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New Releases for MAY 2015 - Fairy Garden Scents!

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They're all somewhat different.

So some with Amber some without? I didn't notice a mention about notes, will they be posted? I ask because this is a different type if release. :)

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Poised. Over keyboard. Waiting for clock to turn. It's going to be a long day. :lol:

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So some with Amber some without? I didn't notice a mention about notes, will they be posted?


There will be descriptions in the shoppe just like for any other month, I'm working on them now.

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Guest cutie.pie


There will be descriptions in the shoppe just like for any other month, I'm working on them now.

Can't wait to read them :)

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There will be descriptions in the shoppe just like for any other month, I'm working on them now.

Thanks Luna! :)

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Are any of these amber-y?


I am dying for honeysuckle, honey, lavender, peach and orchid. And the LAM.


And I placed my darn order yesterday. John is going to kill me.


So how do we order on May 1?


I need another job. Maybe 2 more jobs. I don't care. I'm going to start panhandling.

The LP ladies (& lads)b should start a GoFundMe to support our fragrance habit :lol:

These labels are amazing. I always love the art on the labels from here, though.


So..... the sampler set is available to forum members only, are the labels/descriptions still being posted on the front page like usual? I don't mean to sound like a dunce, just curious.



Raspberry and Pumpkin (to begin with)!!! I don't normally layer, but I wonder what magic will happen when I layer those two... :witch1095:

Probably deliciousness, that combo reminds me of Body Paint!

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The only one I can't 'imagine' is Fairy Floss... is that one going to be like cotton-candy-pinky?

"Fairy Floss" is the British designation for cotton candy.

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No, that would be the Tooth Fairy collection, this is Fairy Garden :D



Hmmm.......Tooth Fairy collection: Potion #1 eau du AquaFresh complete with swirls of blue mint, red cherry, & white musk!

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So do I want a Sampler or it just so happens that of all the Fairys listed I happen to see10 scents that call to me... then I could slather but I want to smell them all.. but.. Crap!


Really need the notes for... can't wait. These Labels :D

Pumpkin, Pineapple, Peach, Oatmeal, Banana, Fairyfloss, Honeysuckle,Orchid,Lilac & Lavender.

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Love the strong earthy theme for this Fairy collection in the labels, (esp Violet, Tuberose and Banana) but really like the cake concept for scent esp if vanilla is involved. Been on a mixed berry kick for awhile so I hope Berry has a lil of everything, and Raspberry looks so good. Curious about Oatmeal as a topper, prob go well w a lot, and always up for a new Gadenia scent. My wish for a cocoa/choc theme turned into a mad passion for a Godiva triple dark chocolate dripping w melted Lindt white chocolate scent but that doesn't grow on trees like Maple, so Maple will do just fine and won't put me in toxic shock. All look ah mazing Mara!!

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I'm actually afraid that I will be sitting there at the right time and try to buy one but that I will still be too late!

Maybe someone sweeeet will do a decant circle of we miss out. If I can't get a sampler I will just buy a few small bottles at a time...starting with Pineapple and Lemon I think for summer! Oh and peach and cherry.

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Maybe someone sweeeet will do a decant circle of we miss out. If I can't get a sampler I will just buy a few small bottles at a time...starting with Pineapple and Lemon I think for summer! Oh and peach and cherry.


Oh, I hope so! But I really really REALLY want a sampler!

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I think I am confused. This special sampler for Forum members are teeny tiny samples and you get all 40? of them but no labels.


So honestly, I only have about 8 I am interested in. I am fine giving up my lurking spot at 9 PST and midnight PST if you all send me 1 bottle of LP anything in exchange for my line spot.


Who is game???



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Let's start a rumour that they don't go on sale until May 2nd!!


Okay, lol!



I think I am confused. This special sampler for Forum members are teeny tiny samples and you get all 40? of them but no labels.


So honestly, I only have about 8 I am interested in. I am fine giving up my lurking spot at 9 PST and midnight PST if you all send me 1 bottle of LP anything in exchange for my line spot.


Who is game???




I am confused. Isn't there 30? And also what do you mean 9 PST? And did anyone ever confirm that it was midnight? But where did 9 come from???

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It has always been Midinght PST. LP is on Pacific time lication wise. And Mara stated there were 40.

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I know you all are working very hard and I am only asking so I will know whether or not to stay up since I have to rise early......



when you stated everything would be ready to order on May 1st, were you meaning sometime mid morning on May 1st or right at midnight? :)



There are 30 mini samples in each set and Mara made 40 sampler sets..:)

Edited by TheBirkeys
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Ok so PSt time it is per Stacy K. Sorry ther half of the world

That's how the sales were right? I always assume that's it's based on LP time zone unless they state differently. I re read maras post, it just says May 1st.( Midnight is mentioned in the thread)so I assume it's her time zone. You guys are lucky I'm doubtful I can make it to 3am in NY. :(

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Guys...I am not trying to overstep my boundaries because I actually don't know the exact time they will be ready, but Mara only stated they would be ready on May 1st...there was never a mention of it being right at midnight... :)

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