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OMG...I was just in the kitchen at work and decided to wash out the coffee pots. Well, the dish detergent smells like Levitation!! OMG....YUMMY!!!! I looked at the bottle and sure enough, it was pink grapefruit. I think I stood there and washed everything. I love this scent so much that I'm going to have to buy this detergent. LMAO!!!


OMG...I just totally phero all my cleaning supplies......I would probably clean my whole house. LMAO!!

OMG! What detergent is this???
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Random added bonus: if you ever find yourself with a fruit fly situation, that Palmolive Pink Grapefruit dish soap is like an electromagnetic field for them. They loooooooooove that scent and the soap traps them. (bananas forgotten on the counter over spring break. blech.)

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Yeah! it was an accident at first. I had done the vinegar in a glass, the paper funnel, all that, but i accidently spilled dish soap on the counter before class and came back to a fruit fly massacre! So i put about a quarter inch in plastic dish roughly the size of a petri dish. Took maybe two days to get them all.

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Hmm... I have the banana/fruit fly sitch right now. Someone told me to put my bananas in the fridge to keep them from turning, but they turned even faster than normal, so I took them out & put them on the counter again. Didn't think about them for about 2 days, thinking they'd be okay now that they were outta the fridge. I was so wrong. :( When I went to put one in my smoothie, there was a puddle on my counter! I hadn't even had them 4 days. What a roast. I'll be getting Palmolive tomorrow! Thanks for the tip, BB!

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Ugh, No kidding. I went away one weekend and left the bananas on the counter next to the refrigerator. I came home to them leaking down down between the refrigerator and the cabinets. It was such a disgusting mess. I didn't know they could turn to liquid. Bleh!!

LOL!!! I have to try that.
Yea forgotten bananas can get nasty.
Great solution :)

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This is a social phero, Good for both men and women. The fragrance is for women.


I think we need a separate thread for the Un phero blend. Maybe one of the mods should do it. to avoid confusion. :D

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The phero which is Open Windows with some DHEAS added was first ( as far as I know) introduced in this Fragrance. It was part of a really nice collection. Some of which are still around and worth a look. They are not sale bottles though.

The Levitation Fragrance went fast and due to the massive outcry Mara mercifully made more which appeared to sell out before she even brewed the batch l


The phero blend was requested also so Mara put it on the menu. The End



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How funny. I remember there being like ten bottles left of the rebrew and then didn't hear anything more about it. There was an initial stampede on the forum but there must have been an extra quiet stampede for those remaining bottles :)

It's good stuff (obviously!) :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Copied from my journal on another forum: (late April)


"I also tried out Levitation today and found another scent I adore from Love Potion. It's a warm, foodie, sweet grapefruit scent. As soon as I put it on I was happy and bubbly, I was giggling like a little schoolgirl and playing with my kitties (Tonkinese-Sam, Abyssinian-Abby... no I didn't name her lol). My cat Sammy likes to get in my bathtub and swat at me through the shower curtain, it is quite adorable. Sometimes when I'm on the toilet he scares the crap out of me (no pun intended haha) because I don't know he's there and shoots his little paws through the curtain to grab at my leg. So today, when I was getting ready, he started playing again, incessant giggling and happiness ensued. They really are cheap entertainment. When I got to my friend's house, she was bubbly and happy after she gave me a hug. The conversation went easily and in a positive direction."


I have tried this stuff a couple times and I find I am really fond of sparkly grapefruit smells (Cougar too). I like it so much that I use it sparingly because I only have a sample. It smells so creamy and fruity! Love it, wish it was still around for a FB.

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So wowza, this is EVEN BETTER as a perfume spray! I converted my bottle of oil w/ the perfumer's alcohol I rediscovered a couple days ago. It bothered me to have less than a full oz of perfume, so I diluted a tiny bit more than the normal ratio calls for, since I was at probably 8-9 mls in my roll-on. Doesn't matter, these are full strength perfume oils & my soray retained the full character of the oil, with a couple aspects more fully realized. Actually, I think having this diluted with alcohol does take away some of the "warmth," but I feel like this happens with any of the perfume sprays. It definitely doesn't lessen my enjoyment, or the effectiveness of the perfume.

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I love levitation! It is a great uplifting scent. It is the great combination of both sexy plus instant mood lifter. I get complements every time I wear it (some of that may be the phernome at work).


With the sale, I ordered the phernome by itself for the first time as an UN spray and am excited to try that out when it arrives.


I also ordered a PE with the sale that is a takeoff on the sold out original perfume phero blend since I miss it soo much. I have the original in oil which is great, however I can also see levitation doing great in a spray so I ordered the PE in both oil and spray forms. Here is what I asked for: 4 Ingredients: Takeoff Version of levitation -Pink grapefruit Blossum, sugar, orchid + Floral vanilla. Vibe-A balanced fruity floral. Sugary pink. Warm. Includes Levitation phero.

Edited by Chitown
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  • 1 month later...

