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Two sprays today to drive my son to his home 45 minutes away. Tired, nauseated, shaky. Felt like my blood sugar was up. I checked the blood sugar and it was normal so I assume it was the phero. Had good open conversation with my son without getting agitated or angry which is unusual. He can push my buttons like nobody's business. Today it was just enjoyable. I felt a little dissociated. Conservation was good. Had to come home and lay down.

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I took a break on Sat and Sun. Noticed yesterday I was like a bottomless pit of hunger. Testing again today. I hope it works to check my appetite this a.m. 2 different people brought me cupcakes today, and I ate way too much cake yesterday like it was the end of the world.. so hopefully I won't want to eat these delicious strawberry and peanut butter yummy creamy cupcakes that are just sitting here, waiting to be devoured.


Phero is kicking in... why is Won't such a weird word? Too many w's in that last sentence.

Is that even a word? I'm a bit hungover, too much champagne.

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Phero is kicking in... why is Won't such a weird word? Too many w's in that last sentence.

Is that even a word?



I tested one spray on back of neck, before slip cover shopping w/ TT & 4 yr.old. I don't think I like wearing this & driving. I feel like hyper-aware when I'm driving, which in theory isn't bad, but when I'm driving & that hyper-aware it makes me more nervous than a long-tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs! That is to say, I feel a nervous wreck. It also didn't help that my giant husband was fixing his hair with his giant elbow about an inch from the side of my face (he looks like he's in a clown car when he rides in my PT Cruiser, in fact, just try to picture Lou Ferrigno in a PT Cruiser, because he's the same size), so having that in my peripheral vision was not conducive to relaxed driving either *hrmph*. We ended up getting into it & I ended up pulling over & telling him to get out of my car, a block from the house, which he refused to do. He can't get out in our garage, because we park both cars in it, so I made him get out in front of the house, not even in the driveway. Then I left w/out pulling in, because he said "I feel like hitting you hard right now, & that IS a threat". IDK, if he was already just tired & the 140 ml. of caffeine + being close proximity to my phero cloud was just pushing him into grouch-land or what.

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I think this phero brings out real emotion in people, like you can see who they really are and what they want from you or what they think of you.


Egads I hope not...well I know I really feel like murdering people when I'm exhaustively tired or hung over, but that's a feeling that passes :lol:

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he said "I feel like hitting you hard right now, & that IS a threat".

and that IS assault. Just have to say it. ETA sorry I t/j'd yet again but this made me very angry


I'm going to be around mostly strangers tonight so will save the mystery! testing for work tomorrow.

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I'm goingto try testing around him again tonight, but if it aggravates him excessively again, I think I'm going to pass this one along to someone else that can more thoroughly test this. Safety first ladies.

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Taking a few days off. Surgery tomorrow and do NOT want to be super aware and alert. I am gonna let the IV drip take care of that


:001_302: Surgery! Be well, and may your doctors be skillful and successful. Hugs!!! :clapW2:

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DAY #5

Okay, one spray to back of hair and one spray on chest over clothes.

I may be getting closer to the sweet spot as far as application goes. Felt a slight sense of heightened awareness while doing errands in the General Public. Could see people, carts, cars, etc. moving from all sides of my periphery. Twice sales clerks were over helpful...


Meeting went well. Too well. Learned some inside information Phero? Or just oversharing? Tomorrow I will be in public settings again. Will try just one spray.l

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Guest icing

halo0073 and Beccah: :thumbup:


I think I'm getting a tolerance to this, but not in a bad way. I can do a full, single spritz without the initial woozy/sick/pessimistic phase, and it just starts off with hyper-clarity without any misery... same when I did a partial, almost second spritz.


I felt a little ignored, until I got closer to the end of the day though - and then people were as chatty and responsive as they've been with a single spritz, so that may be the right amount for me.

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I'm goingto try testing around him again tonight, but if it aggravates him excessively again, I think I'm going to pass this one along to someone else that can more thoroughly test this. Safety first ladies.


Please be careful!

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I didn't notice anything unusual today, I was careful with my application, did one spritz to the chest and dabbed some on wrists. I think 2 is the best application. Tomorrow will try one in hair and one to chest again. Only thing I noticed was people wanted to hang around me a lot more than usual today.

