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yeah the only one I have crazy self effects from is Drop Your Guard which puts me to sleep in 30 minutes...but since I would hope "comatose for several hours" wouldn't be my self-descriptor despite my boyfriend calling me Lazy Bones, I didn't really think to list that as "me."


Jinx no more has been treating me well, but once again, who wants to be labeled unlucky? I used to be the luckiest person I knew but then I think as one gets older more psychic muck (aka emotional baggage and fears--young people aren't afraid, it:s only when one gets older that fear starts to paralyze--with me anyway) just grabs onto you and is hard to ditch and then it just snowballs til I feel like I'm a walking invisible muck-ball.



I need to test lumina on a wider crowd. but yeah, that one seems to be the winner for everyone else though I don't really get selfies. Lumina is ethreal sex goddess/muse, right?

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Lumina is ethreal sex goddess/muse, right?

That's not the high concept, no. It was a social blend meant to enhance the wearer's aura of femininity.

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ah, okay. For some reason I got "goddess/muse" vibe from it. I need to reread the lumina thread.

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BI is a good match for me. I'm outgoing and love to laugh and flirt. I like wearing dresses and be very feminine, love it when men are gentlemen. Husband is perfect in this way, treats me like lady always. (Except when things get steamin...) I think pheros and mood work together. When I'm in high spirits, BI is like an extra boost. When I'm stressed out or cranky, I don't even put any on, cause it's not me that day. I haven't gotten into the social scents yet, I have my eye on cougar, it's just the name that makes me hesitate.

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I have my eye on cougar, it's just the name that makes me hesitate.

Don't let the name put you off. Cougar is great! For me it works more like a "kitten" potion, (j/k), 'cause it attracts far more older men than it does younger - they get all googly-eyed & crazy flirtatious when I wear Cougar. I should have put it in my list of "me" pheros, above, because I've generally always attracted older men, but Cougar has them falling all over themselves around me. It's like it brings out that aspect of me older men appreciate, but times 100! (The reason I don't often wear it to work in my restaurant full of middle-aged to geriatric men! LOL! I don't need to be dealing with DIHL while I'm trying to work). It usually makes women very friendly, too, with just a few exceptions.

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Thanks for the explanation, Eggers. Hm, older men. I got no shortage of those chatting me up. On the other hand, I've had teenagers as young as 15 flirt with me and ask my name (no pheros involved). I'm always tempted to say: that's Mrs Robinson to you, honey, now run along. But they are so adorable! I'm attentive to them and ask about their accomplishments and let them brag a little. They are like little kittens, you just wanna rub their ears and feed them sweets. It seems I do have a soft spot for young men, after all ;-) but more in a doting sister kind of way. So, still undecided about Cougar. Wonder if it might be good with husband. I know he likes me best when I'm girly-cute and all natural. I have drawers full of sexy lingerie, I got dresses that cling to every curve and show figure to best advantage, I got high heels and tasteful jewellery. But when does he chase me and drag me to the bedroom? When I am wearing one of his old t-shirts and flipflops, with crazy hair and glasses on...

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Yep, men are funny like that! My BF does the same.


For me, Super Sexy seems to grab the attention of the young'uns. I wear it to work all the time, and the teen-aged boys there just think I am The Shit! :lol: It's pretty handy when I need some silverware polished, or a table cleared & set really quickly. They hop right to it! LOL!

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Hi Maroon! Socials are awesome! You have to try some socials. Cougar is actually one of the ones that is in my next 6 that I will test. Just trying to pick the best time.


Hello Eggers, thanks for sharing your experience. I am an older man magnet as well. Like 60-70 plus. I just wish they were all millionaires! j/k ;) I guess my trail of cougar will be interesting, but I like that it makes women friendly.





BI is a good match for me. I'm outgoing and love to laugh and flirt. I like wearing dresses and be very feminine, love it when men are gentlemen. Husband is perfect in this way, treats me like lady always. (Except when things get steamin...) I think pheros and mood work together. When I'm in high spirits, BI is like an extra boost. When I'm stressed out or cranky, I don't even put any on, cause it's not me that day. I haven't gotten into the social scents yet, I have my eye on cougar, it's just the name that makes me hesitate.



