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...and I feel fine


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Wow, not even at the beginning? Because in the vial I get everything coexisting but when I put it on, WHAM! It's like a Phish concert all up in mah grill. But only for a few minutes.

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Okay Luna I went and retested and now that I was looking for the pot smell I found it. : ( I thought I was smelling some sort of exotic violet. I still get the chocolate - but now I really smell the pot more. I think this is also because my skin chemistry is different. I started my period this morning but then it vanished, so something funky is going on. I still like it though it smells very pretty. It doesn't smell like skank weed. Mara must have put some really good expensive shit in here because usually when I smell weed it's a very pungent smell but this is pleasant. Mara will I get high if I smell this too much?

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Mara will I get high if I smell this too much?

Not if it's not real, silly girl. :lol:


Yeah I don't mean to say the dank is serious or anything, just that it does make an appearance in the beginning for sure.

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It takes exactly 14 minutes for me to be able to wear this out of the house. Until then it is nothing but strong ass weed smell. So much I can't stand it. But I have every intention of wearing this out because I love it and I had to get the timing down. I think I amp the sweet amber more than the chocolate. The cannabis is still present but just barely a little sourness in the background.

What an exciting scent this is!

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It takes exactly 14 minutes for me to be able to wear this out of the house. Until then it is nothing but strong ass weed smell. So much I can't stand it. But I have every intention of wearing this out because I love it and I had to get the timing down. I think I amp the sweet amber more than the chocolate. The cannabis is still present but just barely a little sourness in the background.

What an exciting scent this is!


It really is! I remember exactly thinking how wonderful the world smelled, when in fact it was me!

I swear I got high just from wearing this out.

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I graduate school, the girl who lived under me would spark it once or twice a week before bed, and that's exactly what this smelled like. Exactly. :lol: So kind of a happy scent memory. (I really loved that apartment--remodeled, early 1900s building with the pressed tin ceiling tiles and tons of exposed brick, :wub: ) But that weed smell is no joke. In the winter time, i scent once I get to work to avoid having my coats collect perfume, but if I did for this one, they would escort me straight to the police office. LOL. It took 30 minutes for the weed to go away on me, and after that, it was gorgeous!!! Another chocolate I can wear!! It doesn't smell like fudge cake or brownies per se (on me, anyway), but it does definitely have a bakery sweet smell, and the orchid and amber combo gives it a perfumey vibe. I like this more than I expected I would, and I would definitely wear it out of the house!

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Well, I've asked a few people and not one of them gets the weed smell...I barely noticed it, for a few minutes at the most. Mostly all I get is a super deep rich floral chocolate. I like it, but I'm not sure I love it. I'll have to try it a couple more times. Even hubby didn't get the weed scent, he was kind of disappointed LOL!

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Well, I've asked a few people and not one of them gets the weed smell...I barely noticed it, for a few minutes at the most. Mostly all I get is a super deep rich floral chocolate. I like it, but I'm not sure I love it. I'll have to try it a couple more times. Even hubby didn't get the weed scent, he was kind of disappointed LOL!


Ha ha! That amazes me. It is so strong on me at first. I haven't had Michael give me his opinion yet. That's because I keep wasting the 14 minutes it takes for the weed smell to go away before getting to his house. We are going to the beach for a few days and I am going to bring my sample so I'll see what he thinks then. I am not going to remind him which one it is (and he is such a pot head he will have forgotten already...LOL!!) so he won't be "searching" for the pot smell. He only smelled it after dry down and really liked it.

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I'm not usually into chocolatey scents but I love this one. At first it's all pot-smelling (not that I mind!) but then it mellows down to a comforting chocolate that makes me want to wrap myself in a blanket and drink hot cocoa by a fire. While sparking a...hehe just kidding ;)

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I'm not usually into chocolatey scents but I love this one. At first it's all pot-smelling (not that I mind!) but then it mellows down to a comforting chocolate that makes me want to wrap myself in a blanket and drink hot cocoa by a fire. While sparking a...hehe just kidding ;)


At work we do this thing if we remember, someone will ask me what time it is. I will look and then I'll shout..


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I just got my sample of this.... I did not like it wet but WOW, once it dried down it was great, it had such a unique feel to it.... I like the way it made me feel. I could only detect small sniffs of the chocolate.

Me too, it is not chocolate forward to me at all...the the ingredients blend so well to make something so mysterious! My bottle should be here today or tomorrow!!!! Yeehoo!

