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La Femme Mystere

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Alright so I have un-LFM and finally can post some notes after wearing it out for the 3rd time this week! I like this one a lot, not so much because it has given me any holy grail DHILs or achieved any specific end I was setting it up for, but it's just the first 'mone which I've noticed SOME sort of evidence of from others every time I wear it...so yay!!!


I wasn't sure it'd be my fave because the description of sophisticated, respectful, etc, while they sound great...they're not as exciting as some other blend descriptions that wax sexual goddess and temptress of the Nile and all of that.. :P i have to say though, I'm loving the admiration that it provokes! Every time I've worn it I've had men around me use descriptors like "darling" "dear" " ma'am"...hehehe, a little respect is always nice :). I wear this around my running buddy, originally because i could tell he has a thing for me and wanted to wear my least sexual phero so as to avoid encouraging him....but he's quite persistent! Hard to know if it's him or the phero, but I'm sure projecting that LFM allure doesn't hurt ;)


Today I was at a coffee shop and kept getting plenty of friendly attention from one of the gorgeous men working there while I clicked away at my lap top, and at the end before I left he introduced himself to me and kept insisting that I should come back. :P *scheming* Now just to pick what phero to zap him with next....hehehehe. That has been my most obvious hit thus far with pheros, actually. Oh! And I read about the LFM/gotcha combo on another thread, and was actually wearing that specifically at the coffee shop, so I am a full supporter of layering those two! It's hard to know if the hit was induced more by admiration or a cozy comfort from gotcha, but everyone who worked there was being very friendly and courteous to me, so either way they did their job...


It's THE PERFECT combo , covers all the bases :) I'm glad you liked it also. I've tried other combos before and sometimes they work , sometimes they don't , but this one is a winner EVERY TIME

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This is a great phero for an "opener" if you want to seem approachable (and apparently make you appear as if you have some fashion sense) to get your business card out there!


It does garner that, "I'm the go to person you've been looking for," vibe...gives you an ""it" person" quality ^_^


It's THE PERFECT combo , covers all the bases :) I'm glad you liked it also. I've tried other combos before and sometimes they work , sometimes they don't , but this one is a winner EVERY TIME


I'm going out for "thirsty Thursday" night tomorrow and I think I'll give this a go in that social setting. It's always men and women coworkers...and whoever else graces the bar/restaurant with their presence :D Very curious to see the impact...

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Ohhh you must report back Nutrix, I'm curious what reactions the social bar scene will garner as opposed to the more daytime and one-on-one reactions!


And fluffygirl, was that you who fashioned up the combo? You are genius darling!! I have to admit I added 2 tiny dots of Occo White to top it all off, never hurts ;).

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Ohhh you must report back Nutrix, I'm curious what reactions the social bar scene will garner as opposed to the more daytime and one-on-one reactions!


I surely will!


I finally found my sweet spot with this one, 4 Sprays at Work and 6 Sprays in a Social Setting


Sweet spot! Awesome! - wow 6! That's from the 1 oz spay bottle or the 5ml size?


Isn't that awesome? That's around my sweet spot too. Though I will go up to 8.


WOW! :blink: I think that would put me in OD land if I used 8....never know until I try though LOL


OMG , that would kill me ! Lol so I'm the only one for whom less is more with this one? Interesting.


:lol2: That was my initial reaction to LOL

I believe my highest equivalent with the oil has been 4...but I'm always willing to push the limits...for posterity of course :Emoticons04263:

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besides being lightweight I'm super paranoid since I once covered every square inch of my body with Elevation Potion, briefly felt FANTASTIC and then spent the next many hours lying on the sofa wanting to die.

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I'm going out for "thirsty Thursday" night tomorrow and I think I'll give this a go in that social setting. It's always men and women coworkers...and whoever else graces the bar/restaurant with their presence :D Very curious to see the impact...

Oooh, sounds like fun! I want to know how it goes!

