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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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I've had good results from women at work while wearing this. One of the cleaners who likes to tell me how to live my life, in a well meant yet very overbaring way, turned into the kindest, thoughtful and considerate lady when she walked into the room. She walked in and stated that something smelled absolutely fantastic. I was thinking, oh yep, that's me. But I said 'Uh, it could be my perfume possibly?'. This seems to soften grumpy gals as far as I can tell.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not really -- scented was just as devastating -- I just personally don't like that scent, and on me, its covering effect doesn't stick around -- it slips away within an hour or so and leaves behind pretty bad cops stink + that metallic EST swingset-pole-in-summer smell. But, as you can see above, that doesn't happen w/most people, so it's an issue of my own chemistry, and besides, the fact that it was crazily effective *even when* it was super stanky says something :lol: I was like "OMG CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT *SMELL* ME?!?" lol



(Another late reply)


Oh I see. For me the scented CB sticks, the cops stay covered, thankfully. I don't think I could pull off stinky cops coming through as well as you do, he he, they were in lurve with you regardless how you smelled.


I think I will try UNCB though just to try it.

Edited by Honeybee
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  • 2 weeks later...

Scented CB smells OK on me. It doesn't go piercing or soapy like many other "clean" scents, and it's fairly understated, so I don't mind it.


The person I want to test this on is away for several weeks, so no up close and personal effects to report on at the moment. But it does seem to make me softer, more relaxed, and - yes, cuddlier than usual. I guess my cat must enjoy it - she gets petted a lot when I wear this one :lol:

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I really like scented Cuddle Bunny. It has a fresh, clean scent and smells almost, but not quite, like (and don't make fun of me about this) Avon Night Magic which has a powdery, white musk base to it. In short, it doesn't smell smutty. It smells innocent. Love Love.


And that's all I have to say about that.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I suppose it's karma for walloping the men folks with this all the time, but today I Cuddle Bunnyed myself. Normally this just makes me feel sexy and very womanly. But today, I don't know, must be this point in my cycle or something, the cops did a number on me! I could not get my mind out of the gutter!!! Holy moly...I'm sure my productivity was 0% today. Then I was chitchatting with my potential love interest, and he was struck dumb and I was just "stupid horny" to borrow Luna's term. It's hard to have intelligent conversation when you're both under the influence of CB!! LOL. I will have to put my precious away for the next few days.

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It's hard to have intelligent conversation when you're both under the influence of CB!!



So true! It turns into more of a You. Me. Now. kinda thing. And then just various sounds.


Edited by luna65
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Hee hee, I love it bluebear! cops usually do have that effect on me but for some reason I don't get it as much w/CB...maybe because I'm distracted by all the adoration LOL

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got a bit of a funny CB hit yesterday :)


I was walking down the street, on my way to go grocery shopping, when this man caught up to me and told me, "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to pass you - actually, I just want to turn around and take another look at you." :P


Now, I always dress pretty feminine, and so I'll get compliments every now and then, even though Vancouverites can be fairly reserved in that respect. Besides, yesterday was the first gorgeous day we've had in eons, so people were smilier and flirtier than usual. So how do I know for sure it was the Cuddle Bunny?


After this guy delivered his pickup line, he stood there staring at me and looking completely bewildered (now I know what you ladies mean by DIHL!) The most telling part? He kept repeating, "I'm sorry - I couldn't help myself, you're just adorable" - and I've NEVER been described as adorable. Sophisticated? Yes. "Very French" (whatever that means)? Yup. But adorable? Never.


So, yeah, that was definitely the EST softening vibe at work. I actually felt a little sorry for the poor guy, as he looked so utterly confused as to why he was telling me all that... and that was with only a few swipes of scented CB!

Edited by Ishtar
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he stood there staring at me and looking completely bewildered


he looked so utterly confused as to why he was telling me all that...


Exactly this is my experience with CB too...desperate love and confusion and dismay at their own behavior & their inability to control themselves, lol.

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I am very sorry to bore everyone to death with my nonstop ranting about unCB, but I got such a funny hit with this on saturday that you all just have to bear with me, especially because this was a kinda unusual one....


I wore it to a museum and took out my blackberry to look up some more info about the artist. HUGE security dude - I mean 6'6" and 350 lb at LEAST - came racing over, yelling, NO PICTURES!! The way he was acting it was pretty clear he meant to tackle me or punch me at the very least.


I remember a thread on here where we talked about how super macho testoeroney dudes tend to prefer very femmey women and vice versa, and more metro/otherwise not so testosteroney dudes tend to like less femmey women and vice versa.... I'm not all that femmey in either look or attitude, which prob isn't a big surprise to y'all, lol- big dudes like that tend not to like me in "that way" - they totally ignore me...