Don't let the name put you off. Cougar is great! For me it works more like a "kitten" potion, (j/k), 'cause it attracts far more older men than it does younger - they get all googly-eyed & crazy flirtatious when I wear Cougar. I should have put it in my list of "me" pheros, above, because I've generally always attracted older men, but Cougar has them falling all over themselves around me. It's like it brings out that aspect of me older men appreciate, but times 100! (The reason I don't often wear it to work in my restaurant full of middle-aged to geriatric men! LOL! I don't need to be dealing with DIHL while I'm trying to work). It usually makes women very friendly, too, with just a few exceptions.

Edited by Honeycake
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This is interesting. Maroon you must have those good genes. I have gotten teen hits galore from CB. I almost provoked a teen girl brawl with CB too, but that is another story for another day. I haven't tried SS4W yet, but I am taking mental notes. :)



Thanks for the explanation, Eggers. Hm, older men. I got no shortage of those chatting me up. On the other hand, I've had teenagers as young as 15 flirt with me and ask my name (no pheros involved). I'm always tempted to say: that's Mrs Robinson to you, honey, now run along. But they are so adorable! I'm attentive to them and ask about their accomplishments and let them brag a little. They are like little kittens, you just wanna rub their ears and feed them sweets. It seems I do have a soft spot for young men, after all ;-) but more in a doting sister kind of way. So, still undecided about Cougar. Wonder if it might be good with husband. I know he likes me best when I'm girly-cute and all natural. I have drawers full of sexy lingerie, I got dresses that cling to every curve and show figure to best advantage, I got high heels and tasteful jewellery. But when does he chase me and drag me to the bedroom? When I am wearing one of his old t-shirts and flipflops, with crazy hair and glasses on...



Yep, men are funny like that! My BF does the same.

For me, Super Sexy seems to grab the attention of the young'uns. I wear it to work all the time, and the teen-aged boys there just think I am The Shit! :lol: It's pretty handy when I need some silverware polished, or a table cleared & set really quickly. They hop right to it! LOL!

Edited by Honeycake
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Hi Missdarlyncherie! I have heard one or two mention Gotcha. With Gotcha, do you find this works well on women too? I like blends that make women place nice while still getting hits from men at the same time. It sounds like you are saying that this is good for attracting both genders socially?














YES Honeycake!! In my experience Gotcha is just awesome for attracting good feelings and bonding from women. It is the main phero I wear to work now. Most of my clients are women, I work one on one with them and my goal is to make them feel comfortable and get a "we are best friends" vibe so that they will want to come back, tell their friends how fabulous I am, etc... This one is noticeably the best. I get such a good feeling from the clients when I'm done, more compliments, hugs, DIHL looks. I love this phero.

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You make this sound awesome! I checked the shop and there are no samples of this. I will make a note for future reference! I do like blends that make women a bit nicer.



YES Honeycake!! In my experience Gotcha is just awesome for attracting good feelings and bonding from women. It is the main phero I wear to work now. Most of my clients are women, I work one on one with them and my goal is to make them feel comfortable and get a "we are best friends" vibe so that they will want to come back, tell their friends how fabulous I am, etc... This one is noticeably the best. I get such a good feeling from the clients when I'm done, more compliments, hugs, DIHL looks. I love this phero.

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Yes, Honeyed LP was the last one boosted with this, November is all phero month if you can wait that long to try it. I look for pheros to make women nicer too (including myself!)

Men are easy...throw a little est/cop load in their face and they're eating out of your hand, women...a bit trickier.


Have you tried Treasured Hearts? I don't know if that one is available in a sample at the moment but before Gotcha I really liked it (I only have it in Rainbow Falls) for what I use Gotcha for now. But I like the self effects from Gotcha better and I like that I have it unscented because I wear it a lot and I cannot stick with the same scent!! I am always in a great mood with Gotcha.

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I missed this post! I hope that I can get such good self effects, especially from Levitation. Too bad its sold out - if it turns out to be something I really like.






I'm another who is in it for me, Cougar and whatever magic is in Levitation make me a happy girl. I like the Gotcha! in my Honeyed Love and Fuzzy Wuzzy, but it makes me too ditzy at work, so I save it for weekends and such. Heart & Soul is perfect for me at work, it has a positive effect on everybody.