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Still feeling the LFM/Gotcha! combo out but I will say that work went very well with it. This time it was a bit different than last because I seemed to be everyone's cuddle bunny yesterday :lol: One of my co workers who sits several cubes over kept coming to see what I was working on...really, just to visit and make small talk. Had several meetings that went well, good eye contact, felt like people we really absorbing the conversation. There was one guy who was even leaning forward over the table, like if he could get closer he would understand more and kept up with huge eye contact (I'm not a flincher and I appreciate and feel like people are paying attention when they make eye contact during convos) and since he's an engineer and some of his decisions will impact my department I was happy to have him engaged.


Thirsty Thursday was horrible... :(




We had a blast!

I had to be up early today so I was only out for a couple hours after work (got off at 8:15 stayed out til 10:30)

OK, you probably guessed this already, but this ones a great social mix...OH and one of the bartenders was making shots for other people and we saw hershey's syrup come out and heard the words "raspberry cheesecake". Well, I leaned over the bar to him and grabbed his attention for more info about it and after he'd poured the shots for the others he came back to my girl and I with 2 shots - ON THE HOUSE - and they were GOOOOOOOOD! Very nice! We left a few songs after the "drunk karaoke" started but we laughed A LOT, the bartenders were attentive...and generous...the guy on the other side of my girl at the bar would not stop stealing glances but he never said anything. Could've been the other guys with us keeping him at bay? Lots of flirtation and just an overall great time! Zero complaints! Still planning to hit hubby up with this mix this weekend but fluffy...you got something good here methinks! :love:

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I'm so happy it works for you too. Had another great comfy night with my Bf and my 2 new best friends LFM and Gotcha :) It just makes the mood so relaxed and happy every time ! I ordered 2 sample vials of LFN also , I think the Gotcha and all the EST might buffer the none and just take this in a bit more flirty/sexual direction ( fingers crossed )

Have a great weekend and let me know how this works out with hubby.

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Hi Fluffy Girl,

How did you apply Gotcha and LFM, want to wear this tomorrow when I see my BF

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*entirely speculation!"

I have heard that a 5 inch strip equals 1 drop/spray. Will have to keep digging for accuracy... sorry :huh:

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OMG!! Hahaha, Fluffygirl I can't get over the brilliance of this LFM/Gotcha combo (with smidge of occo white for me)...had two great hits today!


So smokin' coffee shop guy who introduced himself and was hanging around a lot last time I went to the cafe was there again today when I went to get work done of course (he did insist over and over that I come back ;) )...and this time he brings me over a complimentary latte with some cutesy heart foam art and my name on it. Haha oh deaaaar, what a cutie. Then, on his lunch break he came over to my table and asked if he could join me, we talked throughout lunch, and he asked for my number :). An hour ago he asked me on a date to the newly opened museum in the city this Sunday, score for genius combo!


Thennnnn, I went to a casual eatery/cafe by myself for a quick dinner this evening, and got asked to join the group of the owners and their friends (young hip crowd) at their big table because I was one of the only customers (it was an early early dinner)... I talked with them all for a bit and they were very friendly, and one of the guys monopolized me for the last 2o minutes in conversation and then asked for my number. But that's not the beauty of the story...best part is on our way out he stops in front of his car, which is a minivan that he uses for specific intriguing work purposes, and he just starts justifying to me/explaining all about it and goes on about his minivan (giving me tour, yada yada) for 10 minutes as if he just can't keep himself from going on and on. Later he texts me (great hanging out, we'll be out tonight, etc) and apologizes that I had to hear about the minivan. HAH!


lols good stories today, good good stories.

Edited by aniko
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*entirely speculation!"

I have heard that a 5 inch strip equals 1 drop/spray. Will have to keep digging for accuracy... sorry :huh:


That seems like a lot? I usually do 3-4 sprays of stuff (all my sprays are trial sprays though), and I get nervous about OD'ing if I do more than 5 inches worth of oil (usually just do bottom of breast to belly button, and a 1 in strip on sternum or two dots on each side of neck)....but maybe that's cause of my age (early 20s)? I'm definitely no expert.

