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Fairy Cake: Lemon


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Fairy Cake: Lemon

A mouthwatering trio of tangy sweet bakery-style lemon oils, slathered with rich brown sugar frosting, blended with a cupcake base fit for a Fae of our creamiest buttery vanilla oils and a drop of sweet amber resin.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

LEMON ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship. Used to attract spirits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My last review of the NR set. Folks, this is crazy yummy. Delicious, lickable, juicy, tart goodness. The lemon is front and center, very bright, mouth-watering. Somewhat reminiscent of lemonade. I am loving the amber with this one. I would also guess a touch of honey - my mind fills that in.


My daughter and I were sitting on the front steps of our house, having just ripped into our LP box. Sniffing everything, breaking all the rules, overloading our noses and having a fabulous time. She had opened this vial and I had Orange Fairy Cake and we instinctually decided to mix them. Heaven. I would mix these about half and half in a new bottle.

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Oh, now am tempted to get this lemon and the berry as well. Beautiful alone, but a beautiful and fresh summery mixed scent as well. Halo, if these are able to be combined, I bet a combination of Lavender and Lemon would be wonderful, akin to my Grandma Opal's lavender lemonade. I am guessing that several of these will mix well, much like the Sugared scents?

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Yes this is definitely a lemon cupcake kind of scent rather than a more juicy lemon. For the orange cupcake lovers, I think you would enjoy this one too - I do, I like the cakey aspect of it, it reminds me a bit of that Hello, Sugar! B&BW scent.

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First on the lemon is big & bright, but it fades back fairly quickly. The cake in this is too strong for me. It has the cake bitey thing I get from some cakey scents.


This smells very much like the Iced Lemon Poundcake you can get at Starbucks.


On my skin it's Sweet & Cakey rich, with a splash of lemon.

Edited by StacyK
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I get something totally different with this one. Wet is one of my favorites. I adore lemon. But the lemon is gone in less than five minutes. I'm left with a fairly aggressive cake which has an undertone of self tanner smell to me. So it's an easy pass for me.

Yes, it's tooo much cake for my skin. It's bitey, similar to the cake in DC,

I think Luna is right, those who like DC et will probably like this, at least the cake part. So it would make sense it's not working on my skin.

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This is indeed lemon! Wet this is very bright and zingy! I put his on next to orange the other night just to compare and I think I actually like the lemon MORE. It's got more of that citrus bite and ends in dreamy cakey goodness with a kind of barely lingering there lemon. Like if I really concentrate I can pick it out but it's mostly delicious buttery cake - like pound cake, dense and heavy - YUM! :hubbahubba:

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Surprise favorite of the fairy scents so far. The lemon is so creamy and does this do-si-do with the cake - they spin around each other and take turns being slightly more prominent throughout wet and drydown. Absolutely no pointiness or tartness on me. It reminds me a lot of the lemon cake simmer oil (shockingly) :)

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Very first snoof from the vial: Lemon Poppyseed Cake!

On my wrist: Lemon Bundt Cake!

Now that it's settled in a bit, I'm another one who gets the cake to lemon to cake to lemon thing going on. After the initial beautiful LEMON hit fades, it does indeed play back and forth. This is a subtle one on me, and it's beautiful. I haven't gotten to extreme drydown yet, but it's looking like it's going to stay the way it is right now. Will report back in a while. :)


....Okay...it's about 5 hours and one shower later, and I am totally sold! This Lemon Fairy Cake ROCKS. It stayed the way it settled, got a little fainter, but did *not* disappear. I could still smell it on my wrists after I showered the indigo out of my hair. This required shampoo and soap...and the Fairy Cake was still there! I have just reapplied, as I must have MORE RIGHT NOW.


As a few of us have already noted, my bottle list is growing! :Emoticons0424:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I think I even like this more than the orange one! It smells like a lemon tart.. I agree with the comparison to lemon pound cake too. The lemon is sugary and dry down is so cake-y but zingy too. I'm going to be poor bc so many of these fairy cakes are MUST HAVES!


The longer this wears, I'm thinking it smells like Trix cereal... Which I'm totally ok with! I need a FB in my life!

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Sweet heavenly crap. This smells like a lemon version of Darling Clementine. It's a vanilla cupcake, richer with the brown sugar, with a dash of lemon right in the batter. It's not in your face lemon, but just enough to know it's there. It comes out a bit more as the brown sugar mellows. this is such a happy scent; i smiled every time i sniffed my wrist.

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I'm still surprised that I like this one more than orange - oh yes - I like them both! - but the citrus lemon goodness is really...hmm...happy? Uplifting? Sunny? Not sure really, I like the sweetness of orange but there's something about the lemon that makes me feel happier somehow :heart:

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Arrg!! I really want this to work but I'm just not going to get love here. This cake hated me!! it gets all bitey and sour breast milk smelling.

