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Perfect Match?

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I have noticing this is also great to wear around ladies. I work at a cosmetics counter so I am around mostly women all day. This makes everyone really nice to me, almost like we are instant besties. Makes my boss nicer to me. I have even had ladies do double takes towards me and exclaim oh you are so cute! Or something around those lines...And want me to help them with all their make up needs. Lol.

Perfect Match is amazing around guys but if you have to be around any grouchy women for a while, seriously try PM!

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I've got a FB of PM headed my way. I just love it. I have a spray of The Good Witch boosted w/ PM and it always puts me and others in my scent area in a good mood. I went FB so that I could wear other scents with it.


The selfies on this are fab for me. I feel carefree, like I was when I was a pre-teen. Happy, excited, and like I have a clean slate. Not sure if that makes sense, but I feel like I loose a lot of negative baggage that I must carry around but just don't recognize it because it's always packed and there. But I can sure tell the absence of it and it is veryyyyy freeing.

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well, I think part of that may be because you ARE so adorable!!! But I'm glad I've got PM in my arsenal ;)

Aww sweet :) but seriously... PM does give that "I want to be just like you..." kind of thing with other girls. At least with me!

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This is one of the firs pheros I got in a spray...does any one have a preference?


I'm thinking of getting it in oil next time, but I'm finding of late that I like to spray this on the sleeves of my blouses and the effects on the population are great...


Was I BB who suggested it for work? Because you were right! This one is a great wheel greaser!

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This is one of the firs pheros I got in a spray...does any one have a preference?


I'm thinking of getting it in oil next time, but I'm finding of late that I like to spray this on the sleeves of my blouses and the effects on the population are great...


Was I BB who suggested it for work? Because you were right! This one is a great wheel greaser!


I can't take credit for it. I want to say it was Tyvey that mentioned it initally, but I've been banging the drum loudly too because IT WORKS!!! :lol:

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LOL! Bang away cause she's on to something here. I'm always swapping out my potions daily...or at least nearly so...but PM is a real winner. I'm liking Raq On's BAM!, PM & OW (and Eggers' version that's w/o the OW) for work. They've been real winners! Have you tried either of those? Nice :D

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Now that you mention it, w/o something to buffer it, straight B-nol can make me feel odd. I remember, at least once, feeling weirdly insecure :huh: Completely not like me but I had the wherewithal to know it was likely the phero messing with my perceptions. I usually keep it away from my neck and chest now and keep it to my hands and I also buffer it with other mones. What was your experience, if you don't mind my asking?

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Well then! In that case I bet PM, TMI and OW would work just as well for you as a variation of Raq On's fun mix if you wanted to try them out together! :D There's ALWAYS wiggle room with pheros in some way or another :^^: But that is VERY interesting to know about the B-nol. I will have to tuck that one way in the memory banks...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow - fly by post ... rushed home to wash off the PP I over applied today - well of course a shower always makes someone feel a bit better but THIS fab brew had Mr C lovey dovey again. He's such a ball of stress I really shouldn't be near him without this on! Happy to have to work together again. :-)

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Wow LLVC, great report! Good to know it's working it's magic for you :^^:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wore 3 sprays yesterday to work and also used 1 small spray of dheas. Wowzers. My co-workers were especially needy for my attention. They also wanted to stand veryyyy close to me and touch me a lot. It was funny because as I was trying my damndest to attend to a whole lot of work, another co-worker would come up, stand super close, and then rub my shoulder or something. There were 2 people that have not touched me in the 6 1/2 yrs I have worked there, but yesterday their hands were magnetized to my body.


I've worn 3 sprays before and don't recall this touchy-feely response, but maybe it was the small squirt of dheas that put them over the edge?

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Sounds like you found a winner! *scribbles notes* :D

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  • 4 months later...

Do you have some DHEAS by itself? Throw some of that on there.

I was reading through this thread last night & realized I hadn't responded to this! (Six months after the fact! :o ).


I don't have DHEAS at the moment, but I'm hoping to get some this month. I'll give it a whirl when it gets here, and I'll get back to you.

I suppose a little extra DHEAS would work on BF, too, as well as on my customers. I'll have to try it in both situations. PM is great for netting extra snuggles. And I've been dying to try DHEAS out on its own, too.

