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UN Mother's Little Helper

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I did 2 test runs so far. tried searching for the thread if any, but i could not find. so starting it here. Mara you can move my posts if there is already a thread on this topic.



MLH – 2 sprays in chest at 2 half of the day at work.


I felt stern & strong that’s all the self effects I could feel. I had interactions with teams in my office.. Stayed with them for 1 hr had tea, met some collegues n all but not felt anything special. I just noticed a little different kind of attention. I respectful attention. I can’t say that was due to this blend or just like that cos no one got exposed to me for long time, just for few minutes but they all were good. I felt social and strong. i noticed that people were trying to be around me, thats all.


No idea of effects on others. will be doing more testing.

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another test run, applied in the morning.


MLH - 2 sprays in elbows


I felt strong, confident and stern. I am also feeling light and happy. I noticed I am talking and smiling, even laughing, which I generally don’t do on Monday mornings cos of weak start and work.

I am in a mood to do something. What ? I don’t know but it’s kind of giving me an action oriented push, while being happy about it. I felt like action rush in my mind and body but something was still telling me to take it easy girl… To my surprise I wore heels to work after I applied it when I was getting ready for work. I don’t wear heels to work in routine.


I am feeling its quite close to Audacious feeling. I need to do more testing to pin point the difference between the two. I am feeling similar to UN Aud, when I wear this Un MLH.


I felt strange sleepiness after 2 hrs, also felt same with Aud Un.It was tough to break that sleeping desire, no tiredness but as I had sleeping pills. This is also unusual for me. I had this same feeling while previous testing.

Anybody on this?

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Hi, Magnanimity!


I also got the sleepiness but it only lasted about half an hour when wearing UN Audacious...I thought it was random, but if you got it too maybe it was from relaxing?


I remember I read that Audacious is more about self-effects than about affecting others , so I thought that maybe I felt soo confident and so good about myself when wearing it, that I felt relaxed, so relaxed that I felt kind of sleepy? I admit whenever I go out I'm too self-conscious and sometimes this is very stressfull to me, so I guess Audacious took away that self-consciousness...I never felt tired or anything, just sleepy and it was very brief, then I just felt great again...However, I still have to do further testing, only tried this one once...


Glad you are having so much fun playing with your potions...

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Hi Gaby, i also did not feel any tiredness or lazyness but proper sleepiness. i was unable to keep my eyes open when was on my office chair. mine also lasted for 30 mins or so. i got up from my chair to break that spell and i was fine again. i have also noticed that this sleepiness comes after about 2 or 2 1/2 hrs of application not just after application. may at the time when the pheros start to wear off. when this sleepiness comes i just feel my pupils are :Emoticons04282: within my eyeballs lol as they show in cartoons. :wacko::blink: i just :shocked:my head so that i can pop my eyes out but keep i feeling i should be :hammock-1: .


i had this test run today again with 3 sprays 1 in my cleavage and 2 in forearms. reporting it in the thread.(Aud)

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Hi Magnanimity!

I will test this one again during the week, and I'll check if the sleepiness may be in fact an Overdose symptom...

I remember I also sprayed 3 times, but maybe I did it too close to my face....


I'll report back, ok?

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I tried this the other day. 2 spritz to my wrists. Wow!! My sister was so willing to help me out with the baby, so I could get ready and not stress out and rush! She was sincere too, not doing it because she felt she had to, but I could feel that she really cared about me and wanted to show me that she loves me by helping me with the baby. I love this stuff!!! I did 2 small sprays, no sleepyness at all

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@Mag & Gaby The sleepyness sounds like symptoms a crash. Start out with 1 spray & work up from there to avoid ODing yourselves & others ;)

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@Mag & Gaby The sleepyness sounds like symptoms a crash. Start out with 1 spray & work up from there to avoid ODing yourselves & others ;)



YO mam, notes taken..... :Emoticons0804: . will be doing it all over again... see what happens. will report ya... ;):)

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I tried this the other day. 2 spritz to my wrists. Wow!! My sister was so willing to help me out with the baby, so I could get ready and not stress out and rush! She was sincere too, not doing it because she felt she had to, but I could feel that she really cared about me and wanted to show me that she loves me by helping me with the baby. I love this stuff!!! I did 2 small sprays, no sleepyness at all



I hope you don't wear too much pheros around baby... avoid as far as you can...... :)

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I hope you don't wear too much pheros around baby... avoid as far as you can...... :)


It's usually something we recommed new mothers avoid, at least the first few months or so, so that you bond with your baby using the pheromones you naturally produce, to help you baby bond to your own natural phero signal. As far as I know there's no research that has shown that using phero's near babies would in any way be harmful to them, it's just about not upsetting the natural bonding process.


