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New Releases for SPRING 2012

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Did you see Heart Strings :w00t: A pumpkin-frosted ginger cookie..


Johnny Gingerfur (nephew of famed explorer George Gingerfur) :rofl222:

...and this "Toms preened like peacocks in her presence" ...oh and "only four leaf clovers...and the cats of commerce,oh crap forgot the other C...got to unplug to clear memory...and rest eyes :lol:

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Hee! I put little things in there like that just for you! :D

There's one description in particular which I hope someone gets the interwoven references because I was trying really hard to be oh so clever. :lol:

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Did you see Heart Strings :w00t: A pumpkin-frosted ginger cookie..


Johnny Gingerfur (nephew of famed explorer George Gingerfur) "rofl222:

...and this "Toms preened like peacocks in her presence" ...oh and "only four leaf clovers...and the cats of commerce,oh crap forgot the other C...got to unplug to clear memory...and rest eyes :lol:

I know ! weren't those a hoot ?!!!

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I really want to get something in a spray....question is which one ? they ALL sound so tempting, I want a full btl set :Emoticons08045:

eta: I've calmed down now, I'll just have to place another order after I smelz dem

Edited by liz
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I see them now! Right at the start of my work day! There are more scents which I like than I expected ... the floras, those with bamboos, musky ones, the vanilla ones. I want almost 80% of the NR!

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Just so you guys know, If you reserved a PE you do NOT have to purchase it via the PE page, I saved those aside for you and did not load them into the cart, so please use the gift cert function, ok? Thanks! :)

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Oh dam. I'm going to have to look at my budget because I played with the cart and eep!


You have outdone yourself Mara. Truly amazing.

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Just so you guys know, If you reserved a PE you do NOT have to purchase it via the PE page, I saved those aside for you and did not load them into the cart, so please use the gift cert function, ok? Thanks! :)


Ordering a PE is something more than ordering from the PE page? :)

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Hee! I put little things in there like that just for you! :D

There's one description in particular which I hope someone gets the interwoven references because I was trying really hard to be oh so clever. :lol:


Hee ...will have to go back and look,here are a few I made note of...oh and Felinopolis ? :huh:


Monsieur le Bast, who took Catropolis by storm with his invention of a better mousetrap :lol:

All cats of commerce crave[/c] the lap of luxury...was he other C :lol:


"Noted napologist Monsieur Dormira" <snicker>


...seeks the sun of a sweet smile... :D


And I know I am not the only one of thought of Mistress Liz and teh Shoes :001_302:





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Shopping cart is completely up now. YAY!


Asking a favor too. Don't know if you guys noticed but facebook removed our page a few months ago because it was not a "business" page so we lost our several hundred friends and had to start over from scratch.


Here's the business page we are using now...if you don't mind, would you please LIKE us? Thank you!



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Maurice du Mau... :lol:


...calling to me, A Lick of Cream, Pouncing Potion,Red Lace & Darling Catalina <of course> Heart Strings,Sogni Incatati,Kitten Nip,Kitten Heels,Velvet & Steel...all the enhanced ones,well,cause no one does it like Mara :)


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*sniff* what a sweet tribute, thr Catslina description! *sniff*


She's the Queen of Cups in the Bohemian Cats Tarot set, and this is the image that Katz sent me as a gift on a pouch in memory of her. :wub:


Karen Mahony wrote in the accompanying book that came with the first edition of the Tarot Set, that the Queen of Cups cat is the one you remember forever, that very special cat. Yes, that's Catalina, and this image coincidentally looks like her too.

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"Noted napologist Monsieur Dormira"

Okay so that's what I was referring to...now why is this particularly clever, y'all?

*whistles Jeopardy theme*

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!!! It looks so much like her I assumed they drew it based on her!!


I asked Karen in one of our emails if EVERYONE sends them pix of their cats hoping they will draw them. LOL! Somehow, she skipped over that question in her reply. I just bet they are inundated. Everyone thinks their cats are the best, right? My aunt just sent me a pic of her cat Azalea - OMG, she's gorgeous. I told her my cats were embarrassed thinking they were the most beautiful cats in the world after seeing Azalea, and they humbly invited Azalea to join their private club, The Sisterhood of the Tails Splendiferous.

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Okay so that's what I was referring to...now why is this particularly clever, y'all?

*whistles Jeopardy theme*


... I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast ...



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OH WOW!! I just finished reading them -for the first time anyway- and I'm *completely* awestruck! The decisions on which artwork, which potions, the writeups! It's ALL genius! This collection is UNREAL!! Concatulations everyone who had a paw in it! I'll be visiting Catropolis MANY times over again... I'm utterly charmed!

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I think I *Need* to get the new rack! I looked at what I can "squeeze" out of my current one.and...well, no way.


Katz, you're getting the 20-bottle rack with the set, baby. The first ones I commissioned were for you, Karen and me, and then when I got them I called our rackmaker and told him to make a bunch more for customers. He's already delivered the additional ones. He's so awesome; we're stocked!

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Katz, you're getting the 20-bottle rack with the set, baby. The first ones I commissioned were for you, Karen and me, and then when I got them I called our rackmaker and told him to make a bunch more for customers. He's already delivered the additional ones. He's so awesome; we're stocked!


Holy Frijole! Mawa....you so crazy sweet! I think I will light special candles or maybe have cute little LED lights to go around this most precious collection!!

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The Lady Azalea: :)


OMG she is a gorgeous kitty!!! ^_^




for the descriptions... i opted for only the half-set of trial sizes because i owe uncle sam my firstborn (how did this happen?? arghhh....) but omg, i had no clue it would be so hard to pick just 10. yipes!!

Edited by crookedteeth
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I'm so excited. I just bought the 20 bottle set for $400 smackers. I cannot wait to receive it. Who cares if we now have no money to buy food. The hubby and I needed to go on diets anyway. :lol2::jumpforjoy::banana058:

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The descriptions are giving me a good giggle this morning......

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