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Ok, Gals, GREAT JOB on the reports, all of you! Thanks so much!


Later today, I am planning on posting the new labels for the month's releases, and this one will be in the bunch, so if you have anything else to add before the unveiling, now's the time! :ph34r:




Oh, P.S. Am interested in how long this tester supply lasted you. 2x in 4 ml spray. How many days of testing did that cover? Do you have any left?


I've only done 4-5 tests, I've still got pretty much the whole vial left. TT's sitch completely throws a monkey wrench into my testing parameters though *hrmph*

I think this blend is great though, I love how it attunes one to others emotions, yet distances you from your own. It's almost like an empath protection blend...

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I wanna know where the sharpened senses thing comes in!!


It's funny, I didn't feel anymore empathic toward people, i dont think, but seeing what better and thoughtful listeners it made other people, it sure works on THEM for me. Wow that sntence was a disaster.

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Ok, here's the unveiling! :)


Heart 2 Heart * Empathy Potion for Women


This blend was crafted to create empathy between people. It is designed so that those who are exposed to it become more deeply communicative and open, more sympathetic, more emotionally attuned to each other.


We crafted this blend with pheros that inspire caring and nurturing feelings, trust, deep communication, and emotional bonding.


You will find that people will likely be more open to hearing what you have to say, and make more of an effort to understand your position or situation. The wearer will likely experience the same thing - a deeper appreciation for the viewpoint of the other person.




Expected Responses:


* Heightened emotion. I expected a few people to report that there were some tear-filled moments here and there.

* Deeper, more honest communication and trust.

* Feelings of empathy and sympathy for others.

* Nurturing behavior.

* Bonding feelings, increased intimacy.

* Calmer interaction with people you usually have a hard time communicating with. (Had a tester here try this to see if it improved interaction with a rage-filled teen, and it did.)

* Reduction of frustration on the part of the wearer toward other people or irritating situations.


Also expected this not to necessarily work on people who really do not want to have an emotionally intimate exchange with the other person. Expected a sort of "rebellious" response in that kind of case, that might manifest in a display of anger as a distancing mechanism. Also thought that people who are unaccustomed or unable to employ empathy towards others might find this blend discomfiting.




Unexpected Responses:


Did not expect the "heightened senses" reports. Although, upon reflection, I can understand why this may happen. One of the ingredients is a naturally occurring hormone in both women & men which is likely the one responsible for the synching up of women's cycles. We used this, because it is believed to act as a "bonding" pheromone. It is produced in the body in greatest amount in people aged 24 and younger, at which point it tapers off dramatically. As such, it is part of the cocktail of "HGH" (Human Growth Hormones) that are sold as "fountain of youth" supplements in the nutritional/vitamin stores.


Our senses dull as we age. Our hearing, eyesight and sense of smell are not as acute as they once were, and since the change happens so gradually, we do not really notice it. It makes sense that exposing oneself to a "youth" pheromone may heighten our perceptions to a more youthful state in our lives. For those who experienced this effect, I would be interested in hearing how old you are.


As far as the appetite suppression for some of you, I can't see any obvious connection to the ingredients, but might be a side effect of the heightened senses aspect.




Ok, that's all I can think of for now.


I want to extend giant mega hugs and kisses to all those that volunteered to be testers and for your magnificent reporting.


We shall do this again soon!

Love you all!!!!!




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Thank you Mara...I found this whole proccess most fascinating,and I can see where this particular blend would be amazing for many :)

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FASCINATING!!!!! Thank you for sharing and in such lavish detail. Thank you for letting me be a part of the experiment.


Now that I know what it was meant for, - looking back, especially with the uses with the 2 people with whom I usually find communication frustrating (mom and interrupty friend) - I was probably too focused on watching their behavior (and being surprised by it :)) to realize it at the time but it MUST have affected me - I just experienced the self-effect differently on my end (acceptance / tolerance of them) than how I perceived THEIR behavior to have changed (mostly not interrupting, lol, and actually clearly listening to me for once).


I'm not naturally much of an empath so that would explain why I had a hard time identifying what I was feeling, lol.


From the collective results, it seems like phero strength & moderating the # of sprays will be important. Sounds like having one's empathy oomphed is tiring! Makes sense - it does take more effort than to not be that way.

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It definitely takes less effort to be self-centered. I like to think about that saying walk a mile in my shoes because it implies exercise, you know?

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It definitely takes less effort to be self-centered. I like to think about that saying walk a mile in my shoes because it implies exercise, you know?



Luna do you think that's why we felt sick at times because it was too much to be that empathetic

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I think this one is probably best dosed at 1x strength. And used only occasionally, because one can get emotionally exhausted if used too many days in a row. Several of you clearly experienced this phenomenon. It's tiring to be intensely emotionally focused ALL THE TIME.


Ail chimed in that she feels this blend works best with an alcohol spray base, as it really needs to be diffused up in the air for best effect.


I imagine that this would work wonders for therapists, like Therapy Girl, in her daily work, or with especially difficult teens.



So, knowing what this is actually for now....how would you imagine using this is your life? WOULD you use it at all? Special circumstances only?


Do you think this is something we should carry as part of our regular line, or should we just sell what we have as a limited edition? After making the test bottles, what I have left is only enough for around 26 bottles.


And I want to thank Ail & Dolly for helping me create this. This emerged from discussions I have had with them about the combination of ingredients for over 2 years now. Chris finally acquired for me the last of the ingredients I needed to make this only a few weeks ago - so thanks to Chris for working so hard to get them for me too.