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*entirely speculation!"

I have heard that a 5 inch strip equals 1 drop/spray. Will have to keep digging for accuracy... sorry :huh:


That seems like a lot. I know with SS4W (the only one I have in spray and oil), I wear 2 sprays but a heck of a lot less than 5 inches. I wear just dabs of it that maybe total to an inch and a half. I would be interested to know the equivalent, though!


OMG!! Hahaha, Fluffygirl I can't get over the brilliance of this LFM/Gotcha combo (with smidge of occo white for me)...had two great hits today!


So smokin' coffee shop guy who introduced himself and was hanging around a lot last time I went to the cafe was there again today when I went to get work done of course (he did insist over and over that I come back ;) )...and this time he brings me over a complimentary latte with some cutesy heart foam art and my name on it. Haha oh deaaaar, what a cutie. Then, on his lunch break he came over to my table and asked if he could join me, we talked throughout lunch, and he asked for my number :). An hour ago he asked me on a date to the newly opened museum in the city this Sunday, score for genius combo!


Thennnnn, I went to a casual eatery/cafe by myself for a quick dinner this evening, and got asked to join the group of the owners and their friends (young hip crowd) at their big table because I was one of the only customers (it was an early early dinner)... I talked with them all for a bit and they were very friendly, and one of the guys monopolized me for the last 2o minutes in conversation and then asked for my number. But that's not the beauty of the story...best part is on our way out he stops in front of his car, which is a minivan that he uses for specific intriguing work purposes, and he just starts justifying to me/explaining all about it and goes on about his minivan (giving me tour, yada yada) for 10 minutes as if he just can't keep himself from going on and on. Later he texts me (great hanging out, we'll be out tonight, etc) and apologizes that I had to hear about the minivan. HAH!


lols good stories today, good good stories.


Love it!! It's like he couldn't control himself from talking about his minivan and then had to apologize once he came back to himself!!! :lol:

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OMG!! Hahaha, Fluffygirl I can't get over the brilliance of this LFM/Gotcha combo (with smidge of occo white for me)...had two great hits today!


So smokin' coffee shop guy who introduced himself and was hanging around a lot last time I went to the cafe was there again today when I went to get work done of course (he did insist over and over that I come back ;) )...and this time he brings me over a complimentary latte with some cutesy heart foam art and my name on it. Haha oh deaaaar, what a cutie. Then, on his lunch break he came over to my table and asked if he could join me, we talked throughout lunch, and he asked for my number :). An hour ago he asked me on a date to the newly opened museum in the city this Sunday, score for genius combo!


Thennnnn, I went to a casual eatery/cafe by myself for a quick dinner this evening, and got asked to join the group of the owners and their friends (young hip crowd) at their big table because I was one of the only customers (it was an early early dinner)... I talked with them all for a bit and they were very friendly, and one of the guys monopolized me for the last 2o minutes in conversation and then asked for my number. But that's not the beauty of the story...best part is on our way out he stops in front of his car, which is a minivan that he uses for specific intriguing work purposes, and he just starts justifying to me/explaining all about it and goes on about his minivan (giving me tour, yada yada) for 10 minutes as if he just can't keep himself from going on and on. Later he texts me (great hanging out, we'll be out tonight, etc) and apologizes that I had to hear about the minivan. HAH!


lols good stories today, good good stories.

Wow... that's awesome... I'm trying this combo soon ;)

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That seems like a lot? I usually do 3-4 sprays of stuff (all my sprays are trial sprays though), and I get nervous about OD'ing if I do more than 5 inches worth of oil (usually just do bottom of breast to belly button, and a 1 in strip on sternum or two dots on each side of neck)....but maybe that's cause of my age (early 20s)? I'm definitely no expert.

