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New Releases for MARCH 2014

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Betsy is my dream teacher. I LOVE you Ms Betsy! You Devil!


And blue frogs DO exist! My buddy Corey has a collection of them! He says their personalities are hilarious...they love to watch TV. They turn on the TV for the frogs and laugh their asses off!



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Betsy is my dream teacher. I LOVE you Ms Betsy! You Devil!


And blue frogs DO exist! My buddy Corey has a collection of them! He says their personalities are hilarious...they love to watch TV. They turn on the TV for the frogs and laugh their asses off!



Thank you, Ma'am! :heart: And THESE BLUE FROGS ARE GORGEOUS!!! TV watchin' frogs...gotta LOVE 'em!!! Do you know where they're native to? I said that inside out...

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I would pay to see a blue frog watching the telly. They are some very pretty frogs too. I found a lovely purple-y one with blue feet here, but it won't let me insert the image here: http://www.almightydad.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/purple-frog.jpg


ETA: Elizabeth, I think we need some more teachers like you! I must say, unfortunately the ones in my family are kind of dream squashers.

Edited by vladmyra
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I love coloring - I use online coloring programs now too; it's one of my favorite methods of time displacement: put on my headphones, turn on the tunes, and color!


Online coloring programs?! I still love to color. Who says it's just for kids? I bought a coloring book just a couple of summers ago.

Edited by BlueBear
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And at my grade school growing up, we used to do exactly that, put the shavings between paper and waxed paper, iron it (well, the teacher did that part!) and make really really cool art designs.


You just went to the wrong school, Mara!

Yea, we did that too. But in the early years I went to a Montesori school.

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Who says it's just for kids? I bought a coloring book just a couple of summers ago.

Not me! I have lots of mandala and stained glass coloring books too, they're so much fun.

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MONTHLY NEW RELEASES - 10 BOTTLE SET FOR WOMEN - $199.95 THis is good deal, I'm just wondering which year and months are the available? Also can I choice individually from that months because some of them are more than 10?


Answered on the very page you copied the above from: :)


Click here to buy FULL SIZE BOTTLES (1/3 fl.oz. each) of all TEN of this month's NEWLY RELEASED PERFUMES for WOMEN at an unbeatable price - at least a $50.00 discount!

NOTE: This offer is for "normal" months, it does not include special events which may be priced differently. Thanks!


What you will receive is the newest releases featured on the top of the front page of our site. We can sometimes go back the previous two months if they are not sold out. Only what you see on the front page is available in any case.

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Thank you, Ma'am! :heart: And THESE BLUE FROGS ARE GORGEOUS!!! TV watchin' frogs...gotta LOVE 'em!!! Do you know where they're native to? I said that inside out...


Aparently, Brazil.

Corey also has frogs that he says are the size of your thumbnail.

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Corey also has frogs that he says are the size of your thumbnail.


The local aquarium here has a variety of bright (mostly poisonous) frogs. Some are pretty fair sized but others are that thumbnail size.

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We have teeny tiny tree frogs here in Southeast Texas along the Gulf Coast that are squeeee cute. Hard to believe something less than an inch long can make so much noise!

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OMG I AM SO SLOW. I was just looking at the labels again and...umm...DUH!!!...they are going to make the vials look like crayolas!!! I thought they were cute and pretty already, and now I think they're also brilliantly CLEVER!




Can't wait to see the scribin'! :w00t:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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LOL! Gold star for Betsy! (and thank you!) :)



:star: YAY!!! ~Too bad it took me so long to notice~ B)



P.S. Oooh! Luna hasn't been in here since this a.m.! Is she typing her talented hands off???

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I asked Corey about his frogs - these are the ones he had...Australian Blue Phase Tree Frogs. He's looking for a pic of them watching TV for me. lol. He says "they're awesome" and "they look like Kermit". He also had red eyed tree frogs. Such a strange choice of pet - frogs..and thinking they are awesome, it just strikes me as funny.



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Blue frogs. What was mother nature/evolution thinking? Green, brown, even yellow, they are colors that allow the frogs to blend into their background and avoid predators. But, bright blue?? Do their predators perhaps see them as a different color? What evolutionary survival advantage is bestowed by bright blue on a frog?


ETA: See what happens when there aren't NRs to keep us occupied, Mara? Too much available cogitatin' time!

Edited by Just Ducky
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OMG, look what my bassist Alex just posted on facebook. That's her as She-Ra and me as Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld, dressed up for Halloween sometime in the late 80's. This photo was taken by Mel Gibson! Not kidding! He was a friend back then and made us come over to show our outfits off to his kids.




Ok ok, I'm finishing the PE labels now...no more distractions!

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You look adorable and gorgeous, all rolled into one!

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Oh wow! That sounds painful!



I never wanted to eat them, but for some reason I felt compelled to shove 1/3 of the orange one up my nose when I was three! :lol: I remember my gramma digging it out with a safety pin (I KNOW!!! :o ) while I cried and carried on on her bed.
I was a clever child. <_<

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OMG, look what my bassist Alex just posted on facebook. That's her as She-Ra and me as Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld, dressed up for Halloween sometime in the late 80's. This photo was taken by Mel Gibson! Not kidding! He was a friend back then and made us come over to show our outfits off to his kids.




Ok ok, I'm finishing the PE labels now...no more distractions!

HEE!!! Nice Costumes!!! And Mel Gibson's kiddies approved? Gods, you two were still just puppies yourselves! :):heart:


P.S. Just noticed the Little One's head @ bottom left!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Mara! You are so cute! I love the costume :)


Yes you are! You have always been a sweatheart!

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Yes, I tried to blur out the little kid head, lol. He took pix of us with all his kids but they were not allowed to be shared. He was, quite rightly, extremely concerned about protecting their anonymity when they were little.


My mom saw the pic this weekend and sent me a whole list of reminders about the stuff those kids used to get up to that I had totally forgotten about. Like, there was a pair of twin boys...one went running at full speed straight into a wall mirror, thinking he was going to tackle his brother. KBANG! lol. On that night, one of the kids kept yelling, DID YOU BRING US SOME CANDAYYY??? In this really funny accent, we were cracking up. Also, we had our whole entourage with us, I had dressed my boyfriend up as Lion-o from Thundercats, and there were two others in our group also Thundercats, and that's what the kids really wanted to see, they LOVED that show, and were amazed by the makeup and costumes. They kept whispering and pointing, 'THUNDERRRA, THUNDERRRA'

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OHMYGOSH! I loved the Thundercats! I had entered on of those TV prize things and it's the first time I'd ever won anything - I still remember I got action figures of Lion-o and Slithe (hero and villain, lol) That's EXCITING when you're a kid! :lol:

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