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New Releases for JULY 2015!

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Mara they look gorgeous! Of course I bought OCCO Ambrosia, but also samples of Moist, Steamy Bikini, Kissed By The Sun, and Summer Crush. luna, I always love your writing and descriptions, but I have to say I am really liking this poetic streak! This especially moved me: a handful of carefree moments
unaware of the passing of time
embracing wonder
and the sweetness of all possibility.
This is *beautiful*! I love it! I'm so psyched...

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Thanks ladies! I haven't penned any poetry for the descriptions in a while, so it all just tumbled out!

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Getting the sampler set and trying to figure out if I go for a bottle simply via descriptipn, or wait for the samples to arrive to test them all . There's the rub, right?!


OMG! I forgot about the PEs! Crap on a cracker!

Edited by Wanderlust
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I will try to have PEs up by Monday or Tuesday latest.

Mara, you are beyond amazing! I figured we'd spend all of July stalking the flood of PE orders that poured in....


Off to read notes, so excited!!!

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OK, I am officially losing my mind! I'm going to wait until PEs are up to order, but I'm especially excited for Moist and Steamy Bikini....especially since I have just purchased the first bikini of my life this summer!

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OK, I am officially losing my mind! I'm going to wait until PEs are up to order, but I'm especially excited for Moist and Steamy Bikini....especially since I have just purchased the first bikini of my life this summer!

Me too!! :lol: Well plus Dragonfly. I'm getting a GOTBM vibe. shhh


Though Luna's "Parasol" poem spoke too me. It's like she knows me.

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Yay!!! I'm so excited! I got my FB of OCCO Ambrosia! I hope there are samplers left a few weeks from now so I can try the rest. They all sound pretty amazing! :) And can't wait to see the PEs!

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I'm telling myself I won't cry if I don't get a P.E. but I might be lying.


Eta: I loved 'the scribblings'! Especially the dragonfly!

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Have you folks caught too much sun today or something or is it International Talk Like A Pirate Day and I forgot?


AAARRRrrrrrrggggg - never too much sun or heat here on the beach! Plenty o' sharks, too!

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And thanks all for Saying Nice Things...Wendylynne, wow, I appreciate the compliment but maybe in another lifetime I might be as good as F. Scott...maybe.

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And thanks all for Saying Nice Things...Wendylynne, wow, I appreciate the compliment but maybe in another lifetime I might be as good as F. Scott...maybe.

Luna it's all justified. Your writing is excellent. I loved them all but "Parasol" really hit home. Just wonderful.

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And thanks all for Saying Nice Things...Wendylynne, wow, I appreciate the compliment but maybe in another lifetime I might be as good as F. Scott...maybe.

We're quantum. You *are* as good as F right now!!! Great Scott, woman!!! ~couldn't resist :) Your poetry moved me to tears. You are hitting on deep experiences with these. Licking the honeysuckle? That's a thing I learned from my Dad! I just thought about it the other day...blinked, turned around, and there it was in your poem. Tears. Beautiful!!! You ever going to publish that glorious stuff...on paper..to hold in our hands...???


*shakes self*


And the scents!!! This is quite a collection. I'm gonna have to get a full sampler because I certainly cannot choose between them!


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I agree completely Elizabeth OSP. This month's collection looks awesome and luna' s poetry made me tear up too. You are too humble, luna! And I remember all too well, the nectar of luscious honeysuckle blooms. There are so many nostalgic emotional triggers in these descriptions for me. Sad, but sweet too, and very beautiful.

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And thanks all for Saying Nice Things...Wendylynne, wow, I appreciate the compliment but maybe in another lifetime I might be as good as F. Scott...maybe.


You do a great job every time, Luna.

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Wow. There isn't one of these that doesn't sound absolutely fabulous! The entire collection is appealing. :Emoticons04235: This is the first time I have considered buying a full bottle set, but I have a few other things on my list now. I will have to settle for a sampler and at least one or two full bottles. The rest I know I should sample before I buy the entire bottle, eh? :Emoticons04214:

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My first impression in store: The men's scents are amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H2OOOO was the first one I smelled as I was curious as to the hedione and I just swooned. I am not exaggerating. I lay down on the little couch in the store and the LPMP team seemed to find that very amusing while I was sniffing my wrists. I tried the female version MOIST next but my nose wouldn't cooperate at that point anymore. Hubby agrees that H2OOO and Garden in the Rain are awesome and he would wear them for me. (He's going to have to battle me for them !!!)

I have the sampler next to me and will take my time over the enxt few days getting to know everything. :purr:


Update: smelling the 2014 and 2015 of Ambrosia side by side just in the vial, I'm picking up more vanilla in the 2014 batch and more marachno cherry + patchouli in the 2015 batch. Which is ok by me !!!

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I feel very blessed. LPMP has changed my life, and having the store and the staff so close now is...well I imagine it's as emotional for me as it would be for many of you. I don't take it for granted. Also that I get to share it with my family is very special. Just today, my son asked for another FB of Raspberry Chiffon and I was able to get it for him as a reward for his report card. That's a memory he should have all his life...that he liked that scent, that he valued how he smells, and that it makes him feel a certain way.


My daughter loves coming with me, I got to treat her to her small bottles of Fairy Cake for her report card. And she's learning about body scrubs. Mara showed her tarot cards.....she's getting some really amazing influences into her life through this store and the people. And hubby is looking forward to testdriving H2OOO for me tomorrow. My cats are benefitting, they love cops on me....and then there are all the people who come into contact with us and benefit. It becomes a rather mind-boggling circle of interconnectness.


In summary, when I walk into the store I get choked up. I feel all the forum members standing with me, wanting the experience, and I soak it up for you all and try to report back. Which is what led me to embrace Mara when I saw her in the store still setting up - she didn't know who I was but it simply had to be done. From all of us.

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Guest cutie.pie


Update: smelling the 2014 and 2015 of Ambrosia side by side just in the vial, I'm picking up more vanilla in the 2014 batch and more marachno cherry + patchouli in the 2015 batch. Which is ok by me !!!

I was curious about this!! Thank you! :)

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My first impression in store: The men's scents are amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H2OOOO was the first one I smelled as I was curious as to the hedione and I just swooned. I am not exaggerating. I lay down on the little couch in the store and the LPMP team seemed to find that very amusing while I was sniffing my wrists. I tried the female version MOIST next but my nose wouldn't cooperate at that point anymore. Hubby agrees that H2OOO and Garden in the Rain are awesome and he would wear them for me. (He's going to have to battle me for them !!!)

I have the sampler next to me and will take my time over the enxt few days getting to know everything. :purr:


Update: smelling the 2014 and 2015 of Ambrosia side by side just in the vial, I'm picking up more vanilla in the 2014 batch and more marachno cherry + patchouli in the 2015 batch. Which is ok by me !!!

Oooh, thanks so much for this, androstenol! These are the ones I've most eager to try!!


It is also so lovely to have a forumite on the ground and bringing back reports!

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