Anyway, the guy got within a few feet of me and when I tell you he almost literally melted - it was actually a little spooky. He completely stopped in the middle of yelling, completely stopped advancing on me, his whole posture sagged- it was like the wicked witch after water was thrown on her - his whole face softened like melting butter, into a dreamy smile and he sighed and went "hmmmmm." lol!! My friend (doesn't know I phero) looked at me like WHAT THE HELL?!


I said "oh, I'm not taking pictures- I'm just looking up info about the artist, see?" I just used that as an excuse to wave my CB'd arm under his nose :love: he sagged even more- and was GRINNING like a muppet...started falling all over himself telling me all these places I could go for more info, other museums that had certain of the artist's work- my friend and I started sort of slowly walking away and he FOLLOWED us for several rooms, just chattering away, and he seemed aware that he was acting weird but couldn't stop....started complimenting me on my hair, eyes, blah blah, but not in a hitting-on way, more like to a pet almost..... IT WAS NUTS!!!!


This was like Harry potter kind of stuff - it was like he was an attack monster and i waved a wand and turned him into a yellow lab puppy. Just really comically OUT OF CONTROL. so: cb soothes the savage beast.

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LOL Great report Tyvey!

I bought a sample of cuddle bunny but can't get past the cops smell. After it dries down the scent disappears on me. : (

I'm going to give it another shot though because I keep reading great things about this one.

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Oh I forgot to mention that I use oil. I tend not to get cops in sprays cuz I r afeared of eating even a microdroplet in my hair...


I was thinking of getting the UN. CB just smells like milk and cheese that's been buried in my pile of crusty socks.

It's the cops I know it is. Have to get past that smell.

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You gooooootta let it dry down tho-rough-ly....Im sure i never did with the scented, prob 5 min tops, and then complained about bleed through- my own fault - not that teh menz minded- I'm so spoiled by all the other blends that are scented (occos, cops/robbers, almost all boosts) and cover it so well that I barely let them dry down at all and theyre fine....

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I said "oh, I'm not taking pictures- I'm just looking up info about the artist, see?" I just used that as an excuse to wave my CB'd arm under his nose :lol:


:) :banana055: :banana055:


...ohhh Tyvey,you could never bore us,I love your reports...and your style :banana132:

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Ugh browser isn't letting me edit ?? Obviously meant "getting" not "eating" above!!!


AWESOME report Tyvey, Love it! :lol:


With regard to editing your posts....do you know about the little "recycle" symbol in the upper right corner of the EDIT box? If you hover over it, it says "switch between standard and rich text editor"? Many of us have found that if you click it, it might solve all of your problems.....and the sky opens up and the birds sing.... :)

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I know the icon you're talking about but the mobile firefox I'm in right now doesn't support the rt editor, so that icon doesn't even show up, gr...need to download another browser....thank u tho xo

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Priceless! LIEK BUTTAH!


Saturday I asked Q if he wanted to play with me wearing the P-com version (aka Stupid Horny) and he said to save it for our anniversary because if I was finally going to kill him it might as well be on a day I would already remember. :lol::D

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Great report, Tyvey! Have I told you that you've inspired me to get a bottle of the UN CB and samples of CB? I think the bottle of UN has arrived here (waiting to collect this weekend) and I hope I'll have as much fun as you do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I ordered a bottle of UN CB .... when I went through my bags, the receipts and my paypal confirmation email, I realised that I didn't! I'll have to make sure that I get one the next time I order.


Anyway, I received the different versions of the scented CB. This was the second sample vial I tested. CB smelled so soft and cuddly in the vial and I liked it immediately.


I applied it lightly on my arm and took a sniff ..... the EoW hit my nose hard, real hard! I waited for 15 minutes before smelling it again. My verdict, it's probably not my kind of scent. It deserves another try and that's what I would do soon. But I'm going to put a note in my database to remind myself to get a bottle of UN CB!

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  • 1 month later...
I bet you could cover your scented cb with anything floral...


Ordered my first bottle of UN CB. I think I got it in sillicone. As usual, I prefer UN pheros to phero-enhanced ones. Can't wait to test it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must inflict another report on you all. I have never noticed any particular effects on women (that I recall), other than one time when it made a female stranger visibly annoyed with me because the dude with her (they were just friends, but I guess she wanted more) was practically in my lap.


Well today I've run into two different women separately - in each case, we like each other, but aren't that close or anything - just acquaintances - although I've known them for 10 years plus.


