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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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Actually, I am a girl :banana052: , so the cops should have been fine. But I would be interested to see how women respond to cops worn by a man.


Interestingly, and aggravatingly, the evolution of synthetic Copulin production was fueled by their potential benefits to men.


As Ail and Dolly have commented upon in other threads, Copulins are credited with nearly instantly raising men's testosterone levels by, what? 125%? So, the initial intended use of Copulin products in the American market was as an alternative to steroid use for athletes and body builders. It was hoped, that a man could smear a bit of Copulins under his nose, and thereby achieve the effect of body-mass enhancing steroid use via the increased testosterone levels in his body, merely by sniffing Copulins.


This experiment failed, because it was learned that the testosterone increase did not happen from merely the smell, but also by the proximity of a target woman with which to associate it. The smell alone does nothing, in that regard.


As far as a "bar" response...I am so totally with Dolly on that one. There is no way in hell I would go near a man that smelled like he just had sex with another woman. Disgusting, in the extreme. Hey, we're all different. That's how it is to ME. Perhaps, the very next person I asked would give a different response....

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As Ail and Dolly have commented upon in other threads, Copulins are credited with nearly instantly raising men's testosterone levels by, what? 125%? So, the initial intended use of Copulin products in the American market was as an alternative to steroid use for athletes and body builders. It was hoped, that a man could smear a bit of Copulins under his nose, and thereby achieve the effect of body-mass enhancing steroid use via the increased testosterone levels in his body, merely by sniffing Copulins.


This experiment failed, because it was learned that the testosterone increase did not happen from merely the smell, but also by the proximity of a target woman with which to associate it. The smell alone does nothing, in that regard.


So if I slather ALL my ladies at work with cops and have them around the hockey players before they go on the ice and after, then they will play better? :)


Id be up for wearing cops to work "for the good of the fans" lol :lol:

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I can see why this is so loved, the scent is soft and lovely and i want to cuddle and take care of myself so why wouldn't any else not want to do the same?


It's light airy sweetness and i do get a hint of the pheros but it's not off putting


great job ail

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  • 2 weeks later...

I applied a dab of cuddle bunny yesterday on my neck, hair and wrist. 3 dabs total.

Just a little bit seems to work totally fine for my own chemistry.

When my BF came back from work, he was very cute, attentive and wanted to hang out with me more than usual. I had to do an order online and he said he was missing me, gave me a huge hug, grabbed a chair and sat next to me while I was finishing my order online. Very very cute.

At some point too, while I was cooking, he asked me if I was crying, because he heard me sniffling -I have a tiny cold, no big deal- it surprised me too because he was right there, next to me, ready to comfort me. I was like 'no I'm totally fine'. I could tell he wanted to be extra present for me.

What I like so much about Cuddle Bunny is that it is such a great scent, it agrees with me very well. Some phero scent don't match my personality very well, and my BF notices, as if I was wearing a garment that didn't fit me right.

My favorite perfumes are "Un jardin en Mediterrannee" (a Garden in the Mediterranean) by Hermes, Un jardin sur le Nil (a Garden on the Nile) by Hermes as well, Light Blue by D&G, and sometimes Angel by Thierry Mugler.

The scent of Cuddle Bunny is feminine but in a non predictable way, it's sweet, but not grandma-sweet or too flowery.

You can smell it for a long long time -I can still smell it this morning!- but it is not over empowering either when you apply it.

So great job LP, I am very happy with this product! :angelstar-kaos058:

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  • 1 month later...

Well today I learnt that I should never wear UN cuddle bunny to work again...


It was supposed to be any other day really, and I haven't tried my UN cuddle bunny before so I figured I would today...I knew it's said to be potent but I figured it IS called cuddle bunny, so how bad could it be eh? So I slathered some on my wrists, my carotids and my cleavage...and covered with my new love...50:50 mix of PheroGirl & Holle (smells divine!) And off to work I went...


I get in and find that the whole theatre list has been canceled...instead there's a big trauma one about to start with us (trauma/ortho), the vascular and transplant teams... Oh, goodie Rosebud thinks to herself... I get to spend the day with my TG in theatre who's on the transplant team (bad karma for me to get excited I know because the fact that his team is called in means the patient is not doing well...)


Anyways...we get started and my TG and I are on opposite sides of the op table so we are facing each other & he keeps looking at me...every glance is just that li'll bit too long & I'm loving it... But he's not the only one...all the anaesthetists are looking, smiling and chatting to me...

