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La Femme Noire

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Damn I love this. I came to work with tons of energy and it is very difficult for me to do anything in the morning. By 9:00 I had been on the phone for 20 minutes straight, giving advice on taxes and health care reform laws. WTFFFFFFFFF

It was 8:40 when I started the conversation... one of my coworkers told me she was listening and wrote everything I was saying down because it sounded so good she was going to use it as well. Also this am my neighbor was getting arrested.. not really a shocker, I hear him and his girlfriend always fighting and whenever I walk past their place it always smells like pot- but this is a really nice neighborhood- and so this is big news - since our complex is supposedly comprised of ' le professionales such as zee doctors, zee dentists, zee lawyers.. ' according to our French landlord Louie - so anyhow 2 cops are getting there as I am leaving and of course I forget my coffee and had to run back upstairs to get it. I sprinted past the cop that was arresting my neighbor and since I was running I had to hold my chest - because the girls were not strapped down - I want to add that I had no make up, greasy ass face from all my morning creams ( the other kind ) and my hair was in a pony tail.. so I looked like a pale ten year old with big boobs running.. so I ran past the cops and of course I sound like a stampede of horses with my heels and I saw them reach for their guns- they caught a whiff of me stopped what they were doing and when I reached my door , grabbed my coffee and turned back around, one of them had stopped cuffing my neighbor, smiled very very wide and said.. Have a nice day


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I'm wearing this tonight, (inspired by Lady V's earlier tale ;) ). Went out to a department store to pick up a video game, and the clerk totally geeked out on me. He got all excited because I got a Hitchhiker's Guide reference. He reminded me of The Nerd, (Gary), from Robot Chicken! :lol: He was very sweet though. Told me I made his day! :D You gotta love this stuff...

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I haven't tried a combo like this yet, but one of my friends whose stuff I've shared with really seems to like layering BTN w/S&V, says it makes her feel more sexy, powerful and in charge-but I didn't ask about the ratios yet. And I might try layering them like that eventually once I finally get around to ordering an unscented bottle of Dominance.

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I'm wearing this tonight, (inspired by Lady V's earlier tale ;) ). Went out to a department store to pick up a video game, and the clerk totally geeked out on me. He got all excited because I got a Hitchhiker's Guide reference. He reminded me of The Nerd, (Gary), from Robot Chicken! :lol: He was very sweet though. Told me I made his day! :D You gotta love this stuff...


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I've worn this phero for the past two days (yesterday as part of a fragrance--Unbridled-- and today as an unscented phero covered with a separate scent.


I really can't tell the difference between this and LFM on me. My LFM is "copped" so it's a little different from LFM on its' own, but that's not the only difference between the two pheros (i.e. believe that LFN has androstenone as well as cops).

That said, the phero is fabulous. People treat me like I'm the queen....a sensual, beautiful queen. There's more door opening, men sneaking glances or looking for a little longer than normal, wanting to hang around, etc. I had a man who had his hands full stuggle and almost drop his things to hold the door open for me today. I had another go out of his way to sit next to me at lunch.

There were several other hits. All of which are nice...but I get the same thing with LFM. I'm going to test it some more.

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After a small break from using it and wearing LFM again, I have to say I feel more sexy and in charge now when I wear LFN instead in comparison. There's something about the ratios, however small, that makes a difference for me no matter how subtle, and I guess it took more time for me to adapt to it, or something. I'm starting to believe it takes awhile to have a real good review for a phero blend, though I'm too private to ever go full length right now.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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It's possible that it'll be different. I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of the difference [for me] probably comes from the EOW. Cops in ANYTHING pretty much makes me feel really sexy. My LFM is boosted with cops so the only real difference between LFM and LFN is the androstenone. I literally felt the same as when I wear my LFM+cops.

I'm wearing SS4W (+ cops, lol) today. I'm going to wear a few different things then go back to LFM, then LFN and see if there's really a difference on me.


That said, it's really irrelevant if they are the same on me, since I like the results. I'll just have two bottles of a product that I like.

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Hello, I'm new around here.


Hi rintintin! Welcome to the forum!


Damn I love this.




Love your review, LV!


You ladies seem to have so much fun with this. I'd like to get a bottle of LFN in my next order and I hope I get to be out there to have fun too.



I'm wearing SS4W (+ cops, lol) today. I'm going to wear a few different things then go back to LFM, then LFN and see if there's really a difference on me.



I usually wear SS4W with cops. In your opinion, how does it compare with LFN? I'll have to check on the SS4W thread to check if you have posted any review or comparision there.

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I usually wear SS4W with cops. In your opinion, how does it compare with LFN? I'll have to check on the SS4W thread to check if you have posted any review or comparision there.


I'm new to LFN and still feeling it out. However, I can say that the two blends are different for sure. SS4W makes you into the sexy/pretty popular girl. LFN turns me into the sexy, slinky queen (every door is opened for me, men give up seats, etc). As I've mentioned before though, I get that reaction with LFM + cops as well. That's why I need to use it more to see if I can detect any differences on me.

