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BANG! Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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LOL!!! I wish you *had* put her in a headlock & punched her lights out! What a hoot! (Shameful service - that SO gets on my freakin' nerves!). I like how Joey Buttafucco popped in there to save the day. That was effing awesome!


I haven't gotten this boosted into anything... yet. I've been thinking about boosting something with it a lot. I was feeling deprived; everyone loves their EP, and their UN Bang! But I didn't get off, (pun intended), on the EP scent, and I didn't have the UN until a few weeks or a month ago or something like that. I like your Special D boosted with Bang!, and that would probably be my choice, too. I friggin' love Special D, and I want to love Bang! too. :)


Thanks for the story! I loved that! You & your badass Special D'Bang! :lol:



Omg Eggers, I totally thought about you too. I was like OMG Eggers would DIE! This is a tourist place and she deals with tourists all the time, but she would never speak to anyone like this! We weren't even being rude! We aren't rude at all! I make sure to be extra nice because there's a whole kinship thing.


I don't care too much for EP either, but the phero is Bangin!!! I would not give up on it though. Maybe just dab a bit on your neck and then slather in Special D! I bet you will love it and not turn back.

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You're right - I would have died. I would never even consider speaking to anyone like that! How effing rude can you get? Apparently, pretty rude!


How much of this do you wear when you wear your boosted SD? (& is it a full boost, or a halfie?). Curious to know how much others use to get the "free cocktails" effect... :D I like free cocktails.

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You're right - I would have died. I would never even consider speaking to anyone like that! How effing rude can you get? Apparently, pretty rude!


How much of this do you wear when you wear your boosted SD? (& is it a full boost, or a halfie?). Curious to know how much others use to get the "free cocktails" effect... :D I like free cocktails.


I think Mara used a full boost? I trust her hand better than mine, because I would probably OD if I did it myself which is why I am always so careful when I do the UNs. I mean I have been space cadet and forgot to get off the elevator a few times when I did a spray UN to my face.

When I get them boosted from LP I slather away because I know I am not going to OD, because the scent also helps I think?


I have never OD'd whenever I get them boosted direct although with BI lately I have noticed a very ditzy effect, maybe because I've shed tons of pounds or something.


I coated and slathered this, like it was suntan lotion all over my tits and neck. You cannot go wrong with this combo. Try it. Heavy on the Special D easy on the Bang. If it works then get a bottle boosted from LP. Or don't because then that means more for me!!! LOL!

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Ha! I actually felt almost guilty ordering my full bottle! Lol! I was thinking of you as I put it in my cart... :)


I will try it. Maybe tonight when I'm finished work... I'll let you know how it goes... Thx! xox

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Ha! I actually felt almost guilty ordering my full bottle! Lol! I was thinking of you as I put it in my cart... :)


I will try it. Maybe tonight when I'm finished work... I'll let you know how it goes... Thx! xox


LOL Omg keep me posted!! I love this combo. Bang and chocolate. Genius!

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Wow crazy story!!! Waitress was a bitchhhh!!!!

BANG is feakin amazing and might have to boost something too. I only have the unscented and OD pretty easily...

I love Bang! I would def boost one of your fav scents with it, because I feel great when I wear Special D, and that plus Bang! is magic!

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I might need to sample this Special D... Bang! and ...CHOCOLATE... mmm sounds pretty awesome.

Omg you MUST

Bang! Is a weapon that should be in everyone's phero bombshelter

And Special D.. well that is just a given!

LV, I love the way you tell a story!!!! I love Bang too!! No doubt it was the Bang that set that trick off. She must have been attracted to your man!!!!


LOL I think it was the Bang, and you are right because she would smile at him and give me the fuckn eye and mouth! OMG I hated her.

The best part was SuzyQ in the corner going off about the basket of bread being waived off.. It was SOOO Seinfeld.. She was like..

WHOA.. Where do you think you are taking that bread?

We are still cracking up about it.

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Omg you MUST

Bang! Is a weapon that should be in everyone's phero bombshelter

And Special D.. well that is just a given!


LOL I think it was the Bang, and you are right because she would smile at him and give me the fuckn eye and mouth! OMG I hated her.

The best part was SuzyQ in the corner going off about the basket of bread being waived off.. It was SOOO Seinfeld.. She was like..

WHOA.. Where do you think you are taking that bread?

We are still cracking up about it.




