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Sweet Chic w/ Popularity Potion

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BlueBear, that's awesome!! I ordered this too, because the scent is so yummers. I will have to test this for the PopPot effects!


E.T.A.: I was thinking of getting this in a spray also, anyone else have this in spray?

Edited by SpriteLeigh
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Oh, Sprite, a spray would be FAB! I have sprays of both Darling Clementine and Darling Catalina... Now I need a spray of this as well!

Okay, it's on the list! I have to admit, I don't have much experience with PopPotion, I wore my sample of Darling Catalina to work, and got a dirty side-look from a couple of people who I guess hate the smell of cake, lol! I'll admit, I did slather that day, probably O.D. Then months later, I wore it to the laundromat to wash some large items, and it was like I was the mayor/CEO of the place, kinda weird, but so funny! I would love some discounts like you have experienced, that would be nice! :D
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Okay, I'll admit that I didn't really expect to like this. I was leery of the honeysuckle and vetiver. But you can't smell them at all! When I first dabbed this on my arm, my nose was already worn out from testing everything else so I could barely smell everything. Maybe 15 minutes later, I picked up this wonderful cotton candy scent with something of a berry-ish underotne, and realized it was coming from Sweet Chic! I think the florals and woods are what keep this from venturing into cloying territory, but they don't come out and smack you in the face or clash with the candy aspect. The chocolate adds to this part; it doesn't go head-to-head with the cotton candy, just adds a little extra something for depth. Something I thought wouldn't work at all might just make its way into a full bottle.

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Glad I got a full bottle. I love Pop Potion and I like this scent. I get the candy sweetness, lavender and amber. It's sweet but has the soft musk vibe to it. I agree with Luna on the LP Pink comparison. I find them a bit similar. Unfortunately, I smell no chocolate. But- I still really like this. *thumbs up!

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Okay, it's on the list! I have to admit, I don't have much experience with PopPotion, I wore my sample of Darling Catalina to work, and got a dirty side-look from a couple of people who I guess hate the smell of cake, lol! I'll admit, I did slather that day, probably O.D. Then months later, I wore it to the laundromat to wash some large items, and it was like I was the mayor/CEO of the place, kinda weird, but so funny! I would love some discounts like you have experienced, that would be nice! :D


Weird. I don't see why DC would cause anyone to give a dirty look. It's just so foody fun loving easy going ect. It mellows out too. screw her! lol

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Weird. I don't see why DC would cause anyone to give a dirty look. It's just so foody fun loving easy going ect. It mellows out too. screw her! lol

Maybe she thought you were hiding some cake! Lol. DC is delish!

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Maybe she thought you were hiding some cake! Lol. DC is delish!


She should wear some Mayberry or Kitten Nip just to mess with her lol. The MLH will ensure she doesn't take any crap. lol

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Weird. I don't see why DC would cause anyone to give a dirty look. It's just so foody fun loving easy going ect. It mellows out too. screw her! lol


I've actually had the same response to a HEAVY application of Darling Catalina w/PP from a group of women I went out to lunch with. I think on some of us, too much is a bad thing. I got my bottle of Darling Clementine "virgin" so I could slather simply for scent, and I use "Darling Catalina w/PP very lightly. I still don't know if it's the right social phero for me, but at least I don't get sideways stinkeyes thrown at me.

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I've actually had the same response to a HEAVY application of Darling Catalina w/PP from a group of women I went out to lunch with. I think on some of us, too much is a bad thing. I got my bottle of Darling Clementine "virgin" so I could slather simply for scent, and I use "Darling Catalina w/PP very lightly. I still don't know if it's the right social phero for me, but at least I don't get sideways stinkeyes thrown at me.

Lol.. wonder what would cause that reaction to PP. Interesting.

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Oh, my gosh.... Sprite, Katz, & Tyvey... that actually makes me sad to read and contemplate! I wouldn't know how to handle being on the receiving end of the Stinky Eye glare while wearing PopPot! And you lovely ladies deserve only appreciative glances. .. not Stink Eye!


As for my take on Pop Pot: I love it. .. I so enjoy the self effects I get & I so enjoy its effects on others. PopPot, Audacious, SS4W, LFM and Cougar are my favorites for social fun! And I received so many compliments while wearing Sweet Chic while in Vegas....

Edited by Chaionlife
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Maybe she thought you were hiding some cake! Lol. DC is delish!

One of the people was a "he", and maybe he was grumpy because he hadn't eaten!