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I'm new to LFN and still feeling it out. However, I can say that the two blends are different for sure. SS4W makes you into the sexy/pretty popular girl. LFN turns me into the sexy, slinky queen (every door is opened for me, men give up seats, etc). As I've mentioned before though, I get that reaction with LFM + cops as well. That's why I need to use it more to see if I can detect any differences on me.


I notice the diff between LFM and LFN most during sex. Wearing LFN makes for an entirely different sexual experience than LFM, (or SS4W, which doesn't necessarily even lead to the bedroom for me). La Femme Mystere might lead to the bedroom, but it's kind of "same old, same old" sex - nothing out of the ordinary. LFN brings something different out in BF. He's more eager to please, (but in a sultry way, not a puppy-dog way), and he's far more sensual than he normally is, which is really, really nice. He seems a lot more "engaged" when I wear LFNoire than with any other phero I've used. I like that.

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I tried my sample of Unbridled with LFN , and could tell the none was making me antsy , so after reading your take on it , I just ordered a bottle of LFM with cops.


I'm new to LFN and still feeling it out. However, I can say that the two blends are different for sure. SS4W makes you into the sexy/pretty popular girl. LFN turns me into the sexy, slinky queen (every door is opened for me, men give up seats, etc). As I've mentioned before though, I get that reaction with LFM + cops as well. That's why I need to use it more to see if I can detect any differences on me.

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I notice the diff between LFM and LFN most during sex. Wearing LFN makes for an entirely different sexual experience than LFM, (or SS4W, which doesn't necessarily even lead to the bedroom for me). La Femme Mystere might lead to the bedroom, but it's kind of "same old, same old" sex - nothing out of the ordinary. LFN brings something different out in BF. He's more eager to please, (but in a sultry way, not a puppy-dog way), and he's far more sensual than he normally is, which is really, really nice. He seems a lot more "engaged" when I wear LFNoire than with any other phero I've used. I like that.


Must be the none.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

After some layering adventures I have to say this is good with Treasured Hearts and TMI. The exact ratios, I'm not certain and I have only experimented with the oil versions out there. However, I do use LFN in greater quantity than TH, and almost the same of TMI as LFN. I am sure though it'd probably be a good idea for me to lower quantities in general of phero blends when I'm layering, but I'll figure this out sooner or later-or just give in and buy a Mad Scientist blend for once.

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I'm A libra but found out recently i have a lot of scorpio!

I find lfm more successful for me as for some reason lfn makes me go all tongue tied after a minute maybe because the responses are more flirty? Or else androstenone makes me weird? i love because the night though. i don't know off the top of my head what else has e.none

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I think enone-depending on the individual-can encourage a sense of self-control, and I'm pretty sensitive to it, at least in a good way. I think something like TMI or B-nol wouldn't be a bad thing to pair it with to loosen lips, but you have to be careful about ratios. That said, I'm still experimenting.


ETA: I was under the impression Leather and Dominance has enon in it, but I might be misreading the ingredients list.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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  • 1 month later...

Hmm... Well here's an effect I didn't expect to get from La Femme Noire! I'm in need of a bit of *ahem* attention, so I'm wearing LFN, LP Red & a weeny bit of OCCO Red today. And while I'm getting lots of hugs & kisses, BF is content to play a violent video game. So while I'm stewing in all these awesome sex goodies, I suddenly got this enormous urge to *cook*. WTF??? :huh: And I mean, I got an ENORMOUS energy surge, and a huge dose of I-need-to-cook-a-lot-of-stuff-right-now. So far, I've caramelized onions, I've made soup, I've seasoned my cast iron frying pan, done all of my dishes and cleaned my counters, roasted garlic... I'm about to boil some potatoes to make a mashed potato casserole for tonight, and to make rice pudding alongside it. And in a few hours I'm going to make a pork roast, some broccoli and corn. And I was planning to make ba ana bread, but I'm out of buttermilk, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow. Again, WTF? :o

I swear, I'd better get laid and laid well after all of this! :lol:

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LOL! Apparently it works well in both capacities for me! I don't know if I've ever worn it during daylight hours before. The big WHUMP of energy was such a shock! You should SEE all the stuff I did yesterday! :lol: My fridge is overflowing with food right now. I'll barely have to cook anything else all week! My kitchen & bathrooms are spotless. Laundry's clean. Etcetera, etcetera... :D

AND I got laid! :lol: I was a busy little bee yesterday. ;) And I was *still* all energetic when it was time to go to bed! WTH? You'd think I'd have been worn out after all of that, but nope.

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I can't say i've noticed an energy surge, but I don't think i've worn my UN yet, just in Because the Night, and that just made me feel really languid. I'm going to try it this weekend. i need to Spring Clean! :lol:

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Maybe it's because I wore the UN? I don't know. I've worn it before without noticing that kind of crazy energy, but always at night. It was definitely phero-related, 'cause before I put it on I was definitely not that awake! Imma try it again, and see if I get the same kind of results. It would be super-handy for cleaning! Especially given that I hate cleaning. ;)

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