. But I will say that too much betanol can make me "sensitive". I haven't noticed it with this blend...I think some of the more masculine - leaning pheros in this help with that for me personally. But in other things, I have seen it.


Tonight I will see TG in a group, so I am wearing this with the Aphrodisia solid. I currently am wearing the PM UN in oil, but have a spray I made up with it, too, and will probably use that before I am actually in his presence. I can say, I have just about doused in PM before and never noticed the sadness, BUT we are all different.

OH...and it could be cycle related. Some things I can't handle at certain times of the month. There are a lot of variables, so it just takes trial and error.

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  • 10 months later...
47 minutes ago, Tinkerbelle said:

Any body heard anything in regards to this coming back?  I know SS4W and BANG are gone for good.  Wanted to see if this one had been mentioned since it is currently sold out.  And I'll cry madly if it is gone forever!

It’s still available on the temp site, so maybe just hasn’t been moved to the new site yet

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  • 1 year later...

I would LOVE advice on wearing this with my boyfriend. I wore it around him for the first time this past Sat as I wanted us to remember our romantic connection and he seemed sweet towards me, but not necessarily romantic. HOWEVER, he seemed more romantic towards me and thoughtful THE NEXT TIME he saw me. AS FOR THE EFFECT ON ME, we had just gone through something emotionally taxing and I was SUPER WEEPY AND TOUCHY FEELY, SUPER CUDLY, which is not like me LOL...I kept touching him and stroking him. It made me TOO EMOTIONAL. I like the closeness, but I don't want to be a crying mess LOL. I wore it in a scented blend. Please helllllpppp!! 

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  • 4 weeks later...


Going to re-visit Perfect Match tonight in consideration of 02.20. This is one phero that I've mostly had used "on me," meaning in Firl Bip. (Supposed to say Girl Nip, but I'm okay with Firl Bip.) I had also bought my man Year One w/PM, but we've most likely worn it the same number of times. It smells better on me! 

I know I'm a responder to PM, but is he? He's already a cuddly MF. 

I'll post back on this after testing.

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On 1/16/2020 at 4:47 PM, FlowerPower said:

I would LOVE advice on wearing this with my boyfriend. I wore it around him for the first time this past Sat as I wanted us to remember our romantic connection and he seemed sweet towards me, but not necessarily romantic. HOWEVER, he seemed more romantic towards me and thoughtful THE NEXT TIME he saw me. AS FOR THE EFFECT ON ME, we had just gone through something emotionally taxing and I was SUPER WEEPY AND TOUCHY FEELY, SUPER CUDLY, which is not like me LOL...I kept touching him and stroking him. It made me TOO EMOTIONAL. I like the closeness, but I don't want to be a crying mess LOL. I wore it in a scented blend. Please helllllpppp!! 

I know that when some people find themselves in this situation, they like to apply it away from their faces/heads: wrists, backs of knees, etc. So it should still reach out to him, but it won't be right in your face hitting you hard. I haven't tried this myself though. Another idea is to add a spritz of DHEAS to yourself to lighten the effects a bit. (I guess you could do both these things.)

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 3 years later...
On 7/5/2011 at 5:30 AM, cinnamonmel said:

I've used this in Allumette, I have noticed wearing it on dates it has had an effect I thought was bad but now realise is really useful...we get on GREAT, really well and except in one case, those guys have then never wanted to see me again. The other's turning his whole life around. Why is it useful I hear you ask?? Because I think it speeds up the commitmentphobic reaction and weeds out the assholes faster. my initial thought was hey this makes guys not want to see me again but, duh now I get it :o


I love how it makes me feel though, although I am not safe around knives wearing it, makes me a bit too dreamy for safe chopping!!


Reviving this discussion about PM to relay an interesting experience:


My bf B and I have been together long enough that we've had a couple of really, really bad arguments (almost turned physical, I just am not intimidated easily), and he's high-strung and grouchier than average in general anyway (hence the bad arguments).  If I were not so patient, kind-hearted, and understanding of his mental issues, this would've been over and done before now.  But we're still hanging in there for whatever reasons, and in trying to be soothing to his nerves and encourage a happy and calming atmosphere for us, I applied PM last night before he was to come over. 