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I wanted this to work so badly. I really did. I mean, chocolate and evil, you can't get much better than that. Unfortunately it was the particular type of evil here that my skin decided to turn evil, and that was the cannabis. Not that it started out that way. I got a luscious decadent chocolate scent at first, so I walked around thinking yeah, I can go ahead and wear this to work, it's chocolate.


Five minutes later I smelled like a Grateful Dead concert.


I guess it isn't just the brain that gets high off this stuff. Apparently my skin got really high off it because it latched on and amped it so hard that I had to wipe it off because think about it--do I really want people at work to suspect I smoke weed because of a perfume that took a wrong turn? They already think I'm screwed up enough as it is. So sad. I weep for the lost chocolate.

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I wanted this to work so badly. I really did. I mean, chocolate and evil, you can't get much better than that. Unfortunately it was the particular type of evil here that my skin decided to turn evil, and that was the cannabis. Not that it started out that way. I got a luscious decadent chocolate scent at first, so I walked around thinking yeah, I can go ahead and wear this to work, it's chocolate.


Five minutes later I smelled like a Grateful Dead concert.


I guess it isn't just the brain that gets high off this stuff. Apparently my skin got really high off it because it latched on and amped it so hard that I had to wipe it off because think about it--do I really want people at work to suspect I smoke weed because of a perfume that took a wrong turn? They already think I'm screwed up enough as it is. So sad. I weep for the lost chocolate.


Oh no! That's too bad! I continue to adore this. I boosted mine with Bang - figured the cops would cover the pot smell or the other way around actually. Or both! The pot accord is only in the beginning for me and then it blooms into this beautiful elegant chocolate. In a crazy way it reminded me of the black, bad catholic school girl brunette version of Orchidacious.

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Whoo. I just slathered a bit of this on and I smell like fresh cut weed or something. :smiley-laughing024: Yep, the cannabis is very very strong, totally overwhelming even the chocolate, which I can barely smell. Damn. :(


EDIT: Okay about 20 mins later.... I smell the floral chocolate, but I STILL smell the cannabis quite strongly. Not sure if this is for me.. going to let it dry down some more.


EDIT2: And now about 35 mins later, the cannabis has finally tempered down and it does smell like a floral chocolate. I still smell the cannabis bit it's this sharp note that keeps the rest of the perfume from smelling too mellow. Now, it's not bad... I like it, but I'm not sure if I can contend with the 35 mins it takes for this to not be all like "I SMELL LIKE WEED!!!!!" on me. lol.


Edit 3: And over 12 hours later this is still going strong. I still smell it on me. wow.

Edited by maiea
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  • 1 month later...

woooee ok guys, I've never smoked pot, so maybe that's why I really dislike the smell of it - have never gotten the positive associations to go with the smell :) Similar to a lot of you others -- for me it is chocolate-tinged WEEEEED for about half an hour... then it does a 180 - the weed vanishes and it's like Regal Confection making out with a very creamy, mellow, orchid. I actually picked up the orchid as such in this one, which I rarely have been able to do except in really obvious situations like Orchidacious. The orchid is like a food version of itself, more like an orchid candy or something, almost doesn't come off as floral even. After the initial weedness, the amber/choc/orchid (& the weed if it is still contributing even if not being obviously itself) is utterly swoony, one of those DAMN, GENIUS! combos that you just don't see anywhere else. Being an impatient person I know I can't get past the weed part, but the rest is astounding.

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Well, I've tried this a couple more times, and I just can't say I love it. I don't do florals very well, and the floral/chocolate mix just isn't me. I've had some odd comments from people when I wear it, nothing about pot smell, but just "what's that funky smell?" kind of comments. I think I'll have to add this one to my trade list, as I don't see myself wearing it. :(

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I'm hanging on to my sample til it warms up more. I've tested again, and it consistently takes the weed smell half an hour to dry down, and I just can't get that on my winter gear. I'd smell like a stoner til March! :lol: It sure is gorgeous after, though.

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  • 5 months later...

This starts off ALL weed. I was testing this and was worried BF would walk over and ask if I was smoking lol. As it settled- it became sour... Sour chocolate? It's a strange smell- the chocolate is fighting to take over and I can *just make out the floral. I ended up washing off- didnt want my BF to wonder why I smelled so odd. I want to try this again with at least an hour of dry down time.

