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Really? I have a fine time wearing my perfume and spraying phero on top. I haven't tried spraying anything with strong copulins it in, tho.


Cherie, trying adding 20%, aka 1/5th, of a bottle of perfume oil to what you have left to make it "lightly scented". That's only 2 mls of perfume oil, it won't dilute it much.


Thank you PM! I have wanted to try a scented spray...

It could very well be that I am getting hits with the sprays and not noticing (I can be a tad self absorbed) but boy, I really notice the self effects with those scented oils!! I can't figure out why, when you think about it it doesn't make that much sense.

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I find body chemistry to be a hazy mystery. Some phero blends give me no results at all (MRF with BI is a good example) but I wear them anyways just for the scents.

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I really notice the self effects with those scented oils!! I can't figure out why, when you think about it it doesn't make that much sense.


It makes ALL the sense, sweetie. That's the whole basis for what I do. I've been crafting scents designed to inspire feelings, emotions and evoke memories for over 25 years.


Here's a couple of short notes on the subject:





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I have a fine time wearing my perfume and spraying phero on top.


Oh,me too,what I should have said is I only use pheros WITH scent,not just the pheros that are in a scent...to spritz my hair,with a non cop formula,I always add what I will be wearing for the day...soooo much fun to pair a phero with a scent for intent :D


hmmmm,in fact thinking of adding some uplifting Cougar to my Pinked up self today :wacko:

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I really notice the self effects with those scented oils!! I can't figure out why, when you think about it it doesn't make that much sense.


It's because the oils wear close and long on you, so you are more likely to benefit from the effects of the added pheros.

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Oops! I meant to say...No, I understand the concept of the magickal ingredients...it's that the oil based pheros being more effective than sprays that doesn't make sense to me!!!


Try the mixing thing,the unscented may be too strong for you...sometimes less is more!


I do understand about self-effects with the oils,it is that way for me too,and it is because the pheros stay closer to you longer in the oils.I am vurrry much into the self-effects :wacko:


ETA: Mz Luna beat me to it,hey I type slow

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Ok now,this is kinda wild ;) ...I have on Terra's Tickled Pink and a goodly amount of Occo Pink,I already felt upbeat,but decided to add one solid spray of SS4W to my chest,maybe an hour ago.


Anywho,I walked past a full length mirror,stopped,walked backwards to it and started skakin' my tail feathers,madly,making kissy faces and then laughing :huh:




ETA...don't have anything 60/40,so don't noes answer.

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What I worry about re adding perfume to 60/40 betas is the amount of oil, ie adding a couple more ml of perfume oil to a half bottle makes a nearly half and half oil-alcohol ratio... does that still spray alright? :huh:


It SHOULD. There's only one way to find out!!!

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It makes ALL the sense, sweetie. That's the whole basis for what I do. I've been crafting scents designed to inspire feelings, emotions and evoke memories for over 25 years.


Here's a couple of short notes on the subject:






VERY COOL!! :huh:

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Anywho,I walked past a full length mirror,stopped,walked backwards to it and started skakin' my tail feathers,madly,making kissy faces and then laughing :(


I'd love to do that without my kids laughing at me or my daughter following me ....

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Anywho,I walked past a full length mirror,stopped,walked backwards to it and started skakin' my tail feathers,madly,making kissy faces and then laughing :(


I have had similar reactions to SS4W......it makes me strut.....love SS4W!

Edited by Dolly
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I'm wearing SS4W and 5 inch black suede platform booties.

One of my coworkers, super hot new guy, told me I remind him of .. " one of those renaissance paintings of women in the forrest only except covered in sparkles" I said, " You mean Boticelli?" " Yes that guy!"


So now I am thinking... Does he mean to say I'm fat and pale with long hair?!!!!

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I'm wearing SS4W and 5 inch black suede platform booties.

One of my coworkers, super hot new guy, told me I remind him of .. " one of those renaissance paintings of women in the forrest only except covered in sparkles" I said, " You mean Boticelli?" " Yes that guy!"


So now I am thinking... Does he mean to say I'm fat and pale with long hair?!!!!


:o Oh my! You do know that most men's first time seeing a naked woman during puberty was when they got to view Boticelli paintings or National Geographic? But don't feel bad, I used to get the "you look like Paris Hilton!" due to 3 factors when I was 23. I hated it, but I also realized that a lot men did find her attractive.

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Are you being facetious? :o

Personally I'd be thrilled, no one has ever compared me to a painting of any kind.



One of the nicest things anyone has EVER told me was much the same... tho' he said soemthing more like, "you look like one of the women in those paintings"... I said, "Rubens?" hey, a classic painting is a classic painting.. I'll take the compliment!!



I does have curvy bits...

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Are you being facetious? :o

Personally I'd be thrilled, no one has ever compared me to a painting of any kind.