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, so I mentioned this in the POTD thread yesterday, but it's happened two nights in a row now, so I'm putting it here too. 'Cause it's kinda cute.

The other night after my bath I applied Perfect Match & Lina's Pumpkin Cake Batter, and about an hour or so later, I went to bed. When I woke up the following morning, BF was pretty much stuck to me in his sleep! LOL! He was holding me so flippin' tight, I almost couldn't get out of bed! :o

He's done this before, sans pheros, but he hasn't done it in a really long time. He wraps an arm and a leg around me while we're sleeping, and then when I try to get up, he grabs tighter and tighter. I basically have to peel his body off mine, or hope to God that somehow I'll squish out of his arms like a banana out of a peel. And I always think it's kind of funny when he does it, 'cause in regular everyday life, he's not all that physically affectionate. Apparently at night I become his personal, life-sized Teddy Bear. :huh:

Anyway, last night I decided to try the PM again. So I wore the same combo, in the same amount, (only I'd added a little OCCO: White earlier in the evening), and lo and behold, when I woke up this morning, I was being squished between a pair of arms, and had a heavy leg pinning me down! :lol:

I'm tempted to try it a 3rd night running, but maybe I'll give it a few days, and see if I'm really onto something! :D

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That's so cute Eggs. I always check in with this thread. PM is what I use a lot w/ my man. He's too hot when he sleeps so we rarely entwine for more than a half hour (gets too hot) but PM makes him agreeable. That's such a bland word, but I guess I mean more in synch with me. Eggs, I forgot, have you tried PM with BAM? It's the bomb. tho if you try this combo and go to bed you MAY wake up with more than his leg wrapped around you LOL

Edited by Raq On
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BF is always too hot, too. I always smoosh the blankets down between us so I don't have to touch his clammy skin! LOL! I dunno. BF always responds so well to PM. "In sync" is a good way to put it, actually - it's like we're on the same page, and in the same frame of mind when I wear it. It also really flips his switch sometimes! :lol: I always think of it as a cosy kind of phero, 'cause I wear it most when we're home together for the evening. It always makes for a relaxing night.

I have tried PM & BAM. I love it! Talk about cosy! It increases the cosiness factor by about 10! And in fact, I'm fairly certain that I *have* worn this combo to bed, and woken up with other things wrapped around me! ;)

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Okay, so I *didn't* apply PM before bed last night, (in fact, we were both wearing Flying Potion all night), and I woke up with all the personal space in the world! LOL! So maybe it *is* the PM causing the nighttime Velcro effect? How weird would that be? Imma give it another try in a day or two - maybe Saturday or Sunday night, when I know neither of us has to be up for anything, so I can just enjoy... :)

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  • 2 months later...

The selfies on this are fab for me. I feel carefree, like I was when I was a pre-teen. Happy, excited, and like I have a clean slate. Not sure if that makes sense, but I feel like I loose a lot of negative baggage that I must carry around but just don't recognize it because it's always packed and there. But I can sure tell the absence of it and it is veryyyyy freeing.

Interesting... that's kind of how I felt this morning... I figured it was just because yesterday was so crappy, and today was a new day. But maybe PM had something to do with it too! (I'm wearing Bonded)

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I glossed over that the last time i visited this thread but you know...i totally think that's how I feel too! In fact, I've used PM to "rebuild" relationships after I've had to DOM or Leather someone. I'm planning on wearing one of my PM scents this evening. I will watch...

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Ooo, ditto. I hadn't thought about it like that. I know it's great for work and hubby.


I can put my finger on at least 2 (and I'm sure there are dozens I just don't recall just now) where hubby was in a snippy mood and I just "decided" I was feeling pretty darn good and he was going to have to be unhappy all by himself until the pheros effected him. Both times were on a drive where I had applied before leaving the house and he was trapped in the vehicle with me, lol. Kind of a, "I'm feeling pretty darn good, and so will you be in a few minutes, so I'm not even letting your negative attitude effect me right now!" Now, tell me that phero doesn't come in handy!? :D

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This one actually helps me to feel more connected to myself as well. Like I can love and accept myself more, despite all the stuff that usually causes angst for me. It feels extremely balancing.


