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PheroGirl Cougar Potion

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I spent the afternoon having stupidly naughty thoughts about him, and he makes me feel all glowy and warm inside. (At least until I looked at his Facebook page when I got home, at which point I was less impressed).

isn't it funny how that happens :lol: that was my exact reaction with my current TG... my eyes do not agree with certain other organs in my body. :lol: :lol:


i'm glad i stumbled across the input on this thread for younger people wearing cougar potion. i had mostly shied away from it because i didn't know what it would do to someone my age - i didn't want to seem younger than my age, as i am on the young end of the people i normally associate with anyway, so it's good to know it doesn't necessarily lend that impression.

Edited by crookedteeth
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  • 2 months later...

::shrugs:: I got Cougar because I a) love citrus, including grapefruit, B) was curious about copulins but didn't want a blatantly sexual blend and c) wanted to enhance my attractiveness to men.


I'll probably try Lace next given that it's a "younger" blend, but given the ingredients in Cougar I see no reason as to why I couldn't wear it.



Right after Cougar was released, there was a group of younger ladies here on the boards who swore by it.....I don't think it is PURELY for older women.



That said, I am glad I was reminded how much I love the scent of this one (don't know why I never replenished my stock).....got a partial bottle in a trade, and then promptly went in and bought two more bottles. Love both the self-effects and the reactions from others with this one.....



OH, and with extra cops....watch out! You may have trouble walking the next day.....

Edited by Dolly
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wearing this one a lot lately.....love the scent, love the self-effects and the reactions from others as well. I always boost mine with xtra cops, but that i just me.....when I wear this one, I can't help singing...."I'm sexy and I know it!" LOL


I took one of the two new bottles I received and turned it into a spray, and kept the other in oil.....just love love it!

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So, I chose to try Cougar Potion (the scented one) as my first phero blend. It smelled so lovely and sweet in the vial. I put it on as a test to see what would happen to it on my skin and all I can say is that the grapefruit and sweetness blend together so seamlessly that it's hard to distinguish one component from another. I am still really new to all this so please forgive me for sounding like a novice. I expect that I will be better able to identify different notes/scents in the LP's the more I use different types. It stays smelling softly sweet after it dries, but the initial uplifting freshness of grapefruit almost disappears (not a bad thing from where I'm smelling from). The scent lasts for ages and ages. I love it! As for the pheros...


I wore this to school for a lab class. I put on about a 2 inch stripe along each wrist/forearm (from the sample bottle stick) and a swipe with the side of the stick on either side of my neck. I read somewhere that "more is usually more" with this phero blend (I think it was a post of Tyvey's) so I put on more than I normally would have because I couldn't bear the thought of not wearing enough and getting no reaction my first day out with the LP's!


I know I said I didn't have time for guys, but there is now a guy I have the hots for (is that who I call a TG=target guy?). He is the vision of what I find most attractive physically and he seems like a pretty nice guy (if a little young, but not too young!). Anyway, I go into lab and he's sitting 2 seats away from me. It was a pretty unseasonably warm day for my climate, but it was the perfect excuse to fan the pheros towards him as he was sitting there or as he walked by a few times. I used an assignment to fan my torso/neck area as if to cool off. I think this is like the shirt fluffing out maneuver. It proved to be pretty effective. I guess the heat helped with diffusion as well.

To go back in time a few weeks... After a classmate discovered I have a child, it seemed that any friendliness any of the guys in my classes had been exibiting suddenly cooled off, hot guy included. Why, you may ask, would I still be interested in someone who disappeared like that? Because, I honestly don't blame any of them. Children are scary to a lot of guys (younger ones especially) and a lot of work. Also, while there were definitely moments where he seemed to genuinely be flirty with me and once wanted to team up to do some work together, it was all in a very casual school environment. Each encounter was fairly brief and widely spaced. Some days it seemed that he didn't even know I was there.


Cougar Potion definitely let him know I was there! He made extended eye contact with me twice as he spoke to me from his seat in a good humoured kind of way. It was really strange for me because I had been turning to look in that direction a few times (we were in a side-on orientation) and then I looked another time and it was as if his eyes were "catching" mine. Like I should be looking away quickly if he caught me looking at him (that's what I normally do...too shy), but I didn't. His eyes were holding mine and then he spoke to me past the person between us. I guess it's also possible that the confidence boost I felt with Cougar made it easier for me to not look away. After that I didn't really talk to him for a few days, even though I wore the CP. I don't hink he was there part of the time and the rest of the time he wasn't in my phero cloud. I was using the sample so no spray diffusion going on here. I think I'm going to be upgrading to a full bottle of spray!


This has also had a very interesting effect on my friends at school. It seems to induce a great comraderie of humour. We end up laughing so hard we're crying and I'm talking guys here. I seem to become way funnier than usual and fairly popular too. My confidence levels on the first couple of days was off the charts, but I haven't had the same self effects since. I have tried wearing other LP's since my first few forays with CP. I'm going to wear this one again in a short while to see if I was just using too much after the first day or what. OD? Perhaps if I weren't chronically sleep deprived, it would be easier to feel happy and energetic and confident etc...There's still waayyy more experiementing to do with this one, but so far very pleased with the results!