...SS4W,with extra cops and EST...yeah, about covers it :666:

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excellent story lady v! I detest rudeness, and I love bang! I've never waited tables but i have worked behind a bar and some nights I was the only one getting any tips. It seems dumb to be rude working in service. I banged Gitana, i recommend it! I also banged cheeky but the scent isn't me. Still it was worth the risk. Bang makes me feel good and other people be nice, with the exception of crazy waitress.

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K. Tried the Lady V Special D'Bang! tonight: a little Bang! and a good slathering of Special D. Just for BF. Still sweet F.A. in the way of reactions from him. I don't know if it's 'cause he's tired, 'cause his nose has been completely stuffed up for weeks on end, or if he's just getting used to the pheros, or if I'm not using good dosages, (although I've certainly hit good doses for myself! Whoa holy mutha does this stuff affect me!), or if he's just plain not interested in me anymore. :( But not really much in the way of a reaction from him, and I was pretty close to him all night.


He played his video game, rubbed my leg every now and again, kissed me once, ignored me plenty, then asked me to wash his work clothes 'cause he forgot, & went to bed. No. Not kidding.


I'm kinda bummed. I figured Bang! would be a great fit, since Super Sexy and I get along so fantastically. I was so excited to get this, but the trial and error is getting me a bit down.


Now, to be fair, I did not make any moves on him, other than to be a little extra affectionate because I'm curious about how this stuff all works, and I need to try some different scenarios. It's all well and good to don some pheros and make a move - 'cause what guy's gonna say no? But it's nice to be pursued, too, which is part of the fun of using pheros. But not so much at my house these days. There have been times when I've worn certain pheros, and BF's been all over me almost immediately. And other times, like lately, when I've been hitting him with Bang! at different doses, trying to find a good one, (or Red Lace), and there's been only marginally more attention paid, if any at all. So why sometimes does he jump my bones before the bottle's out of my hand, and others it's such a null response that it's a waste of good pheros?


I'm left with four possibilities that I can think of: wrong dose, (though I've found doses that work well for me); stuffy nose from cold/allergies; he's acclimating to the pheros; or he's losing interest in me.


One thing that makes me wonder if it's the cold/allergy stuffed up head thing is that last week when I wore LP Red Lace on what was supposed to be a date, but wound up being a threesome to the movies, I noticed that odd testosterone smell coming off his friend, but not him, (I was sitting between them). Is that weird? I always thought that cops brought about a physiological reaction, pretty much no matter what. Is that wrong? Can that reaction be hindered by a severely plugged up nose? I know there are a few schools of thought on that subject, but I'm starting to come to the conclusion that yes, it can.


Either that, or BF is so over me.


Gah! I don't know. Feeling a bit frustrated at the moment. And bummed.

My friggin' boss has shown more sexual interest in me in the last few days than my BF has. *sigh* That is so disturbing.


I'm gonna keep plugging away with Bang. But I'm starting to doubt that I'll get laid again any time before I'm 40.


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I wish I could be of more help Eggers, I only know that the allergy/stuffy nose/fuzzy brain affects me badly, so this may be the issue, I can barely think if I'm bad let alone think about sex.


If things that normally work, aren't then this really could be the cause.

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Thanks Mel. I hope it's only that he's stuffy. I prefer that option to the one where he's just not interested anymore! Lol! Given his awkwardness in giving physical/verbal affection, and what I think is a pretty low sex drive to begin with - not to mention the one track mind that thinks, "band, guitars, music" etc... - it makes it tough to tell he's interested in me on a good day! Knock his interest level down even slightly, for whatever reason, and I start thinking, "WTH?". He's so physically reserved it drives me effing bonkers!


It has to be the stuffy nose... *Maybe* combined with too much or too little Bang!. (I used about a 3 inch strip on my torso). I'm seriously considering getting one of those snot-sucking things mothers use on their babies when they have colds. Lol! Or maybe some antihistamines. Tylenol Cold & Flu...

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I'm left with four possibilities that I can think of: wrong dose, (though I've found doses that work well for me); stuffy nose from cold/allergies; he's acclimating to the pheros; or he's losing interest in me.


There is a 5th option too... I deal with this from my Sweetheart from time to time. He has a job that goes through production cycles, and sometimes when his job is exceptionally stressfull all he wants to do is tune out the rest of the world. Just like your BF, he seems to "escape" by playing video games.


