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Let's Talk EST!! ^_^

Ail )O(

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where is the ESTRATETRAENOL SPRAY ? Can someone send me the link.



well just remember spraying it in the hair is not for everybody. This est is really strong stuff, I had to cut my moms hair to get the smell out, although I should have tried clarifying shampoo first which worked to remove the little left over there was. Just beware its all about each person. Make sure to get clarifying shampoo in your hands before you try to put it in your hair just in case.
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where is the ESTRATETRAENOL SPRAY ? Can someone send me the link.



It's on this page near the middle..... just scroll down.....

Edited by Dolly
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I have this one coming in one of my expected boxes. The only thing I'm worried about is the smell. If I put it in my hair, as suggested, I hope it doesn't smell like the traditional phero smell (*read: assey*). :)

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I have this one coming in one of my expected boxes. The only thing I'm worried about is the smell. If I put it in my hair, as suggested, I hope it doesn't smell like the traditional phero smell (*read: assey*). ^_^


I've been using the EST spray for a few months now. I use just a couple of sprays on my hair and have had no issues with the scent whatsoever. Neither my hubby or co-workers have ever commented on any weird scent. I do however use a clarifying shampoo at least once a week. Ones olfactory system are different so hopefully you'll be okay with it :neutral:

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Does this have a smell? I'm worried about a phero smell. A musky smell would be nice, so it doesn't have to be completely unscented.

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All pheromones have a scent, it just depends on whether a person can detect it. My experience with EST is that it has that rather typical "sex" smell but it's not any worse than any other components (except copulins, of course).

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  • 7 months later...
You're very welcome. I hope it helps people have a somewhat better understanding of the usefulness of Est in all relationships.


Ail )O(


I kmow this ia an old post this seems like something I need to do,My hubby is emotionaly abusive when drunk,but sober He is very kind and giving,maybe I could help him got to get eow's,wonder ful info.thanks.



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I kmow this ia an old post this seems like something I need to do,My hubby is emotionaly abusive when drunk,but sober He is very kind and giving,maybe I could help him got to get eow's,wonder ful info.thanks.




Tee Hi,


It's no secret around here that EST (and SS4W) are my all time favorites... I rarely have a day that I don't wear either or both. And I can't stand to run out of either of them.


The Est may be costly but I love it enough to always have it...and I try to make sure I have some LP's laced with EST


Now, EST is wonderful...it definitely calms others down and places in a better mood, more gentle and kind, I know this to be true...so maybe wearing some around your hubby would definitely soften him up, it couldn't hurt...you should try it and see


and definitely wear some around others, especially like at work (where some personalities may have grumpier temperamental nature) I have a coworker...older lady at work who use to pick at everything and anything concerning me (particulary she tried to start a lynch mob cause she didn't like any of my perfume...wanted me banned from wearing any...these were the LP's minds you cause that's all I wear now)...anyway, I started noticing a whole different reaction now that I wear the EST daily and she is always under me now and trying to play nice and make conversations with me...despite the fact that I still wear my LP's...hehehe


and I will tell you it really does give men the sense of "I need to nurture and protect her" vibe


the stuff is great...try it and please do let me know how it works for ya...believe me, if you buy and don't like it, I will always be willing to purchase from you or trade you, so it will not be a loss


be blessed, djac

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like DJ said, est would be a great one for you to try.. u might want to look into things with alpha androstenol as well as that is proven to be a mood enhancer.


gluck and hope it gets better.


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  • 2 weeks later...
any idea of a good ratio to mix this with other pheromones and/or perfume?


I wouldn't mix it IN with the perfume if that's what you mean... The EST is in spray form so I usually spray that first, wait for it to dry and then cover with which ever perfume I want to wear that day.


You can ask for the EST to be added to any of the LP scents here though :Hug_emoticon:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest kawaiikitsune

This was great! Got all the effects right on the dime :hotjump: I just wanna add that when I sniff EST I get this warm fuzzy feeling thats relaxing and love like. Maybe that's what the other women are feeling too.