Then my TG breaks on of the surgical tools....I don't think much of it as that happens every once in a while in ortho...drill bits break and stuff but this was no drill bit...he broke the handle on a pair of surgical forceps...


10 minutes later he drops something on the floor....Another few minutes later he breaks a second tool.... :blink: LOng story short...the donor organs are removed and we finish with 3 broken tools and 2 dirty ones... :o This is a first! Everyone is wondering what the heck is going on as he's not a clumsy guy, and even though the technical aspects of the surgery went really well (it was a really complex case) the dropping and breaking things have never happend before...


We descrub and he looks at me and goes; Rosebud...shall we go and chat about that thing? Everyone (including me) look at him as if they are silently wondering "what thing?" But I reply..."yeah, sure" even though I have no idea what "that thing is"....As we get out in the corridor he goes; "shall we go have a cup of tea?"... So we do...and I'm guessing that must have been the thing, because all we did was go have a break & cup of tea just the 2 of us :unsure:


Anyways...after the break another patient is prepped to recieve one of the donated organs & I'm asked if I'd care to join in by one of the surgeons...the head of the transplant team! He's married and I'm not a transplant surgeon but it's an interesting case so I agree to stick around to observe or assist... And here's where it gets really interesting...My TG asks to speak with the consultant and then I notice him discretely declining to take part in the surgery...Now this is one of those cases you really WANT to have in your portfolio as a surgeon...but my TG instead offers to go do an appendix :o And he leaves! And what's worse....the penny still hasn't dropped for Rosebud!


After a while I excuse myself to go to the ladies...and who do I run into in the corridor if not my TG! There was no appendix! He looked at me like I was wearing nothing! Then he looked a bit embarrased and that's when the penny finally dropped... He must have excused himself from a procedure that would have been kickarse for his portfolio because of me & my cuddle bunny/PG bomb :Blusher: I thought MeJane had the most effect on him but I'm thinking I must revise that theory...and I obviously can't wear that combo at work anymore, something could go seriously wrong....


Weird though how it affected him so much more than the rest of the surgeons and anaesthetists...Yes, I noticed they were affected, but it was all just extra smiles and flirting, nothing OTT....My TG was the only one dropping things on the floor... I know I should be excited I found the perfect combo for snagging my TG but I'm still a bit stressed about the fact I was stupid enough to use that combo at work...I just never thought it would affect him THAT much... :unsure:


So yes...Cuddle Bunny is great if he ever asks me out or if I get the nerve to ask him out...but no more CB at work...

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soooooooooooooo, mr. le TG obviously likes you Rosebud!

ooh, la, la.

sexy encounters in emerge.

that's hot.

don't tell the patient!! lol!

i'm buying cuddle bunny!


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Did you get Ail's mix or the Pharmacom version? The latter is very intensely sexual like I've been saying all along...because it certainly sounds like he had a case of stupid horny, which yes in his case probably isn't a good idea at all in the workplace.

Edited by luna65
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Well today I learnt that I should never wear UN cuddle bunny to work again...


So yes...Cuddle Bunny is great if he ever asks me out or if I get the nerve to ask him out...but no more CB at work...


Oh Rosebud, it must have been quite a site, poor guy. But didn't it kinda feel a bit wild knowing you had this "power" over him. I think he reacted to your "phero BOMB" because he must be interested in you as well. But I agree w/you, perhaps work isn't always the best place to test :blink: , hee ! you go girl !


eta: ha ! stupid horny !

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Did you get Ail's mix or the Pharmacom version? The latter is very intensely sexual like I've been saying all along...because it certainly sounds like he had a case of stupid horny, which yes in his case probably isn't a good idea at all in the workplace.


Yeah...It's the unscented CB...The Pharmacon version :blink: Bad, bad Rosebud... I just didn't think it would be THAT effective...I thought it couldn't get any "worse" than BI but obviously I was wrong...and I agree, it's obviously not a work phero for me :Blusher:

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Oh Rosebud, it must have been quite a site, poor guy. But didn't it kinda feel a bit wild knowing you had this "power" over him.

eta: ha ! stupid horny !


Well...I'm sure it would...if I had gotten the point! It took me bloody ages before the penny dropped! I just kept thinking he was acting out of character :blink: Until the penny dropped...

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I also refer to it as the mindfuck effect. :blink:


You 'WILD' Woman !

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I also refer to it as the mindfuck effect. :blink:


LMAO :blue_dancing_banana: oh luna... :o


That is an AMAZING phero hit story. It truly shows the power of pheros AND shows the differences between wearing pheros around someone who has genuine interest and other men.