It took me a while to figure it out, and it included lots of conversations and a couple of arguments. I know he loves me and he isn't losing interest in me... He's just severely overwhelmed at work and distracting himself with his "hobby". I try to balance things out when he's stressed and do a little extra to make sure he has his excape time, while also letting him know if I need a bit of attention.


I wouldn't have been able to address the problem, learn how to cope with, and find a good balance between what we both want if I hadn't talked to him about it. Solving the problem also got rid of a ton of my insecurities and fears. It takes guts to open a discussion about interpersonal stuff like that, and it's even harder when you're dealing with an introvert, but addressing the problem is the only way to put those insecurities to rest.



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Thanks teacozy. We actually have talked about it quite a few times. Part of the problem is that the only thing he's introverted about is me! Lol! With everything else in his life he's very extroverted. He's all, "I love this band! Isn't this guitar beautiful?!? I love this song I wrote! This game rocks! Our rhythm guitar player is awesome. Our bass player is soooo cool." And with me? Blank eyes and... crickets. Not all the time, but a huge chunk of it. Huge. I'm used to guys who are quite a bit more open and affectionate. I just find his 'brand of love' hard to take, ('cause I don't get it), and the frustration factor builds up every now and again, and I start thinking, "Is it me?".

Thanks for your thoughtful words. I appreciate the time you took. And it's always nice to know other people go through similar things. :)



ETA to my thread hijack that there was a break today in the stuffy nose, and I think that is exactly what the issue was! :D I was wearing something other than UN Bang! at the time, but he could smell my perfume, and the pheros definitely got through. ;) Yip. Yay!

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  • 1 month later...

0_o Bang! Is like few potent drinks for me. The self effects are crazy and all of my *ahem* inhibitions catapult out of the window. I feel like I could get away with anything. The euphoria I get with this gives me my own good time bubble that I forget to gauge others reactions around me. I'm not sure if they are reacting to my attitude or the pheros themselves. I'm more apt to be engage in conversations with random people and the seem to respond well. I really get a "I'm sexy, and I own the place" feeling. yikes, it's a bit frightening!,

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0_o Bang! Is like few potent drinks for me. The self effects are crazy and all of my *ahem* inhibitions catapult out of the window. I feel like I could get away with anything. The euphoria I get with this gives me my own good time bubble that I forget to gauge others reactions around me. I'm not sure if they are reacting to my attitude or the pheros themselves. I'm more apt to be engage in conversations with random people and the seem to respond well. I really get a "I'm sexy, and I own the place" feeling. yikes, it's a bit frightening!,


Isn't it fabulous though? Own it and love it, my dear!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wore Bang! unscented spray with some Hungry Heart oil over it. I went to a singles lock and key party, where women are given locks, men are given keys, and when you find a pair that unlock you turn them in, get new ones and a raffle ticket. This was the first one in my area, and women far outnumbered men, to the point where the organizers were giving the men multiple keys to try at one time. I didn't notice any specific reaction from the men who came into my personal space, but women were reaching out to me to chat. One effect that Bang! had on me was that there was a woman there I was attracted to and I felt it, but couldn't assume she was anything other than straight. I definitely need to find out where the lesbians hang out and try my pheros there. A geeky 25-yr old kid won a lot of the prizes, including a party at the bar.

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Singles lock and key party, that sounds like lots of fun! I'm surprised that more women than men reacted to Bang! Or was it the scent of Hungry Heart which attracted the ladies? I do not have Hungry Heart, so I do not really know how it smells.


I'm not sure it had anything to do with Bang. There weren't a lot of people at the party to begin with, so just to socialize you would need to talk to other women. I think Bang affected me more by making me aware of my desires. I haven't slept with anyone in a long time. If he had shown more interest, I might have jumped the 25-yr old! Hungry Heart smells like sexy maple syrup. I did ask one guy who I've seen a lot at speed dating to walk me to the garage, and he was more talkative than usual.

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Has anyone found that this is a "more is more" phero? This is one of the first UNs I got, (in roll-on), and I have yet to have any hits with it. Until last night when I had to go to one of BF's band's shows, (and was SO not in the mood for it), and I decided I'd give this another whirl but I'd use more than I had been using in the past. I've been trying to be conservative in my application, trying from 2 inch rolls to about 5 inch rolls, and nothing. Last night I rolled probably 6 or 7 inches on my torso, covered with a TON of Sugared Honeycomb, and split two dots of Phero Girl between my wrists, then smooshed the around my torso, too. Oh, and I put a spray of Topper in my hair.