I've actually had the same response to a HEAVY application of Darling Catalina w/PP from a group of women I went out to lunch with. I think on some of us, too much is a bad thing. I got my bottle of Darling Clementine "virgin" so I could slather simply for scent, and I use "Darling Catalina w/PP very lightly. I still don't know if it's the right social phero for me, but at least I don't get sideways stinkeyes thrown at me.

I think DC is a strong fragrance and has great throw, I got carried away by the orange cupcake scent, lol!

Spriteleigh, I'm like katz that its probably a matter of amount. I have to use a tiiiiiiny amount or else I become invisible to people who otherwise love and respect me.

I love Sweet Chic, I will definitely have to control myself not to slather too much! :lol:

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Test drove this today and I don't know where to begin....UG. I think I thought it would be sweet like fruit, and it is sweet, and there is fruit, but this is..is... it's so frigging awesome! :w00t::thank-you: I LUUUUURV this one but there is so much going on I don't even know how to figure it out except that this is DAAAA BOMB! I have to wear this more to give a proper review but I fairly well slathered today and this was so dreamy that I just enjoyed smelling my self all the way to work (long commute to boot lol) and also snarfed myself well into the evening.

I cheated and boosted with my PP spray and some cops and WOW did I get attention today. It's days like this that make the pheromones soooo fun! I was in demand people! :lol: People needed me to be with them, they needed to have my attention, they needed to be near me and I even had 2 guys gravitate my way and stay for 2 hours, all of us working at our laptops on various projects but sharing some light hearted joking around to break up the seriousness and intensity of our work. Crazy today, I say, Crazy! I felt like the doll of the day! :it-s-a-beautiful-thing: Oh and, um, did I mention how fun pheros are? Yeah, that too....

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okay, this is what it smelled like on me last week:

This is another one that I could go FB on right now..With all those ingredients, I'm surprised, but I'm really only getting the cotton candy/berry sugars and some musk, lol - super duper yum!


Last night, I tried another dab, and got the licorice/anise that DD and SpriteLeigh did (don't know where that comes from, it's certainly not listed)

I'm really loving this on my skin. It starts out all grape and then it morphs to licorice / anise on me and I love it. After about an hour it moves to whiffs of sugar and lemon and then the licorice note comes back out.



I couldn't wait to open this and smell this, based on everyone else's vastly varied reviews.

First sniff out of the vial: Licorice??
Second sniff: Tobacco??
Third sniff: Spearmint?

So with it on my skin, it is morphing from the spearminty into the berry spun-sugar, but with a touch of deepness, possibly from the oud? I'm not detecting any chocolate or florals. Levitation to me is a light pink scent, and Sweet Chick is a deep pink scent, maybe bordering on purple, so I get why some people would interpret grape. Oh, now about 30 minutes later I can detect a hint of chocolate, with a little florals? What an interesting dry-down!

Me likey. :love:


But I love licorice/anise, so I'm happy with it. Gonna test out the phero part tonight, if I end up going out

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I like sweet scents, but not diabetic, over the top sweet scents. Usually, I have trouble with sugars (except for brown) going all cloying or sickly on me, but this is a cotton candy I can do!


It does smell like fresh hot cotton candy on top, but the deeper notes start poking through early on. I love the mid stages, when the chocolate and lavender combo are halfway there with taking over the berries and sugars. Everything else is too well-blended to make a statement, but it does provide a grounding base for the shrill candy notes on top.


I enjoy this scent layered with a dAb of Pouncing Potion, which adds extra delicious richness to the body.


Unfortunately for me, I think Popularity Potion makes me extra cranky, even in small doses like this.

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I find this amazingly light. It's so light on me, in fact, that I just asked BF if he could still smell it (yes). It started off all cotton candy - but not over-the-top sweet - and then there was a floral that entered the picture, and there was chocolate for a little while, sorta mingling with the chocolate, and now... Nothing. I've been sniffing LPs for about 2 hours though, so perhaps my sniffer is broken. I'll have to try again later. So far it's a win though! (From how it smelled initially, I mean, not now that I can't smell it! :lol: ).

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I'm still getting grapes from this but now it's a bit darker and more tame, I can detect one other note that smelled like anise to me, but I checked the ingredients list and there is no anise in this. It's mellowed out into a more comfy plush scent than it was before. I am starting to enjoy this.

The feeling I get from this is laying down on purple velvet pillows and drinking red wine.

