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Stalk Talk!


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Happy stalkin', stalkin Happy stalk

STalk about things you'd like to do

You've got to have a dream

If you don't have a dream

How you gonna have a (melted)dream come true


STalk about the moon floating in the sky

Looking like a lily on a lake

Talk about the bird learning how to fly

Making all the music he can make

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I'm actually engaged in a different kind of stalk: A daily check to see if DHEAS is back up again. C'monnnn, DHEAS.... I'm waiting on you to place my next order! :D

Is there a review thread for DHEAS do you know?..Im really curious about it too but dont know to much about it.


back on topic.. I'z has a celery stalk? :Emoticons04280:

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Are we there yet? I'm getting impatient...I want to do some LP shopping, I've got some celebrating to do and what better way to do that then getting me some more LP goodies eh?

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Are we there yet? I'm getting impatient...I want to do some LP shopping, I've got some celebrating to do and what better way to do that then getting me some more LP goodies eh?


ME TOO! I'm cranky and feel to fat too shop, so LPS it is!

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Are we there yet? I'm getting impatient...I want to do some LP shopping, I've got some celebrating to do and what better way to do that then getting me some more LP goodies eh?

...celebrating? I'm going to have to run over to your journal, missy!!!



Here's stalkin' at you, kid! :CHEERS~19:



lol that's cute.

I wonder what this month will bring??? Let's see July- what happens in July?


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LOL no; not after what happened with Get Stuffed!


heh,,,,can't even GIVE THAT SAMPLE AWAY

keeping it anyway

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What happens in July besides hot dogs??

OMG the summer solstice! Summer Solstice LP?




fireworks for 4th July?


ETA...omg there could be ten scents...all boosted with Bang! hahahahahaa

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.... What happened with Get Stuffed?


I never tried it, but it was supposed to smell like an entire Thanksgiving dinner--literally!

However, when that time rolls around I wouldn't mind a version that's a conglomorate of all our favorite Thanksgiving desserts...;)

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Lol, Mr Scrumptious keeps reminding me to check the forum on my iPhone. He's used to me anxiously & impatiently pacing the flat with iPhone in hand at the end of each month :) Isn't he too sweet?

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I hear the secrets that you keep.. when you're stalking in your sleep





Lol, Mr Scrumptious keeps reminding me to check the forum on my iPhone. He's used to me anxiously & impatiently pacing the flat with iPhone in hand at the end of each month :) Isn't he too sweet?


Does he have a cute brother for me? That is lovely.

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Who's stalking

Tell me, who's stalking

Who's stalking me

I'm just a perfume fiend

With a fragrant life

I stalk from nine to five

Hey, hell, I smell real nice

All I want is to stalk alone

In my scented home

But why do I always feel

Like I'm in the stalking zone

And (I always feel like)

(I've got to stalk LPs)

Can't sit there patiently


(I always feel like)

(I've got to stalk LPs)

I just want to stalk LPs

When I stalk late at night

I bolt the door real tight

People stalk me on the phone

I'm trying to avoid

But can the people on TV smell me

Or am I just paranoid


I don't know anymore

Are the neighbors stalking me

(Who's stalking)

Well, is the mailman stalking me

(Tell me, who's stalking)

And I just spilled a sample

Oh, what a mess

I wonder who's stalking me now



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Who's stalking

Tell me, who's stalking

Who's stalking me

I'm just a perfume fiend

With a fragrant life

I stalk from nine to five

Hey, hell, I smell real nice

All I want is to stalk alone

In my scented home

But why do I always feel

Like I'm in the stalking zone

And (I always feel like)

(I've got to stalk LPs)

Can't sit there patiently


(I always feel like)

(I've got to stalk LPs)

I just want to stalk LPs

When I stalk late at night

I bolt the door real tight

People stalk me on the phone

I'm trying to avoid

But can the people on TV smell me

Or am I just paranoid


I don't know anymore

Are the neighbors stalking me

(Who's stalking)

Well, is the mailman stalking me

(Tell me, who's stalking)

And I just spilled a sample

Oh, what a mess

I wonder who's stalking me now



Invi, is that yours...? :w00t: Or am I being a pop-culture Naive again? :)


Oh, and:




Edited by ElizabethOSP
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heh,,,,can't even GIVE THAT SAMPLE AWAY

keeping it anyway

Eh, I kind of like it. I'm still keeping it for my evil plot to trick SO into thinking I've cooked, only to find the oven cold & empty :666: He hasn't made me mad enough to do that, though.

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