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UN Audacious

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Tyvey, I think the alpha-male juice in Dominance (which is there in half dose in Leather) absolutely brings out rage in some women. I would use it lightly just because of that. It makes ladies feel confident enough to take control, but can also make us irritable and want to fight if we use too much.


Audacious is skewed in quite a different direction....happy, fem, bold and fun.

Dom only brings out my rage when I'm PMSing, interestingly enough it does not affect that way during my actual period.

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Tyvey, I think the alpha-male juice in Dominance (which is there in half dose in Leather) absolutely brings out rage in some women. I would use it lightly just because of that. It makes ladies feel confident enough to take control,


Sounds good to me, iam a bit more on the intervirted side sometimes when I should be more aggresive like in the business proffesional world, and I recentley am awaiting Far Far Away with audacious, so i think it should be perfect for me. :thumbup: First time iam trying audacious. :girlHeart-5:

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Audacious is skewed in quite a different direction....happy, fem, bold and fun.



The cowboy is taking me to his horse club events...will be meeting friends :huh:

Want to be happy, fem,bold and fun for sure!!!


eta: I am not a cowgirl I just play one to get cowboys. lol!

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Well, I am test-driving Audacious in spray today, which should be interesting..... dealing with lots of different people today....wearing it with Mermaids as a cover.......


Edit----> self-effects.....hmmmm......I never could wear Lace (made me feel ditzy and totally OFF), I rock Leather, and I love my Dom (I never was one of the ones to get bitchy on the -none....well, not bitchier than usual! LOL!) My first impression of this one is that it is somewhere between Leather and Lace...so what would that make it? Firm yet flexible....keeps it all together....but still fun? Maybe we could call it SPANDEX! HAHAHAHAHA OK, so anywhoo......I applied one spray to each side of the neck, one to chest, and one spray to each wrist....these were sprays from the to-go size, BTW.....


So, I was like telling myself, "OK, gotta get to work, lots to do today.....get down to business." Then I start thinking about what kind of fun things my man wants to do this weekend, because we don't have any of the kids. Then I start dancing to the music I was listening to while working....Yes, DANCING. Up out of the chair, dancing around my office....good thing I work ALONE. GEEEEEZ


Let's see what the rest of the day brings!







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Tyvey, I think the alpha-male juice in Dominance (which is there in half dose in Leather) absolutely brings out rage in some women. I would use it lightly just because of that. It makes ladies feel confident enough to take control, but can also make us irritable and want to fight if we use too much.


Audacious is skewed in quite a different direction....happy, fem, bold and fun.


I only just saw this Mara- good to know- thank you- I spoke from having worn increasing amounts over 3 days of little sleep and rather patience-trying situations..need to be more judicious....

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I don't see much effects on others with this, but it makes me feel more independent and like I don't need anybody. For effects from others, I prefer Dominance. I think this one is more for self effects, which is really great because I usually don't get self effects.

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OK, so I wore Audacious again TODAY......let's recap.....


Self effects-----> first use....a desire to get down to business but still happy and fun and flirty.....got distracted easily by the urge to have a good time! didn't get as much done as I wanted to.....


My man-----> eh, not so much! The first time, he was kind of indifferent, even though we had no kids, and I was wearing a splash of Mermaids and a splash of EoW.....


OK, so during the weekend, I didn't wear it anymore.....went back to Leather and cops.....good weekend!


Monday, went back to Audacious.....it got ugly, totally out of character for him......we can have arguments and disagreements, but he doesn't get UGLY and right down MEAN....he did this time.....I need to know how much Est is in this! Wanted to make sure it was the pheros, so the next day, I wore a LITTLE Audacious, and tried to smooth over the previous days' issue....no go! Wednesday, showered and scrubbed THOROUGHLY, went with Leather and extra cops, better, yesterday Dom and extra cops....all is good again. Loving emails and phone calls and sweet nothings.....as if nothing happened....