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like DJ said, est would be a great one for you to try.. u might want to look into things with alpha androstenol as well as that is proven to be a mood enhancer.


gluck and hope it gets better.



Remmy I miss you honey!!!

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  • 8 months later...

Clearly I didn't read this thread before I went out the other night. :)


OK here goes, I've been wearing LP pheromones since November and thoroughly enjoying the wonderful self effects and my treatment by the general population. I usually find that everything is working waaay better than I ever expected but I had an experience last night that I decided to go ahead and share and see what you all thought. So here goes...


My guy, almost 55, ten years older than me, divorced ten years, and I meet about once a week for an outing and adult fun. I've asked you all for advice about what to wear to help in the way of bringing us closer, or encourage him to want to commit and such. So I started off spraying OCCO White quite liberally, then sprayed 4 or 5 of BAM 3x sugared vanilla and honey. I then sprayed 2 sprays of EST in the 20,000 dose. This was the first time I've ever used straight EST with him.


He's already a touchy feely guy but this reaction was waaaay over the top. We had the guaranteed fun that using the other two always brings. But...he absolutely would not let me go. He was wrapped around me a lot more than the norm. Wanted to cuddle and talk. And now that I think back, he spent an inordinate amount of time caressing and kissing my tummy. He even laid there with his head on my tummy much like guys do when we're preggers. Granted he's very Metro sexual and all so he's always been gentle it made him almost weak. Does that make sense? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed myself but this was soooo different. Maybe too much EST? :)

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Okay this is probably somewhere on here but I am so lost in all the pheremone sprays, talk, and all...Here is my question...What do I need to make a overgrown, redneck, German, He-Man, football coach turn into a cuddle bunny.....If you have one for that you're miracle workers. Also if you have something I can spray him with to convince he all his clothes DON'T have to come from Wal-Mart that would be great too!

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Okay this is probably somewhere on here but I am so lost in all the pheremone sprays, talk, and all...Here is my question...What do I need to make a overgrown, redneck, German, He-Man, football coach turn into a cuddle bunny.....If you have one for that you're miracle workers. Also if you have something I can spray him with to convince he all his clothes DON'T have to come from Wal-Mart that would be great too!


They are miracle workers! I have a bottle of Cuddle Bunny unscented but haven't tried it yet but I do recommend EST. I just won't be using as much with my guy anymore. BTW...although my guy is one that likes his looks just as much as I do, he's actually a firefighter. :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co Now about the Wally World clothing.... I'm dying and waiting to see what the experienced ladies have to say. Mine has expensive tastes and like I said, he likes his mirror a lot. :)

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Okay this is probably somewhere on here but I am so lost in all the pheremone sprays, talk, and all...Here is my question...What do I need to make a overgrown, redneck, German, He-Man, football coach turn into a cuddle bunny.....If you have one for that you're miracle workers. Also if you have something I can spray him with to convince he all his clothes DON'T have to come from Wal-Mart that would be great too!



Sweety, negative behaviors, sexual issues, even daily fun factor( yes, I listed it seperately from sex) can all be improved with pheromones. Unfortunately, people's inherent personalities can only be enhanced, not completely changed,lol. If he like Wally world clothes, than that's not going to change. In the words of Pop Eye.."I yam, what I yam!" With the right blend & the right dress & the right date destination....he may be convinced to dress up for the night :) Just be prepared for him to turn back into a pumpkin @ midnight,lol.


@LadyRose So happy that Est. is working out for you, have you tried Treasured Hearts? Maybe that will give the 'craving for permanence' as described. TT responds hit or miss (mostly horribly MISS) to est., so I'm giving this one a shot.

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So should I do Happy Ending or BAM...or something else.....so confusing

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Maybe you should try 'Persuasion Potion' or 'Want' sweety. Although with a pretty face like yours, I'm sure he won't need much persuading,lol.

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@LadyRose So happy that Est. is working out for you, have you tried Treasured Hearts? Maybe that will give the 'craving for permanence' as described. TT responds hit or miss (mostly horribly MISS) to est., so I'm giving this one a shot.