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Tested out two sprays, I felt the initial head rush, & then TT seemed in a great mood. No rude comments toward my oldest or me. So maybe he's in a much better mood & the phero helped him get there?

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Tested out two sprays, I felt the initial head rush, & then TT seemed in a great mood. No rude comments toward my oldest or me. So maybe he's in a much better mood & the phero helped him get there?



Or maybe we all sent him warning vibes that his muscles would turn into cellulite and fat if he mistreated you tonight or fed the the kids corn syrup?

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Or maybe we all sent him warning vibes that his muscles would turn into cellulite and fat if he mistreated you tonight or fed the the kids corn syrup?


*spitting tea @monitor currently*

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Complete meltdown last night. Not sure it's related to wearing phero x or not...I'm just going to have to keep away though to be careful. I'm absolutely exhausted physically. I don't know what's up w/me...I'm sorry. Maybe if I feel better over the long weekend...

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HUGS to you all!!! :lol2::blink::ph34r:

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Complete meltdown last night. Not sure it's related to wearing phero x or not...I'm just going to have to keep away though to be careful. I'm absolutely exhausted physically. I don't know what's up w/me...I'm sorry. Maybe if I feel better over the long weekend...



I felt like that as well a few days ago, I was so exhausted and I don't know if it's because there's this awful plague going around and my body is trying to fight back.


Not as tired today, I feel pretty good. I'be been super chatty and engaging. I also feel like whatever I say pretty much goes. Not in a bitchy way, but in a.." why would you question me, I am Arwen" sort of way. Maybe because I am wearing phero x with Flowers in the Moat... which is so LOTR.

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Pshhhaw...nothin' like going thru multiple kidney stones... just ...a huge feeling of "MEH". Hugs back to you m'dear!


Yeah...damn,that will certainly put things in perspective right quick :)


Still Katz,,I hope your *MEH* mood passes waaaaaay before this weekend.


Hugs to all who need them,and hopefully the mystery phero will be revealed soon,I know I am curious as hell :huh:

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Okay I am officially done with M phero. I think that with this one you either need in a lesser strength or use every now and again. It's been fun, but I noticed that I am spacey and making mistakes. I forgot my mascara yesterday and the day before at home. I forgot my cream two days in a row- this is very unlike me. I cannot live without mascara or cream, yes I am scatterbrained but having mascara and cream is priority where as paying bills and other boring things are not.


AND I emailed a client something for my friend by accident! OMG I am so paranoid about doing this exact thing, and am always so careful, but I was going going going super fast that I must have thought I was responding to her...


The nature of the email was about a clearing spell and dreams,color therapy, psychic visions.. everything metaphysical and scary to most. I basically have clients that live and breathe Menorahs, dreidels, and St. Peter because he built the church on the rock of our faith...


My client's response...






Holy Sh:t. I fucked up. I fucked up bad. Thank Jesus I am quick on my feet. I immediately sent a fluffy letter of apology and blamed it on Spam. I mentioned that Ive been the recipient of the same email, and we are working on safeguarding our email server to ensure we remain a secure blah blah blah..


Omg. Mystery Phero. You are going in a safe. Shit is powerful.

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Yikes sending vibes of clarity your way Mz.V!

Not wearing today, because B2 is the only way to deal w/MIL, but I just want to re-iterate that this blend has a surreal, trippy feel to it for me & I don't think driving with it on, is the best idea...

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Yikes sending vibes of clarity your way Mz.V!

Not wearing today, because B2 is the only way to deal w/MIL, but I just want to re-iterate that this blend has a surreal, trippy feel to it for me & I don't think driving with it on, is the best idea...



LOl thanks! I agree with you. I feel like Chris Farley in Black Sheep, or was it Tommy Boy? Where him and David Spade were high from the nitrous oxide in the cop car and they were talking about strange words like limit and road.

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I felt spacey today too. I was trying to measure and then write down dimensions for a kitchen island and by the time I'd get from the tape measure to the clipboard to write down the numbers, I'd forget what they were.


I have a lot on my mind this week, but maybe the phero is not helping with focus? I don't know, before when I tried it I was hyper focused, Now I feel collecting my thoughts is like trying to herd cats. Weird. I am curious to know what's in this...