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Self-effects second use----> out with my 13 yr old Christmas shopping. People smiling and happy. A stockgirl at Walgreens offered to call around to area stores to find an item that I wanted. Called me to tell me they found it and will have it for me in a couple of days. Everybody happy and helpful.


Came home and SHOWERED thoroughly before my man gets here. Don't think I can take another ugly scene. Tonight I am wearing OCCO Black straight up.

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I have the audacious in the blend (what was it called again?) and I really liked it the two times I wore it. I didn't notice any effects on others except daughter was very complimentary. This is one that I want to try again soon b/c I would buy it for the self effects alone.


Dolly: my hub did that ballistic weird reaction when I wore Lumina.....But between Mara and me (I posted in my journal) we came to the conclusion that the blow up was just coincidence. I still, however, am leary of EST (isn't there EST in Lumina? I think it's a proprietary blend so IDK)

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I have the audacious in the blend (what was it called again?) and I really liked it the two times I wore it. I didn't notice any effects on others except daughter was very complimentary. This is one that I want to try again soon b/c I would buy it for the self effects alone.


Dolly: my hub did that ballistic weird reaction when I wore Lumina.....But between Mara and me (I posted in my journal) we came to the conclusion that the blow up was just coincidence. I still, however, am leary of EST (isn't there EST in Lumina? I think it's a proprietary blend so IDK)



Well, my man has a history of inconsistent reactions with Est heavy blends unless I wear it with something more dominant. From the look of the ingredients, it should feel more dominant to me than it does, but maybe because I am already alpha....don't know.....but I don't think I am willing to give this one a go with him again. It was totally unwarranted, no other stressors, the only thing it could have been was the pheros......I like the self-effects, though....for days when he is NOT around.....

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I've only worn it once thus far and I was really ditzy...easily distracted and scatter-brained, although cheery enough I suppose. I'm going to try again when nothing in particular hinges upon my ability to concentrate.

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On me this is totally different than Leather. Leather on me is "On your knees little boy & Service me now!" Audacious makes me want to flirt with the world. I get very feminine, flirty & fun, but make no mistake, guys still see that I am one sexy woman! It's funny. Cougar on me never attracts young guys, but this stuff, SHAZAM! Guys in their 20's just come out of the 'effing woodwork. Me like Cougarism :D

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Funny, I got zip on my second try too...thought it was just because I was so tired and no phero was going to make up for having only slept for like 90 minutes... but got ok results the third time.... I'm so curious now- have you been very tired on your trials??

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, I've testing UN Audacious more often and been getting great self-effects, euphoric happiness (just like how one feels after drinking a glass of wine), and felt flirty and powerful, very extroverted...I ODed the first times with this blend, but finally found my sweet spot (2 full blown sprays and 1 tiny extra one!).


I went out with my sister and her friends to a club on Saturday, and I decided to wear UN Audacious layered with a commercial fragrance (Shalimar) and I was amazed at how it worked so well with total strangers...This time I added an extra spray on my legs, behind my knees because I was wearing a dress and I thought it would do the trick... So, I got the usual self-effects I get plus the effects on two guys I met that night. I think he took a strong sniff at me when he offered to light my cigarette, because it was after that moment that he was all over me. This was a 25 year old guy who didn't mind me telling him I'm 30. He insisted on going out on a date and was not the stalker type, he actually was very respectful and a real gentleman..The other guy didn't openly said he liked me, but his behavior was extremely erratic?? It was as if he didn't know how to call my attention so he started goofing around, and then he started introducing me to everyone and I felt his hand behind my back as when guys do when they are protecting or guiding you...really weird and erratic behavior. I've having lots of issues lately with my BF not paying so much attention as he did, so the fact that younger men still find me attractive was a total ego boost...


Audacious rocks!! Just like the rocker chick in the label...I would like to try it with extra Copulins, though...I bet that would rock any guy's world

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  • 2 months later...

this would be my everyday go-to if it didnt have EST.


its a super-social.


sexxier than SS4W .


Appropriate (so far) for any and every place I go.


Cops are not over the top, its at a perfect copulin-in-public level.