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Hi Missdarlyncherie,


I haven't tried treasured hearts. I will have to put that on my list. I just checked and there is no sample of it. I will be on the lookout for the future though.



Hi Dolphins2dolls,


I am going to try this one this week to see what happens. :)



Yes, Honeyed LP was the last one boosted with this, November is all phero month if you can wait that long to try it. I look for pheros to make women nicer too (including myself!)

Men are easy...throw a little est/cop load in their face and they're eating out of your hand, women...a bit trickier.


Have you tried Treasured Hearts? I don't know if that one is available in a sample at the moment but before Gotcha I really liked it (I only have it in Rainbow Falls) for what I use Gotcha for now. But I like the self effects from Gotcha better and I like that I have it unscented because I wear it a lot and I cannot stick with the same scent!! I am always in a great mood with Gotcha.



I love Gotcha, LFM, SS4W and BI.... I love the others for specific times, like SWS when I'm interviewing or looking for a job.

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Darbla, you make this sound soo good.:) I wasn't interested in OW, but when I read about DHEAS, that was what pushed me over the edge to try Levitation.



That Open Windows/DHEA combination that got started with "Levitation". It helps with a very "zip-a-dee-doo-dah", "wonderful day" mood. I have GOT to try GOTCHA!

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Hi Fluffygirl,


I must admit that I do love hits. Especially when they are pleasant and happy. Thanks for sharing your experience.



Honeycake ,


Its the effect on others that makes Gotcha my favorite . Unless they react to how it makes me feel , and I don't notice ?? No , more like its the effect on others ;)

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Yep. Pheros are a mood-enhancer, and in conjunction with putting yourself in a certain state of mind, they can really give you a boost when you need it. Of course I have to be the weirdo who gets a shot of confidence in the arm from cops and all those heavy sex pheros so I use discretion with that (read: only with either my bf or individuals who won't react, like women, family or gay men). Lumina doesn't turn me into a walking creep magnet so if I'm going out somewhere, like a bar, where there are bound to be some characters I know I'm safe with that.

Thats a key point Invi has about the creep magnet. I know Dolly often cautions about the super sexy pheros when your out in random environments with random people. The point about people with " low social filters" ect. Ido believe that should be taken into account. I had a very creepy encounter ( with more than one male) wearing LAM. I can be a feisty bitch though and I held my ground. But once I was back in my car... I was thinking hell no, never again.

I was lucky... when I came to LP my first pheros were LFM and B'nol... unlike most newbies I did not dive head first into the hard stuff. I did get phero girl but I only did little dabs with other perfumes. I had time to read the MB and move slowly up the line.

It can also be said that you can make the socials a little sexy with a dab of cops. Always a nice touch.

I really want to get Un Lumina. Those of you who know.. is it as effective as the AHE w/ Lumina?


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Knock on wood...I have never had a creep encounter using LPs.

Now I have had creep encounters, both male and female, with other products. :smiley-laughing024:



Thats a key point Invi has about the creep magnet. I know Dolly often cautions about the super sexy pheros when your out in random environments with random people. The point about people with " low social filters" ect. Ido believe that should be taken into account. I had a very creepy encounter ( with more than one male) wearing LAM. I can be a feisty bitch though and I held my ground. But once I was back in my car... I was thinking hell no, never again.
I was lucky... when I came to LP my first pheros were LFM and B'nol... unlike most newbies I did not dive head first into the hard stuff. I did get phero girl but I only did little dabs with other perfumes. I had time to read the MB and move slowly up the line.
It can also be said that you can make the socials a little sexy with a dab of cops. Always a nice touch.
I really want to get Un Lumina. Those of you who know.. is it as effective as the AHE w/ Lumina?

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  • 7 months later...

Don't let the name put you off. Cougar is great! For me it works more like a "kitten" potion, (j/k), 'cause it attracts far more older men than it does younger - they get all googly-eyed & crazy flirtatious when I wear Cougar. I should have put it in my list of "me" pheros, above, because I've generally always attracted older men, but Cougar has them falling all over themselves around me. It's like it brings out that aspect of me older men appreciate, but times 100! (The reason I don't often wear it to work in my restaurant full of middle-aged to geriatric men! LOL! I don't need to be dealing with DIHL while I'm trying to work). It usually makes women very friendly, too, with just a few exceptions.