When I got to the the bar where they were playing, BF was the first one I walked past because they were set up near the window and front door. Got BIG smiles from him immediately, (but that could have been either the Phero Girl or the Sugared Honeycomb because they both make him crazy). All of his buddies, including the band members were all, "Hey Eggers! Eggers!" right off the hop, which was pretty cute. None of my usual girl-backup was there, (fiancee of other guitar player), so I just watched the band by myself for a while, (AWESOME show). Then on the band's breaks, everyone is outside, smoking on the back patio in the rain, and everyone out there was all "Eggers! Eggers!" too, and everyone seemed to want to talk to me, guys, girls, didn't matter. Not that nobody talks to me at these things when I'm not phero'd up, but I definitely get more attention with pheros, and last night I think UN Bang! finally did its thing.


At one point, one of BF's buddies sidled up to me and said there was a very pervasive smell of baby powder in the air, and I said, "Well either it's my perfume, or it's BF, because he's wearing my baby powder scented deoderant". To which buddy replied, "Well, I hope it's you, because it smells really lovely." :D


One strange/creepy thing happened too: while the band was playing, I was kneeling over the back of a booth to watch them, which meant that I could see out the window, and there was a dude in a suit looking in. He stood out there for maybe five or ten minutes, and he kept trying to make eye contact with me, while I kept trying to avoid it, 'cause it seemed weird to me that he was just lurking out there. But it got even weirder when suit-dude came into the bar, got a beer, and sat down to watch the punk rock show from a few seats behind me. It was kind of creepy, 'cause I lost track of him. I kept thinking, "Jeez... do pheros work through windows or what?". *shiver*


BF was super-affectionate last night, too, which again, was probably the Phero GIrl/SH combo. Whenever we came inside from the patio he'd rush me from behind, grab me around the waist and lift me high in the air! (SO weird and really kind of cute. He was pumped 'cause the show was going really well). But maybe the Bang! had an effect on him too, 'cause when he wasn't playing, he made sure he was right at my side, which he usually doesn't, being Mr. Social Butterfly. And then when we got home... Bang!. :)


ETA, one other thing that BF did last night that was out of character. He was telling a story about the show he and I had gone to a couple of weeks ago, and he actually pointed me out in the crowd and said, "My girlfriend and I were at blah-blah show two weeks ago," and pointed right at me. So weird. Normally he'd just say something like, "We went to blah-blah's show", and the word "girlfriend" would never make it into the story. Neither would he actually point me out. It kind of shocked me, 'cause it was like he was making sure everyone knew I was his girlfriend. Weird. And cute. And probably something to do with Phero Girl and/or Bang!.

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0_o Bang! Is like few potent drinks for me. The self effects are crazy and all of my *ahem* inhibitions catapult out of the window.

Yes, I definitely got a lot of self-effects from this one, I'll need to be careful in the future!

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  • 2 months later...


OK! New fan here! Kicking myself for not trying this sooner. My thinking was...and I should know better by now..."meh, I have SS4W so BANG! is just a couple extra bells & whistles, how different could it be?" HUMPH. Really!? * smacks self on forehead* !!!


I got the 5ml un in the 10 for 10 sale and wore it yesterday...I'm still sorting out how many sprays from a 5ml is "average" so I sprayed 2 to wrists, 1 split between backs of hands and 3 to neck/chest area. To be fair, I covered with an EoW boosted scented spray...but I always wear cops so even when I wore SS4W I had cops on so I wouldn't make that the shining factor in this review.


I did notice a mood boost but nothing over the top but the fun really started after I got to work.


With as much as there was to work through, my group actually accomplished a HUGE amount of detail yesterday...and had a great time doing it! I have no trouble joking around and having a good time as long as the job gets done...jacking off is something else all together and irks the crap out of me! It was such a great balance yesterday...I could see how the Bang! was effecting the group...mixed company of men and women...and this is a great social blend. I'm talking about a group of contractors and engineers, quality management, system matter experts people here. We can be a very serious bunch, lol. This played out beautifully...people who are happy just seem to be more productive.