Just a quick question. I've read that people spray this in their hair, but then I read somewhere else that it has cops in it. I thought you weren't supposed to wear cops on your clothes or in your hair. Does it have cops in it? I don't smell any at all at any point during application and beyond so, maybe I'm mistaken?

Edited by Moon Bloom
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Great report, Moon Bloom!


This one has only a tiny amount of cops in it (compared to some of our other blends). I think it would be ok to spray in your hair at a 1x strength or less. You might not want to do that every day in case of copulin build up, but at the 333mcg per bottle strength (which is what the scented version is) there's probably little chance of that.


Wishing you continued success! :D

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Hey Moon Bloom, great write up!


I have used scented Cougar spray in my hair (which is some of the most porous hair on the planet, and sucks up anything), with no issues. I won't spray the ones that I have boosted with extra cops into my hair, because they are difficult to remove. But, the amount in regular scented Cougar isn't problematic.

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Perhaps if I weren't chronically sleep deprived, it would be easier to feel happy and energetic and confident etc...


Really nice write up MB :) :) ... this just jumped out at me,and is very very true IMO! ...you will get far better effects if you feel good to begin with !!!! ... Cougar Potion was my very first purchase from LPMP,and my first Phero,it is sill one of my top favs...I have the UN spray now too as well as boosted into LP Red <YUMZ> have never had problems spraying into my hair,there was Sparkle Fucshia before your time that had Cougar and no problems ever in hair either...you have a good attitude,on with the experimenting, fun fun fun :lol:


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Thanks PM, Dolly and Calii. I'm glad I got that whole cops thing cleared up. I will proceed to spray my hair with abandon (ok maybe not quite that much, but I won't be fearful of smelling like a "compost head"! :D ).


I think I'm going to order a sample of LP Red so I can smell what all the hoopla is about! It must be awesome! I think I'll also be wanting an UN Cougar so that I can switch scents around (layer it).

Edited by Moon Bloom
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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Wow, can't believe I haven't reviewed this one yet, Cougar Potion made me a phero believer!


I tried this one about a week before Haloween, it was one of the free gifts, or "sniffies" I think they are called. I hadn't yet checked out the boards, so I didn't realize that Cougar Potion had pheros in it. All I know is that I loved the fragrance, it's so yummy! I put a dab between my cleavage, a dab on my stomach, dab on my chest, and a dab on the back of my neck. Mmmm, nice! Like a rich, musky vanilla with a splash of grapefruit. Is there vanilla in this? Or just sugars?


Well, so I get to work, and that's when the fun started, hee hee!


This woman I work with, well she basically followed me around all morning chatting up a storm, even when it was clearly evident that we both had work to do. She's known as "Ms. Business" and NEVER acts like that. Like ever.


Everyone kept telling me how nice I looked, have I been working out? Lost weight? HUH!?? I'm wearing a uniform, just like the day before, and the day before that, etc. At lunch, everyone sat at the same table I was at, people usually like to spread out.


This other woman, who is codial with the staff, but that is ALL, was gabbing with me like I was her best friend! She was even asking my advice about what costumes her and her husband should wear for a party! I could barely get a hello from her before.


Later, I feel someone watching me. I look up, and it's this nice looking guy staring at me. So I smile at him, yet he doesn't smile back, he just keeps on staring, with a slightly dazed look on his face. My first DIHL, Woo Hoo!!! :D


It was almost like people were noticing me for the first time, I got compliments on jewelry and accessories that I've worn for months now. What a wonderfully weird day, I thought. It wasn't until later that I checked out the boards, and almost fell out of my chair when I read the reviews for Cougar. I immediately ordered a bottle, it's already a quarter gone! I don't wear it everyday, but when I need that extra boost of feel-good confidence, this is what I reach for. I have gotten more subtle hits at work with Cougar, but nothing so dramatic as my first time. I love this stuff, please don't ever quit making it!



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  • 4 months later...

I usually wear the Cougar phero in the Enduring Appeal scent, and had completely forgotten that I had gotten a sample of this to try!


I put this on today mixed with unscented lotion all across my upper body. It's interesting to me that both Cougar scents have grapefruit as an ingredient, but they smell so different and evoke such different images. On me, Cougar Potion smells mostly sweet and musky... like some others who reviewed this, I also thought this perhaps had vanilla in it. It gave me a feeling of warmth, and a more grounded type of sexy than Enduring Appeal (which is brighter, more open, more... giggly).


The phero, as usual, was a knockout. I went to a store of buy some new drapes, and was constantly asked if I needed help. One clerk, as he passed by me for the third time, asked if I was married. Pheros are really the secret weapon in getting attentive customer service these days!


As a personal preference, I think I still prefer Enduring Appeal as my go-to scent. But Cougar Potion is really beautiful, and wears really well (I still smell it 6 hours later)!