Not sure that's as important when talking about your sisters baby though as you'd have a lot less interaction with her child than one of your own...and she'd be the one needing to establish that close bond with the child anyways :)

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I don't actually, but why?

Oh sorry for responding lete here. but i read it somewhere that it is not advisable to use pheros around babies. it can disturb their natural neurotransmitters. as they are still growing up, their natural growth should not be affected by pheros. do a search on google if you want to know more about it. i will try to find something worth reading here and refer you. just give me sometime. hope this helps till then.

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Hmm, well this link is the only one not associated with a pheromone seller that specifies about pheromones & babies :

http://www.inforefuge.com/science-of-smell-mother-infant-bonding ,pretty much what Rosebud was saying. I've used pheromones around my little one for a couple years to no ill effect. I don't use them in massive amounts or to specifically affect him, so I'm not sure what would happen if I did. However, our bonding has not been negatively affected in the least.

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  • 2 months later...

MLH – 3 sprays in clvg

Phero girl – 2 small dabs on wrist and inner elbow, rubbed with other hands.

Dream lover – on heart

I haven’t seen any self effects. I did a lot of cardio in the morning, so was feeling little uplifted already. I was in normal good mood. I reached office and got a comment from my jr that if am in a dangerous mood today? I said no and smiled. But she continued that if you are not now then you will be as the day progresses. I and all my team members laughed at this. I know what she was referring to the effect of MLH. I got a call from my friend and it was a kind of emotional convo. I felt I was quite emotional while talking but still was in my own control. This person has a tendency or power over me, either to make me get carried away with emotions or dominate me. Today I felt that I was emotional and understanding but did not get swept away or overpowered by him. The day went by and I felt in much control while balancing my emotional side as well. Though I said yes in the morning for it but now in the evening I just refused to talk. I know it feels bad at the moment, but it will work as fuel in the fire….. a small no occasionally works well with some people. So I tried today and mentioning it here today to refer it to later, if situation arises. Hope it works…..

I think this(MLH) is a beautiful blend and I want to test it more for the correct dosage. Any suggestions?

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I've tried this a couple times during the raging tide (since that's one of the primary uses for it) and it's like taking my emotions to the dry cleaners: they come back fluffy and unwrinkled. :lol: It sort of distances me from the stress - I can still perceive it, but it's not in the forefront of my brain. Personally I don't care how this affects others, because it's all about me attempting to subdue the PMS monster, but if you do wear it UN I'll say it's a bit stinky so you might want to use a strong cover. I don't get a "crash" from it myself, though.


I like this for daytime, while still using Teddy BB for nighttime.

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@luna what you're describing sounds very similar to what B2 (melt, but not spray, oddly) does for me... I'm a lucky one who doesn't have major emotional PMS issues but it sounds like a useful one for the arsenal...

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  • 1 month later...

I actually find this has the very faint undertone of pee on my skin after an hour or so. Not cat pee, but people pee. I have it in a PE as well as unscented, but I'm thinking on my skin it may need something just a little bolder or sweeter to cover the pee smell. As for the effects, I've only tried a little tiny bit from time to time, but I find that it helps keep me chilled out and not overly anxious, even to the point of getting a little drowsy.

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  • 2 months later...

I used MLH for the first time at some kind of family meeting. I went to see my son to discuss some important things with him and I was a bit worried because he usually won't listen to anybody and refuses any advice. Well, this time, I applied MLH (1 spray splitted between my wrists) and refreshed 3 hrs later with 1 more spray. As cover scent I used 'Give Peas A Chance' and I also wore a drop of 'Persuasion Potion' from LP Spell collection. I was calm and confident. My son was relaxed as well. When we discussed his further studies, financial part etc., he listened patiently and was even willing to take my advice (which he usually doesn't). I think MLH was a good choice for that situation and things became smooth and better than I had expected.

So, what I can say about MLH: it works with grown-up children, too.


PS: Regarding drowsiness/sleepiness which other forum members mentioned, I also experienced a slight unusual sleepiness at the end of the day, but I really cannot say for sure if I should associate this with the phero. Concerning the smell, I did not detect any unpleasant smell after covering with the perfume, though 'Give Peas A Chance' is just a light floral scent.