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Ok, Gals, GREAT JOB on the reports, all of you! Thanks so much!


Later today, I am planning on posting the new labels for the month's releases, and this one will be in the bunch, so if you have anything else to add before the unveiling, now's the time! :)




Oh, P.S. Am interested in how long this tester supply lasted you. 2x in 4 ml spray. How many days of testing did that cover? Do you have any left?

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In conclusion - I have mixed feelings 'bout this one. It started out as an *amazing* mood stabilizer, and the whole sharpening of senses was fun. It seemed to relax me, as well as others around me. But, with repeated exposure (I think 4-5 days back-to-back?) I got less 'stabilized' and more tired/confused. I consistently used only 2 sprays to front. Maybe 1 to the back of my neck area.


Took two days off, tried it again with little or no 'good' effects, and the meltdown/fatigue thing happened that night. I *don't* know if it was related, but I'm well of my monthly cycle at this point and the usual hormonal/emotional dip should have been at bay. 2 days OFF of it now, I feel less deeply bummed. I have quite a bit left, Mara...maybe 1/2 of what was in the vial is still there? I think I'd be cool with using this 'every so often'...just not on a daily basis for me.

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Ok, Gals, GREAT JOB on the reports, all of you! Thanks so much!


Later today, I am planning on posting the new labels for the month's releases, and this one will be in the bunch, so if you have anything else to add before the unveiling, now's the time! :)




Oh, P.S. Am interested in how long this tester supply lasted you. 2x in 4 ml spray. How many days of testing did that cover? Do you have any left?





I have about 30-35% and that covered about 8 or days of testing and I sprayed my sister also. I wanted to add that a little goes a long way with this one.

Here's what I noticed with my testing


Appetite suppression or no real feelings of craving or wanting food

Heightened awareness, hearing, panoramic sight.

Ability to understand what the other person wants from you, almost like reading minds

People wanting to divulge information, and secrets, deep emotions to you, either for approval or fear of upsetting you by withholding info

Feelings that are buried come up to the surface where you can let them go, almost like therapy without the shocked, but slightly amused face of your therapist staring back at you.

People wanting to be around me for long period of time.


Feelings of just being a bad ass super human.



I think the 1x strength is probably best, as 2x strength with my heavy hand sometimes ended up with me feeling very very sleepy, tired, nauseated, spacey, and forgetful


I also think that there has to be a rest period because alot of the great effects I got the first 3-4 days disappeared, or perhaps I just sprayed way too much.

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In conclusion - I have mixed feelings 'bout this one. It started out as an *amazing* mood stabilizer, and the whole sharpening of senses was fun. It seemed to relax me, as well as others around me. But, with repeated exposure (I think 4-5 days back-to-back?) I got less 'stabilized' and more tired/confused. I consistently used only 2 sprays to front. Maybe 1 to the back of my neck area.


Took two days off, tried it again with little or no 'good' effects, and the meltdown/fatigue thing happened that night. I *don't* know if it was related, but I'm well of my monthly cycle at this point and the usual hormonal/emotional dip should have been at bay. 2 days OFF of it now, I feel less deeply bummed. I have quite a bit left, Mara...maybe 1/2 of what was in the vial is still there? I think I'd be cool with using this 'every so often'...just not on a daily basis for me.


Kitty Katz.. hugs..I'm not a therapist.. I just play one on tv... do you think that because it made you connect with your boyfriend and brought up some intense feelings that perhaps there is something there that you are fighting to accept? Like with me, most of my crying fights had to do with my divorce, it's something that I do not discuss ever with anyone and I just try to do a lot of self work and meditation on my own, but with this pheromone it brought alot of residual feelings that I still have, like the fact that I baptized my son on the same day that I was married, and that was a big coincidence as I called 2 or 3 churches and that was the only day available, and it seemed that no church had any other day available until mid August.. before the phero I was like yeah that's lame, but then on the phero I broke down at lunch with my sister and I knew it was because of that. Once I was able to understand the reason why I was crying I was able to stop crying and let it go for the moment or at least until my next period.


I'm worried about you, I feel like there is this blanket of sadness on you. I wish you were close so I would be able to come by and give you a big bear hug. I'm little but have strong popeye arms.

