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OK, so what should I get?

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Hi all,


This is an incredible site and I want to buy EVERYTHING hahaha. Since I'm not made out of money though I'll focus on a couple of things and could use your veteran advice ladies. I'm looking for


1. something that will give off that alpha female/respect/everyone listens vibe at work but I don't want to come across as a complete bitch. Calm confidence that people trust and feel good around.

2. something more sexy to use when I'm with my husband. We are both exhausted with work, small children, cleaning and washing...you know. I want something to help with that little spark now and then.


I'm thinking

* leather

* open windows

* popularity potion



What are your suggestions? I will try them out each individually and then start experimenting with combinations. Do you think leather + open windows will help me achieve goal nr 1? Out of LAM and BAM, what do you recommend? I'm thinking of getting sampler sets so I can try out the scents.


I read in a post that pheros heavy on Beta-Androstenol shouldn't be applied on the neck, wrist, etc so I won't be so affected myself. So I should be careful where I apply open windows?


I need some advice here as you can notice, grateful for all your input!


/the cat =)

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Hi, welcome!! There's *tons* of information in each phero's review threads -- see here. But my personal initial reactions -


1. leather, especially if they need to be 'kept in their place'

2. haha, you'll need to be much more specific than that ;) the many wonderful sexytime blends here are all intended for different things and their effects will vary widely depending on your husband's personality & responsiveness.


Combinations: as you'll see in other threads, it is strongly NOT recommended (including by LP's own Potion Master) to mix blends. (Leather and OW are both blends. EoW is not and goes with everything :wacko:) Experts created the blends - sometimes taking years - and they know what they're doing better than any of us ever could :) Mixing doesn't necessarily get you 'both effects' - in fact they can cancel each other out, make you/other people grouchy or worse.


LAM vs. BAM -- see their review threads


As for beta-nol placement -- I can't even put Heart & Soul on my *wrists*, as I am a hand-talker and it really affects me there. OW isn't really one of the blabber-making ones though, at least not for me, and I love the effects it gives me, so I wouldn't *want* to keep it away from my nose :)

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Plenty of sexy blends which should help you with your objective #2.


Don't forget - never apply EoW or blends with EoW on your hair. You don't want to send people running in the opposite direction!


Grab some samples and have fun!

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I think LAM and BAM work better at a lower concentration, so you could get samples of Dolce Far Niente and Love Blosson so you can try both and see which you like better! As for beta-nol application, everyone is different. I don't get affected so I don't have to be careful about where I apply. You will just have to try it for yourself.

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I'm slowly reading my way through the review threads. I've spent the evening reading and I've already forgot the reviews that I started with a couple of hours ago. Oh well, samples it is! Hope my wallet survives... :)


Make a list,it is the only way B) ...you will get a good idea after you try a few of what is going to work best for you and your lifestyle,unfortunetly for your wallet there are soooooo many exquiste creations to try :)

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You might want to try out the scented pheros samples first? This way you can try out the scents from LP AND the pheros to see whther they work on you?


Leather-Dangerous Games

Open window- Irresistible Forces

Popularity potion- Who's that Lady


I agree with Calii, it's a good idea to make a list :):):) You can email LP and tell them your prefer scents and get a sampler pack :):):) Have fun and ENJOYYYYYYY!!! B):D:D

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I read in a post that pheros heavy on Beta-Androstenol shouldn't be applied on the neck, wrist, etc so I won't be so affected myself. So I should be careful where I apply open windows?


I do not buy into this concept. If you respond to these pheros, you are going to get self effects no matter where you apply them. Diffusion is a random process. If you spray something on the back of your head, your nose is still only a few inches away as the molecule flies, plus you will move around in your own cloud of silage. Except for the situation of someone huffing your neck (or ahem other body areas), *your* nose is always closer to the application site than anyone elses. Certainly that is the case in most social situations.

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As for perfumes, I think Red is a good one to begin your LP experience. It's a beautiful scent. Also, you might want to look into the OCCOs. They are awesome! They contain copulins but are beautifully covered by whichever scent you choose: White = vanilla; Red= cops plus LP Red, etc....

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I tried to buy a truckload of samples yesterday evening and discovered that I had no money. Well, waiting is probably a good character building excercise. Besides, I can ask some more questions.


So, OCCO is the sampler pack I should get? I was thinking the LAM sample pack because they are supposed to be lightly scented which I like. Would you say that OCCO is more in-your-face sexy than LAM? What should I get not only to get my DH more in the mood but also myself? That would be nice :2190:


Yesterday I got tired of hinting that it would be nice with more intimacy and told my DH that I wanted him in bed right this minute. Worked like a charm :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: Maybe I don't need cops...