That seems like a lot. I know with SS4W (the only one I have in spray and oil), I wear 2 sprays but a heck of a lot less than 5 inches. I wear just dabs of it that maybe total to an inch and a half. I would be interested to know the equivalent, though!


I'd have to agree that a 5 inch strip has GOT to be more than a drop...just looking at it, right?


K, so let's mull this over


GEEK ALERT :rolleyes:


...there's 1000mcg of pheros in an unscented blend and we're looking at a spray bottle you can get approx 200 sprays out of. SO that's 5mcg per spray (1000mcg/200) and 4 sprays is an average for many, so that's appox 20mcg per "dose" and that's a goodly dose I dare say.


EDIT: I'd had 30ml roller bottles when LP rollers are actually only 10ml so I adjusted the math:


Now how does that translate to a 10ml roller bottle? How much would we need to use to get 20mcg?

The drop is standardized in the metric system to equal exactly 0.05 milliliters. That's 200 drops in 10 mls of oil. That would make each drop about 5 mcgs (1000mcg/200) and you would need about 4 drops to get 20mcgs.


NOW I broke out a dropper, yes, I broke down and did it, 4 drops is a CRAZY amount of oil YO! A 5 inch strip from the roller bottle is WAY less than A drop! 4 drops totally coated my wrists and forearms - (approx. 5inches by 2inches times 4!) No wonder I've never OD'd, lol Now, eyeballing the roll on knowing how much 4 drops is I'd bet you could use up to 8 - YES 8 - 5 inch strips in various places and get CRAZY results.


SO There you go...mystery solved! :yes:


Back to your regular scheduled programming....

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I wore this to work yesterday, because I thought it would be fun to be slinky and sexy on Friday. A little dab of my sample of Goddess of the Blue Moon, and 2 sprays of my La Femme trial spray, one to chest, and one to hair. I tried it this way because I can't really go overboard with fragrance at work, but wanted to give LFM a fair shot.


The effects were very different from what I was expecting, very surprising! It made me more.....decisive, confident, take-charge of the situation kinda vibe, but not in a dominant, bitchy way. I felt very "on" with my capabilities of my job. And in voicing my suggestions, everyone was willing to get on board and try it, instead of ignoring them like before, I think because I'm more on the quiet, reserved side. I had to work with a guy who has a reputation for being difficult and losing his cool every now and then, and he was a lot more respectful. On the downside, I could tell when it started to wear off around 3 pm, as he started to get grumbly. But at the end of the day, he thanked me repeatedly for a great day and wished me a nice weekend. Not typical behavior for him!


So I went and read the description for this, "empowering" is a good word for this! For work this is a winner for me. :)

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I'd have to agree that a 5 inch strip has GOT to be more than a drop...just looking at it, right?


K, so let's mull this over


GEEK ALERT :rolleyes:


...there's 1000mcg of pheros in an unscented blend and we're looking at a spray bottle you can get approx 200 sprays out of. SO that's 5mcg per spray (1000mcg/200) and 4 sprays is an average for many, so that's appox 20mcg per "dose" and that's a goodly dose I dare say.

Now how does that translate to a 30ml roller bottle? How much would we need to use to get 20mcg?

The drop is standardized in the metric system to equal exactly 0.05 milliliters. That's 600 drops in 30 mls of oil. That would make each drop about 1.6 mcgs (1000mcg/600) and you would need about 12 and a half drops to get 20mcgs.


Technically speaking, I could totally visually see rolling out a good 3 drops (4.8 mcgs) in a 5 inch strip - SO a 5 inch strip could indeed be equivalent to a single spray from a 1oz spray bottle. But a 5 inch strip is definitely 3 drops, not 1.


SO There you go...mystery solved! :yes:


Back to your regular scheduled programming....


LOL! You are awesome for figuring this out!!!!!

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LOL! You are awesome for figuring this out!!!!!


Now: GO SLATHER UP!!! :D :D :D

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Teamed this with Gotcha! yesterday and used hubby as bait.