Actually, the level of cops in this is perfect,period. More cops isnt better IMO, anything over "barely there" is simply redundant .


Love this. Need only 2 sprays.


I find I want to re-spray at about 6 hours later, but some of the pheros in it are "sticky" so I dont want those ones building-up.

this one might be better refreshed with Topper.

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It just doesn't work for me! I don't get it. I think I liked it the first time I tried it in Far Far Away but that must have been a fluke because it hasn't worked since. I've tried it several times and it actually makes me feel the exact OPPOSITE of the description! I felt oogly and draggy and not upbeat or enthusiastic at all. I get consistently GREAT effects from Leather so it's not that it is too dominant. Hmm...oh well...saves me some cash I suppose.

When I felt like it had worn off I went home and bathed in LAM Sandalwood and I feel much better. Wonder what's up with Audacious and me?

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  • 1 month later...

Gods, Ladies. I LOOOOOVE Audacious! Guess this one and my chemistry click. I love it in public, and I love it in private.


The first time I wore it "for reals" was in Far, Far Away. I wore it to a gig that was a COMPLETELY unfamiliar situation, and that rocked for me. I just came out of my shell, stayed there, and had a wonderful time!


So now I have UN Audacious in roll-on. The other night, Mr. Matt and I were going to go on one of those "dates" you get when you have kids or someone you take care of a lot. We had to take the trash out at my Mom's house, as she's on a trip, and then we needed to go buy some produce at our local Market Night. Our kids opted to stay home. I told them that Dad and I got to go on a date taking the trash out!


Anyhoo, since just the two of us were going to be out and about, I rolled on a goodly dose of Audacious and covered it with Unreasonable Pumpkin. OOOOHHH YUUUUMMMMMYYYYY!!! Smelled FABOO!!! And as I was applying, and feeling the DHEAS (is a real winner for me--I've realized that I love it in blends), I remembered this in the UN Audacious description:

An excellent club or party mix, or for encouraging a night of abandon. Let the good times roll!

This stuck in my head. And I got inwardly giggly about it. We were heading over to do my Mom's trash first. I was thinking hmmmmm...we have a house all to ourselves... :666:


You know how when you're younger, you maybe have to hide from your folks to have sex? And then later on, if you have kids, you have to hide from your *kids* to have sex? Well, here we were, in my *Mom's* house, in the midst of wild abandon, with no kids there to walk in on us...then worrying about the kids seeing evidence when we brought them there the next day to water the yard!!! HEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! What an interesting skew, eh?


So, ummm....after the early evening of wild abandon (!) we went to Market Night. I felt the same way about the crowd there as I had when I wore Far, Far away to that gig. I just waded right in, and was fine, and was laughing with the little kids who were blowing bubbles all over the place, and didn't get too claustrophobic (another winning thing), and chatted with the vendors, and had a great old time. AND felt like the cat who'd swallowed the canary when we got back home to the kids! :ange:


All in all, Audacious is a WONDERFUL blend for one with my body chemistry. It's a great social mix, and it's a great sexual mix--without being inappropriate for public wear. It makes me more outgoing and flirty, but only where it's okay to do that. I just *adore* this one!!!


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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This one is on my list. But it has EST in it? EST and me just don't get along. I can do a bit once in awhile, but not all the time. I notice it's in a lot of theUN blends I already have. Anyone out there that doesn't like EST that likes this one? Id be interested to hear your opinions.

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This one is on my list. But it has EST in it? EST and me just don't get along. I can do a bit once in awhile, but not all the time. I notice it's in a lot of theUN blends I already have. Anyone out there that doesn't like EST that likes this one? Id be interested to hear your opinions.


I highly recommend UN Audacious Raq! So far it has been the most consistent phero blend in getting me hits and the best self-effects....