I'm so insecure today because I feel so bloated from Easter! So Okay I will take that as a good thing.. although luna it's hard for me to take compliments sometimes, because I just feel like a silly girl : ()

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:o Oh my! You do know that most men's first time seeing a naked woman during puberty was when they got to view Boticelli paintings or National Geographic? But don't feel bad, I used to get the "you look like Paris Hilton!" due to 3 factors when I was 23. I hated it, but I also realized that a lot men did find her attractive.


I think she's cute! I've gotten Salma Hayek, Ava Gardner, Drew Barrymore and Bettie Boop, and Page, but never Boticelli, I'm digging the SS4W , makes men come up with unique things to say.

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I am considering ordering this for my first unscented phero. I didn't find any premixed scents out there. Does it have a smell to it? I think all the scents I have are mixed with EOW or some sort of phero, Can SS4W be mixed with:


OCCO pink

Dirty Honey

LP RED or Spring 2011


Those are the only ones I have that are non phero'd. Give me your suggestions for a good cover scent for SS4W.


I tend toward the "pink" type of scents (sparkle fuscia smells good on me)



ETA: do you all prefer the SS4W in a spray or oil? Which is easier to layer? I would think you'd put on your scent, then spray the SS4W over that.

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I think any of those will go well with ss4w. I think it would go best with a scent you consider sexy.



Yes, and SS4W is easy to cover as long as you don't have cops added to it.....it is not a terribly smelly phero blend.....

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I have been reading that one needs to be an experienced phero user before they start monkeying around with pure pheros. Don't want to jump the gun but don't want to over analyze either.


Should I just go for it? From dolly's posts on the SS4W thread I feel like I must have this one! What do you all like to use as a cover for it? Could OCCO pink work? Or would LP pnk be better?

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Maybe start with LP pink so you can see how it works on its own, then try OCCO pink and see if adding cops makes a difference. But any will work really. I don't think it's very easy to smell the cops in the OCCOs so they should work fine as a cover.

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SS4W is a ready-made phero blend so the only monkeying around will be the experiments you do on finding out your sweet spot.


It seems like it is a very popular blend and was sadly missed when it went out of stock so I'd say go for it. If it doesn't work out, I'm pretty sure many people will be willing to take it off your hands.


As OCCO Pink and LP Pink are different, you'll have to try them out to find out (1) if you like the scent & (2) if you need some cops to sex SS4W in general.

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Ok I wore my just SS4W beta today. Usually I also wear cops with it but today I wanted to see if there were any social effects.


Women. They were totally chatty and friendly and super-helpful. Men were too but I really noticed the difference with women. I suspect that this is the perfect going out blend when I add in the cops because everyone reacts very positively to me and the cops add in the sexy vibe for the guys.


Definately a reorder but I think I'll get the oil so the effects last a little longer.

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skye, I'd be interested to hear if you had any different experiences with the SS4W oil vs. the alcohol spray. I was really on the fence, but decided to try the alcohol base first. I know I'll prob. have to re apply but do let us know.

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Okay, How much SS4W should I spray on? I am 44. (not sure if it's like cops and you may need more at certain ages)


Should I just treat it like any other scent? (mine's in an alcohol base) I've read this forum until my eyes have crossed but can't find out what is a good starting amount. I keep reading about everyone's 'sweet spot.' but I haven't really noticed anything yet. (been experimenting with blends for a couple months).


I don't want to over or under do it. Suggestions on dosage pleez

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Definately a reorder but I think I'll get the oil so the effects last a little longer.


I ordered a beta x 1 and a bottle in oil as I plan to use both at the same time. I am planning to use 1/2 the amt of UN pheros I usually use then 1 spray on my hair to get the pheros out.

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By UN pheros, do you mean your LP scent w/o pheros? I just ordered the beta bottle too, but just curious, why do you use bothe the oil based and the alcohol base at the same time? How much of each would you use then? (just guaging to see how much I should spray on me :-)

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Okay, How much SS4W should I spray on? I am 44. (not sure if it's like cops and you may need more at certain ages)


Should I just treat it like any other scent? (mine's in an alcohol base) I've read this forum until my eyes have crossed but can't find out what is a good starting amount. I keep reading about everyone's 'sweet spot.' but I haven't really noticed anything yet. (been experimenting with blends for a couple months).


I don't want to over or under do it. Suggestions on dosage pleez


Hi there! Since you have a bottle you can and should play with the dose to see what works best for you. For me I use 1 spray of UNSS4W and it's perfect so test it out, that's the fun in it, figuring out YOUR dosage and YOUR sweet spots. We can give advice about what works for each of us but the best way is to try it out. If one spray isn't enough then next time go for 2. Good luck, happy testing :wacko:

Edited by Honeybee
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By UN pheros, do you mean your LP scent w/o pheros? I just ordered the beta bottle too, but just curious, why do you use bothe the oil based and the alcohol base at the same time? How much of each would you use then? (just guaging to see how much I should spray on me :-)


UN phero - I meant unscented pheros.


I'll have to test to find my sweet spot. It differs from UN phero to UN phero.


I intend to use both as oil stays longer while beta will get the phero out faster. I don't mean that I will use both all the time. When the situation calls for it, this is something which I will do.

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