I had Phero Girl/TH but don't like the scent on me but I just got TH un in my last order. I haven't used it on him yet. I'll give it a shot next time I see him. :) I'm thinking that he responds to EST because he enjoyed being married and raising his family. Both kids were well planned and came late in life.

Edited by LadyRose
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I had Phero Girl/TH but don't like the scent on me but I just got TH un in my last order. I haven't used it on him yet. I'll give it a shot next time I see him. :) I'm thinking that he responds to EST because he enjoyed being married and raising his family. Both kids were well planned and came late in life.



I would concur,lol. He seems like a sweety, I hope the TH works like you want it to.

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I would suggest something other than pheromones...maybe negotiation, praise, seduction. Q is very set in his ways when it comes to the way he dresses as well BUT occasionally I have managed to play on his vanity and gotten him to wear something other than black shirts (which he normally pairs with jeans, and I'm okay with the pants part). Sometimes it's a matter of deciding what you're willing to give in terms of what you're wanting to get.

Edited by luna65
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Maybe you should try 'Persuasion Potion' or 'Want' sweety. Although with a pretty face like yours, I'm sure he won't need much persuading,lol.



Gee Thanks!!(blushing) I will look at both of those.....and I knew what I was getting when I married him...He is a great husband and Dad....They can all use a little "persuasion" though....I read way to many romance novels....and Luna SEDUCTION is a powerful tool...I am pregnant so obviously I am good at that....I get way more of what I want with that...I will have to amp it up while I still can!

Edited by kbudish
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Gee Thanks!!(blushing) I will look at both of those.....and I knew what I was getting when I married him...He is a great husband and Dad....They can all use a little "persuasion" though....I read way to many romance novels....and Luna SEDUCTION is a powerful tool...I am pregnant so obviously I am good at that....I get way more of what I want with that...I will have to amp it up while I still can!



Shoot! Those are sold out.....What in stock would be good. I looked on a couple of trading posts and don't see them either.

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Shoot! Those are sold out.....What in stock would be good. I looked on a couple of trading posts and don't see them either.



HONEY, if you are pregnant, I would NOT be using pheromones.....wait until after the baby comes.....

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HONEY, if you are pregnant, I would NOT be using pheromones.....wait until after the baby comes.....


I second that!

I would wait until after I was done breastfeeding.


(Being pregnant, you ARE an Est machine! Est is only created by pregnant women.)

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HONEY, if you are pregnant, I would NOT be using pheromones.....wait until after the baby comes.....



Okay...Thanks for the heads up...I never even thought of that! At least I will have plenty of time to shop around! I will stick with my regular LP's. They are wonderful too! and I had no idea about EST....That must be why he is so protective of me now!

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Okay...Thanks for the heads up...I never even thought of that! At least I will have plenty of time to shop around! I will stick with my regular LP's. They are wonderful too! and I had no idea about EST....That must be why he is so protective of me now!



No wonder you're glowing!! I hope you're showing off the baby bump? So 'Persuasion Potion' is sold out?

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  • 1 month later...

What do you mean by OD? Are you concerned about a reaction you have caused, or a reaction that you have?


Certainly it is possible to use too much. And the reactions will vary depending upon whom you are using this on.


Remember, EST is only produced naturally by pregnant women. It seems to bring out the chivalrous/adoring/protective side of most men, and kind helpfulness from women, just as if you actually were pregnant.


But not everyone processes the chemical signal of PREGNANT as a good thing. Some men, especially younger ones, will run for the hills when exposed to EST.

Pheros are chemical messages to the brain - they do not need to be processed logically to garner a response.


Effects of wearing too much: Making men want to flee, or conversely, making them treat you so delicately, they act as if you might break. Some guys don't respond well to it because they prefer "capable" women, and Est makes them feel like the female is too needy or weak.


Also, a small percentage of the population find the smell of EST objectionable. If someone is able to smell it, and there's a LOT of it....

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What do you mean by OD? Are you concerned about a reaction you have caused, or a reaction that you have?


Certainly it is possible to use too much. And the reactions will vary depending upon whom you are using this on.


