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Pheromones for older women?

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Just joined this forum after reading many of the posts. I have to admit some made me laugh out loud. Reading about blow drying your lollipop and running around naked flapping your arms doing some crazy dry your mone dance. Got to admit you ladies know how to laugh and that is important in life.


Now to my question. I am 46, been divorced for 5 years afer a 21 year marriage, have seen two men in the 5 years (off and on type nothing serious)...I have been mostly busy starting over in life. I have made myself a promise that I would start getting out more and looking for a serious relationship. I work some overnights so that hasn't left me feeling like I want to just get out there...I am currently on birth control and I know that can make a difference in mones as well. I have been in places where men my age or older have made comments about other women's perfume being too sweet or "cutesy" and stated they thought she was trying to seem younger. Not sure if mones would make a difference in their preference for scent but I woulld like to know what the older women here have had success with. I realize that not all men are interested in the same things scent wise but more older men just seem to be turned off by the really sweet ones. I don't have any sweet scents right now so I haven't tested that out. Just an observation. I don't need to smack them over the head like a cave woman...just want to start off with getting some extra attention so I can sort the wheat from the chaff ( some guys are happy in the perpetual hunter role and are not going to settle on one woman. Some are game players and some litterally just love to play video games) It seems like the good hearted, hard working guys that would appreciate a good partner are so busy working they do not get out much LOL


I am planning a fairly large first order ( before the 25th of the month of course) and plan on mostly the unscented blends just to get a feel of how they are individually before adding scents that are also new to me but have to admit Garland and ace sounds like a good mix. I was glad to see that I found LP just in time for the November sale of trial sized unscented blends so that I can try quite a few. I am looking for some suggestions as to what should be in a basic arsenal of blends.


Thank you in advance and I am looking forward to any suggestion you have.

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Hi there, and welcome!


Try some of the scented phero blends too.....since it is November, all of the regular releases are phero enhanced.....great time to try some of the scents!


As for scent preference, I do don't do many of the foody scents, my man has told me repeatedly that he doesn't find cakey cookie, drippy gooey scents sexy at all, I can take them or leave them. I tend more toward the darker side of perfumes for the most part. He is ok with fruits, vanilla, and then some of the spicy and/or dark ones I choose. I am 46 and he is 53, if it matters.


You will most likely want to try the original scented Cougar. It is a musky, sugared pink grapefruit.....not overly sweet, but makes you feel very sparkly. I like it better than the Unscented Cougar, actually. Get some SuperSexy, Leather, Lace, Open Windows is INDISPENSIBLE as a social blend, as is Treasured Hearts. If you want sexual blends, I would start with LAM/BAM and an OCCO or two.

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Thank you for your replies. And thank you Halo. I just wanted to get suggestions that were not aimed at 20 somethings. LOL


The more I look the more I want....sounds like the typical problem around here. My list is growing as I read comments....but I figure it is like stocking a pantry. It always costs more up front to stock it then it isn't as bad to replace things or add new items to it.

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Keep in mind that the majority of women in this community are over 30, so therefore the impressions and results which we share here are the perspective of "older" women. I'm 48, for example.

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Welcome!!! I agree with Dolly, the original scented Cougar is a great starter. (Was my first phero and fragrance from here!!) Definitely just keep an open mind about scents. Things I wouldn't have expected to like, I love! Even things with notes that might seem cutesy have a depth like no commercial scent has. And pheros and fragrances are equal opportunity! They know no age. Something that might smell cutesy and young on my skin might smell sophisticated on yours. Skin chemistry is a tricky devil. So sample away!

Edited by BlueBear
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Yes, I would definitely get as many phero samples as you can, because it only happens once a year. The LAM/BAMs and OCCOs have trial sizes, which is awesome.

I'm almost 40, and my favorite pheros are Cougar, SS4W, and Cuddle Bunny. Also, I have better luck with the phero-enhanced perfumes than the UN pheros.. I think the lower concentration of pheros works better for me, although I do have UNs of a few.

If you like the sound of Garland & Lace, get it!! It's one of my faves!

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Thank you so much everyone. I think Garland and Lace is staying on my list and I will be trying Cougar. I have seen quite a few scents that have notes I love but I will be willing to push my comfort zone in samples to see if it is something I will like. I think the complexity of the scents here is what really sold me on the need to order something to try...just hard to limit the list as it starts growing.I am so glad many have samples available.

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I just wanted to say hi, & welcome to the forum! :)

I'm 40. My favourite pheros are SS4W, Cuddle Bunny, Heart & Soul, LAM, BAM & Gotcha!. And probably a few others besides! LOL! Ooh! Bang!, too. And LFN. And Sexpionage. And Lace... Really, I like most of the pheros on offer here, and I find I can make great use of them in a really wide variety of situations.