I haven't seen Lor lately on the forum, but I know she runs away from EST and she loves Audacious....We discussed Audacious on a Pele's thread, but I couldn't find it 'cause I can't remember the title, sorry! Anyways we agreed that Audacious was very well balanced, that the amount of Cops in it is just perfect and that self-effects are amazing....I'm about to run out from my trial size spray and I NEED a bottle of this...I also like that Mara blended this one and it does exactly what she designed it for...makes you feel fearless, super sexy and a bit euphoric IMO...I have tested it several times on night outs clubbing withouth the Bf and it always got me hits, not just looks and stares, but actual guys feeling the need to talk to me...And the self-effects are the best, when I go out I usually go with younger girls and when I wear Audacious I feel like I'm the prettiest, awesomest girl around and I forget I'm the oldest of the bunch,I feel very Cougar-ish, and get the same attention my 21 year old cousins get...


I hope Lor chimes in, she is a more experienced phero user and her phero advice is like gold to me...

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Gaby, your awesome.


I do in fact love Audacious.

Like I said

if it didnt have EST, it would be my go-to.


Unfortunately, I am a *huge* believer in that if you wear pheros found in a pregnant-womans urine, you are giving the message "im taken" and knocked-up, and not worth a sexual advance.


Note I didnt say it had no value,

just not for sex in my experience.


I KNOW that sex in humans is also cerebral, but pheros arent working cerebrally as far as I can tell.


I find the dosage of EST in Audacious is low enough to have fun wearing when im out, but I do not wear it around my partner when im looking for specific kinds of attention.


Socially, its freaking awesome.

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I an leaning more and more to what I have read that while EST was first found in a pregnant woman's urine,that it is also found in her sweat,being a derivative of estradiol ...hard to get solid evidence/proof sometimes,of one way or the other,lots of conflicting "research" out there...but I can undeniably state that I get sexual hits from many formula's with EST,like SS4W,Lace,Leather,CuddleBunny,BANG,Blatent Invitation...oh yeah Blatant Invitation <pant>


...hey I am sure the the added cops are a given...works for me :666:

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I want to retest this. Will have to retest Far Far Away, as sampler spray leaked or something. I think that maybe having it in the blend and testing that will work better for me as I have a heavy hand and spray like I am showering.

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  • 2 months later...

Hmm. Going to have to give this one another try.


I wore un Audacious in the oil base; 1 inch strip by each ear and on back of neck, 2 inch line across collarbone and smoothed with backs of hands. Gave it 10 minutes to dry down and then covered each spot with a dab of Fayha and also smoothed with back of hands (I talk with my hands & find application there as good as, or even better than, on my wrists) I had great self effects. I don't know if it's A-nol or DHEAS or the combo, but the items I have that are heavier in them I get a bit hyper with at first. Maybe 15-20 minutes? Anyone else run into that? Also felt really girly and a little sassy even :P I wound up wearing this to work and got to be around more people that usual the mood seemed consistently playful throughout the day. I will just have to keep testing to learn what Audacious brings out in others but I know that for me, personal effect wise, this is already a winner :D

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Hmm. Going to have to give this one another try.


I wore un Audacious in the oil base; 1 inch strip by each ear and on back of neck, 2 inch line across collarbone and smoothed with backs of hands. Gave it 10 minutes to dry down and then covered each spot with a dab of Fayha and also smoothed with back of hands (I talk with my hands & find application there as good as, or even better than, on my wrists) I had great self effects. I don't know if it's A-nol or DHEAS or the combo, but the items I have that are heavier in them I get a bit hyper with at first. Maybe 15-20 minutes? Anyone else run into that? Also felt really girly and a little sassy even :P I wound up wearing this to work and got to be around more people that usual the mood seemed consistently playful throughout the day. I will just have to keep testing to learn what Audacious brings out in others but I know that for me, personal effect wise, this is already a winner :D

Yeppers, NuTrix! I get a bit hyper at first, and end up sort of fun-loving and definitely sassy, with a good dose of I-don't-give-a-damn. For me, I think the fun-loving part is the DHEAS. Audacious is what made me realize that every blend that gives me that effect has DHEAS. I luuuurrrve Audacious! And I really love having it unscented, so I can mix it with whatever scent I feel like! :)