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  • 3 months later...

I have this in the Kitten Nip, so I can't speak for the *unscented* phero...but I'll tell you, I am seriously thinking of getting some of the un so I can layer it with everything! Heh. I'm fascinated with the Mother's Little Helper phero. I didn't get drowsiness from it, but I did get calmness and thus more resourcefulness. I was able to release stress easily. Umm...WOOT!?!! My kids were more cooperative with housework, and even just jumped in and did stuff they might not normally do without being asked. Adults listened to me a bit better. I expressed myself more directly. It was a bit of the say-what-you-think-without-sweating-it effect, which is a real benefit for me. Cool stuff!!! Smoothed out the evening...not that things were going badly at all; it's just that everything had softer edges. Extra pleasant. :stars188: I do believe I'm going to be slathering this again tomorrow... :)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't paid any attention to this phero or scents enhanced with it as I guess the word "mother" kind of out me "off". I'm a mother and a "24x7 mother" and don't need to be reminded further.


This morning as I was looking through the phero blend section, I read the description and I wonder this can be used at work like SWS? Particularly with the few "immature children" I have in my team ......... Has anyone done that and any result?

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  • 1 year later...

Looking for more advice... Spray or RB on this one???? From breezing through these it seems like many of ya'll (yes I'm in Texas) used spray. OK well, then 90/10, 60/40 whaaat... I really need the EFX of this phero blend in my house of testosterone so it's important that I get it right. TY in advance for any help! :question-mark:

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Ok I've never used the Un in this. But it is in 2 fragrances I have.


If your talking spray, I recommend the 60/40 oil. You get the best of both worlds as in the lasting power of oil and diffusion of spray. Being in Texas, I'd definitely want the higher oil ratio because the heat will diffuse the alcohol rapidly.

Tho you may want to be cost effective and try a roll on first, being in a hot climate you'll get diffusion with the oil but obviously not as much distance as with the spray.

I only have this in perfumed oils and I do get hits

You can read about the phero effect in this thread and in the threads for. "Kitten Nip" and "Mayberry"

two scents boosted with MLH.

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I am hoping to get some of this to help with anxiety.

The Big Easy w/ Teddy BB and Hearts Ease with Balm Bomb work well for me when I'm trying to keep the anxiety at bay.

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  • 1 month later...

I used up my vial of Totem Kangaroo trialing this phero and I think this one is a winner. I shied from it because I was thinking "mother", and I'm not, so I didn't think it would relate or be congruent. Turns out it's a nifty little mix! It has a chill kind of vibe. Take everything in stride feel. It's not my normal high energy phero - but then, I haven't exactly been back to my high energy self just yet so it's been congruent :) It kept me focused at work and others were very thoughtful and helpful as well. People were even complimentary of me despite my poor red nose and chapped lips HAHAHA! I've used up my sample so I may have to consider this as a possible future purchase....hmmm.

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Niiiiice phero! You say six new cases just appeared in my inbox, all marked "Emergency?" OK, no problem. The computers all crashed and the system's down for the rest of the week? Sure. Whatever. My secretary went to lunch and phoned in her resignation? Eh. It's been worse. The building's on fire? Hold on. Let me finish this call and we'll walk out together, k?


Ahhhhh. . . .wunnnnderful phero!

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Um. Yup. It's totally on my wish list now :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Of all the UNs I made sure to purchase for my "arsenal" of LP, MLH is by far my favorite. Suffice to say, it has amazingly been a blessing and a lifesaver to THIS mom.


I've been going through a real rough patch with my teenage boys. Let's just say, their evil twins have evidently taken up refuge in the attic (we don't have basements in Texas... otherwise no doubt that's where they would lurk). I never know from one day to the next WHICH son is going to shape-shift into their evil twin. Lately there are days when I really don't recognize either of them... I've been pushed to the point of saying out loud "there is NO way that YOU came from my loins!" :gross: (which actually serves to gross them out so they will shut their smart mouths and leave the room so I get a moment's peace!)


OK, so enter MLH... I got it in spray and gingerly used it the first night it arrived. My oldest son (17) actually started talking to me while I was cooking. This was actual talking. Conversation - not asking for money, complaining, whining or smart mouth BS. I tested it further by asking him to hand me some ingredients out of the fridge. HE ACTUALLY PUT HIS CELL PHONE DOWN for 30 seconds and got the 3 items I asked for WITHOUT the eye-rolling or heavy sighs I've come to expect with every interaction. :omgwtf: I can't put enough emphasis on this: he was acting completely different than he has been for the past YEAR. Now, anytime I am spending time around my boys I take no chances... I will go in to my closet and spritz that stuff on like it's armor for going into battle. It WORKS. I am quite sure this would work nicely in workplace situations as well with bristley co-workers or clientele. Much in the same way Treasured Hearts helps with bristley females - MLH would probably be great in a unisex environment.