Just like the ladies said, try a bunch of pheros & scents, & find out what *you* like before worrying about what men like. Most of us here can tell you that not many men have very refined noses anyway. Some of the ladies' partners will say every single perfume they try smells like soap, or like candy or whatever. The point being, most men don't know squat about perfume, and most won't know they'll love a scent until they smell it on a warm body - yours! ;)

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The phero enhanced perfumes seem to work better for me most of the time too. I've bought so many UNs after trying the enhanced perfume and they don't seem to work as good. The only one that didn't seem to work for me in the phero-enhanced perfume was Perfect Match. So if you find an UN doesn't work for you, still try the scented ones!

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I don't have much to add, except to second trying the phero scents available this month. A lot of people, myself included, have better results with the pre-blended perfume/pheromone combos available here. Other than that; welcome to the forum!!! :)

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I agree that you should try all of them eventually. Cougar will make you feel very upbeat, at least that's how it makes me feel. Regarding fragrance, it's really a matter of preference. You might want to start with something that I think works on most everyone -- Red. It's awesome!


Welcome to the forum. :Emoticons04283:

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Lol older women.. like Halo I thought you were talking 65 or 70.

welcome :)


I'm 46... I think after some experimentation you'll see what works for you. As you've been told up thread the variance of age here is pretty good and you'll find many over 40 women who have differing preferences.


I think attitude is the biggest thing if your truly feeling you lack an advantage.

Pheros are just the icing on the cake or maybe even the sprinkles.


I 'd definitely look to some social mixes because having fun is a very attractive quality. Get a couple of OCCo trials too.


Some of my faves that give good selifies too..




Cuddle Bunny




Heart & Soul






...and for a very sexed up night Sexpinoage or LFN

Edited by StacyK
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I just wanted to say hi, & welcome to the forum! :)


The point being, most men don't know squat about perfume, and most won't know they'll love a scent until they smell it on a warm body - yours! ;)

Agree with all,and especially THIS!! ...if you rock what You like and what makes You feel good...they will follow :lol: Garland & Lace,Cougar (my 1st too) LP Red,OCCO Red,Mara's Rocket Fuel, are staples of mine,but I have many...many...favorites!

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Reading through the scent descriptions makes me feel like I have landed somewhere over the rainbow.They are all so vivid!!!!


I have a feeling my first order is going to be quiet varied....then I can just tweak my collection as I go. Good thing there are samples available!!!

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Reading through the scent descriptions makes me feel like I have landed somewhere over the rainbow.They are all so vivid!!!!


Thank you, I aim to enflame. ;)

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Reading through the scent descriptions makes me feel like I have landed somewhere over the rainbow.They are all so vivid!!!!



That would our very own scented scribe... Luna !!!! :cat690:

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Welcome Irish Eyes!! Just dig right in and start buying samplers every month...you'll figure out what you love soon enough. I am 44 and my tastes are all over the map. I have a little bit of each type of fragrance and phero. My mother on the other hand is what I might consider an actual older woman, 70...( although she would probably smirk at that too!) she wears all the pinks! LP Pink, Sinister Pink, Lick of Pink....I think that is kind of funny, she wears all the girly sweet perfumes but anyway she loves them and apperently her husband likes them too...so who knows?


Yes, soon enough you will find that LP's are like no other perfumes anywhere and become obsessed like the rest of us!

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I think one of the biggest things to be learned from all of the posts ( and there are so many things to be learned) is that these are complex scents that can smell completely different on the skin after a bit than in the bottle.


I do intend to push my envelope a bit Dolphindolls2. as long as there are samples to be had...I will continue to try new things. I relate it to finding whole new me. I have tried many new things since my divorce.....I realized I ike sex. Who knew!!! LOL


I never really wore the "darker" type scents but the descriptions make me want to. I am going to try and get a few foodie, a few floral, a few fruity, and a few of the more exotic along with some of the unscented blend samples and I am for sure getting Garland and Lace, Cougar Potion and LaSylphide. Always loved the smell of Lavender, Vanilla and spices like pumpkin , cinnamon and chai. I am new to the complex mixing that brings out notes in a scent that is better than any one of the ingredients. I am interested to read more reviews of Tickle Tickle as well..

Edited by irish eyes
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Those are good scent choices and the pheros in them are great. A Phero'd scent is a great way to go when you find some you like. Mara can really match the scent to the pheros personality or the other way around if you prefer. But the congruence just adds to the whole effect IMO.

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I would also recommend that you try some of the permanent line.....LP Original, Red, and Black are all great.....

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As for blends I was thinking about unscented samplles of La Femme Mystere, Bang, SS4W, Gotcha, Perfect Match, Lace and probably some EOW to add a bit when I want to. I am still adding to the list but wanted some socials as well and it seems Perfect Match and Lace may work well for that.

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I will echo everyone in saying I STRONGLY recommend starting with the scented pheros - it'll help to be able to smell them as you learn your best amounts and then you'll know how to correspondingly scale down when you start using UNs which are more concentrated (both in oil, anyway).


Starting with UNs it'll be very easy to OD and that can mess you up permanently as far as your preferences / what you'll try. Eg early on wwhen I started here, going on almost 4 yrs ago, I miserably overdid anol one day, and ever since & right up til this day, I am overly cautious about lace, which I had previously loved and used often, and it even prejudiced me against LAM :(


As I read your first post I kept thinking "perfect match!" Bc several of us have found that it weeds out the players.

