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Hello all!


I've been lurking on the forums for a while now and thought I should finally introduce myself. I have a profile over at PheroTruth where I have gone into a lot more detail about myself and my pheromone usage, but most of the products I use anyway are from Love Potion and there seem to be a lot of great ladies here giving out good advice. I love the PheroTruth forums, but sometimes you just need to talk some things over with other ladies, and it is a bit of a boys club over there at times!!


So far from Love Potion I have the following products:



Passion in Pink

Bewitch Attract Mesmerize

Blatant Invitation


I am one of these annoying people that wants to try out everything and have loved the $5 trial option! I've ordered in a bunch of trial samples and a few full bottles in my latest order, and I am eagerly awaiting shipment of:


Heart's Ease

True Confessions

Popularity Potion

Extracurricular Proclivities

Jungle Colada

Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb

Spring Equinox 2011

Oleander the Great

Like A Magnet

Rocket Fuel III


Kitten Nip


Each of the phero wax melts


Well that's enough for now, just wanted to say hi :)



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I also have a question - am I allowed to copy some of my reviews of LP products from PheroTruth over to here? Some of them would suit more over here...

Absolutely! Reviews are crucial and much desired!

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Hi Synergist!!! Welcome to LP, you'll feel at home right away you'll see...I'm also a member at PheroTruth but have been a lurker there for ages (I need to bring myself to write reviews over there, so much love for LP has to be shared), but to be honest I loved the LP forum since day 1, and even before I became a member here I was an obssesive lurker, jeje....there is an amazing chemistry here among all the ladies that just pulls you in, like I've said before it is very homey!


Glad to have you here with us! Greetings from Mexico!!

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Welcome Synergist! I think you have to have a certain number of posts, and been a member for a certain amount of time before you can have a journal. I'd love to read your reviews, though... There are individual review threads in both the Reviews section and in the Pheromone Arena section. That's where I always go to seek out reviews anyway, rather than in journals... Can't wait to hear about your experiences!

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Ahh ok, fair enough... I will place my reviews in there then... didn't want them to get too disjointed but I will try to organise them so they make sense... thanks :)

Edited by Synergist
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Welcome, Synergist!!! Glad you've joined us! :)


Yes, it works differently over here. Reviews are placed into the threads for each perfume or pheromone so everyone can easily find them.


Journals are only created for people who request them, who have been here at least 4 months and have at least 100 posts. Most of us use our journals for personal musings, and that area is only visible to other members, while the review sections are visible to any visitor. K? Enjoying your reviews thus far, thanks and have fun! xoxo M

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Ahh! All making sense now! PheroTruth was my first attempt at a forum ever, I guess I thought all forums were exactly the same LOL :) I like the idea of having threads dedicated to each product, makes the information really easy to find. I'll contribute what I can there :)

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I guess I thought all forums were exactly the same LOL

Oh no, and thank goodness for that, believe me!

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