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I love this, not to demean this phero/fragrance but it's now my go to, sort of the basic must have. I have Cougar in spray and oil. I've noticed that some have said there is a bit of cops in this. I love it no matter what. I never get any adverse odor in my hair and clothes. I do smear a dab of Phero Girl in my cleavage with this, love the combo.

To my nose it has a sort of pink velvety finish. If your a very pink girl, OCCO pink could be fun with this too.

Edited by StacyK
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To my nose it has a sort of pink velvety finish. If your a very pink girl, OCCO pink could be fun with this too.


A small amount of OCCO Pink goes brilliantly with scented Cougar Potion!


I'm not always a pinky pink girl... but it's so much fun to be one once in a while. Definitely going to take this combo out for a whirl.


I love the great ideas I get from this forum! :)

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A small amount of OCCO Pink goes brilliantly with scented Cougar Potion!


...Cougar and cops is a stunning combo! :P

I agree! OCCO Pink & Cougar Potion are awesome together!

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I agree! OCCO Pink & Cougar Potion are awesome together!


Ooh, this sounds interesting! I don't have OCCO Pink, but I might try cougar with LP Pink or maybe Midnight Masquerade. Can anyone tell me if OCCO Pink is similar to either of these?

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  • 1 month later...

Wore Cougar out and about today. About a one inch stripe on each wrist, one on each side of the neck, and then used 2 quick sprays in my hair (yes, I have both roll-on and spray).


Went shopping at Sally's Beauty supply, got ALL SORTS of freebies when I renewed my card. The clerk gave me DOUBLE the free gifts, claiming that since I had my future step-daughter with me, we BOTH needed free stuff (even though we only have one membership that we both use).


Ate at our favorite Lebanese restaurant, the waitress gave me free stuff to bring home with our leftovers (extra dressing and pita breads, and a large to-go cup of the Lebanese tea)......it was as if people could not do enough for me......love my Cougar!

Edited by Dolly
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  • 7 months later...

I think I may have had my first hit today wearing Cougar Potion.


I put on quite a lot (seemed like slathering for me but I know you scent junkies would be unlikely to be impressed) before choir practice. When I walked in two of the in-group were chatting with the adorable choir director/ACD (who is always the target of anything I wear :wub:) and I decided to stop to talk although I am NOT part of the in-group. Well, I said something funny and one of the girls just threw her arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze and said affectionately, "Oh, Donsie" as she laughed! This is so unlike anything she's ever done I thought to myself "must be the pheros". She's normally friendly enough but in a general group way. She's never even stood that close to me.


I didn't notice much from ACD, sadly. It's hard because the place we sing is so effin' cold and he's probably too distant for oil diffusion. Still, there were one or two little things that I suppose could have been to do with the pheros, but maybe just coincidence. I suppose I'd have to wear this around him again to be sure.


This smells so, so good, by the way! The grapefruit is gorgeous (other singers asked what the awesome smells was) and the dry-down of musk, amber, and sugar is beautiful, too. I also think that compared to what I was expecting in terms of fast burn-off the grapefruit has persisted for about about 5.5 hours now, though obviously not as loud as it was wet. I only got this sample on a whim to try as many different things as possible and it has turned out to be one of my favourites so far. I am really hoping to get a full bottle.


ETA: Wow, she was still really friendly to me when I saw everyone again this weekend, so I guess Cougar made a lasting impression. Keep in mind I have been in choir with this person for three years so it's not like she suddenly met and liked me. Cougar is magical friend juice.

Edited by donsie
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  • 8 months later...

I got a sample of the scented Cougar and the scent went all crazy on me. (I'm discovering that citrus does not seem to meld well with my chemistry!) It might sound weird but the scent turned into this weird dusty old lady scent. How? No idea.


Anyway, I was out the day I wore this. I went to a pizza place and sat at the counter right next to the awesome wood pizza oven. I was mesmorized by the guy cooking the pizzas because I love cooking etc. He was probably in his later 20's. Very attractive. At one point he turned and we locked eyes. After that moment, he seemed to change his whole routine and ended up spending a lot of time over by me. I was actually with my S.O. and a close guy friend of ours too. I'm guessing it was the pheromone. Oh, and I almost forgot that there was a period of time while wearing this, that I felt like a sex kitten and could almost feel myself purring. I felt sparkly too.

I need Cougar unscented for sure!!!

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Sorry the scent doesn't work for you two. I like it but I can give me headaches sometimes. It's also very strong, so I've wondered if it might be an idea to get some UN to boost this. I could get full-strength phero with half the strength of scent, if you see what I mean. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you two to get a chance to try a Cougar scent variation like Pizzazz soon!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The scent of Cougar doesn't work for me either sadly. It's not the grapefruit though because I have other grapefruits that I love. I think it's the type of musk or the musk combined with the grapefruit that doesn't work. It makes me very sad since everyone loves it so. :(

I love it in Pizzazz though.

Others have mentioned just getting some sugared grapefruit and spiking it with the Cougar blend. I added some of the un to some of my sugared grapefruit and it is great. I like regular scented cougar as well but I think the grapefruit stays "perkier" in the sugared version. Maybe because there is no musk....I think you will like it.

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  • 5 months later...

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