Good point, I have found that as well!

It's a very very nice phero over all, one of my favorites. :)

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I wore this the other day with a non-romantic male friend, who is like a brother to me (in terms of the depth of the friendship) but with whom I sometimes have a tricky time. I think it worked on both of us -- he was very attentive and kind to me, but I also found myself able to focus, listen & ask questions about his situation in more depth than I usually do.


Also felt like there were follow up effects in the days following that encounter; I got unsolicited emails offering more help with the project we're currently working on together, very considerate of my schedule, etc. This is very good stuff, and I ordered a bottle of Decadent Diva boosted with it, which I think is going to be a great combination. Can't wait for that package to arrive!

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Welp, it didn't seem to do anything to the intended target when I wore it (in Bonded) yesterday, but it sure made *me* feel soppy... and gutted when he didn't pay me enough attention. Which is, erm, not how this was supposed to go! However it did bamboozle (as it does consistently) my main man.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a one ounce spray bottle of Perfect Match that I didn't think I was really using much. I grabbed the bottle this evening and was surprised to find that the bottle is only 1/3rd full! Nope it didn't leak. I use it more often than I thought. This really is an underrated product. I LOVE the way it affects my Beauty. She's calm, she's happy and she is affectionate. Also, I think this works better than a lot of the 'sexual' blends when it comes to romance. I'm going to have to get another bottle soon!

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I concur Snoopyace! This one is golden for snuggly in nights with the Mr for the same reasons in our house. Glad you're loving it more than you thought :lol:

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I concur Snoopyace! This one is golden for snuggly in nights with the Mr for the same reasons in our house. Glad you're loving it more than you thought :lol:

Have you ever used PM with an OCCo?

Bonded and a little OCCo pink make a great pair.

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:Emoticons04231: Yes, I've used PM with all the OCCOs at some point. The 2 together are always a win :)

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I am really looking forward to trying out Perfect Match in Blush (hopefully the scent notes will be something that is appealing). I love the ideas/intents behinds the social pheros -- I tend to be a hermit and I do not have many friends and I want to change that and draw more people into my life. I believe in the power of intention, and because I also believe in the science of pheros, then I believe these pheros can help me interact with people and not be so withdrawn. I mean, I am not totally socially retarded, but I have a hard time going from acquaintance to friend. Perfect Match, Gotcha!, Open Windows and Heart and Soul are at the top of my list, not just for the effects on others, but for the self-effects. I'm hoping to feel more relaxed, trusting, and confident. I've been looking at some of the other potions designed with intent towards friendship and bonding -- and thinking of boosting those with one of these pheros for an unbeatable one-two punch.

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Sounds like an excellent plan! PM, OW, H&S and Gotcha! are all social winners. I hope they trial well for you and look forward to hearing about how they work out for you in different situations :heart:

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I am really looking forward to trying out Perfect Match in Blush (hopefully the scent notes will be something that is appealing). I love the ideas/intents behinds the social pheros -- I tend to be a hermit and I do not have many friends and I want to change that and draw more people into my life. I believe in the power of intention, and because I also believe in the science of pheros, then I believe these pheros can help me interact with people and not be so withdrawn. I mean, I am not totally socially retarded, but I have a hard time going from acquaintance to friend. Perfect Match, Gotcha!, Open Windows and Heart and Soul are at the top of my list, not just for the effects on others, but for the self-effects. I'm hoping to feel more relaxed, trusting, and confident. I've been looking at some of the other potions designed with intent towards friendship and bonding -- and thinking of boosting those with one of these pheros for an unbeatable one-two punch.

is PM known for selifies? I really don't get selifies off it so far. But I like it results wise and its always pleasant when I wear it.

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is PM known for selifies? I really don't get selifies off it so far. But I like it results wise and its always pleasant when I wear it.

I've had some great self-effects with PM - fluttery tummy, feelings of excitement, big mood boosts, and a couple of times I've even had a sexual reaction to it! It's good stuff! ;)

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I've had some great self-effects with PM - fluttery tummy, feelings of excitement, big mood boosts, and a couple of times I've even had a sexual reaction to it! It's good stuff! ;)

Wow really? I'm looking forward to that someday.



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