I'm going to wear this again today to try to get a better feel for it...but it's already on my fb list for this months order! ^_^

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I thought that too, "Oh it's just the same as SS4W with some cops" WRONG. I use SS4W as a mostly social blend and this I can also use in the same way BUT it gives me self effects (cops always do) and that lends to a more good timey vibe all around. Just goes to show that even the slightest tweak to a phero blend can make all the difference.

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I thought that too, "Oh it's just the same as SS4W with some cops" WRONG. I use SS4W as a mostly social blend and this I can also use in the same way BUT it gives me self effects (cops always do) and that lends to a more good timey vibe all around. Just goes to show that even the slightest tweak to a phero blend can make all the difference.


YES!YES! THAT! :cat690: Wore it again today and noticed the self effects more. A little sassy I dare say. Uh-oh...Cougar may have some competition here! :huh:

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I know, right?! You would not believe how many times I have kicked myself already for overlooking this one! I may have to pour over ALL the phero blends now to see which other ones I may have possibly foolishly dismissed for similar reasons. Gads..just when I thought my wish list would stay affordable! :lol:

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OK. This one just blew Cougar out of the water as far as response from hubby is concerned! BANG! may just be my new best bud...for realz!


Tonight was all about what it was that he could do to....eh-hem,,,for, me! It was goooood. Reeeeeal Goooood. I'm "tender" and lovin' it. GrrRuff!


So kicking myself for not getting this sooner! :Emoticons04284::spank01515::heart0974::kiss43::hearts0425::Emoticons0424::Emoticons04235:


It's got to be the Est...he SO responds HUGELY well to Est blends...must.... order... at... least... one.... full.... bottle!

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BB, I do not have ENOUGH words to describe HOW incredible. I have never worn anything more than 2 days in a row...and I wore this 5! I couldn't stop myself. Wore LFN today and talk about a 180 vibe LOL. I will always be my naughty self, but I was a more sedate and well behaved naughty :D

It's a hit like BANG! that makes me start talking myself down with my addiction here...1 bottle is a fine start...I do not need to buy out the entire stock...do i? :blink::lol:


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I am wearing this right now and I will always have a bottle of UN around. Mine's oil/alcohol spray. I got it in a trade and I think next time I'll order it in the oil roll on, since it's got cops, I don't want it getting on my clothes and hair. Do you guys have it in a roll on?

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I haven't even tried my LFN yet and I also forgot about Bang for a bit...so Nutrix...BANG is much more social/outgoing than LFN it sounds like to you?


For me, they are both sexy, but BANG! is the extrovert where LFN seems more social/sensual. The self effect were polar opposites for me. If BANG! is a big smile then LFN is a naughty grin ^_~


I am wearing this right now and I will always have a bottle of UN around. Mine's oil/alcohol spray. I got it in a trade and I think next time I'll order it in the oil roll on, since it's got cops, I don't want it getting on my clothes and hair. Do you guys have it in a roll on?


The one I have I got in the 10 for 10 in alcohol spray but I'm planning to order my fb in oil.


I have it in roll on. There are only a couple that I like in spray (my a-nol and DHEAS) but the rest are fine in oil. And this one is so pungent, I didn't want it getting away from me! :lol:


Pungent or potent? :blink: It DOES need a cover fo sho :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

K! This one is TOTALLY dangerous.


I'm the kind of person that, "you can ask and I'll tell you anything" even if it's a bit over the top. Open book here. Judge me or not, not my problem. Kudos for havin' the balls to ask dependin'.


So wore this one out for drinks tonight. Got to find out quite a bit about several co workers. Not enough to ruin our relationships or put them in question...there's always a limit to ...well, everything lol. But had several people open up quite unexpectedly and would say I'm richer for the experience. I'm a little like Dr Ruth LOL though I hope not as scary because I'm not as ancient...yet, bwahaha!!! Yet I seem, on occasion, to be the "sex" therapist..which I find actually quite fun. So I got some very interesting questions thrown my way tonight.


Does BANG! disinhibit? Well, I would say so, on the wearer and the exposed, lol. Tonight involved mostly just fun and some harmless hitting on, but there was a very interesting convo about "bobs" (battery operated boyfriends) and other things that were out of the ordinary for coworkers...but beneficial for the parties involved none the less! :D


BANG! performed as expected the entire day before going out for drinks...but throw in a bit of alcohol and, well. BANG! LOL Just ordered a fb of this in un oil and CANNOT wait for it to arrive!!!!

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