Edit because typing on a phone sucks

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  • 4 months later...

Did not like this one at first and decided to try it again and wound up liking it. Have now tried it again a few more times.


When first applied I get dark chocolate, a pepperiness, a bitterness like crushed coffee beans or maybe a hint of burnt coffee bitterness, something planty (likely the MJ accord) and a spikiness that seems to be both plant and peppery aspect (likely the MJ accord )


I hate the smell of MJ. In fact a friend was passing around pot brownies the other night and I picked one up to just smell it and man--that was some skunky chocolate! That cook had no clue how to treat her butter and I'm pretty sure just put the plant IN the batter. I never partake but am interested in the science, so I had a little laugh at that.


As this dries down it maintains it's spikiness and I could happily see wearing this with Dominance, Leather, or perhaps LFM if I was going to do a very particular Queen Bee power posturing (though I think Dom or Leather would go better.)


Dried down even more the spikiness goes away which makes me a little sad. It strikes me as a slightly planty (and not MJ but just generic plant) Odalisque with more dark chocolate and less cocoa liqueur.


Edit-- a few minutes later and I'm huffing my wrists to try to see if it's changed. I can't smell orchids normally-- all I can smell when it comes to that ingredient is a certain fleshy skin smell--like a really hot zaftig model who's got poufy, cushiony skin. I'm getting that here. It's nice and not overblown like the orchid in Jouir De (though that shit does work--I'm just saying it's obviously a lot more restrained in this.)


I'm looking forward to trying this out in the wax melt and I'm crossing my fingers the MJ accord doesn't amp a lot.


I'm hoping the spiky part sticks around more without getting stabby on the nose. I could see rocking out to Pandora and doing the dishes with this in the background egging my energy levels on.



Edit again: still huffing. I think this would be a very powerfully erotic and masculine scent for a man to wear. Still good for a woman but definitely feels edgy and dictating who's in control---> the perfume wearer.

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I'm looking forward to trying this out in the wax melt and I'm crossing my fingers the MJ accord doesn't amp a lot.


A wax melt in this fragrance? When was that?

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" I can't smell orchids normally-- all I can smell when it comes to that ingredient is a certain fleshy skin smell--like a really hot zaftig model who's got poufy, cushiony skin. "



Funny, I am zaftig and I imagine I smell more like marshmallows.




I smell like cupcakes and roses.

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I was thinking the same thing... but I think she may have meant wax pot? Like just put the oil in a pot? (hee hee...pot...)



yeah, sorry guys-- oil in the little pot. Sometimes I add a bit of water.


I can still smell And I feel Fine 9 hours later so that's pretty cool.


" I can't smell orchids normally-- all I can smell when it comes to that ingredient is a certain fleshy skin smell--like a really hot zaftig model who's got poufy, cushiony skin. "



Funny, I am zaftig and I imagine I smell more like marshmallows.





then I totally want to smell you.


There was this hot Russian chick who I had a girl crush on who was a bit larger and so sexy-- I imagine someone a lot like her smelling like the fleshy thing that I got from this.



looool that's funny. okay my turn. I'm going to do it San Fernando Chola style tho-


Bitch please I 'aint no smelly big girl.



I find it so interesting that whenever I make the least comment about a woman who has extra weight on her, that people take offense. A hot zaftig model with extra cushion is not insulting. Also, as far as I know, I haven't smelled any of the ones responding in this post who seem to have taken offense. It seems clear to me that I wasn't referencing any of you, so taking it personally because you're, what? sticking up for hot zaftig models with extra cushioning everywhere is a little silly, especially since it wasn't an insult.


I come from a large family of women, several of whom struggle with their weight to the point of having had eating disorders, emotional eating to extreme, eating because they felt ugly, alienated or had trauma.


Being overweight, or zaftig, or pillowy or Rubenesque is not an insult and honestly I'm flabbergasted at why a group of women that I otherwise mostly think of as pretty smart, strong, and upstanding women (in different ways of course, but you especially LadyV) think that a description of what orchid feels and smells like to me (when I can smell it) should turn into some list-off of women on here who may or may not have extra cushioning sounding off on what they smell like.


It's a perfume forum-- I have no doubt you all smell quite lovely.


Lady V, don't Bitch please me again. I am not your bitch, nor will I ever be, and I will extend you the same courtesy whether you ask for it or not.

Edited by MissHazel
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