Edited by tyvey
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As for blends I was thinking about unscented samples of La Femme Mystere, Bang, SS4W, Gotcha, Perfect Match, Lace and probably some EOW to add a bit when I want to. I am still adding to the list but wanted some socials as well and it seems Perfect Match and Lace may work well for that.

Good choices! Maybe you should try the EoW sheer for your 1st time out?

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I think one of the biggest things to be learned from all of the posts ( and there are so many things to be learned) is that these are complex scents that can smell completely different on the skin after a bit than in the bottle.


I do intend to push my envelope a bit Dolphindolls2. as long as there are samples to be had...I will continue to try new things. I relate it to finding whole new me. I have tried many new things since my divorce.....I realized I ike sex. Who knew!!! LOL


I never really wore the "darker" type scents but the descriptions make me want to. I am going to try and get a few foodie, a few floral, a few fruity, and a few of the more exotic along with some of the unscented blend samples and I am for sure getting Garland and Lace, Cougar Potion and LaSylphide. Always loved the smell of Lavender, Vanilla and spices like pumpkin , cinnamon and chai. I am new to the complex mixing that brings out notes in a scent that is better than any one of the ingredients. I am interested to read more reviews of Tickle Tickle as well..

When I first started I didn't push my envelope, but now that I have, WOW, it opened up a whole new world...

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As for blends I was thinking about unscented samplles of La Femme Mystere, Bang, SS4W, Gotcha, Perfect Match, Lace and probably some EOW to add a bit when I want to. I am still adding to the list but wanted some socials as well and it seems Perfect Match and Lace may work well for that.


As for socials, Open Windows is a MUST HAVE.....seriously. SS4W is more social as well. And, if you get scented Cougar, it is good as a social.


I would also look into some of the LAM (Like a Magnet) line. Those are lightly scented, so they can either be worn alone or layered with heavier scents.....they are truly some of the most versatile pheros in the catalog.

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I have had EOW before Becca. I really did not know how to properly use it at the time so I gave up. I understand the strong odor it puts off and will be smarter about it this time. Reading the description of the sheer essence it sounds like it would be easy to use.


How diluted is the sheer essence? Is this the first time it has been available or has anyone tried it before?

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Welcome to the forum. Like Halo said - i thought you were going to say you were in your 60s or something haha. I cannot give you scent specific advice as my wife is not a perfume kinda person. If she were, I would love to have her experiment with scents and pheromones. But you have gotten a lot of great advice here from the ladies.


Find what YOU like. Guys tastes vary wildly just as women's do. Some like florals, some like foodies, some like fruits or spices or what have you. LPs are so different from commercial scents. Find what you like and what works well on your chemistry and go from there.


Just like the ladies said, try a bunch of pheros & scents, & find out what *you* like before worrying about what men like. Most of us here can tell you that not many men have very refined noses anyway. Some of the ladies' partners will say every single perfume they try smells like soap, or like candy or whatever. The point being, most men don't know squat about perfume, and most won't know they'll love a scent until they smell it on a warm body - yours! ;)


Exactly. I am not a foodie like Dolly's guy. I prefer deeper scents myself on women. But right now you ought to find scents YOU like. When you find a guy then you can experiment on him.



When I first started I didn't push my envelope, but now that I have, WOW, it opened up a whole new world...



Definitely just keep an open mind about scents. Things I wouldn't have expected to like, I love! Even things with notes that might seem cutesy have a depth like no commercial scent has. And pheros and fragrances are equal opportunity! They know no age. Something that might smell cutesy and young on my skin might smell sophisticated on yours. Skin chemistry is a tricky devil. So sample away!


Two great points. The frist scent I really really liked here was one Mara had to talk me into trying. It is sold out now, but between the name, "Boddice Ripper", and the fact it had violet in it, I thought "No way". But Mara assured me it was a deep masculine violet that blended in and she was right. it was one I would recommend to guys until it sold out.


And the skin chemistry thing is so true given the way these scents are hand made without the chemical "fixers" commercial scents have to make sure they smell the same on everyone time after time, year after year. Different skin chemistries will bring out different componenets of the scent even at different times. And this is something else interesting - because there are no "fixers" the scents will morph on your skin. The way a scent smells when you first put it on will probably not be the way it smells 3 hours in. And that is really kinda neat.


Yes, I would definitely get as many phero samples as you can, because it only happens once a year.


Oh yeah. It was the pheromones that brought me here, and the great scents and friends/conversations that have kept me. But I wear phermones just about every day. I am pretty much loaded up on pheromones lol.

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OK .. OT for a sec....QG. ..." I cannot give you scent specific advice as my wife is not a perfume kinda person. If she were, I would love to have her experiment with scents and pheromones. But you have gotten a lot of great advice here from the ladies."


QG I have a female friend who detests perfume.


We have been able to find a couple of scents. She seems to like what some might call unisex scents like Annick Goutal Hadrien or Love Potion #9

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