Remember, EST is only produced naturally by pregnant women. It seems to bring out the chivalrous/adoring/protective side of most men, and kind helpfulness from women, just as if you actually were pregnant.


But not everyone processes the chemical signal of PREGNANT as a good thing. Some men, especially younger ones, will run for the hills when exposed to EST.

Pheros are chemical messages to the brain - they do not need to be processed logically to garner a response.


Effects of wearing too much: Making men want to flee, or conversely, making them treat you so delicately, they act as if you might break. Some guys don't respond well to it because they prefer "capable" women, and Est makes them feel like the female is too needy or weak.


Also, a small percentage of the population find the smell of EST objectionable. If someone is able to smell it, and there's a LOT of it....


Okay that makes sense. I do have some "other non LP" products that have EST in them. I am pretty sure the concentration of EST is really low, as I can't really smell any pheromone smell at all (and I have the worlds MOST sensitive nose when it comes to pheromones). However, my boyfriend is ALL OVER ME and Mr Lovey-Dovey-Cuddley-What-Can-I-Do-For-You-The Sky-Is-The-Limit-Cuz-I-Love-You-Sooo-Much the last two days since I've been wearing it. I mean he is normally very affectionate but this is almost comical, especially cuz he doesn't know I wear pheromones. I guess I'm not wearing too much because he's not doing that thing where he treats me like I can't do anything for myself, which I really hate.

I just wanted to make sure I know if I'm overdoing it... or if I even could over do it. I love wearing pheromones because it is a fun mood booster when other guys notice me (especially in front of my man). A little competition never hurt, right!? ;) I just want to remind him how lucky he is that I chose to be with him. haha! Sounds like I got a good man though, if he could 'possibly' be getting the pregnant signal and it only makes him want me more. yay!


Okay another question... does anyone know if wearing EST has any estrogenic effects on your body? I just thought of this yesterday. I can't take any sort of estrogen because I had a blood clot in my leg and lungs last year. Barely made it out with my life. I love how EST makes my man react, but not at the cost of my health, you know? Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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Okay another question... does anyone know if wearing EST has any estrogenic effects on your body?


Hmm, not to my knowledge. I think Ail or especially Dianne are the best ladies to ask.

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This was my initial fear in working with pheromones, and the very reason why I chose a silicone base for our early offerings. (The silicone I use is molecularly too large to be absorbed into the skin, so the product sits on top of the skin and isn't absorbed.) Anyway, Dr. Stone, one of our suppliers and a leading scientist in the industry told me that my fears were unfounded. He said that the amounts of pheros that could possibly be absorbed into the skin are so negligible as to be non-existent. I trust his judgment. But if you are concerned, you can always use silicone as a barrier between the phero product and your skin, or spray on clothes and hair rather than skin.

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This was my initial fear in working with pheromones, and the very reason why I chose a silicone base for our early offerings. (The silicone I use is molecularly too large to be absorbed into the skin, so the product sits on top of the skin and isn't absorbed.) Anyway, Dr. Stone, one of our suppliers and a leading scientist in the industry told me that my fears were unfounded. He said that the amounts of pheros that could possibly be absorbed into the skin are so negligible as to be non-existent. I trust his judgment. But if you are concerned, you can always use silicone as a barrier between the phero product and your skin, or spray on clothes and hair rather than skin.

Great idea, and that makes lots of sense. I had planned on the silicone base anyway just to make them last a little longer...but this is definitely an added benefit. Thanks for your input, it puts my mind at ease!

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I agree with Mara, I wouldn't worry about it. The amount of EST applies is so small that even if it would be absorbed into your bloodstream it's not enough to have any harmful effect on you.


The oestrogen in the OCP does increase the risk of having a DVT but the risk, though definitively real, it's not as extreme as the media sometimes portrays it.

The risk of venous thrombosis (VT) is increased with obesity and greatest in the first year of COCP use. Approximate risks:


  • Healthy non-pregnant women: about 5-10 cases per 100,000 per year
  • Second-generation pill users: about 15 per 100,000 per year
  • Third-generation pill users: about 25 per 100,000 per year
  • Pregnancy - estimated to be about 60 per 100,000 per year

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