Oops! Forgot to mention that I have it in oil. B)

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Yeppers, NuTrix! I get a bit hyper at first, and end up sort of fun-loving and definitely sassy, with a good dose of I-don't-give-a-damn. For me, I think the fun-loving part is the DHEAS. Audacious is what made me realize that every blend that gives me that effect has DHEAS. I luuuurrrve Audacious! And I really love having it unscented, so I can mix it with whatever scent I feel like! :)

Oops! Forgot to mention that I have it in oil. B)


Thanks for the feed back! Yes! I think I got some of that "I-don't-give-a-damn" and a dose of "I'm sexay and I knows it" because while I was walking into work I think I was practically swinging and stomping in my boots lol...even had the "these boot were made for walkin'" bouncin' around in the brain :lol:THAT was a phero first for me. I'll have to take note of self effects for other blends with DHEAS. I also have DHEAS in spray now (I think that's the only way it comes?) because of reading the description but I'm thinking I just really like the blends more than the single molecules...whole intent thing. That and I'm ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE they've got a better handle on combining here at LP than I EVER will :lol2:


I just got some sprays in my last order to try because I was getting everything in oil, but I'm inclined now to agree with you, I like to cover in whatever scent I want and I'm finding it takes a spray to cover an unscented phero spray properly where with the oils it seems much easier to cover with anything. I think I was wanting to see what the difference the "throw" of a spray would be, but to be honest, I've not had any trouble with the oils thus far. I certainly know Audacious was "doing it" for me- I wonder if I was too distracted feeling awesome to notice other people's reactions? :blink::lol: HA!

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Thanks for the feed back! Yes! I think I got some of that "I-don't-give-a-damn" and a dose of "I'm sexay and I knows it" because while I was walking into work I think I was practically swinging and stomping in my boots lol...even had the "these boot were made for walkin'" bouncin' around in the brain :lol:THAT was a phero first for me. I'll have to take note of self effects for other blends with DHEAS. I also have DHEAS in spray now (I think that's the only way it comes?) because of reading the description but I'm thinking I just really like the blends more than the single molecules...whole intent thing. That and I'm ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE they've got a better handle on combining here at LP than I EVER will :lol2:


I just got some sprays in my last order to try because I was getting everything in oil, but I'm inclined now to agree with you, I like to cover in whatever scent I want and I'm finding it takes a spray to cover an unscented phero spray properly where with the oils it seems much easier to cover with anything. I think I was wanting to see what the difference the "throw" of a spray would be, but to be honest, I've not had any trouble with the oils thus far. I certainly know Audacious was "doing it" for me- I wonder if I was too distracted feeling awesome to notice other people's reactions? :blink::lol: HA!

HEEEE!!! O YAIS. I'd agree that your awesomeness was distracting you. I get that too! I was ready to take names and slam some heads together in a city committee meeting a couple days ago. Heh. Grrrrrr!

....One-a these days these BOOTS are gonnaaaa

WALK alll O-verrrr yoooouuu...

*twang twang twang twang twang twang twang twang twang twang twang BOOM chicka boom chicka boom chocka boom*

Are ya ready boots?

START WALKIN'!!! *cue horn section because I'm too lazy to type it out!*


Gods, I've always loved that song. I remember when it was a hit on the radio. B)


I've heard a lot of people say that the sprays give a much bigger throw for them. I'm not sure they do that for me. It may be my chemistry, or how much I wear...or, come to think of it, the situations in which I'm interacting with folks. It's interesting what you say about *spraying* a scent to cover a phero spray. Hadn't thought about that; it makes perfect sense, though! I haven't had an unscented phero spray yet...but I've been planning on getting a DHEAS spray myself! Do you love yours? Is it FUN? :w00t:

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HEEEE!!! O YAIS. I'd agree that your awesomeness was distracting you. I get that too! I was ready to take names and slam some heads together in a city committee meeting a couple days ago. Heh. Grrrrrr!

