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Just for the record,there is no androstEnone in SS4W,and no cops.

Sexpionage is mostly cops :) with a "smidge" of androstEnone and a "dash" of a-Nol.Sexpionage,at least what I have in Comp p,is awesome :woot: ...and I bet the new MRF w SS4W,is going to be an instant win for me too !!!!

Certainly confirms my feelings about the androstenone ratio then,lol, but now what I would like to know is how aggressive androstanone is ?

SS4W: Ingredients: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEA), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone.

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The phero with the most do me in it is the phero your particular target responds to the most.

This takes trial and error, and it also makes my reply the least favorite.


Its a good bet the pheromix that has the most will have copulins in it.

Probably something aggressive like 'none,but your guy might be different.


Sexology to me is softer and very sexy.

BI is less soft.

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lol sometimes I imagine my sig.other reading this stuff.

you know.... just rummaging through my posts and the replies.....




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See, Sexology brought out the bite-y in Quince, whereas BI is very blunt but not wild, necessarily. But I agree, it's all about what sends that signal the strongest, in combination with all other factors. For example, I don't waste sex pheros on a situation where I know sex is not the immediate goal, because it might cause residual resentment.

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I just got a full bottle of this and tried it for a spin. The hits were so obvious id be blind if i didn't notice them. i got a lot of stares from men and women alike. it's like they want to figure out what's about you that's so interesting! not lustful stares (which i like), but you get the star-ish feeling celebrity might be getting all the time. bcoz YOU WILL BE NOTICED WITH THIS ON! no amount of clothing will hide you from the world! one friend told me "you look so sexy today!" :cat690:

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I dont get sexy as much as I get charisma.


I dont get anyone undressing me with their eyes (...be afraid! lol)

But I do get more initiating conversation and more response in general, with all ages and genders.


This is more of a charisma-mix for me personally, but I too wonder if it would work differently as a spray or in different dosages.

I may have to try this UN.

Let me know Halo if you try it that way too.



I believe im with you so far.

Id be interested in hearing your reply to Halo. :)

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Just curious, did you get the oil or the spray? If you got spray, what strength? And how much did you put on? I am still trying to find my sweet spot with this one. That's why I'm asking.


Spray 1x (60-40DPG) and i spritzed once on my chest and once for the hair! i slathered LP Red first then spritz it on top. no dry down. and with my success with unPP, im thinking unPhero is the way to go for me. :Emoticons0424:

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  • 3 months later...

SS – 3, 2 inch draws in left elbow in morning+3 at 10 am. ( i have it in oil)

Self effects- immediately I felt happy.

One of my coworker complimented me for being so nice now a days…

He told me he used to dislike me, but now he likes me, that I am a changed person. He feels warm and felt like talking to me. He said there is some supreme power that is supporting you these days. He blessed me many times, for being so powerful. he was kind of awestruck with me.Is it this blend working or am i just getting it from myself. Need to do more testing.

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SS4W – I have this oil based which diffuses slow, so had effects later after application.

I got ready for work but felt that , I don’t want to go office. I waited for my mood to get better so in meantime I transferred the SS from roll on to 1 small sample bottle of perfume I got from S Stop. It spilled a bit on table which I wiped and put on my belly then. I sprayed 4 sprays from vial on my neck sides, 1 spray on wrist and 1 on back of hand and rubbed both together.

I had mood uplifted may cos of this or just cos of anything but I felt good. I came to office and did some organizing work on my note book which I was thinking for long.

Overall a good effect noticed only today. I want to refresh it and see if it does anything further after lunch time.

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I'm reporting for my cousin who LOVES her Orchidacious with Super Sexy 4 Women. Her and her bff went out this weekend to their usual haunt for drinks and dancing. She was asked out by 4 guys! She said it was unbelievable! First day of her period and dirty hair! She LOOOVES SS4W, she said it makes her feel strong and sexy- and she loves how it smells! Everyone kept on commenting on how beautiful she smelled! This is a total win combination! Thank you Mara for helping me bring that strong girl back ; )

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  • 1 month later...

I love Super Sexy. I feel so confident every single time I wear it. It goes so well with my personality. Self effects for me include laughter and relaxation.