Hmm, I shouldn't have attempted to scrounge every last particle of glitter from my Levitation bottle of oil. My atomizer is clogged with it, now I get a solid little stream, instead of the nice mist when I spray! I don't care, teh glitter looks pretty & I still end up covered in delicious Levitation :witch1095:

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  • 4 months later...

Wet, this was a bit sharper and more perfumey than I recalled, but even so I could not stop smelling myself.


However I don't recommend wearing OW+DHEAS if you'll be going through customs. I got my face gabbed off and was "randomly" (not) selected for an extended interview by an officer who just stared at me or asked me gibberish questions while rummaging his hands at random through my bag and tried to keep me there with more nonsense conversation after the "random" interview was over

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LOL! Yeah, I'm not a fan of wearing the OW+DHEAS combo anywhere I'm not actually wanting to be gabbed at. It's like overly-friendly yakkity-yak potion! :lol: I forever find myself trying to disengage from people when I wear that combo, (one reason I don't wear it to work; can't get anything done).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Omg you guys.. so coworker comes by my desk, I wish her a Happy Birthday and we start chatting about clothes.. etc. Then she lifts up her arm and whispers.. I GOT MY ARMPITS LAZERED - OMG of course being the person that everyone comes to for TMI overload I ask her to proceed... She went on about how she has no hair and then she started to tell me that she doesn't wax her muff but she does shape and crop it into fun designs. WTFFFFFFFFFFF OMG I choked on laughter. She is not a spring chicken you guys.. SO she tells me that she bought a pink schick thing and has been shaping and cropping her muff into hearts, zig zags etc.. then she will eventually get rid of all of it and start the process all over again. She told me her husband steals her schick and uses it on his manhood too and together they design shit. I'm like - you mean you guys get all Edward Scissorhands?

I didn't know what to say... so I said.. well thank you for sharing.. If I ever have to identify your body for some reason I will ask to see your muff and if it's in a lightning bolt shape.. I will know it's you.


Is this OW that is causing this oversharing?

I'm reading this many months later, but I've gotta say that I can't stop laughing!! Thanks for this one!!

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Wet, this was a bit sharper and more perfumey than I recalled, but even so I could not stop smelling myself.


However I don't recommend wearing OW+DHEAS if you'll be going through customs. I got my face gabbed off and was "randomly" (not) selected for an extended interview by an officer who just stared at me or asked me gibberish questions while rummaging his hands at random through my bag and tried to keep me there with more nonsense conversation after the "random" interview was over

Good to know, Tyvey! Have you tested any other pheros while going through customs?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Loving Levitation! The other day, someone unintentionally, but permanently altered a project that I'd spent a lot of time getting ready to launch. Much of it I was able to correct and hopefully the parts that can't be corrected will still produce the desired results, but I was a bit steamed. He felt bad when he realized what he had done and I needed to tame the beast. So, I stepped out for a few minutes and started deep breaths of Levitation. 5 minutes later . . . can't say I was fully back to happy, but I was in a much better place and could fake that last 20%!


This is FB on the next order, for sure!

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However I don't recommend wearing OW+DHEAS if you'll be going through customs. I got my face gabbed off and was "randomly" (not) selected for an extended interview by an officer who just stared at me or asked me gibberish questions while rummaging his hands at random through my bag and tried to keep me there with more nonsense conversation after the "random" interview was over

This is great to know! I am going to India this summer as was wondering which pheros would be useful for my trip!! ;)

Edited by TheBirkeys
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  • 4 months later...

I got Levitation from Rose's trade board over a month ago. I hated to unwrap it because it was still in its LPMP sealed wrapper. Yesterday I finally broke down and unwrapped and tried it. WOW!!! It is delicious!!! I am not familiar with how orchid and how grapefruit blossoms smell individually, so I can't tell what notes contribute. I can tell you that upon first applying I get a little fruit and sugars mixed with a little floral. As the day went on, the fruitiness.sugars became less apparent and the florals were more noticeable. It blends beautifully!! This is a perfume that one can wear anytime! It is light enough to wear to work and seductive enough to wear at night on a date.

The Levitation with which it is boosted adds an extra kick of happiness that the perfume already brings to the table. I was carefree and happy, smiling all day!! Every chance I got I was sniffing of my inner arms where I sprayed some. I couldn't get enough of it!! Now I will have to hoard the rest as this has become a precious item!!! This is one that I would love to see rebrewed one day so I could stock up!!! lol ;)

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I love levitation! It is a great uplifting scent. It is the great combination of both sexy plus instant mood lifter. I get complements every time I wear it (some of that may be the phernome at work).


With the sale, I ordered the phernome by itself for the first time as an UN spray and am excited to try that out when it arrives.


I also ordered a PE with the sale that is a takeoff on the sold out original perfume phero blend since I miss it soo much. I have the original in oil which is great, however I can also see levitation doing great in a spray so I ordered the PE in both oil and spray forms. Here is what I asked for: 4 Ingredients: Takeoff Version of levitation -Pink grapefruit Blossum, sugar, orchid + Floral vanilla. Vibe-A balanced fruity floral. Sugary pink. Warm. Includes Levitation phero.