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As for how much is left -- I used it I think at least half a dozen times, usually one spray, only did 2 sprays once. As usual (not just this phero) I am a lightweight and 2 was waaaay too much. Vial is probably at 80% of what it was when it arrived, lol.


I like the idea of summing up the experience! for which I too felt honored - thank you:

- initially, greatly sharpened/intensified sensory input, especially vision (ultra clear, even more 3D than 3D)

- made people talk A LOT, but also more respectfully - not in an awed way, but just being better conversationalists, by letting you talk (rather than interrupting) and by really listening

- made me feel "it's all good", but in a subtle way, not a pothead "it's all goooood" way

- made me feel "I can handle this" but in a subtle, self-assured way, not in a bitchy aggressive way


ETA rosegirl reminded me that in the first trial, when I paid attention to its effect for the longest period of time, - towards the end, it had a very strong Focus Potion-y "I am gettin' down to BUSINESS" effect on me - felt energized toward being efficient and getting a lot done in a no-nonsense way.


Interesting that it moprhed through such distinct 'stages' every time for me - as it seems to have done for some others.

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In conclusion - I have mixed feelings 'bout this one. It started out as an *amazing* mood stabilizer, and the whole sharpening of senses was fun. It seemed to relax me, as well as others around me.


Ability to understand what the other person wants from you, almost like reading minds

People wanting to divulge information, and secrets, deep emotions to you, either for approval or fear of upsetting you by withholding info

Feelings that are buried come up to the surface where you can let them go, almost like therapy without the shocked, but slightly amused face of your therapist staring back at you.

People wanting to be around me for long period of time.


People certainly wanted to hang out with me for Loooong periods of time with this one. In each and every social case i tested in, I had to kick people out or be the one to get up and leave.


- made people talk A LOT, but also more respectfully - not in an awed way, but just being better conversationalists, by letting you talk (rather than interrupting) and by really listening


Given the commonalities of experience which many of you have expressed, I'm curious: so Mystery Phero made you approachable to people, made them open up and express their feelings. Did you feel the impetus to interact in the same fashion with others? I know there's been some mentions of that state so I wondered if everyone who used it felt that way.

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hmmm there was only one trial in which I noticed myself oversharing a bit a la H&S, but generally not. (or, maybe I did and just didn't notice! or care.) Then again I was taking it quite easy on the dosage...

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Mmmm, interesting question. The time I had the good experience w/my s.o., I was sitting at the computer (as usual) and he was reading. I thought to myself, "I should go over and snuggle/pay attention to him". I did NOT feel particularly romantic or close w/him that day... so maybe somewhat, yes.

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I've used the sample 3 times and have approx. 3/4 of the test vial left.


Conclusion: It caused me to feel a little spaced-out each time I used it. That feeling lasted for at least a couple of hours each time, slowly diminishing throughout the day.


It seems to make me more approachable, in a friendly, non-sexual way. People react positively to it. It also causes me to feel a little tranquil, if I do not use too much. It allows me to feel ok about doing things (certain chores, etc.) that I really don't like to do. The only time I felt truly "motivated" was the day after I initially tested it, when I had some residue left in my hair.


It I had to sum it up, I would say it is a "pleasant" blend.

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I still have about a third of the bottle left. I find it interesting that several of us "got sick" while using. I think the OD on this is anything more than 2 sprays for me, and the symptoms are shakiness, nausea, severe fatigue, dizziness. The effects were the sensory ones as listed, and a desire on my part to understand people's motivations, people being calm and not reactionary, having more self control. I enjoyed it, it definitely helped me build relationships and kept me calm when I usually would have been pissy. I think I would like to play with it at levels less than one spray just for curiosity.

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Given the commonalities of experience which many of you have expressed, I'm curious: so Mystery Phero made you approachable to people, made them open up and express their feelings. Did you feel the impetus to interact in the same fashion with others? I know there's been some mentions of that state so I wondered if everyone who used it felt that way.



Yes I did.


Thanks for letting me do the study : ()

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Ok, I am WIGGIN at the name of Phero M!!!! I actually said that it was an EMPATH potion and that it made me want to understand people's motivation. Others found the same thing! I don't know why I find it so shocking that it actually did what it said!! Wow! We did great testing ladies!!

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