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Yesterday I got tired of hinting that it would be nice with more intimacy and told my DH that I wanted him in bed right this minute. Worked like a charm :2190: Maybe I don't need cops...


Imagine if you had cops on ......

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So, OCCO is the sampler pack I should get? I was thinking the LAM sample pack because they are supposed to be lightly scented which I like. Would you say that OCCO is more in-your-face sexy than LAM? What should I get not only to get my DH more in the mood but also myself? That would be nice :2190:

Yes, OCCO is the raging assload of cops which pretty much demands sex will be happening. :lol:


If you need libido assistance as well then you should consider getting something for him with a male sexual blend. Tell him he can only wear it for playtime (but you have to deliver on the promise of regular playtime in order to be properly motivational).


Here are some suggestions in regards to the blends available:

Excalibur with Super Sexy for Men

Thrill of the Chase with Hunter Trapper

Voracious with Wanted Man

Miss Right...now with Charisma


Yesterday I got tired of hinting that it would be nice with more intimacy and told my DH that I wanted him in bed right this minute. Worked like a charm :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: Maybe I don't need cops...

This is an important lesson in intimacy. Pheromones are not going to cause intimacy, they will only enhance it; lovers need to bring the right attitude and motivation to the bedroom themselves. But pheromones will help make it better for certain.

Edited by luna65
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something that will give off that alpha female/respect/everyone listens vibe at work but I don't want to come across as a complete bitch. Calm confidence that people trust and feel good around.


Imo, unless you really need to dominate someone, I would avoid the Leather/Dominance blends. In my experience the 'none can aggravate PMS symptoms, if they're present. I think B2 is a better choice.

Popularity Potion is probably better for work than Open Windows, because Open Windows is more approachable than PP. PP doesn't seem to have the same chatty element that OW does. Much as I love PP, I think OW is the more 'sociable' blend, while PP garners more of a 'Goddess' vibe.

LAM is terrific for interacting with one's spouse.

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Maybe you can try the OCCO sample pack and then try the Love Blossom sample which has LAM in it and then try the Happy Endings or Dolce Far Niente sample which both have BAM in them (which Bruiseviolet mentioned before). If you are trying to save money and really want to try out all three, I'd go that route.


And all three of them can be "in your face sexy" in my opinion, it's just that they do it differently. Occo's have a lot of cops and in my experience OCCO's turn my guy on, get his motor running while LAM (cops and Alpha-nol) turns him on too, but the added Alpha-nol gets him more playful while the BAM (cops and Beta-Nol) is personally my favorite because it creates a more "romantic" experience in my opinion, he makes sure I'm getting what I need. But thats just me. They are ALL so good. It's nice to have each one of them for every scenario.

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Occo's have a lot of cops and in my experience OCCO's turn my guy on, get his motor running while LAM (cops and Alpha-nol) turns him on too, but the added Alpha-nol gets him more playful while the BAM (cops and Beta-Nol) is personally my favorite because it creates a more "romantic" experience in my opinion, he makes sure I'm getting what I need.


This is spot on how they work for me too ! :2190:

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I'm slowly reading my way through the review threads. I've spent the evening reading and I've already forgot the reviews that I started with a couple of hours ago. Oh well, samples it is! Hope my wallet survives... :D



Welcome CKTC from a fellow newbe (and self described PEST)


I have asked the same question twice here a few times too. It's hard keeping all this straight isn't it?


What has helped me was to cut and paste the posts that gave info about phero's, application, and layering, etc. This way I can refer to them when I go to order. The samples are great! Clearly labeled and ample enough to try a few times.


I liked going with the scents that were already mixed with phero's. (Phero girl, Cuddle Bunny, Sparkle fuschia, are all good to start with) My next order will be the OCCO sampler. I keep vascilating between that and the BAM sampler....Right now I am also trying to rock my guy's world so I am starting with scents that have EOW in them. Then I will move on to the "social" phero's. hee hee.


When my first shipment arrived and I couldn't help myself- I applied 3 dif scents to dif parts of the body and (besides spilling my brand new sample of Cougar all over the place) managed to become a walking phero bomb! haha. It is SO hard to take your time. These scents smell sooo yummy you'll want to bathe in them. But start small as they are concentrated, and sometimes change on your skin after few hours.


There is a wealth of info here. Be sure and share your results. Good luck!

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Imo, unless you really need to dominate someone, I would avoid the Leather/Dominance blends. In my experience the 'none can aggravate PMS symptoms, if they're present. I think B2 is a better choice.

Popularity Potion is probably better for work than Open Windows, because Open Windows is more approachable than PP. PP doesn't seem to have the same chatty element that OW does. Much as I love PP, I think OW is the more 'sociable' blend, while PP garners more of a 'Goddess' vibe.

