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Eve of Darkness


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Eve of Darkness

A fragrance which celebrates the darkest night of the year with the darkest varieties of elements found in seasonal traditions, as well as embodying a dusky occluded shade within the bottle. Essence of bitter orange spiced with African clove on a base of thick sandalwood attars, smoldering smoky woods and the blackest of musks.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

NEROLI ~ Sensuality, love, relieves tension & anxiety; quells apprehension, encourages a shy lover, confidence building.
Money attracting, deflects negative and hostile energies.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.
Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

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This is the first one I tried as soon as I ripped open the box. This is so well blended and after dry down it stays well blended on me. I was a little worried that I might amp the neroli but now going on two hours it is still a soft, lush, spicy, very sensual and sophisticated sent. So glad I went FB...might have to go back for 2nd. OMG...this is good!!

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I like this one. Dark, but not too dark. I think the neroli gives it a little hint of almost a zing....if that makes sense. Glad I went full bottle unsniffed on this one.

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I like this scent a lot. It is somewhat evocative of North Pole, a big favorite, for me.


I was not sure what the neroli was going to do. It can go in so many directions. Here the neroli/clove combination makes for a spicy orange top note. And it is that spicy side that both keeps the neroli from being a boring orange scent and reminds me of North Pole all at the same time! And while it is the top note on my skin for the first few hours, it is not overpowering in and way. After those first few hours the neroli/clove kind of faded and what was left was that classic sandalwood musk base with just a hint of spice.


This is a very classic men's scent (although I know it is listed as unisex!) with a spicy orange top note that is perfect for the holiday season.

Edited by quietguy
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It's so interesting to hear this described as a classic men's scent, QG! Once I read that and resniffed, I realized, oh, yeah, I get it. But when I first put it on I was struck by how powerfully feminine and sensual it feels to me. This one is hitting high nostalgia notes for me -- it reminds me of incense in the best possible way. The clove and neroli dance together in perfect balance. I know it doesn't list a smoke note but I can almost see the delicate curl of smoke coming out of this cloud of spicy musk. Very potent magic in this one. Perfectly conceived, aptly named.

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First impression was,THIS smells WAY more complicated that the 4 notes listed conveys! I was on the fence with this one in the vial. Oh, I was completely intrigued, but thought the sample would be all I'd need. WELL. Once on my skin this is INSANELY good while wet. In the dry down I'm amping the clove a bit more than I would like, but we'll see how it continues to wear. I get the clove close up, but farther from my nose I get what I believe it's intended to be. I didn't realize it was unisex, but now that I have it on, think it would probably be incredibly complimentary on my guy. There's something resin-y like without being actually incense-y to me. Hmm. Still on the fence, but liking it :)

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Well here's a review going in a different direction : this to me smells the way I anticipated "Dom Noir" to smell. It smells like a strong, confident woman who is dabbling on the dark side of things. Sensual to the maxxxxxx. Will add Dominance and cops to this myself.

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Well, I've had it on me and hubby and I like it on either of us! :lol:


While it definitely smells fantastic on him, he will never wear it, he didn't like it right off the bat :( But he left it on long enough to go an hour into dry down at my request before washing it off so that I could see what it was like after the wet stage.


I think it's dark and gorgeous, but it would definitely be a "for me" scent so I will hang onto my sample and keep playing until I can decide FB or not. I have a couple others I want to re-try before I make my next order to decide :)

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I like this more than I expected - I do like deep resinous scents but I was afraid the clove might amp too much on me and the sandalwood might turn evil, but it's all good. I really enjoy the neroli topnote, it plays really well against the dark background, and the sandalwood/musk combo is so smooth - the clove doesn't come out for me until the drydown and it's just an accent which blends in well with the rest of it.


This is very elegant and opulent indeed for those who enjoy the darker scents.

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Oh my gosh what a great surprise this was. I love it and can't quit smelling my arm. I think a guy could easily wear this, but I can see this as a beautifully seductive scent not so much on the "perky" side. More of a va-va-voom kind of vibe. Especially if paired with an appropriate phero blend. I smell the neroli but get such a nice mix with the sandalwood. Not much clove, just a little and I don't really smell the musk s a note. More of something that smooths it all out. I really like this one and will get more if it is still around in Jan. If not, I only need a few dabs so my bottle will last a while.