I think you were warned about pheros at work, in emerg, in the SS4W thread...bet you didnt think THIS could happen. hehe.


I love it. Good job girl, now hold back for a lil bit, wear some EST or Treasured Hearts pheros and see what happens. He is prolly gonna be doing some thinking...


Oh and it looks like you have had your first official DIHL experience. as previously stated, you go him HORNY and men cant think with their brains and man parts at the same time :Blusher:


I havent tried my UN cuddle bunny yet, but I am now NOT going to use it like I would Ail's version, THANK-you! :o


Cant wait to hear more. Hope all runs smoothly for a couple days and I hope there are more "tea" times :blue_dancing_banana:

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I figure TG already had the hots for you but this time he just could not control himself .. lol


I still do not know why men act that way around us women..they know we like them but some of them just cannot make the first move..

His definite clutzyness (excuse the spelling) shows that he's more interested in you than in work...


BTW, where can I nab some of this Un scented cuddlebunny for me??


Maybe the hubby will pay more attention to me in a good way....all he cares about right now is his WOW...world of warcraft....Charm does not work on him anymore...not to say that I am unattractive or anything....

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Yeah it might take unscented CB to lure him away from World of Warcrack (they don't call it that for nothing :blink:).


Just go to the pheros page in the Shopping Directory and look for the link.

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Wanna swap some MeJane love for UN Cuddle Bunny horniness :blink:

I can decant you some...



Rosebud, I would love to except that I myself only have one little sample of Me, Jane...All I ever do is sample everything first only to find out that when I really want a bottle it is too late...but I do appreciate the thought....good luck with mr TG! Hehehehe....


Yeah it might take unscented CB to lure him away from World of Warcrack (they don't call it that for nothing :Blusher: ).


Just go to the pheros page in the Shopping Directory and look for the link.


World of Warcrack yeah that is exactly how I feel about the game..I tried honestly tried to play it but I just do not understand the rage ..... why he loves it so much ..I dunno...

going to get me that much needed Unscented CB....in a bottle....it's going to be a tough month!

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LMAO :Blusher:


I love it. Good job girl, now hold back for a lil bit, wear some EST or Treasured Hearts pheros and see what happens. He is prolly gonna be doing some thinking...


Cant wait to hear more. Hope all runs smoothly for a couple days and I hope there are more "tea" times :blink:


Yep...exactly what I was thinking! Treasured Hearts with UNE, not PheroGirl for a few days now...


I hope he IS thinking...bloody well better be!

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Yep...exactly what I was thinking! Treasured Hearts with UNE, not PheroGirl for a few days now...


I hope he IS thinking...bloody well better be!


Yeah better avoid pherogirl...he needs to be able to think with his brain...not his...hehehe, I am bad ;)



Just bought a bottle...hoping for the same effects like Rosebud..hehehe..if it does not work for me I know I can always trade with you lovely ladies....


If you dont like it I KNOW I would take it off your hands :rabbit4: I love LP pheros! :)

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Yep...exactly what I was thinking! Treasured Hearts with UNE, not PheroGirl for a few days now...


I hope he IS thinking...bloody well better be!



Treasured Hearts is brilliant at work - I wear it when folks around me are fighting. It seems to take the edge off and get people talking.


But I still think if you want a sexy, fun vibe - SS4W is a great all-rounder - no cops at all - but just a fun presence. IMHO - Treasured Hearts if for in-laws, people at work, and people I like but don't want to get horizontal and superimposed with.


SS4W is about catching someone's eye and shamelessly flirting.


Rosebud - with unscented CB - you used an elephant gun on the poor guy. Way seriously too much fire power if you thought you had him in the 90/10 equation. (If his brain is 90% there - swing the last 10% with the Pheros)


Save the unscented CB for your first official date. Or carry in your handbag in case he asks you out for coffee after your shift.


But don't beat yourself up too badly - how we learn with the pheros is sometimes going just a scoche too far. :-)


At least you know he likes you. Really, really likes you. <g> Congratulations on that.

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But don't beat yourself up too badly - how we learn with the pheros is sometimes going just a scoche too far. :-)


At least you know he likes you. Really, really likes you. <g> Congratulations on that.


Oh goodness! Dont be beating yourself up. Laugh and enjoy what happened and go forward with that phero knowledge.


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Save the unscented CB for your first official date. Or carry in your handbag in case he asks you out for coffee after your shift.