Not a surprise because that's what DC did too. No matter how much I begged for love. My skin chem and the cake just can't get on. I really wanted a lemon love.. onward.

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I like the sweetness of orange but there's something about the lemon that makes me feel happier somehow :heart:

Lemon is such a cheerful note, so I get exactly what you mean.

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Wet this is Kanary Kremes!!! Thank God because I thought for sure this would smell like Lysol and rape my eyes out a bit, but it totally reminds me of Kanary Kremes. It's almost exactly identical. The lemon is not all citrusy and all up in yo face. Which is good. It's creamy and I want to say round like a dollop surrounded by cake and cream. Kinda like those lemon zinger things.

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Kinda like those lemon zinger things.



Lemon Coolers? I love those! For some reason I am the only one who loves lemon in this house... thats dandy... more for me!!! :001_302:



Edited to add: Oh Z I N G E R S !!! Jeepers... Its been years! I remember those now

Edited by livinginparadise
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Lemon Coolers? I love those! For some reason I am the only one who loves lemon in this house... thats dandy... more for me!!! :001_302:



Edited to add: Oh Z I N G E R S !!! Jeepers... Its been years! I remember those now


Yes! these!!! This is what this delicious cake reminds me of!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yum! Yum! Yum! I really love this one so far! At first, it was all cake and I was worried but within maybe 15 mins or so, the lemon started shining through. It's not too lemony but not too cakey either. Most definitely ab early fav of mine! (I'm slowly getting around to trying all these out.)

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  • 1 month later...

So lovely! In the morning it makes you want cake for breakfast or at least something that smell as yummy as yourself! I got my little parcel of treasures yesterday, and spent a delightful evening trying out my new scents. FC Lemon will be taken out today, as a yummy cover for Bang! The lemon just lingers in the back for me, but my skin just drinks up all citrus notes in any perfume. So I got myself some bottles of pure lemon and orange oils to add a dab or two, when the citrus disappears.

Looking forward to a glorious day!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mmm! This is my favorite fruit one so far. It's very well balanced on me. The lemon IS bright and cheerful, nary a pledge note in sight. I don't smell any amber, just pretty lemon, white cake and lemon whipped frosting. There's a party in my tummy, so yummy so yummy! This one brought a smile to my face immediately, and Elena seemed to like this one a lot too! Also, this sticks around better than the other fruit cakes I've tried. The florals tend to stick better than the fruits on me(with a few exceptions).

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  • 7 months later...

This is the first fruity fairy cake I've tried. To describe....not too lemony, not too cakey...a perfect mix. But, yet, I still don't seem to walk around smelling like a lemon cake! How does she do that? And I still managed to smell like a grown-up. I was afraid the Fairy Cakes might be a little too "youthful". I just smell yummy and it lasted a good long while. I applied extra due to the roller ball being a little smaller than the full sized bottles. I was hoping the cake in each of the Fairy Cakes would temper the note (especially the floral ones). Wore this all day and it didn't bother me a bit. Has just the right touch of lemon in it, not sharp at all.

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  • 1 year later...

Lait du Citron is a lot more creamy than FC Lemon to me. FC Lemon has more of a lemon cake smell to it, a bakery-style lemon. I think they're equally great gourmand lemon scents, but with different qualities.

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  • 6 months later...

I wore Fairy Cake Lemon last night over Pallas with the intention of making it more tart, but it turns out adding cake to anything never lessens the sweetness. Who knew? I'm looking forward to wearing it all by it's frosted lemon-y self. I know the cake part is perfect, I hope the lemon sticks around on me.

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  • 2 months later...

Mm, I really like this. The lemon and the cake kept dancing around each other during drydown and taking turns being more prominent. Ultimately, once dry, the lemon stands out a bit more on me than the cake--the opposite would have been my preference (I love love love the cake and have been looking for a particularly cake-y FC), but I enjoy this all the same. :wub:

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  • 1 month later...

I've revisited this a few times since I first got it and the cake now comes forward more. Ultimately though it becomes a general bright sugary scent with the pink coming out quite a bit, which is nice (but I miss the cake a bit).


I just got FC: Orange and will wait a bit before testing. Am curious to see how it is in comparison.

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  • 1 year later...

I have this in a spray, and I love it. I'm not sure that I "need" more, but I sure did enjoy it, as evidenced by the mostly empty bottle. Tonight, as I was spraying if on me, it was making a little sound, which I've never noticed in a spray before. I'm sure it's the glitter in the nozzle, but I swear it sounded like it was giggling! That's how I see this one, not sad that it's almost all gone, just happy and giggling that it's getting to come out and play.

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  • 5 months later...

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