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Girly Twirly

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I wore this last night to meet up with the bf... WOW. He was all up on it! It was like he was sweet but nasty- Lace and Cops- great combo!


I love how this smells very girly but sexy! Fruity and yummy!

Things were so hot and intense that my nose started to bleed.. It was very savage.


Picture a girl on the sheets purring in black lace underwear, dirty hair everywhere, then all of a sudden.. the magickal representation of blood gushing forth from my left nostril. It was kind of sexy though, in a take care of me you big man kind of way. He had no shirt on, just jeans. When he ran to the bathroom to get me some tissue, I thought, I am going to milk this.. so you better believe I enjoyed every minute of my distress especially when those big muscles were dabbing my nose ever so gently, his black thick curly hair falling to his forehead wrinkled in concern, the

big cushy lips kissing my forehead...like I was an angel that had been injured on her mission to Earth to meet with the super sexy hot muscled earthling for a romp in the sheets after her mani and pedi. :angel:


Later on at home my boyfriend who has nicknamed me ' Kiity " said he still smelled me on his sheets.

I asked him what I smelled like and he responded..


Like a Sweet, Nasty, and Mystical Kitty.


I think I am going to leave work early today :)

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Great report Lady V, sorry to hear about your nose though - ouchie! Sounds like you were well taken care of though. I am wearing Girly Twirly right now, and it is uber yummylicious! Almost a bit marizpan with fruit... hubbs loves this one on me too.

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Completely coquettish. This blend smells like fruit candy, but not a sickly plastic smell at all. I'm noticing a lot of self effects with pheros, not really them effecting other people. This blend prompted my first bottle purchase (Lace UN to wear under everything). I love to slather so I miss putting this on my neck and hair with the cops, but it still gives me a great vibe. The image I get in my head is sort of a Monroe/Betty Boop vibe, girly and curvy. (Which is funny because I really don't have curves.) Wonderful :wub:

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I had a really wonderful time with a BABY yesterday night :)


Ok, so I refreshed myself with Girly twirly before i got home :) Then the moment i got home, i saw visitors and A BABY!!!!! :):):) The baby is 2 years old and he's SO ADORABLE!!! Can talk, walk, UNDERSTAND + communicate in mandarin!!! So impressive :)


ANYWAYZ i started talking to the baby and he kept smiling at me ( could it be the lace and Cops???) I don't normally have such "baby luck" but yesterday made me so happy! The baby would run around trying to find me and then he would pretend to be shy and smile!!! Ahhh... a baby smile kills.... :lol: He doesn't really respond to my sisters... They tried to talk to him, play with him but he was always looking at me smiling :)


Was i getting a hit? XD From the most adorable male being on earth??? XD I LOVE girly twirly :):D:D

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I think you did, Bumbob! :lol: I have noticed that babies, cats & dogs all love the smell of copulins for some reason.


My neighbor's 2 year old girl always wraps herself around the "pretty smelling lady" when I go past, and won't even hug her own grandmother...they say she doesn't like to be touched, but she races into my arms and I don't even know her.


My cats are super affectionate if I've been working with copulins, and I was once greeted/stampeded by a pack of snarling pit pulls who slobbered all over me once they got a whiff of me.


Maybe some plain and simple "body odors", like copulins, make us come off as "honest" to beings more in touch with their primal natures?

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I have noticed that babies, cats & dogs all love the smell of copulins for some reason.


Maybe some plain and simple "body odors", like copulins, make us come off as "honest" to beings more in touch with their primal natures?



What a nice thought. I still laugh when I see my Captivation Equation bc I remember someone here saying that their dog was CARAZY for it and they said "I CANNOT STOCK UP ON CE FOR MY *DOG*!!!" :lol: it also makes me think...isn't that why there's nothing more attractive than someone being absolutely real and vulnerable, when they aren't doing the relational / emotional equivalent of washing off all their natural pheros. Isn't that why we are most moved by that in books, plays, movies...

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Maybe some plain and simple "body odors", like copulins, make us come off as "honest" to beings more in touch with their primal natures?


isn't that why there's nothing more attractive than someone being absolutely real and vulnerable, when they aren't doing the relational / emotional equivalent of washing off all their natural pheros.


Bumbob :) that was neat,oh yeah I believe definitely a reaction to the phero/cop & fruity happy scent!


Mara,Tyvey...I agree to the nth degree :lol: ...add in the constant physical washing off,so very often overlooked!

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Ok, who's with me....let's bring back the days when you only had a bath once a year, on your birthday!




I know my 13 yr old son would be good with that!!!!!

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Ok, who's with me....let's bring back the days when you only had a bath once a year, on your birthday!



Eek :) lets not get carried away here,even your magick could not compensate...but I really do think it is true that way too many are fixeated <sp> with totally obliterating natural odors,and over scrubbing off all protective skin oils.


Ohhh,yay to kitteh cuddles :)


eta: Pawz & Effect :lol:

Edited by Calii
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Damn this is a freakin Cheerful yummy scent :lol: I sooo did not think I was into something like this.The self-effects are really great for me too...gonna go practice twirling my girlies :BLACK_~28:

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What a nice thought. I still laugh when I see my Captivation Equation bc I remember someone here saying that their dog was CARAZY for it and they said "I CANNOT STOCK UP ON CE FOR MY *DOG*!!!" :)


HAHHAA.. NOW i need to STOCK up Girly twirly for BABIES!!! GT is ADDICTIVE :D



This is all so funny, because I was planning a scent just for kitty affection for next month, with copulins for this reason.