Chitown...what was your PE called? I love Levitation and I'm sure I would love your PE if I could ever find a bottle of it..:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't worn this perfume in quite a while. When I first got it, I absolutely loved it. But somewhere along the line something in it started making me feel anxious, so I stopped wearing it, and had even considered giving it to my mum, or to BF, who loves it.

But this morning I sat in front of my collection searching for the perfect scent & phero to wear to an informal meeting I have this afternoon. Nothing smelled or felt right... until I opened Levitation and had a sniff. Suddenly it felt like *exactly* the thing I needed to wear. The smell didn't seem to give me an immediate flush of anxiety, so I'm going to give it a try. Wish me luck!

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I haven't worn this perfume in quite a while. When I first got it, I absolutely loved it. But somewhere along the line something in it started making me feel anxious, so I stopped wearing it, and had even considered giving it to my mum, or to BF, who loves it.

But this morning I sat in front of my collection searching for the perfect scent & phero to wear to an informal meeting I have this afternoon. Nothing smelled or felt right... until I opened Levitation and had a sniff. Suddenly it felt like *exactly* the thing I needed to wear. The smell didn't seem to give me an immediate flush of anxiety, so I'm going to give it a try. Wish me luck!

I hope Levitation worked for you today Eggers...I just discovered it this month and love it!! If, by chance, you find it is something you wish to part with..I can give it a home with much love and attention!! (Sorry, but I had to say it..lol ;))

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LOL! Don't worry. I wasthisclose to putting on my trade page, or to giving it to my Mum or BF, both of whom love it.

BUT... for whatever reason, I didn't get the weird scent-association/anxiety thing today that I have in the past. I've no idea what's up with that. When I first got it, it was all love! love! love! And then somewhere along the line, the scent - even right out of the bottle - gave me some kind of weird stomach-twisting anxiety. And now, not. :huh:

Today it worked very well. The scent *and* the phero. My meeting was great, and took about an hour and a half longer than any of us expected it would, simply because we were having such a lovely time! :lol:

So, I think I'll hang onto it for a bit, yet. But Birkeys, if I wind up putting it up on my trade page, I'll tag it with your name so you can have first dibs! ;)

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Eggers, did you by any chance get a little overenthusiastic when wearing it back when it made you anxious? Because I haven't touched this wonderful fragrance in a while due to being too trigger happy and having my head semi-detach and start floating towards the ceiling one too many times. It's like Lace for me- a wonderful blend, but after overdosing more than once I don't go near it till I've forgotten how it felt to wear it the last time.

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I don't *think* so. I really only wore it a handful of times before I went off it. You know how you smell something, and you have a scent-memory association with it? Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, sometimes you can't place the memory itself... It's kinda like that, I guess, but almost like I had a delayed reaction to the scent? I don't know. I've never loved a scent, gone *really* off it, and then loved it again like this before.


I do know what you mean about being overly enthusiastic though! :lol: I've done that once or twice myself - not with a phero, but with a scent... or two. :blush:


Who knows? Maybe it's temperature related, this thing with Levitation? Maybe something in the temperature makes one of the notes stand out a bit more? I dunno.


Glad I like it again though! :D

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LOL! Don't worry. I wasthisclose to putting on my trade page, or to giving it to my Mum or BF, both of whom love it.

BUT... for whatever reason, I didn't get the weird scent-association/anxiety thing today that I have in the past. I've no idea what's up with that. When I first got it, it was all love! love! love! And then somewhere along the line, the scent - even right out of the bottle - gave me some kind of weird stomach-twisting anxiety. And now, not. :huh:

Today it worked very well. The scent *and* the phero. My meeting was great, and took about an hour and a half longer than any of us expected it would, simply because we were having such a lovely time! :lol:

So, I think I'll hang onto it for a bit, yet. But Birkeys, if I wind up putting it up on my trade page, I'll tag it with your name so you can have first dibs! ;)


I'm very happy it worked for you! It is too gorgeous a perfume not to be able to wear!! Thank you for the first dibs should that day come..lol ;) I was hoping Mara might one day do a rebrew of this so other newbies can have a chance to try it or maybe create a variation of it! The Levitation phero blend is one of my favs and to have a fav perfume and a fav phero blend in one is a fantastic thing! Glad your meeting was fab!! :)

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Birkey, I'm pretty sure Mara said a while ago that she does a rebrew of this one each year in October for the Halloween season.


Someone more knowledgeable correct me if I'm wrong here.

Vlad that would be awesome - I want to try this so much. The scent notes sound wonderful, reviews are great and I could use some happy sauce-dom.

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Birkey, I'm pretty sure Mara said a while ago that she does a rebrew of this one each year in October for the Halloween season.


Someone more knowledgeable correct me if I'm wrong here.

Levitation was only made last year as part of the April collection, I think you are thinking of Flying Potion which has been brought back in the fall a few times but I don't believe Mara rebrews it every year...but some of the veterans would know better

Edited by saffron23
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