Both of them had very specific physical reactions - touchy-feelyness (very atypical of both of them) - and verbal reactions - telling me I looked so happy and "beautiful". ?! Believe me, this is not just me being negative about myself: they've seen me look much better than I do today and they have NEVER commented in that way. Also believe me, I am called a lot of things but "beautiful" is rare - not beating myself up, I know I'm cute but not "beautiful", and I actually don't consider the later qualitatively "better" than the former -- just different and equally appealing in their way.


That would be the Est talking, I know. :goldfish5:

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  • 4 weeks later...

played with my sample finally - YES!!! i need a bottle of this!


it doesn't smell anything like it thought it would - i didn't really get any of that tide scent until a little teensy bit after a couple hours. it was realllly subtle though, like i was sniffing at my forearms to find it :) i like the scent in general, i can't put my finger on any one thing it smells like but it is pretty subtle - not overly yummy, not overly perfumey, just a nice lingering scent. :) i like that it is not so distinct, it is a big change from the kind of scents i normally wear.


not sure how much of a sample we are supposed to use at once but i must have flooded the office with EST because EVERYONE wanted to help me :) one of my coworkers mentioned that he had gone to a higher up about a situation i had been complaining about (which only affected me) - without me asking, without me saying i wanted help from anyone, just venting - went and asked him to do something about it! several people in the office seemed more caring than normal as well, asking if i was okay, commenting that they would help me if i was stressed or had too much work, etc.


on another day, went through airport security about an hour after applying CB - the TSA guys were so nice! also, a man coming through at the same time insisted i go through the scanner ahead of him. granted, i'm sure it helped that there was no line (yes... no line at airport security, this really happened), but... nice TSA guys??


[edit] i also had some sort of DIHL moment with a guy i am interested in but after all was said & done i was unsure which one of us was the deer in the headlights :lol: :lol: first he gave me that look, and i was so shocked by it i just kept standing there staring as he tried to indicate i was standing in his way, probably mouth hanging wide open LOL

Edited by crookedteeth
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  • 1 month later...

Well I got my first hit with Cuddle Bunny last night. Wore it with my castle crumble.. At the yogurt place last night upon check out cashier ~ very cute young thing with glasses looks at me and says.. Wow you look so pretty today. I said thanks? She then followed up with not that I know you come in here all the time or anything. I laughed and said.. " I was about to say, do I know you from somewhere?" " thank you, you're so sweet" then she said.. " it's not sweet if it's the truth " OMG getting hits from shy 16 yr old girls at the fro you place? So cute and cuddly


Did have reallly really good makeup sex with IT ( bf ) Is Cuddle Bunny a sexual stimulant that turns women into vampires?

Or was it the shot of CTM with EOW COPS that I shot straight to the nanner before getting ready last night?

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  • 3 months later...

This is the first cops-heavy blend that I've worn in public. I wore it to a work party last night (with some Acquolina Pink Sugar) and got compliments - I sat down next to some female coworkers and they immediately said that I smelled like a vanilla candle, and complimented me on the scent. At the end of the night I hugged a guyfriend and he said "ooooh, you smell good". (This calls for experimentation - I think the boy is cute. Slathering in his presence may be called for.) I wear Pink Sugar on a semi-regular basis, and have been experimenting with wearing LP blends to work, and I think this is the first time that I've ever gotten compliments on my perfume.


Wet, you can smell the cops, but it's not exactly unpleasant - to me, it smells kind of like overly ripe fruit (which tallies with what many on the board have said). I don't *like* the scent, but it's not unpleasant, if that makes sense. When it's dry, it's a dryer-sheet type of scent. Light and non-offensive, although a heaviness remains which I think is the cops.


In terms of effects - I think it tends to make me come across as cuter and more innocent. More diminutive, perhaps less authoritative. This isn't a bad thing, but I'm not sure it's particuarly helpful job-wise - I'm not a particuarly alpha person anyway, and so while Cuddle Bunny is congruent, it's not the effect I want all the time.


That said - I like the blend. I'm waiting to try Velvet Kisses - the scent sounds promising, and I'm hoping for more chocolate, less cops. I work as a street fundraiser, and when I've tried wearing this blend in public I haven't noticed much of a difference to be honest. I had been a little concerned about cops in public - everything I've seen on the board makes me a bit leery, and I don't want to be in a position where I'm stuck talking to a cops-crazed man who won't leave but also won't agree to sign up for charity - but so far small amounts have elicited neutral to positive responses.

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Trying this out again at a social gathering/board game night with coworkers and cute boy - curious as what results I'll get! I still haven't figured out exactly how much I can wear in public.