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Interesting visual and kinesthetic analogy, Lady V. Purple velvet pillows..... Next time I wear Sweet Chic, it will be with this imagery in mind :)
I think most can tell that my "usual* preferences are the "velvety darkness" types of scents however, as Dolly so eloquently expressed in another thread, LP is the absolutely perfect place to step outside of one's comfort zone and explore a veritable wonderland of scents... And, Sweet Chic is just such a wonderland scent for me :). Sweet, yummy, spun berries and sugar :)

Edited by Chaionlife
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Yup. I need a bottle! :D

I just asked BF if he liked it, (yep), and what he thought it smelled like, and he said, "It smells like Canada's Wonderland - the spot where they make the funnel cakes!" Canada's Wonderland is an amusement park just north of Toronto. So I guess Mara hit the nail on the head with this one, (cotton candy & all), 'cause that's *exactly* how it smells to me, too, once it dries down. Ooaaahhh so YUMMY!!! :D And Canada's Wonderland is a good memory to evoke... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I gave my sample another test run yesterday at a lake side bar/grill w/ a pool. My little one loves swimming, so I had to go in my red, PU style, one piece suit. Anyway, I wasn't THE most comfortable in my suit, but I didn't think I looked obese. Sweet Chic is no longer disappearing on me & smells nice. Idk, I was even strutting a little bit (from the PP), & it really felt like people were staring at me, but this could be because I was wearing red. I hope it's not because I looked fat, lol!

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This one is my newest candy sugary scent love :heart708: This has become a serious favorite for me and it's such a great summer scent...which won't stop me from wearing it all year long of course :D


I need to investigate this more though, because I didn't notice the licorice....those of you who are getting licorice - what are you talking about? Do you mean black licorice or red? If you're thinking red, that would make sense to me, lol, but I don't get black licorice in this at all :huh:

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This one is my newest candy sugary scent love :heart708: This has become a serious favorite for me and it's such a great summer scent...which won't stop me from wearing it all year long of course :D


I need to investigate this more though, because I didn't notice the licorice....those of you who are getting licorice - what are you talking about? Do you mean black licorice or red? If you're thinking red, that would make sense to me, lol, but I don't get black licorice in this at all :huh:

When I put this on, I immediately smell anise, which I think is black licorice.

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Ya'all have put me in the mood today...that and the hunt for anise/black licorice :D


I can't pick it out. All I get is sticky gooey goodness...so glad you all talked me into wearing this again today :001_302:

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All day yesterday and no licorice to my nose :huh: Immediately in the door at work and 2 male co workers actually cooed (guys cooing? go figure!) over how yummy and fruity/candy like I smelled (granted, the one has always been a great responder to both pheros and fragrance when I've worn them around him but I don't know much about the other one...) Must just be my chemistry. It reminds me of the candies, SweetTarts....just sugary, fruity YUM only drippy sugar, not dry powdery like that candy....WAY BETTER! :w00t:

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All day yesterday and no licorice to my nose :huh: Immediately in the door at work and 2 male co workers actually cooed (guys cooing? go figure!) over how yummy and fruity/candy like I smelled (granted, the one has always been a great responder to both pheros and fragrance when I've worn them around him but I don't know much about the other one...) Must just be my chemistry. It reminds me of the candies, SweetTarts....just sugary, fruity YUM only drippy sugar, not dry powdery like that candy....WAY BETTER! :w00t:


Omg that's funny they actually cooed???

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YES! Grown men. Coo.


"Oooo~ what's thaaaat? MmmmMmm..NuTrix you smell fruity and delicious...Mmm, doesn't she yuuuummy? Why yeees, is that you that smells so good? Daaaayum."


They could've been my girlfriends LOL!


We girls Coo over each other...it was definitely different having (straight) men do it :D Apparently, it can happen! You have to giggle and traipse away because you don't know what else to do...

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All day yesterday and no licorice to my nose :huh: Immediately in the door at work and 2 male co workers actually cooed (guys cooing? go figure!) over how yummy and fruity/candy like I smelled (granted, the one has always been a great responder to both pheros and fragrance when I've worn them around him but I don't know much about the other one...) Must just be my chemistry. It reminds me of the candies, SweetTarts....just sugary, fruity YUM only drippy sugar, not dry powdery like that candy....WAY BETTER! :w00t:

Well Dang, I have been on the fence as to whether or not I should get a FB of this one, but if I can get some guys to Coo after me, its a win

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