I'm wearing it today because I also like how the bf acts when exposed. Last night we got into a little tiff. I was modeling my new jumpsuits and clothes I purchased. He was totally getting on my nerves by asking lame boy questions like.. " Why did you get the same outfit in every color?"

I responded with." I always do that. If I like something.. I really like it. I'm a Libra and will panic if I didn't get it in burgundy or navy and only got the black.

This jacket is stonewash and this is periwinkle, they are not the same". Then I tried on a leopard dress. I didn't like the material it looked cheesy but I liked the cut. It was okay. I asked him what he thought. His response in boyspeak. " It doesn't look good on you" My response in girlspeak. " I hate you"

so it escalated to something like him asking me why another leopard item, I have so much leopard, it's passe.. and I went for the jugular..WHAT NOW IM FAT???????????????????? Then I went ballistic and said..

WHY DO YOU INSIST ON EVERYTHING SUPERMAN ITS SOOOO PASSSSEEE I HATE YOU I HATE SUPERMAN ( sorry Mara, I was mad, I had to make my point, he offended the LEOPARD of course I don't hate Superman and he doesn't hate leopard, he always asks me to wear leopard lingerie) so we ended up mad, both offended that the other would dare suggest our loves were passe- and we went to bed mad. We made up in the middle of the night, and this morning , I decided to wear SS4W and Sensual Harmony to ease our nerves and be nice to one another. I can be a real fuckn bitch when you piss me off, I go insane and turn into the Tazmanian Devil.. I'm 5'2 but watch out. I will kill you with one look and a sentence. I wanted to feel good and calm and forget about the offended leopard dress, so SS4W and Sensual Harmony it was.


As I was headed downstairs to put on my heels.. I slipped.. all the way down. I screamed. In a split second BF was at my side panicking " Kitty Kitty Kitty Oh my Kitty " he helped me up was so attentive. Even Jude got in on the action. He woke up and ran to the stairs and was whining like a puppy either that or it was something in Sri Lanka, who knows. BF would not let me touch anything. He said he would carry my bags, I said NO I am OKAY

( I didn't want him to grab my backpack which has over 30 LP bottles and a million samples in it along with everything else ) He insisted he carry my suitcase of LPS to the car, and he has been checking on me ever since and telling me how scared he was when he heard me fall. My asshole actually broke a sweat you guys. He's been uber sweet and apologetic that he didn't communicate properly that it wasn't me that didn't look good in the dress, it was the fabric he didn't like. I told him that he should have said that instead of calling me fat which is all I heard when he said the dress didn't look good.


At work.. someone heard me ordering food, because I was asking the lady to please include a straw and napkin as they always forget... and I received an IM from a coworker asking me if I was ordering from a local food place. I said no..and how did he know I was ordering food? He said my voice carries.. we started friendly talk, then he busts out with.. something along the lines if I ever leave my husband and want a real man!! OMG I laughed so hard!!!!!!!!!! I almost pissed my pants. WTF where did that come out of? We were joking about his kidneys! This man almost died! LOL I told him I did leave my husband and found a real man. I could not stop laughing! This is soooooooo out of character!!!!!!!!!!! OMG shit is funny!

He even said.. I have two kidneys now watch out! LMAO

OMG Sensual Harmony and SS4W!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME MIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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I totally know what you mean about needing multiple colors of certain things. Some things are so stupidly hard to find that if you find one you like, you best buy every pair, let alone every color, you can get your paws on. For me those include jeans and t-shirts. How fucking hard is it to make these items in a flattering, fashionable and comfortable way? pretty near impossible, apparently.

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OH, I do that too! So many times I have found something I looooooooove, and when I go back to get more, they are gone....I always buy multiples!

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I buy multiples too, but I'm with JOC on the almost all black. If there's cherry red or white or some other colour I like, I *might* buy it. But I'm kind of a low-fuss dresser, and if everything is black, I don't have to worry about matching! Wait... is that low-fuss, or just lazy?

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My asshole actually broke a sweat you guys.


Lady V! Stop! You owe me a new laptop. Now I get your poem in the other thread....(LMAO)


I buy multiples too, but I'm with JOC on the almost all black. If there's cherry red or white or some other colour I like, I *might* buy it. But I'm kind of a low-fuss dresser, and if everything is black, I don't have to worry about matching! Wait... is that low-fuss, or just lazy?