Eggers is this Cougar Potion or Stone Cougar and in what form? (oil, spray, combo?)


And one more question which mind sound silly, but ... what does DIHL mean?

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DIHL= Deer In Headlights. The blank stare you get from someone in your phero cloud. Either way she is talking about the Cougar phero since that is what is in Cougar Potion. I love Cougar in a spray but it's good in roll on form too.



Oh thanks halo0073! I've bee reading all the threads for about a month and was always wondering.


I placed my order about an hour ago ... LP Red boosted with Sexpionage in oil form, and Stone Cougar in 60/40 alcohol/oil :)

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Eggers is this Cougar Potion or Stone Cougar and in what form? (oil, spray, combo?)


And one more question which mind sound silly, but ... what does DIHL mean?

Mine is in oil, and I like it like that. But I'm curious about how the spray would work, so I might get one of those too, at some point. You know, just for experimentation's sake. ;)

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I have both.

Cougar in spray is great. I have the 60/40. Best of both worlds diffusion and staying power.

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Any heavy Est blends (or just straight Est!) seem to be the most congruent to my personality. My personal faves are CB, Sexology, and LFM, although I try to go light with the Cuddle Bunny and Sexology because of the heavy cops load. I really love straight Est with some light Topper.


The only phero blend I've found that I get good, consistent selfies with is SS4W. Every time I've worn my sample of Rocket Fuel it has put me in a happy, upbeat mood. I definitely need to experiment more with this one!

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for me I use a lot of A-nol, Leather( hunny bunny turns into the energizer bunny with this one), and Lace. I haven't tried much of the socials though and am looking to try them out a bit more.

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  • 1 month later...

Cougar Potion and Open Windows. I've only been using pheros for about 7 weeks so things may evolve. Present day tho, I'd have to say that CP and OW are consistent winners with my chemistry.

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So much to explore yet as most of the pheros I have tried have been in fragrance blends, but so far for social: UNCougar, Work: SWS (incredible stuff) , House/kids: MLH, Fun/Play: SS4W, Sexology


Oh, and I forgot to add Gotcha and Sexpionage for x tra special times with my husband

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So much to explore yet as most of the pheros I have tried have been in fragrance blends, but so far for social: UNCougar, Work: SWS (incredible stuff) , House/kids: MLH, Fun/Play: SS4W, Sexology


Oh, and I forgot to add Gotcha and Sexpionage for x tra special times with my husband

Great arsenal you have there milady :) you've got me thinking about SWS now. I went to order it a few times but it got bumped...MLH is another I need to try.



I've been wearing so much Lumina lately I think I'm turning into a human glow stick.

LOL! Do you wear the UN Vladmyra? Do you find it similar to UN Levitation? I just ordered Levitation...but would love to 'wish list' Lumina.

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Yep, I wear the UN. I don't really find it that similar to Levitation. I've always worn Levitation in Flying Potion. I would describe it mainly as a mood booster for myself and others, and its social effects stem from that- friendly and happy, but not necessarily changing the social dynamic the way Lumina does for me. Lumina actually feels like an enchanting and enmeshing blend more than an uplifting one. It does encourage a good vibe, but it feels like it centres on specifically drawing people closer to me, while also opening me up to them, and giving me some extra sparklies to increase my social appeal.


People love the atmosphere that Levitation creates. People love to interact with you with Lumina. Levitation is a party in a bottle. Lumina is personal charm in a bottle.

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  • 5 months later...

So I was going to start a thread, but this seems about what I was going for..


If the pheros I notice the most self effects from are Leather, Sexology, BI, and Audacious.. what else might work well?


I don't see much effect from Lumina or LFM

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Depending on the day and where i am i'd have to say






Usually i reach for Cougar mostly, and LFN comes second. Sexpionage unfortunately is collecting dust at the moment ... serious dry spell over here :(


I recently got LFM too, but i need to do more testing to find a sweet spot (if there is one for me)


The one that doesn't seem to work for me is SS4W.

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