But don't beat yourself up too badly - how we learn with the pheros is sometimes going just a scoche too far. :-)


Yeah...I like that idea! I'm running to my phero stash as we speak to decant a mini

UN-CB to keep in my purse :)


I do feel bad though...creating mayhem in the office is one thing...quite another in the OR :onigiri_moon_sleep: Will have to start thinking more with MY brain when I slather my goodies on in the morning from now on...

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Yeah...I like that idea! I'm running to my phero stash as we speak to decant a mini

UN-CB to keep in my purse :)


I do feel bad though...creating mayhem in the office is one thing...quite another in the OR :onigiri_moon_sleep: Will have to start thinking more with MY brain when I slather my goodies on in the morning from now on...



I had been carrying some Phero's in the car - in case I needed/wanted a "happy to be in traffic" moment on the way home - but stopped - when I realized how crappy it would be if the heating/cooling of the car ruined my precious.


So - all this week I've commuted home without a goodly dose of Phero's to make the brain go to a happier place. Frankly - it was no fun. I think I'm going to carry some in my handbag so it's in a nice temp controlled office and reapply for the ride home again.


I'm thinking your ideas of carrying little phero decants would be great - I just haven't yet gotten decant supplies.


I've got the mother of all orders coming from M&D soon - seriously - they have to be wondering if I won the lotto. Didn't - just got a bonus and decided it was time to LP myself into a full inventory of yummy goodness. But when DH sees the box - he will have a heart attack. Decant supplies going to have to wait about a month. I'm guessing it's going to take that long to get him breathing again. :-)

Edited by Shelly B
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Rosebud, what a story!


Yes, I would lay off the cops at work.....between the cops in CB and in PG, you were probably wearing about a quarter of a bottle of EoW! No wonder your TG was dropping and breaking things.....his testosterone was so high that he probably couldn't think!


I agree you should go with maybe an SS4W/TH combo covered with some Une.....that would be a nice work mix.....

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k, ladies....question ? would/could "CuddleBunny (unscented Pharmacon version)" have a reaction on ME as well as SP ? I get a bit 'flushed' and my sexual appetite is off the charts. Last night I wore "Black Bunny" again and it was duct tape all over again and more, then followed by tender moments till sleep took over. Or was it just me reacting to his reaction ? or am I just wierd ?

Edited by liz
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k, ladies....question ? would/could "CuddleBunny (unscented Pharmacon version)" have a reaction on ME as well as SP ?

Oh yes, oh yes, OH YES!

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Well, Black Bunny pushed me over the edge. Couldn't put off my order any longer, seeing the status of Cuddle Bunny... which is an AWESOME mone mix. So, I ordered it as an add in to Black, and now there's one less CB out there.


Not sure what y'alls Black Bunny blend is, but the other night I slathered some CB under Black, tweaked it with S honeycomb/SS... and YOWZA. My first hubba-hubba-hubby DIHL! More cuddly than carnal, but exceedingly lusty, handsy and **determined**. Pretty safe to say he likey. ;)


So I have my new official home-use-only lovin' blend, Black Honey Bunny. B)

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k, ladies....question ? would/could "CuddleBunny (unscented Pharmacon version)" have a reaction on ME as well as SP ? I get a bit 'flushed' and my sexual appetite is off the charts. Last night I wore "Black Bunny" again and it was duct tape all over again and more, then followed by tender moments till sleep took over. Or was it just me reacting to his reaction ? or am I just wierd ?


Don't think your weird - think it's self effects. You just found your magic blend - which you might want to hoard - we don't know if they are going to make a Pharmacom CB version with Dr. Stone. :-)


I had two of the last bottles of Cougar unscented and I LOVES my precious for self effects.

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k, ladies....question ? would/could "CuddleBunny (unscented Pharmacon version)" have a reaction on ME as well as SP ? I get a bit 'flushed' and my sexual appetite is off the charts. Last night I wore "Black Bunny" again and it was duct tape all over again and more, then followed by tender moments till sleep took over. Or was it just me reacting to his reaction ? or am I just wierd ?


Duct tape? hmmmm...sounds fun B)

I totally get self reactions from EoW (I thought I was crazy the first time I mentioned it on the androtics forum)...But it can have some effects!


After all these fabulous unscented reviews, I think I am going to have to test it out tomorrow. I WAS going to avoid it after rosebuds story...BUT I have been having fun with pheros at wrk this week and think for a friday, CB would be a great mix ;)


hehe, unscented for me...men BEWARE! (I may have to play at my local coffeeshop too..)