Yes but I notice that my blacks are different shades.... Does this ever happen? Like there's a charcoal black, jet, blue black, light black, etc. I have a lot of black too. It isn't the best color on me ( I have yellow undertones) but I wear anyway.

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Yeah, unfortunately that does sometimes happen, but I generally look for really stark blacks, so it doesn't happen often. I have to wear black at work, so the more black clothes I have, the better. It's dark at my restaurant at night, so you can't always tell the blacks are different when they are. I'm pretty conscious of it during the day though, (freakin' BIG south-facing windows).The only downside is that sometimes when I'm not working I feel like I'm still dressed in my work clothes. That's why I occasionally buy coloured t-shirts. I'm alsokind of a sucker for band t-shirts, motorcycle t-shirts, surf shirts and generally just funny t's. But they're almost always black.

My skin tone is kind of rosy, so it looks okay. Or maybe I've just been wearing it so long I don't notice how bad it looks! :D

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I have the multiple shades of black, just like you ladies but it's not a big deal as I wear different materials on top and at the bottom, e.g. I wear either a business suit or business pants/slack plus a black stretchable top. Sometimes, I add a scarf or belt to break the two up.


I bought a stretchable long sleeve over-the-knee dress close to two years ago for my trip to Europe. I fell in love with it and ordered two more during the vacation. It's such a versatile and durable dress. It's such a simple classic dress that I want to order two more now as I don't want to be without it.

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I have the multiple shades of black, just like you ladies but it's not a big deal as I wear different materials on top and at the bottom, e.g. I wear either a business suit or business pants/slack plus a black stretchable top. Sometimes, I add a scarf or belt to break the two up.


I bought a stretchable long sleeve over-the-knee dress close to two years ago for my trip to Europe. I fell in love with it and ordered two more during the vacation. It's such a versatile and durable dress. It's such a simple classic dress that I want to order two more now as I don't want to be without it.


Who makes it? I've been looking for one. Do you have the name of it?

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Who makes it? I've been looking for one. Do you have the name of it?


It's a Korean brand called SZ. I wear this all seasons except for summer as it gets up to 40C in the day. Sometimes i wear a scarf, sometimes i wear a leather jacket over it, a thin belt that double loops over my hips, etc. What's your email? I'll send you a photo and if you like, I can help you purchase it then mail it to you. I'm pretty sure I can put it in the post unlike liquids.


There are plenty of cool and inexpensive stuff on the Internet here.

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  • 5 weeks later...

hello my name is ttbabe. and i ordered the super sexy concentrate for women..my experience of this oil was very appleasing,and at the same time i liked the way it made me feel, and the looks and some of the responses from others.

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I wore this layered with lp pink the other day.I went to my ex's restaurant to pick up the child support.I only stayed for a few minutes.While we were talking he kept on leaning in like he wanted to give me a hug and so when I was about to leave I gave him a hug and he said I smelled really good.He was smiling and watching me as I was leaving..

Must be the super sexy!

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  • 1 month later...

I got this in a 60/40 spray. I love wearing this. Today I wore it with a stripe of occo ambrosia. I got a compliment from a lady "wow your soooo beautiful" so that seemed like a nice hit. Lots of glances and locking eyes with my TG:) and next I'm not sure if this counts as a 100% hit b/c I was wearing some super short denim shorts today..Heehee. But i def think the ss4w helped. TG was helping me unload my car/trunk at work. ( supplies etc) he is loading up his arms with TONS if stuff. I noticed something fell out of a bag and rolled to the back of my trunk so I bend over to reach it. (oops naughty me in those shorts) anyway he lost his hold on the bags and dropped everything!!! Lol. He mumbled, picked everything up and ran off! I think SS4Wups a winner!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have this in the unscented rollon..I dont find it does anything for me..Mabey If I try it in a 2x spray I would get hits and self effects?