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Even if it's not a "daily go-to" blend, it seems a lot of us found it incredibly valuable when we DO need it, in a unique way from all the other current pheros. I for one plan to use it whenever I know I'll be encountering people I know I don't communicate well, with, eg, my mom, and I'm also thinking of a particular colleague who is just the worst ever - super defensive and prickly, doesn't answer the question you asked, rambles andf doesn't make sens ...but I'll be using as much for it to make ME patient as to make HER a better communicator. If it weren't for the emotional side of it, I would think it would be killer for work....and maybe it WOULD be decent as long as you remember not to wear too much where it takes you into weepy/overshare mode...

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I think you should carry it as a permanent thing. I really liked the effect this had on bosshole. He was considerate of people's feelings when I was sitting next to him in meetings. He has 0 empathy. I would use it when my mom irritates me or when I am not understanding boyspeak.


Hell I'll use it everyday if it will help me lose weight! It is pretty strong stuff though.

I enjoyed the emotional stuff that came with it because it really helped me understand me a bit better. Does that make sense?

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I would certaily wear it to work, it is literally perfect for me there, dealing with my teenagers, I think it would be fab in a relationship you want to take to the next level. I LOVE it! Couldnt wear it daily, because it did wear me out and I struggle with that anyway, but I dont wear any phero daily so not a big chance. I agree on the 1x. Can't wait to get some!!!

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Luna do you think that's why we felt sick at times because it was too much to be that empathetic

Quite possibly. Ail could speak more authoratively in regards to reactions.


As for me, I would use it in situations wherein I know I need additional patience. Pisceans are purported to be empathetic but I would say I'm not naturally empathetic in that I'm picking up vibes from people all the time. In fact it's emotionally exhausting for me to deal with people on a continual basis which is why I'm mostly a hermit. I am sympathetic, I always attempt to understand the other side of the situation and to take the feelings of others into account. I nuture and comfort and encourage those I love. I try to be true to the character of emotions in my work so I enjoy observing the emotional nuances of others. So when I need to really focus on others and set my own ego aside, this will be such a valuable tool.

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Out of everyone, it seems that Lady V had the most SPOT ON responses to it. Really fascinating.


Was also very intrigued with Beccah's son's overwhelming feelings of empathy when she wore it near him.

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Quite possibly. Ail could speak more authoratively in regards to reactions.


As for me, I would use it in situations wherein I know I need additional patience. Pisceans are purported to be empathetic but I would say I'm not naturally empathetic in that I'm picking up vibes from people all the time. In fact it's emotionally exhausting for me to deal with people on a continual basis which is why I'm mostly a hermit. I am sympathetic, I always attempt to understand the other side of the situation and to take the feelings of others into account. I nuture and comfort and encourage those I love. I try to be true to the character of emotions in my work so I enjoy observing the emotional nuances of others. So when I need to really focus on others and set my own ego aside, this will be such a valuable tool.


Luna, the spouse was a Pisces and he was exactly like this., minus the nurturing and encouraging part. He would never go with me anywhere where there would be too many people because he didn't have patience and people exhausted him. He was very much a hermit. As a matter of fact, he would also say.. " I enjoy observing people, we all have our nuances and idiosyncrisies, I know I have to work on putting my ego aside in order to not get annoyed by others" He was very polite and well respected by others, which is funny because he didn't like people. I wish I knew about pheros before, maybe things would have been different.


I think Ail said your name was Julie.. another interesting coincidence for me.

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Yes it is; I'm assuming because of your son's name? Or is it some other reason?


Julie is his sister's name, and we were very close. I was close to both of them, but Julie and I

were like sisters. Excuse me I'm going to go cry now.



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I felt the senses-heightening, I'm 43.


I'd definitely like to use it again, I find it very difficult to put myself OUT there at times, I keep pretty buckled-down at times because I *can* feel so much. This could ease me of those defenses I think. Like others have said not as a DAILY thing, but I could see it facilitating at work, as well as at home.

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Hey Mara, been meaning to ask- what do you make of the focus-y effect it had on some of us? Just another expression of the concentration that it probably enhances for us, to focus on the other person?

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I can point to three of the ingredients which would help create an all-around intensity.


It wasn't really designed for focus in the same way as Focus Potion was, but it will create intensity of feeling and emotion and focus between the people present.


Sorry if that was vague! If I didn't answer properly, could you please rephrase so I understand the question better?


I think that we all react a little differently to pheros, so it's amazing how consistent the reactions were for so many of us.

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No, right, that's exactly what I meant - more than one of us had the self-effect of being all FOCUSED and motivated and down-to-business, and though that doesn't seem OBVIOUSLY related to empathy, .... since there are ingredients for intensity directed at another PERSON, I guess it's not surprising that it created a GENERAL intensity that became channeled toward concentrated activity / accomplishment (in my case cleaning up). I'm going to look back - I bet each of us who experienced the FOCUS thing, felt it when we were alone! So interesting. Thank you.

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  • 1 year later...

I only read three pages of this while looking for something else but I thought the experiment and the various results were fascinating!


Since it looks like Heart2Heart isn't carried anymore, was there a next generation version?

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  • 11 months later...

whoa wait this is cool!


Its a treat to see how a new phero came around and how the process of testing it seems like lots of fun :o


(i just woke up and assumed that it was for 2014 whoops haha)

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