I don't have anything crazy over the top to report BUT it is definitely a winner combo! We went to dinner with a friend and he was very sweet and social, chatty even. The waiter was great and was tipped appropriately, lol. I think it's the Gotcha! that makes hubby so cuddly and the LFM that keeps him in a good mood.


I tried not to "muddle" the 2 blends by applying them to separate places and I used Glitter Kissed for the cover. Gotcha! on backs of hands and neck & LFM on wrists and collarbone.


I added zero extra cops outside of Gotcha. I really liked the vibe. He was so sweet and thoughtful...little stuff, pouring my wine, holding doors, constant touching. Spent most of the evening curled in each others lap drinking wine :love:

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Teamed this with Gotcha! yesterday and used hubby as bait.


I don't have anything crazy over the top to report BUT it is definitely a winner combo! We went to dinner with a friend and he was very sweet and social, chatty even. The waiter was great and was tipped appropriately, lol. I think it's the Gotcha! that makes hubby so cuddly and the LFM that keeps him in a good mood.


I tried not to "muddle" the 2 blends by applying them to separate places and I used Glitter Kissed for the cover. Gotcha! on backs of hands and neck & LFM on wrists and collarbone.


I added zero extra cops outside of Gotcha. I really liked the vibe. He was so sweet and thoughtful...little stuff, pouring my wine, holding doors, constant touching. Spent most of the evening curled in each others lap drinking wine :love:


Me too , exactly that !! :bday1029::Emoticons04235:

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Had another flawless weekend with the Bf and my Bff's LFM and Gotcha .It just delivers such a consistently sweet , caring , happy mood , even though I have had extensive and long lasting stress at work that would make anyone moody and depressed.

When I wear this blend, the little things that used to bother me or cause anxiety just don't , and it affects him the same way . One time something came up in conversation about a plan we had made for the evening , that otherwise might have caused not really a tiff , but some annoyed remarks , but it didn't . Everything just goes smoothely and happily , with lots of comfy thrown in. LOOVE it consistently .

I will try LFN with Gotcha as soon as the samples arrive , I am actually exited to find out what that will add to it.

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I gave LFN a quick test run last night when it arrived ( sample in Unbridled , yummy ) , Good thing that I was home alone , since its that time of the month and 10 min after I applied , it flipped the bitch switch immediately .

I am already panicking though that my bottle of LFM is 1/3rd empty , so just ordered another full bottle , this time in my favorite 60/40 silicone with added cops .

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I tried this solo this morning. Went a bit overboard with 6 sprays to neck and hair .

Had an early meeting with a new client that was cancelled last minute , so I stopped by a grocery store on my way back since I had already been on my way to their office. I waited at the deli counter for my order , where a lot of people get breakfast. It was pretty empty this morning , and I walked past the only male standing there , a cutie who must have been somewhere in his mid 30s. He turned his head looking at me so fast , I though he might get whiplash :) He kept staring at me from a distance the whole time as if he was completely fascinated , and when I walked past him again on my way out , he just kept staring. Definitely one of the more blatant hits I've had so far .I could tell the movie star allure , he looked like he was staring at a celebrity LOVE THIS !! Can't wait to get my bottle with cops added .I wish it was 2 weeks already instead of just 1 day since I ordered it .....

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It seems LFM has been the only thing that could mellow this bizzaro intense PMS i've been suffering from this week. I haven't had one murderous thought today! And they upsized my coffee for free today at Starbucks. Win win.

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I think I just totally pherobombed myself ;) , applied 8 sprays everywhere and now sitting here waiting for Bf to come home from a work event, I SWEAR - 15 min after I bombed myself , I even LOOK better !!! I keep looking at myself in the mirror admiring how much prettier I am than earlier today before I sprayed myself and how great I look - seriously weird but fantastic side effect , must be the DHEAS. I read a few times before that it has a visually beautifying effect .

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