I've read the Phero-Wiki, and the descriptions over and over again. There are several UNs using the same ingredients but obviously the forumlations and amounts of each are how the magiK happens. This is more of a science than I ever imagined. I don't know how or why it works, just that it DOES.


Bless you Mara for making this available!!!

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LoveStruck55 - I always steered clear of this one because - well - the name. I don't have kids and thought - wrongly - "what could it do for me?" Then along came Totem Kanga, which I liked the smell of and thought - what the heck? My work place IS the stomping ground for most of my phero experiments so that's where this one got it's chance to spread its wings.


You are correct! It works amazingly well in the work place! I work in a predominately male work environment, and while I found TH beneficial in a sense where people were helpful and pleased to be so, with MLH there was an unexpected self effect. It repeatedly gave me a focus to get things done and that vibe seemed to carry over to the others to fall in line and complete our tasks. It wasn't a task master feel :lol: It reminded me slightly of the vibe of LFM, where there's a respect/desire to please, only a without the sultry vibe and less falling over themselves to help and more of a natural - helping is what I am here to do for you feel.


Soooooo - I ordered a FB of the Un MLH and should be receiving it soon! TH may have just gotten bumped. Hubby responds better to H&S than to TH and MLH and my chemistry will likely do better in the workplace...now I have to go experiment more with TH to see if it will retain a place in my phero harem :D

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YES NuTrix you are right! It does remind me of the LFM vibe! I really think you'll love MLH at work. I hope our posts encourage more "non-moms" to really look at this UN for its other great applications. I have OW, TH, H&S as my social UNs. I also have Leather, LFN (coming). I have scented Cougar, Rocket Fuel, Flying Potion and of course some of the more SHex-AY blends. I've been trying to figure out a good one to wear around Hubs that is NOT going to make him lusty caveman (hard NOT to do that with the Ys), but more of a partner/best friend/protector effect. I don't even want the cuddly lovey dovey vibe (I'm so mad at him right now the thought of even THAT makes me angry, and yes I do have an order of Balm Bomb coming to help!) What do you think?? It's such a fine line with guys bcuz they get turned on by stupid things and then sometime totally MISS the IN YOUR FACE signs. At least that's been my experience...LOL.


Anyhooz... would love your input and advice as usual when you have the time. TY!!!

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I look forward to your thoughts on BB. I used to use it just for the red tide but successfully branched it into the work place with surprisingly good results - Surprising only because I had bought it specifically with the intent to only wear it during the red tide and then thought...hmm, why WOULDN'T this play nice at work? If I go too heavy it will make me, and those I encounter, a bit silly...great if NOT at work :lol: I thought ii did great boosting hubby's mood too ^_^ For your other dilemma, take a look at Perfect Match. It has a soft and plutonic vibe, imo, but can be spruced up to a more romantic level easily enough. Have you used MLH on him? If it works so well with your sons.... :666: ...just sayin'...

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I look forward to your thoughts on BB. I used to use it just for the red tide but successfully branched it into the work place with surprisingly good results - Surprising only because I had bought it specifically with the intent to only wear it during the red tide and then thought...hmm, why WOULDN'T this play nice at work? If I go too heavy it will make me, and those I encounter, a bit silly...great if NOT at work :lol: I thought ii did great boosting hubby's mood too ^_^ For your other dilemma, take a look at Perfect Match. It has a soft and plutonic vibe, imo, but can be spruced up to a more romantic level easily enough. Have you used MLH on him? If it works so well with your sons.... :666: ...just sayin'...

Yeah the MLH did work to make him back down a bit and empty the damn dishwasher (why do most men avoid that and act as if they know where NOTHING goes despite the fact that they've been in the same house for years???)

I love PM... I have it in BLUSH which I covet (now that it's gone). Come to think of it, it does mellow things out in a platonic way. I guess I'm looking for something in between being easy-going/boring and being cuddled (which usually leads to groping and more) I like having the opt-out. I hate feeling like cuddling=copulating but that's usually the assumption on his part. Alas... the simple Y chromos and their moods leave little room for error. :blushing:

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