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Layer it with a little LP Black. Wow that worked good.Took it from daytime to night time.


Ooooo...interesting - I will definitely give it a try tomorrow! Thanks for the tip!


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ZOHMYGAWD! :w00t: Eve of Darkness and LP Black are crazy good together...I mean, "I may have to order a FB now", amazing good! Brilliant Irish Eyes!

Edited by NuTrix
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I found this coupling by accident. Had on some EOD and I love the scent just the way it is but then I was reading on the LP Black thread and had to get that out. Haven't worn any for a while so dabbed some on.The EOD was still strong but I didn't bother washing it off. To start , the EOD was the main scent I smelled but as time went on the LPB bloomed and I was totally bowled over by the mix.


I think your ZOHMYGAWD describes it well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wrote down notes for this and I don't think I ever posted them. This smells like a New Age store that I love. Next time I am in there I will have to check on which incense it is that they are burning the most. In the beginning I smell the neroli backed by the spicy clove punch. It dries down to smooth musk and sandalwood but retains a bit of that spicyness to remind you that it is there. Perhaps because of the association with the shop, it puts me in a very introspective, spiritual mood. I love it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eve of Darkness..I so needed this scent in my life. After two years of losing family members, friends, and loved ones..seemingly an unending parade of death..this scent settled me, healed me, turned me toward the hope of brighter days. Warm, nurturing, a light that promises to turn night to day. Combining it with Balm Bomb is a wonder, imho.

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NOPE!! Not for me!

I just have to accept I hate black musk. It was overwhelming wet. After Drydown it did calm down but it kept hovering over the ebil-ish vanilla musk like a dementor.

It got vaguely fruity later on. Very Dark purplish, like a prune.

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NOPE!! Not for me!

I just have to accept I hate black musk. It was overwhelming wet. After Drydown it did calm down but it kept hovering over the ebil-ish vanilla musk like a dementor.

It got vaguely fruity later on. Very Dark purplish, like a prune.


Tyvey, have you tried Sugared Red Musk? On an interesting note, I just went back and noticed I have done the only review for Sugared Black Musk.

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Tyvey, have you tried Sugared Red Musk? On an interesting note, I just went back and noticed I have done the only review for Sugared Black Musk.

QG, your reviews of Black and Red musk on the Sugared layerables sub forum are the ones that made me consider Sugared Red Musk in my next order. I'm looking for a sexy scent that my man will like too (on me)... and honey has not gone well in most cases so far.

Has Mrs. QG agreed to try any of these 2 on for you?

In the meantime I will wait for a sample of Eve of Darkness and see how it goes. I am willing to be open minded and give it a really good try!

Edited by phergineer
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QG, your reviews of Black and Red musk on the Sugared layerables sub forum are the ones that made me consider Sugared Red Musk in my next order. I'm looking for a sexy scent that my man will like too (on me)... and honey has not gone well in most cases so far.

Has Mrs. QG agreed to try any of these 2 on for you?


No - my colognes can be a sore subject here and so in that great married tradition, we ignore the issue in order to maintain harmony haha! :D I bet I might be able to ask her to try it one evening though ...


Red musk doesn't play nice on me either :'(


Wow - I am sorry about that! It seemed like a perfect "heavier" female musk without going too heavy - but I know everyone's chemistry is different and you tend to go "lighter" from what I have seen. But I saw you have your White Musk to cling to haha!

Edited by quietguy
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NOPE!! Not for me!

I just have to accept I hate black musk. It was overwhelming wet. After Drydown it did calm down but it kept hovering over the ebil-ish vanilla musk like a dementor.

It got vaguely fruity later on. Very Dark purplish, like a prune.

Is it the black musk that makes it smell like incense? Because on my first attempt, that's what I got... At first, clean soap (probably the neroli) followed by a dark incense scent. Please tell me red musk doesn't have the same effect...

I will give the Eve of Darkness another try, but for now, I can't imagine anyone smelling me think I smell sexy... Like a clean New Age shop - maybe. :(

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Irish Eyes suggested combining with LP Black, and while I didn't get a full bottle, it definitely made sure that my little trial didn't go to waste ;)

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NOPE!! Not for me!