....One-a these days these BOOTS are gonnaaaa

WALK alll O-verrrr yoooouuu...

*twang twang twang twang twang twang twang twang twang twang twang BOOM chicka boom chicka boom chocka boom*

Are ya ready boots?

START WALKIN'!!! *cue horn section because I'm too lazy to type it out!*


Gods, I've always loved that song. I remember when it was a hit on the radio. B)


I've heard a lot of people say that the sprays give a much bigger throw for them. I'm not sure they do that for me. It may be my chemistry, or how much I wear...or, come to think of it, the situations in which I'm interacting with folks. It's interesting what you say about *spraying* a scent to cover a phero spray. Hadn't thought about that; it makes perfect sense, though! I haven't had an unscented phero spray yet...but I've been planning on getting a DHEAS spray myself! Do you love yours? Is it FUN? :w00t:


:lol2: I know which song will be flitting around in your head here and there the next day or 2! Hope I passed on a good thing :lol:


I've only wore the DHEAS twice so far and both times it was with a phero blend, a spray over chest the 1st time (I have read since then that it may/can cause acne in chest & neck areas) and the 2nd time (yesterday) I sprayed a shot on the front of my blouse. I don't have Topper yet but I was thinking that I could use it like Topper until I order some. The 2nd time was with Un Stone Cougar, other than loving the smell of Cougar Potion's fragrance, I don't notice any self effects from it... which I've always thought was odd because it kicks everyone else into gear...and with the DHEAS I didn't get anything extra, but it's only been twice and I'm still experimenting. I'm sure there's a DHEAS review on here somewhere and when I have more I'll chime in, promise!

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  • 2 months later...

I have to tell this story because it's hilarious. I went out with my friend J (the tattoo artist) on Saturday night, wearing this and Topper. And faux leather leggings with a sheerish, glittery shirt over top. I felt like a rock star.


So it's around 11 and the band goes on and I realize that I'd seen them before and had spent the evening flirting with the guitar player (not the one from my Rocket Fuel story, different guitar player). J walks right up to him and says "You know my friend." And he says "Oh ya." So I guess he recognized me. Anyways nothing happened but it was cute that he smiled at me all night.


A bit later, we go outside for a cigarette (ya ya I know) and there is this group of guys. One of them had been hitting on J earlier so we walk over and I say "'Sup bitches?" One of them turns to me (cute but wearing a hat sadly, hats in bar = bald or lazy) and says "Did you just call me a bitch?" And I smile and say "I don't know. Did I?" So he looks me up and down, shrugs and say "All right. i'll be your bitch."




Anyways around midnight one of the bouncers comes up and says to J "You're going to have to leave. You've had too much to drink." We are both shocked because she hasn't and we aren't disturbing anyone, just hanging at our table. I look at the bouncer and ask "Can you tell me how you know this?" And she says "She's staggering."


Anyways this is a divey bar and you don't want to be manhandled out of here. I've seen it happen and it's not pleasant. So we grab our coats but when we get to the door J says to the bouncer "I need to go to the washroom. Can I please do that before I leave?" So she escorts J to the washroom and I say to myself "Screw this bullshit. I'm not leaving."


So I walk over to the manager (who I know in passing) and touch his arm and politely say "Hi P. My friend and I have been asked to leave because she has had too much to drink. She hasn't but they say she's staggering." He just looks at me and says "Who is your friend?" I answer "The lovely lady with the pink hair." And he nods and I say "If she's staggering, it might be her 6" heels." He laughs and asks where she is then walks over to the ladies room, talks to the bouncer and J (who has just come out) for a second and says we are fine to stay.


Of course I thank him and we carry on having fun. Success!


So anyways, if you need a little chutzpah this is totally the blend for that.

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Great post! Bouncer was probably just hoping to be able to "man handle" both of you a little. :666: And yeah, I caught that the bouncer was a she, lol. You just never know...

Way to stand your ground and fight for your right to P.A.R.T.Y.

Yup, I said it. :D

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