But within 5-10 minutes after applying, >>> I <<< started feeling all ragey and absolutely did NOT want to see him!  Building on what cinnamonmel said, I'm guessing the phero maybe facilitates something like a nesting vibe, but if that goes against what's truly in your subconscious then it creates internal conflict for YOU, the wearer.  Not the outside party like cinnamonmel was describing.  I'm self-aware enough I already knew my feelings on my situation; overtly experiencing this just seems interesting and informative about this phero and makes me wonder if there's some way someone could make use of it from this angle.


I don't talk much personal stuff on a forum like this, so I'm mentioning all of this in the context of exploring this phero and in case this helps someone else.

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I know you didn’t ask for advice but this is not the way you wanna live, managing someone else’s emotions. It’s exhausting and it will ruin you. I speak from experience here and that why I can’t be quiet. I hope I haven’t upset you, and you deserve better. 

7 hours ago, Darbla said:


Reviving this discussion about PM to relay an interesting experience:


My bf B and I have been together long enough that we've had a couple of really, really bad arguments (almost turned physical, I just am not intimidated easily), and he's high-strung and grouchier than average in general anyway (hence the bad arguments).  If I were not so patient, kind-hearted, and understanding of his mental issues, this would've been over and done before now.  But we're still hanging in there for whatever reasons, and in trying to be soothing to his nerves and encourage a happy and calming atmosphere for us, I applied PM last night before he was to come over. 


But within 5-10 minutes after applying, >>> I <<< started feeling all ragey and absolutely did NOT want to see him!  Building on what cinnamonmel said, I'm guessing the phero maybe facilitates something like a nesting vibe, but if that goes against what's truly in your subconscious then it creates internal conflict for YOU, the wearer.  Not the outside party like cinnamonmel was describing.  I'm self-aware enough I already knew my feelings on my situation; overtly experiencing this just seems interesting and informative about this phero and makes me wonder if there's some way someone could make use of it from this angle.


I don't talk much personal stuff on a forum like this, so I'm mentioning all of this in the context of exploring this phero and in case this helps someone else.

Also almost physical, will eventually be physical. Stay safe .

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@Darbla  I seem to recall reading on the forum someone else (not sure, MeridianTime maybe?) having a similar experience as you. She was also in a rocky relationship. The PM did get her guy to want to keep working at the relationship, but she decided that she didn’t want it any more. 


So, my take is that it acts as a truth serum on both you and others around you to bring to the surface any truths that you might rather not deal with or ignore. 


And take care of yourself! Don’t make his problems your problems. Life is hard enough without adding all of that to the mix. ❤️

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  • 11 months later...

Perfect Match is my new office scent. I wore 0220 to an office event and noticed a change in everyone- they all seemed to believe it was PERFECT.

How can you go wrong. 
I have worn SWS which is really good for professional settings. And Levitation which is a personal favorite. I wore Iduna with Dominance- that caused no end of trouble - every move I made all day was challenged- was not worth the effort. 

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@raydee8_love wow, I’m going to have to test this out! I have a bottle of 02.20 that hasn’t gotten as much use lately…


I’m thinking it might be a good one to try for tram meetings with people I already know, as opposed to first impressions.  

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On 6/6/2024 at 3:35 PM, raydee8_love said:

Perfect Match is my new office scent. I wore 0220 to an office event and noticed a change in everyone- they all seemed to believe it was PERFECT.

How can you go wrong. 
I have worn SWS which is really good for professional settings. And Levitation which is a personal favorite. I wore Iduna with Dominance- that caused no end of trouble - every move I made all day was challenged- was not worth the effort. 

I’ve been wearing this to work alternating between treasured hearts and PM but have also been adding in H&S. All of the mushy bonding ones help everyone get a long with one another and help me make better connections with my coworkers.

This one is so great. I had taken a long break from pheros but this is so great for work! I got my first DIH years ago with this at work. Lol

I Like to add cops to them too. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

After seeing some of the comments on PM, I wanted to test it out again. I wore this to a walk with a friend.  We’re very similar in many ways, have both been through difficult times, and just have a very open and honest friendship.  I thought she would be a great person to wear PM with since the sense of connection and bonding fits with our friendship. 
Well, we ended up talking about our trauma and PTSD and crying together on a park bench! Maybe not the most cheerful walk, but it was a moment of deep understanding and connection that was healing to us both.  
But wow! Have to remember to be careful with this! 

Also, I wore this in 02.20 and I love how warm and fuzzy the scent is.  It smells and feels like warm hug wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. ❤️

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