I just have to accept I hate black musk. It was overwhelming wet. After Drydown it did calm down but it kept hovering over the ebil-ish vanilla musk like a dementor.

It got vaguely fruity later on. Very Dark purplish, like a prune.


Oh tyvey, my heart aches that you can't join us over here on the dark side. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wearing this again today. The first whiff is of mecuricome, which any old timer will instantly associate with an initial and abrupt sting that made you want to slap whomever applied it. Of course, after the sting, healing was sure to follow ("It had better work miracles!"). Mercuricome was an elusively beautiful reddish golden-pink antiseptic. Due to the mercury it contained, the colours danced and slid around each other, positively glistening in the bottle. What always made the awful burn worth it was that the beautiful stain remained on the skin for days. There are only two other items I can think of that remind me of mercuricome..garnets,really fine garnets in low light capture the reddish golden hue and dance the light around the interior of the stone. Not pink enough, but the feeling is there. Czech Glass, yes, the right piece of Czech Glass can capture and hold the three colours in a sunbeam. But, I digress..


Moving back to the perfume itself: first, the healing whiff of mercuricome, letting me know this blasted cold will fade to a distant memory. Spring will come, working her magic to heal the garden.


Then, the transformation, as the scent blooms. I am filled from head to toe with happiness! Cloves, sweet mother, cloves! If winter must reside a bit longer, let me be warmed by cloves. There is sandalwood and musk present, but those notes seem to provide a pillow into which the cloves nestle their round, wee heads. An hour later, the cloves are fading as the sandlewood comes forward a bit more. The cloves are present, but napping. All the notes play softly. I am cuddled beneath my grandmother's flowerbasket quilt watching the sun winking through winter clouds. I can make it until the snowdrops, helebores and crocus tell me it is safe to watch for spring's arrival.

Edited by Wanderlust
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  • 3 weeks later...

By now, it is probably obvious I'm a big clove fan. Last night, with an ice storm pending, I wore Eve of Darkness to bed. About three hours later, I had to take one of the dogs outside. The cloves had faded a bit, so I rolled some Sugared Cloves over the top. It was like adding a drizzle of icing atop the already softened scent. 'Scent' me right back to dream land. This morning, there's the faintest whiff of cloves remains and a warmth lingers. The ice is glaring at me, but I don't care. I'm going to do domestic chores today, and be grateful that I don't need or have to get out in this slickery mess. I may even bake some shortbread and put a clove glaze on top. BAH! Winter, do your worst. This woman is content to start spring cleaning a bit ahead of schedule.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like this one! It smells different in the vial than it does on my skin. I like both. In the vial, it just smells sort of feminine and mysterious to me, but on my skin, it smells like Christmas! It smells so much like Christmas to me that it felt sort of strange to be wearing it in March. But oh well! It's a very pretty scent.


I was a bit concerned because of the cloves, but although I think I amp them a bit, it still works. And all day, until I could get home and check the notes, I wondered if it was clove that I was smelling, which made me think of Wendylynne's post about cloves. :)


It lasted well, too. Most of the day. I'm just noticing now that I can't smell it much anymore, but it's only in the last hour or two that it faded.

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  • 1 month later...

I liked this one and I am bummed it is now archived. It is very, very resin-y and incense-y on my skin but was easily lightened up by a bit of une (which I add to every single little thing).


The neroli added sharpness/zing to the spiciness of the clove. The sandalwood was pretty non-existent as a seperate note on me. . it just blended into the whole.


So bummed I didn't get a FB of this. It is fantastic with either an additional slather of honey or the sugared amber to sweeten.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This has aged nicely. I like Luna's summation. ".. elegant and opulent.." It's all curvy woman to me. Dark, exotic & sexy with lots of glam Mojo. Glad Mara had a few left on Etsy.

Edited by StacyK
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StacyK, thank you soooo much for mentioning the Etsy site. I would have cried if I had not bought more before this was gone. I ADORE it !

2 left go get em!!!
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LOl just did, cause you drew my attention to it. :Emoticons04235: Then let hubby smell my last FB and he totally understood - yay for supportive spouses !!

Edited by androstenol
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