I usualy apply it behind my ears,wrist mabey neck and roll somei on my stomach area.. I only have a little under half a bottle so Im just going to put the rest into an alcohol based perfume that I made so if that works :)

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How funny! I was just talking about this elsewhere. It took nearly a full bottle of this before i figured out less was more with this one, for me at least. I either do a 3 inch strip of this on my torso, or just a single spray to my chest and then hurry and press my wrists against it, and I'm good. Tons of hits and self effects. So before you try the 2x, try using less than what you were and see what happens!

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For me, SS4W didn't do much, so far. It's surprising because from the ingredients it should be super effective. It must be a question of dosage. Same issue when I was using BANG!. Have to reduce the amount. May be SS4W works better in a perfume like Sneaky Clean, which smells lovely by the way, and the phero amount in this blend is not too much so there is no risk of OD.

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How funny! I was just talking about this elsewhere. It took nearly a full bottle of this before i figured out less was more with this one, for me at least. I either do a 3 inch strip of this on my torso, or just a single spray to my chest and then hurry and press my wrists against it, and I'm good. Tons of hits and self effects. So before you try the 2x, try using less than what you were and see what happens!

I only got the one hit but only when I gave a someone a hug.Mabey the spray would diffuse it in the air more.So If I try it again next time I'll do one spray.Or I have a bottle of sneaky clean coming so I'll test that out.:)

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It works better for me IN a perfume, because when it's unscented I may tend to use too much because there's no scent indicator. I know I used too much on one occasion at a party where this woman, a stranger, got all bitchy and jealous with me for no reason that i could tell. I think I mentioned this before on here, but anyway, she walked up to a group I was in, and got crotchety with me over nothing. I think she disliked the amount of attention I was getting, she was around 15+ years older than me, and I was really trying to be nice to her and engage her in conversation even though she had just walked up to our group and interrupted us. On reflection, I think I wayyy overdid the SS4W...and that was in oil, I probably rolled up and down my torso 4+ times. Less is very often better.

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Snowflake, I'd suggest trying SS4W in a scent. I don't know why but sometimes that does the trick. Snag a trial of Sneaky Clean. Or Mara's Rocket Fuel Version 3.

Yes, it seems to be more safe in a scent. I have a trial of Sneaky Clean, I loooove the scent! I have to get a full bottle with my next order to test the phero effect in different settings. Will definitely report my results. :)

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Less is almost always more for me too...although one of the best,and also funniest "hits" I ever had was with MRF3 in oil,boosted with cops and a spritz of SS4W in hair :lol:




He just stood there staring at me,looking kinda glazed over :lol: LOL finally he says "oh,so do you come here often" ,very seriously, not in a joking tone, but after I could not help laughing,cause hey it was really funny,ya know <this was a yard sale> he says,ohhh no I am so sorry,I've have been up all night,I've got to go,please call me,reaches out to put a card in my shirt pocket,snatches his hand back like I slapped him, <like he realized there was a boob under there> hands it to me instead and then practically ran away ...wth? :rofl222:


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It works better for me IN a perfume, because when it's unscented I may tend to use too much because there's no scent indicator. I know I used too much on one occasion at a party where this woman, a stranger, got all bitchy and jealous with me for no reason that i could tell. I think I mentioned this before on here, but anyway, she walked up to a group I was in, and got crotchety with me over nothing. I think she disliked the amount of attention I was getting, she was around 15+ years older than me, and I was really trying to be nice to her and engage her in conversation even though she had just walked up to our group and interrupted us. On reflection, I think I wayyy overdid the SS4W...and that was in oil, I probably rolled up and down my torso 4+ times. Less is very often better.

That's quite a lot! I have the alcohol spray x2 and I'm afraid I always used too much, considering the double concentration and the diffuion of the alcohol sprays. Using the phero in a perfume would be easier. Looking forward to buying a full bottle of Sneaky Clean with my August order. I'm sure the combination of the phero and this wonderful scent will do the trick. :)

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Damnit. This does nothing for me or my target audiences. :/ However this could be due to a lot of factors so I'll give it another try in a week or so.

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Had an incident like calii's today with ss4w in MRF III .... stranger came toward me, and I could see the exact second he hit phero range - his eyes flew open and he looked stunned and he just stared at me for a second, and then said uncertainly, "I....forget why I came over here." He stood and stared for another while, and then finally walked away. LOL

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