ETA: So...had a good time. So far I think people are more solicitous when I wear this - they check in with me to make sure I'm okay, they offer me things, they're more concerned for my well-being. Haven't noticed much of a reaction romantically/sexually, although I did get compliments from 3 out of 4 of the boys in the room about the Cuddle Bunny/Pink Sugar mix. (Actually, I wore Pink Sugar this morning with no pheros and got another compliment, so maybe boys just like Pink Sugar). That said, I like the response this phero gets.

Edited by m4mitchell
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I've tried Cuddle Bunny 2009 three days in a row now. The first night I tried it, I wound up sitting at home, alone, and other than two of my cats, Sunny and Nuts, who didn't want to get off me, or be far from me, there was no one to appreciate how great I smelled. I used a pretty light hand the first night. Just a few dabs in what are quickly becoming the usual spots: crook of elbows, sides of throat, cleavage to belly button & a little on the backs of my hands.


Tried it again yesterday, wearing a little more than the night before, and I still smelled great, but still no reaction whatsoever from the boyfriend.


Am wearing it right now, heavier even than yesterday, and the only reaction I got from the boyfriend was a great big smile when I shoved his face into my cleavage and made him huff. I can say with almost absolute certainty that the smile was probably more boob-related than scent, although he is a fabric-softener freak, so there might have been a little extra oomph in the smile because I smell like a laundry additive. I was hoping for a little more than smile, (a "hey, can I refill your coffee, Sweets?" might have been nice, lol), but he wound up on a music-band rampage: "Blah blah blah guitar! Blah blah blah jamming!" This is not unusual for him though - he can bitch and moan for hours about the crumminess of his jam space, and anything concerning music, his band, instruments. So I can only assume this is not affecting him in the least, except that he likes the laundry smell, and my breasts. (Well, I guess that's something!).


I, however, smell like I took a bath in fabric softener, and I love it. With this perfume I can almost fool myself into believing my whole apartment is clean and tidy! This is another scent that doesn't seem to morph on me much, if at all. I put it on and smell like laundry, and I smell like laundry until I take it off again. Toward the end there is a soft, powdery scent, but by and large, it still smells like the original application, only weaker. These LP scents really have great staying power on me, and don't seem to change much from the moment I apply to the time I wash them off. The scents are all a little sharper when they're first applied, but as soon as they're dry, they're just there, smelling awesome. I don't seem to get the usual top and middle notes dissipating first, only to be left with the lingering base note. When they fade on me, they seem to fade as a whole, which is unusual, but nice. I doubt all of them will behave this way, but it's nice to know that at least some do.


I love this perfume. I really do. I love that laundry-fresh scent, and I'm not opposed to dousing myself with it if that's what's required to get the boyfriend's attention. Nor do I think he will mind, since he routinely uses half a bottle of Snuggle in every load of laundry.

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Ha! I love how it makes you feel your home is clean and tiday. That's how I feel when I smell it. April Fresh! It's a total departure from what I normally wear and I amp this one something terrible! but I can wear it in verrry small amounts.


I've always wanted to mix some with water and burn in my oil burner. Would make the whole house smell clean and then I wouldn't have to do house work right?

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I've always wanted to mix some with water and burn in my oil burner. Would make the whole house smell clean and then I wouldn't have to do house work right?

No you don't want to do that with a pheromone-enhanced scent, it's toxic in that form. The phero-enhanced Wax Melts Mara offers are okay for that.

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No no, it's IS okay like that. It's okay to put in an oil warmer or potpourri warmer. What you DON'T want to do is use pheromones to make candles with a wick, because when pheros touch flame they produce a toxic gas.


Some companies offer pheromone candles - TOXIC!

Some people have poured pheros into the pool of wax around the wick of a burning candle - TOXIC!


Oil warmers, potpourri cookers, wax melts - are all OK!

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Raq On, I can totally fake myself out about the house being clean. Does this scent come in wax melts? 'Cause I'd totally buy them if it did. Ha! I'd never have to clean again. (Don't I wish...)


I used to have a roommate who had OCD, and one of his 'things' was smells. Everything couldn't just *be* clean, it had to smell clean, too, so he rubbed dryer sheets all over everything - including me, if I happened to be sitting on the sofa at the time. Or lying on the floor. That's the only downer about CB '09: it gives me flashbacks of Bounce-sheet 'massages'!

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Ah okay, sorry about that! I knew there was something you weren't supposed to do...gods I'm getting stupid in my old age.


No worries hon, you're just 'pulling a katz' there... like, for the first time in recorede LP history. No sweat.

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