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Duct tape? hmmmm...sounds fun B)

I totally get self reactions from EoW (I thought I was crazy the first time I mentioned it on the androtics forum)...But it can have some effects!


After all these fabulous unscented reviews, I think I am going to have to test it out tomorrow. I WAS going to avoid it after rosebuds story...BUT I have been having fun with pheros at wrk this week and think for a friday, CB would be a great mix ;)


hehe, unscented for me...men BEWARE! (I may have to play at my local coffeeshop too..)


CC - I so get self effects from EoW too...sounds weird and I didn't expect it but it's still true. Have fun today!

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World of Warcrack yeah that is exactly how I feel about the game..I tried honestly tried to play it but I just do not understand the rage ..... why he loves it so much ..I dunno...

going to get me that much needed Unscented CB....in a bottle....it's going to be a tough month!


Hey I never saw this! Good grief, you're a WoW widow too, huh? I "loose" my guy 3x/week for that crap. The only one I really resent is Saturday night...he figures "we have Friday" but by Friday night, we're both sleep deprived and not fit company. Bah! It's like a drug I tellya.

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Hey I never saw this! Good grief, you're a WoW widow too, huh? I "loose" my guy 3x/week for that crap. The only one I really resent is Saturday night...he figures "we have Friday" but by Friday night, we're both sleep deprived and not fit company. Bah! It's like a drug I tellya.



LOL...Oh crap my guy is worse that that. When he gets home he changes clothes and I make him dinner and for the rest of the night he plays that game...I understand he needs a break from work and stuff but he comes to bed at 3 or 4 each morning...this is all week long..forget 3 times a week...why u think I spend so much money buying LP's? LOL....I say men do not know what they have till it is gone...but really he is a good man just...I feel so left out sometimes...and then we had a talk about us....some serious stuff really and he totally had me furious but I don't think I want to get into this now....everyone else's problems seem to over shadow mine...hehe. I just need to let him be...


Btw, WOW widow is right...I have been feeling like that since he *discovered* this game in December..hehe


How do you deal with all this Katz??

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J875980928032985928958 , I just used the "you don't know what you've got til it's gone" in another thread, but I was talking about sexology!! I was a hunting and fishing widow. I don't sit around to be ignored by ANYONE now! I'm worth more than that! Hugs to those of you having to deal with your lover's attentions consistently elsewhere! It is no fun, I sympathize with you!

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J875980928032985928958 , I just used the "you don't know what you've got til it's gone" in another thread, but I was talking about sexology!! I was a hunting and fishing widow. I don't sit around to be ignored by ANYONE now! I'm worth more than that! Hugs to those of you having to deal with your lover's attentions consistently elsewhere! It is no fun, I sympathize with you!





I saw your other post..and I am glad you got your sexology...hehe. Most importantly, I am glad u are taking care of you and letting ppl know who's boss...I used to have that same attitude...before I got married..


I guess now is the time to let him know who is boss...I have my limits and when it gets there I hope he knows that there is no going back...thing is I have never had problems meeting men and stuff but he is a different story...we just have alot more to talk about I suppose...but it gives me a chance to work on me..to seriously work on me and do something for me ...just once...


Well enough complaining ...he says I do too much of that already...lol



It's Friday!!!



Let's party ladies...hehe this is coming from someone who doesn't even party, drink or smoke..

how boring can I be???

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Just because you don't drink or smoke doesn't mean you're boring! You seem to have a great sense of humor and are alot of fun. Don't sell yourself short. Do the talking you need to do, and do not ever be afraid to complain here, we LOVE to listen, especially to someone as FABULOUS as you!

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Just because you don't drink or smoke doesn't mean you're boring! You seem to have a great sense of humor and are alot of fun. Don't sell yourself short. Do the talking you need to do, and do not ever be afraid to complain here, we LOVE to listen, especially to someone as FABULOUS as you!



Thanks TG,


Quite honestly though all you ladies are the Fabulous ones!! I've always been told I was different..but different is good, I say! I think I just need to listen to his needs more and talk alot less...but it's so hard sometimes cause what woman knows how to talk less and listen more..? Not trying to offend you ladies or anything but really? Are there any of us who knows how to listen more and talk less???


Getting off topic here again....


Will report on the effects of the unscented cuddlebunny when it arrives...I got myself an entire bottle...hubby does not know yet and when it hits him I hope it hits him hard...lol....in a good way of course!! :huh:

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