LAM is terrific for interacting with one's spouse.



Totally agree on the PP vs OW.....I like PP, but OW ROCKS as a social lubricant! Love it!


I have to disagree on the Leather/Dom situation though......I absolutely HAVE TO have them.....DOM for work......I absolutely have to appear confident and strong, and like I know what I am doing.....otherwise, I won't get the client. DOM does that, and makes my difficult male clients take notice. I have one who is normally obstinate, but DOM makes him sit on his hands like a little boy.....


Leather is like a softer DOM for me. It is my daily go-to blend, and it never aggravates my PMS symptoms. It makes me feel like I am in control, yet 100% sexy.....love it.....

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Payday today, yay! ^_^ I'm putting together a list of stuff that I want to start out with. I'm getting samples of


Dangerous games:


Happy ending

Irresistible forces

Cuddle bunny

Maras Rocket fuel

Dolce far niente


and am contemplating bottles of:

popularity potion

open windows



I will probably try the OCCO sampler set in the next round. Would love to try Swimming with Sharks but its not sold anymore? Not sure I will like Love Blossom, Who's that lady and Compromising positions. Any other suggestions??


About copulins in hair, I've read that it is a big no-no but what about the scents on my list? Are they safe enough to have in hair?

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Payday today, yay! :w00t: I'm putting together a list of stuff that I want to start out with. I'm getting samples of


Cuddle bunny

Maras Rocket fuel

Dolce far niente


About copulins in hair, I've read that it is a big no-no but what about the scents on my list? Are they safe enough to have in hair?


These contain cops so they are not safe to have in your hair. I can't remember what's in Happy Ending & Irresistible forces.

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I think this cops in hair deal needs some clarifing...as far as I know a scented cops formula is ok,with normal hygiene there should be no build up...we need our copulin experts in here,you know who you are :w00t:


*Happy ending has BAM,so yes there are cops,Irresistable Forces is Open Windows,so no cops.

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Just as an FYI.....in previous years.....I personally had some spray blends (scented) that had lots of cops.....washed my hair, the carrier scent came out, the cops stink DID NOT. Had to clarify with Prell 3 or 4 times......since then, I have NEVER put any cops blend, scented or unscented, in my hair!

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I think this cops in hair deal needs some clarifing...as far as I know a scented cops formula is ok,with normal hygiene there should be no build up...we need our copulin experts in here,you know who you are :w00t:


*Happy ending has BAM,so yes there are cops,Irresistable Forces is Open Windows,so no cops.



Ooops ... really? I've been avoiding scented cops forumla in my hair all this time. I love putting some perfume on my hair and it would be fantastic if I can get some of these scents on my hair.



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Yep,I was hoping for you to chime in Dolly,you probably have the most experience here :w00t:


I spray Captivation Equation in my hair,lightly,and have had no problems,so I am thinking it would be the how much cops ... but I won't be taking any chnaces with my homemade blends.

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but I won't be taking any chnaces with my homemade blends.


Me too! I'll be the most nasty smelling person if I use my home-made SH/EoW in my hair. But what about OCCO, LAM & BAM range?

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Me too! I'll be the most nasty smelling person if I use my home-made SH/EoW in my hair. But what about OCCO, LAM & BAM range?


LOL I am having second thoughts here,Dolly has been using cops for a long time...Occo's definitely too strong,LAM & BAM,are strong too...maybe I have just been real lucky with the Captivation Equation after all,I only lightly spritz it,and wash my hair the same day.

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LOL I am having second thoughts here,Dolly has been using cops for a long time...Occo's definitely too strong,LAM & BAM,are strong too...maybe I have just been real lucky with the Captivation Equation after all,I only lightly spritz it,and wash my hair the same day.



I personally wouldn't chance it with any of them. Cops really need your skin in order to drydown properly and mature. By applying to hair, they can't do that. And, if your hair is extra porous, it absorbs the cops BIG TIME.


Like I said.....on me, the perfume came out, the cops DID NOT. I smelled like a big coochy-head......I would get a slight whiff whenever my hair would be flipping around.....NOT ATTRACTIVE! And, NOT something I want to repeat!

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Well then,that settles it for me :lol: ...no more cops in my hair!


...at least on my head :o





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ladies,


I've ordered what seemed to be half of the LP sortiment but now I've worked up a new list almost as long :D Anyway, this is on its way to me:


popularity potion

open windows


Cougar sample

Dangerous games sample

irresistible forces sample

LAM samples

cuddle bunny sample

maras rocket fuel sample/blatant invitation

dolce far niente sample

Aphrodisia Erotica sample

Dream lover sample


Not bad for a first batch! :)

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