I wonder what it smells like!! :):):) This is so EXCITING!!! :):D:D

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Either catnip, or tuna xDD


hahahahah... :D AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, who's with me....let's bring back the days when you only had a bath once a year, on your birthday!



Even I, the weirdo with the self-admitted "stink kink," couldn't handle a moratorium on bathing. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just got my package today and tried on my Girly Twirly sample!


When I first put it on I felt like a walking, talking Strawberry Laffy Taffy (one of my favorite childhood candies). I really like this scent! After it dried down, I really, really liked it because it is sweet but it doesn't remind of one of the "only for girls 14-17 years old" scents...there is a "grown and sexy" sweetness to it...which I have been trying to find for a long time.


When it comes the phero effects on others; couldn't tell you yet since I haven't been around anyone yet. But lunchtime is soon and a group of my coworkers are heading out to eat together (I will be the only gal in the group)...I will let you know what kind of "commotion" I start lol

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This is all so funny, because I was planning a scent just for kitty affection for next month, with copulins for this reason.


Ok, I know this is totally off topic but since we started the discussion here...will say that my kitty-love blend, planned for this month, FAILED. This is my second attempt at such...tried a few years ago and scrapped that one too. It works on the cats alright, I just can't get it to smell good, so out the window this idea goes...again.


It came out like Jouir De - Part Deux....mixed with Get Stuffed.

Ack. No. Sorry.

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It came out like Jouir De - Part Deux....mixed with Get Stuffed.

Ack. No. Sorry.




but..but...but....I bet it is totally irresistable to Cats :D

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but..but...but....I bet it is totally irresistable to Cats :Hug_emoticon:


Yeah, but...but...but... thank the gods for the perfume removing coffee soap - I had to use it 4 times to get all of the musky stanky off of me! I think I'm going to have to triple bag it and dispose of it like toxic waste.




I was hoping it would work this time.

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...iz crazy and thinks, "Well, I'd probably put it in a scent locket and wear it for them!"


/of course Graham loves ALL your scents...especially when they are in Shea lotin! :Hug_emoticon:

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Yeah, but...but...but... thank the gods for the perfume removing coffee soap - I had to use it 4 times to get all of the musky stanky off of me! I think I'm going to have to triple bag it and dispose of it like toxic waste.




I was hoping it would work this time.


What if you make them into cat donuts and toys that have a scent for kitties? I saw on Etsy some donuts for cats that were chew toys made from catnip




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What if you make them into cat donuts and toys that have a scent for kitties? I saw on Etsy some donuts for cats that were chew toys made from catnip





That's adorable. But trust me - you don't want this smell in your house. :Hug_emoticon:

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Awwww! Eris and our new leeetle ones, Crookshanks and Sirius, will be soooooooo disappointed. They'll just have to keep sliming my arms when I wear my pheros. At least they haven't stolen my Catie Scarlet...yet... :666::thbf54f4bf::censored: <----this is them, plotting....

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Yeah, but...but...but... thank the gods for the perfume removing coffee soap - I had to use it 4 times to get all of the musky stanky off of me! I think I'm going to have to triple bag it and dispose of it like toxic waste.




I was hoping it would work this time.


I wonder what the garbage man has to say since he/she has cleare your nice-smelling empty bottles/drums/vials. In addition, I know I'm going off-topic here, is there a regulation on how these waste are to be disposed and managed?

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I wonder what the garbage man has to say since he/she has cleare your nice-smelling empty bottles/drums/vials. In addition, I know I'm going off-topic here, is there a regulation on how these waste are to be disposed and managed?


We clean and recycle all plastic and glass, (and we can recycle paper and styrofoam in this area too). We don't actually work with anything that is rated as hazardous.


There is no "garbage man" around here...it's all done automated with trucks. The truck driver never leaves the cab, even if he misses and spills garbage all over the street - he just leaves it for the people who live on the street to clean. They do not come into contact with any garbage. A few weeks ago I cleaned up a spill myself...there was broken glass all over the street - (there's a lot of dogs and children around here...very unsafe to leave broken glass everywhere). AND they charge us quite a bit for the service...$75 per month per unit in this neighborhood, which adds up to a LOT of money for an inconsistently done job...half the time they don't even show up and we have to call to complain. They just added this "garbage tax" around a year ago because of how badly the city/state has mismanaged money. They've been heaping on extra taxes on us like crazy...another reason I want to move out of this state.


On the other side - I DO get comments from our laundry service who clean our studio towels every month. They say that ours is the only laundry that comes in smelling better than when it leaves.

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Awwww! Eris and our new leeetle ones, Crookshanks and Sirius, will be soooooooo disappointed. They'll just have to keep sliming my arms when I wear my pheros. At least they haven't stolen my Catie Scarlet...yet... :666::thbf54f4bf::censored:


Oh, I love the names! Pictures, please!!!

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B) nope just result of google search to match my avi... His insane excitement cracks me up!


Kitty is so CUTE! I love your ceiling cat designation. I want to grow up to be a ceiling cat. Mara, O Thou Goddess of Designations: art Thou listening? Heeeeeeeeeeee! *runs away giggling and meowing* Maybe I should use Flying Potion for that.


ETA: Ack! RANK! Oops.

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